Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 25

by Kym Grosso

  “I don’t disagree, Luca. She is, indeed, special. Goddess knows we don’t see a human turned witch very often. It is extremely rare. But she should have had more powers. The magic should’ve shown itself by now. Magic is drawn to its witch, knowing where to go, wanting to be utilized. But she couldn’t concentrate; there was simply nothing. She was frustrated with her progress. Now it may have been caused by stress. You know, even though her physical injuries have subsided, she’s quite vulnerable emotionally. What that awful man did to her…” Ilsbeth gritted her teeth in anger, her eyes lit with fire. She quickly composed herself; her face transformed back into its normally placid expression.

  “And you should also be aware that she doesn’t fully accept her gift yet. She does not wish to be magical. I’m sorry we couldn’t do more for her, but she’s a grown woman. She knows she can return anytime. Perhaps her leaving the state will keep her from danger,” Ilsbeth speculated.

  Luca’s thoughts raced. Was it possible that she’d be safe away from New Orleans? It was true that she’d be away from the heart of magic, after all. But then he remembered that Asgear was able to extend his reach to Philadelphia. He might not have physically been there, but he was able to funnel his magic to others in the area, making them do things, awful things. No, she needed to come back to the safety of the coven where the magical wards would protect her. She’d be safe with her sisters. Ilsbeth was the most powerful witch on the East Coast. Not even a mouse could get in her courtyard without her permission. Luca knew in that moment that he needed to bring her home.

  “I will go get her, explain the danger. She cannot refuse me. Where did she go, Ilsbeth?” he asked authoritatively. While Ilsbeth was powerful, Luca was older, and emanated his own energy. He could not believe the sheer idiocy of the coven rules. It made no sense that because a person didn’t want to be there, they could simply walk out the door with no regard for safety. And the coven would wave goodbye and let her do what she wanted, because the Goddess said so. Fuck coven rules. He would go get her and bring her back. End of story.

  Ilsbeth slowly rose off the sofa. She’d acquiesce to Luca this once. He appeared to care about the human, her sister witch. Interesting, she thought to herself. Everyone who knew Luca would be quite surprised to know he cared about a mortal woman.

  “Fine, Luca. We shall do as you wish. But know this; I will not keep her here against her will. Should she refuse to stay at the coven, she’s in your charge,” she explained. Ilsbeth would not go against the Goddess’s rules.

  “But of course. However this will not be an issue. She will want to return once I speak with her.”

  “What makes you say that, Luca? She was quite adamant on her departure that she would not be returning to New Orleans. She is quite traumatized, you know,” she said softly.

  “Does she remember what happened?” Luca inquired, remembering how Samantha could not stop crying at Kade’s that night, dark bruises on her face. He’d wanted to kill the son of a bitch who’d hurt her, but Kade had taken care of it. Unfortunately he couldn’t fix the emotional damage left in Asgear’s aftermath. The best he could do that night was listen and comfort her by placing his hand on her shoulder.

  “No, I do not believe so. Anything she shared with me is her story to tell.”

  “Understandable. No matter. She must return to the safety of the coven,” Luca said without emotion. He walked over to the front door and grabbed the handle.

  Ilsbeth followed and put her hand on his. Luca turned to face her. “Luca, be gentle with the girl. She’s young and scared. Not a very good combination.” She removed her hand, went over to her desk and began to write down the address Samantha had given her.

  “Ilsbeth, I may not be fond of human women but I can certainly handle getting one on a plane back to New Orleans. I don’t know who tried to attack her but I’ll be damned if I’m goin’ to just sit by and watch her get kidnapped again. Or worse, die. No,” he said shaking his head. “It’s settled. I’ll go and get her. In the meantime, Kade and Sydney can look for clues as to what in the hell is going on down here, who abducted me.”

  “Okay, Luca. Please call me if you need my assistance. I can work spells from a distance. Also, call me if she shows any signs of magic.” She handed him a business card with an address written on the back of it. “She’s in Pennsylvania. In the mountains. May the Goddess be with you on your journey.”

  Taking the card from her hand he walked into the warm, humid air, breathed deeply and turned back again to Ilsbeth. “Thank you, Ilsbeth. Be well.”

  Luca had an address. Samantha. He would go to her now. He’d take the jet and be there within hours. For a split second he wondered if there was something more about this mere mortal that he was drawn to. Dismissing the thought, he slid his cell phone on and called Tristan. He was the person physically located closest to where she was.

  “Tristan here,” he answered gruffly.

  “Tristan, it’s me, Luca.”

  “Mon ami, so good to hear your voice. Kade told me you got yourself trussed up like a silver chained turkey,” he joked. Leave it to a wolf to lighten the mood about his attack.

  “Yeah, it was quite the ordeal, to say the least. But I’m back. Sydney and Kade saved my life,” he said nonchalantly. He did not wish to discuss the feeding with Tristan, knowing how intimate they were. “Unfortunately, this isn’t a social call. I’m in need of your assistance, Alpha.” Luca deliberately used his title as a sign of respect.

  “Just ask, Luca. What is it?”

  “It’s Samantha. She ran away from the coven. Apparently things didn’t go so well with her training so she split,” he stated, unhappy that she’d left.

  “Ah…the little witch you rescued. How is it she got away from Ilsbeth?”

  “Long story short but essentially, she left of her own accord so Ilsbeth had to let her go. She escaped to your neck of the woods. Pocono Mountains. Do you think you could go find and guard her…as wolf until I get there?” Luca asked. “I don’t want her to suspect that I’m coming for her lest she’ll probably run again. She may not take kindly to another supernatural like you coming after her either. After all she’s been through, it may be best to just blend into nature and watch her from afar. Guard her and don’t let her leave.”

  “No problem. I was looking to take a little run anyway. This just gives me something to look forward to. As I recall, she's a pretty young thing. Hot body and a fiery mane you could run your fingers through,” Tristan teased, sensing Luca had a personal interest in finding her. He loved Luca but couldn’t resist teasing him, given that he was always so serious.

  Luca growled. “Alpha, do not touch her. She’s been through enough.” What the hell was he doing telling an Alpha what to do in his own territory? Luca forced himself to relax, unclench his fist and gain his composure. “I apologize, Tristan. I didn’t mean to tell you what to do. It’s just that she’s vulnerable right now. Ilsbeth said she couldn’t find her magic. She’s afraid. She needs our help.”

  “No worries, Luca. I’m on it. I know you’ve also been through a lot lately. Text me the address, and I’ll meet you there. I’ll try to keep it wolf, but if she spots me, I won’t tell her you’re coming.”

  “Thank you, Tristan. See you later tonight. ” Luca ended the call. He’d go up tonight and be back by tomorrow. Then he’d help Kade and Sydney find whoever had kidnapped him, and rip their throats out.

  Chapter Four

  Visions of blood dripping from her mouth clouded her thoughts. She was chained, beaten and naked in a concrete cell that reeked of urine and feces. Yanking her wrists forward, blinding pain racked her body; the unyielding cuffs bit into her skin. Screaming at the top of her lungs; no one came. Cold and alone, she sat in the dark and waited for death, praying her torment would come to an end soon.

  The only memory she’d had was a recurring nightmare. Samantha woke in a cold sweat, terrorized, like she had every night since she’d been rescued. Realizing that she wa
s outside at the cabin, she jumped up out of the chair. Goddammit. I fell asleep outside.

  “Great. I’ll probably have a thousand bites all over me,” she said aloud to herself. Samantha started rubbing her arms and legs, checking her skin for bumps. “Hmm….candle must’ve worked.”

  As she turned to blow out the citronella candle, she heard a branch break. She froze and looked out into the darkness. Eyes. She breathed slowly, willing herself to relax. She was only a few feet from the house; she could make it inside. But instead of moving inside the house, she stepped forward out of curiosity. Maybe there was an animal in the woods. A deer? Eyes flashed again, and she stifled the urge to scream. Reaching behind her, her fingers blindly fumbled for the door handle. She felt something…a switch.

  “I will not be afraid,” she whispered to herself. No, she’d had enough of being scared. And she was sick and tired of feeling as though she was a field mouse waiting for the hawk to strike. She was a grown woman and could handle whatever was in the woods. She was in the mountains after all. There is nothing to fear.

  She blew out a breath and flipped the switch. Light flooded the edges of the forest, and she spotted what she thought was a dog. A dog? What the hell? Samantha loved dogs, but there was something strange about the very large mongrel standing between the trees. The dog’s eyes glowed a deep amber, and its fur was midnight-black. It almost looks like a…wolf?

  No, that couldn’t be. There hadn’t been a report of a wolf in Pennsylvania for over twenty years. Bears, yes. Coyote, yes. Wolf, no. So logically, it must be a dog, she told herself. Maybe it was a breed that looked like a wolf - an Alaskan Malamute or a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog? She steeled her nerves; a dog she could handle.

  Samantha slowly moved forward, walking down the stairs. If the dog was lost, he might have a collar and tag. She held out her hand, palm up and spoke to him in a high voice as if she was speaking to a baby. “Hey doggy? Whatcha doin’ out here in my woods all by yourself? Are you lost, baby?” The dog calmly sat staring at her as if he understood what she was saying.

  She approached carefully, sensing the animal was uninjured and not aggressive. “Come here, boy. It’s okay. Are you hungry?” She blew little kisses towards him as if he was a ten pound Shih Tzu. “Come on, now. Don’t be afraid.”

  She stilled as the large dog stalked towards her. Why the hell couldn’t she have just gone inside the freakin’ cabin? Okay, I can do this. Samantha lowered herself toward the ground so she appeared smaller to the animal. Once again, she offered her hand to it.

  The dog loped over to Samantha and lay in front of her. She reached forward, letting him sniff her hand, and then proceeded to rub his head and ears. “That’s a good boy. Oh yes, who’s a good dog? You’re a good dog.” She praised him as she caressed his soft fur.

  “Now how did you get in the woods, doggy? I’ve got some food in the house. Are you hungry?” Samantha asked. The dog tilted his head and yipped.

  “Okay, then. Let’s go inside. Come on. Maybe there’s rope inside to make you a leash. I’ll help find your owner…” As she turned to try to lead him into the house, she glanced back. Where is the dog?

  “Hey doggy, where’d ya go?” Samantha called. Out of the darkness, a gorgeous, very naked male walked out of the trees. “What the hell?” Samantha screamed and ran as fast as she could towards the cabin.

  Large hands grabbed her arms, holding her frozen. Oh God, not again. This cannot be happening to me.

  “Settle down, petite sorcière. It’s okay. You’re safe with me.” Tristan had expected that the little witch would not react warmly to his arrival. Her fear permeated his senses. He needed to calm her without revealing that Luca had sent him. He was hoping that he could have gone unspotted. Damn that branch. Once she saw him, he couldn’t resist walking up to her. Getting a good rub down was a benefit of pretending he was a dog, but there was no way he was letting her leash him. Shifting to human was his next best plan.

  “I’m Tristan. Ilsbeth sent me,” he assured her.

  Samantha exhaled a deep breath, relaxing into his hold. “Ilsbeth? Why?” She looked up to study his face and then her eyes roamed down to his groin and back up again. Her face flushed. “Oh my God. You. You’re naked. You’re a…a wolf,” she whispered, hardly believing the words she spoke.

  “Yes on both counts. Now unless you plan on stripping down with me, it’s hardly fair that I stay naked for your pleasure. Let’s go inside, and we can talk.” He winked and opened the sliding glass door, gesturing for her to go in.

  Stunned by his flirtatious nature, Samantha walked inside. She struggled to understand why Ilsbeth would send a wolf to her in Pennsylvania. “Tristan, please, I don’t understand. Why would Ilsbeth send you here? I’m perfectly safe. Is she okay?”

  Tristan made himself at home, grabbing a throw blanket off the couch and wrapping it around his waist. Samantha could not help but stare; his tanned, six-pack abs looked like she could bounce a quarter off of them. He was well over six feet tall, and ruggedly handsome. He looked like a California surfer with his platinum blonde hair brushing his shoulders.

  And while she found him attractive, she felt a dull ache in her chest. The knowledge of what she may or may not have done at Sangre Dulce ate at her. She doubted she’d be attracted to anyone in a sexual way for a very long time.

  Tristan sat down on the large Italian-leather sofa. He felt sorry for the girl. She had no idea what kind of danger she was in or that she was going back to New Orleans tomorrow. And worst of all, she didn’t know Luca was on his way. He thought that he should at least attempt to soften her up for Luca. Perhaps he should plant a few seeds that would make the soon-to-be happenings a little more palatable.

  “Petite sorcière, I am Alpha of this area, so I know everything that happens here. And everyone who comes into my territory does what I say. Do you follow me? I want to explain a few things to you…explain why Ilsbeth sent me. Now sit,” he ordered as he patted the loveseat adjacent to him.

  As if she had a damn choice in the matter. She walked over and sat rigidly in the chair. She glared at him, her pensive lips sealed in a tight line.

  “Now that’s better, mon cher. Please understand a few important things. First of all, know that you are safe with me. I won’t let anyone have at you. And the reason I am assuring you of your safety brings me to my second point. There is no other way to put this; you are still very much in danger. We have reason to believe that they were after you.” Tristan could see Samantha’s face blanch with fright. He reached over and put his hand on her knee.

  “Look at me, Samantha,” he commanded.

  She silently complied.

  “Remember what I said first. I will protect you.”

  “But…” she interrupted.

  “Samantha, I was there that day when we rescued you from Asgear. I know what they did to you. Now, I don’t know you very well but if you are tough enough to survive what was done to you, you can survive this. You’re not alone.”

  She wanted to believe him but the images of Asgear beating her bloody flashed through her mind. She could not survive again. She glanced over at the front door and fought the urge to run away. He said he’d protect her. She took a deep breath, willing herself to relax long enough to hear him out. She needed to know why they thought she was still in danger.

  “I need to know. Who’s after me? I mean, Asgear is dead. What could anyone possibly want from me? They say I’m a witch but apparently I can’t do that either. If you’ve spoken to Ilsbeth then you know that I’ve felt nothing, done nothing…magically. If I really do have magic in me, I’m a sorry excuse for a witch. Honestly, I just want out of this nightmare. That’s why I came here. I need to get away from all that craziness.” She put her face in her hands, sighed and fought back a sob; she refused to cry one more tear over what Asgear had done to her.

  Tristan took her hands in his, sending waves of calming power over her. “I don’t know who took Luca or why they wanted you. But
Kade and Sydney are working on it right now. In the meantime, I’ll keep you safe. In the morning….well, we’ll cross that bridge tomorrow. Now, how about I get you something to drink. A brandy?”

  Samantha silently regarded Tristan, feeling numbness wash over her body.

  “Okay, you don’t need to say anything. Just sit. I’ll be back.” Tristan rose and strode across the room, quickly finding a bottle of whiskey in one of the cabinets. Close enough. At least they had something to drink. From across the room, he could hear her heart racing, probably from both fear and anger. Fuck, if he had told her she was going back to New Orleans tomorrow, she’d probably pass out. No, he’d leave that little doozy for Luca.

  After Tristan handed Samantha a glass, she took a long, strong pull of the golden liquid. Immediately, she had a coughing fit, raising her hands to signal she was all right. Composing herself, she regarded the Alpha sitting in front of her. “Little rough, huh, Tristan? You know what, wolf? I have no intention of being a victim again. No fucking way. If one of Asgear’s flunkies is coming after me, they aren’t taking me alive again,” she resolved.

  “Now that’s the spirit, ma petite sorcière,” Tristan replied.

  “Petite sorcière?” Samantha questioned.

  “Ah yes. Little witch. That is who you are now. Whether you feel your power or not, it's there. I can literally smell the magic emanating off your skin.”

  “Yeah well, maybe all that is true, but I couldn’t create one little spark when I was at the coven. Couldn’t even light a candle. Some witch I am. I’ll tell you this for nothing, I am way better at computers than all this mumbo jumbo that supposedly lurks within me. You know, I was good at something, really good at it. Now, I’m afraid I can’t even go back to that,” she huffed.

  “When this is all over, Samantha, you can start anew. There are lots of supernaturals in the area. I can help you find a computer job in the Philadelphia area with folks who understand…who know who you are and what you are.” He smiled, taking another swig of the whiskey.


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