Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 39

by Kym Grosso

  “Luca, about your blood. We can’t risk giving this away to the vampire. What if he decides to give it to a witch? It’s too dangerous. No, we can’t give this away,” she insisted.

  Luca raked his fingers through his hair, contemplating their dilemma. “I agree. The vampire who seeks it must be put to death. After that, we will destroy it so that no one can ever get their hands on this heinous object. But know this, Samantha, if it comes down between saving me or saving you, then the vampire gets the amulet. We have to keep it safe. Kade and Sydney can help us.” He began sending them a text to explain what had transpired. “I’ll send for a car and then we can decide how to proceed from there. The vampire said he’d find you, and believe me, I’ll be waiting for him.”

  Just as Luca went to open the front door, Samantha saw a face peering through the rear kitchen window. “Luca, there’s a woman out there.” Samantha pointed and started walking toward the back door, inexplicably drawn outside. Intellectually she knew she shouldn’t go by herself, but her legs kept walking one in front of another until she found herself at the back door.

  “Samantha, no!” Luca yelled.

  But Samantha didn’t stop. She wanted to listen to Luca, she really did. But something pulled her. Samantha’s body hummed with magic, high on power. The magic was beckoning her to keep going. She was drawn to the stranger like a piece of iron being pulled to a magnet. Compelled.

  Samantha caught a glimpse of straggly black hair in the rain; Rowan stood waiting on the patio, her arms outstretched. What was she doing here at Asgear’s home? Could she have followed her and Luca? How would she have known? Samantha couldn’t understand what was happening; it didn’t make sense. As Luca repeatedly called to her, she struggled to obey him and failed. No, this wasn’t right. She shouldn’t go. But the compulsion was too strong. She tried to fight, desperately attempting to shun the entrapment. Failing, she stumbled out into the courtyard, standing mere yards from the raven-haired witch.

  Rowan laughed wildly, watching the novice try to fight her command. She knew that Samantha probably had no idea how to stop the compulsion. She almost felt sorry for her, but no, that ungrateful idiot had refused Ilsbeth’s training. She was blessed with magic but had abjured both her ability and the graces of the coven. If Samantha had continued to train with Ilsbeth, she would have easily been able to deflect Rowan’s will. Instead, she helplessly submitted, like the incompetent she’d always be. No pity for her; Samantha deserved to be overpowered because of her insolence. Rowan was disgusted with the level of disrespect Samantha had shown to her and her sisters by refusing to learn the craft.

  She would have given anything to watch Asgear cringe as his puppet floundered. Asgear had always been so pompous in the magical circles, bragging about his new spells and artifacts. In a bar one night, she had learned from another witch that the wily mage was bragging that he had discovered the Hematilly Periapt as part of his grand plan to take over New Orleans. Now that he was dead, Rowan would have the last laugh.

  After the stir with Samantha returning to the coven and searching her room, Rowan had grown suspicious. When Ilsbeth had told her that Samantha was looking for the periapt, she was thankful for the fortuitous conversation. It was then she knew for sure that she could successfully acquire it. The novice either knew the location of the artifact or with the help of Luca, would surely locate it. All she had to do was wait and watch; she already had the blood of a vampire.

  She enjoyed watching Samantha stumble about, not quite sure why her body wouldn’t listen to her brain. Enough of the fun. It was time to get down to business and take the amulet for herself.

  “Ah, Samantha. You’ve found the periapt, I see. The rumors were true; it was here in New Orleans. You see, I’ve been wasting time searching, planning just the right location spell, and now you’ve helped me find it,” she snickered.

  “Rowan, what are you talking about? I need this. There’s a vampire who’s after me. I’ve got to give this to him,” she explained.

  Luca walked up behind her slowly, not wanting to make any fast movements lest Rowan might harm Samantha. He held the stake he’d brought firm in his hand.

  “I just bet he does want it,” she said sarcastically. “I bet all the vampires would like the amulet. Like Luca? Now, now, don’t be shy, Luca. I see you back there. Don’t make any fast moves, vampire.”

  She directed her attention back to Samantha. “You see, my friend, we all have powers. Ilsbeth told me you’re an elemental witch, albeit a weak one. Do you want to see my power? No, really, I know you’ll enjoy the show. You see, I’m a telekinetic witch, which means I can do this.” She held out her arms and raised one palm face up toward Luca and Samantha, immobilizing them with very little effort. She laughed before continuing. “Now, let me help you with the amulet.” Rowan’s eyes flashed silver. “Dare me in periapt nunc, pythonissam!”

  Samantha fought her own muscles as she felt her hand opening against her will. “No!” Samantha cried as the amulet flew across the courtyard, landing at Rowan’s feet.

  Rowan scooped it up in her hand, and pulled a small vial out of her pocket. “Now, the real fun begins. You know what’s in here, don’t you?” she asked, wickedly smiling.

  Samantha shook her head. “No, please don’t do this.”

  Luca continued his futile attempt at breaking Rowan’s spell; he still couldn’t move further than an inch. He needed to talk reason into the witch. “Rowan, Ilsbeth will ban you forever for your actions. You will lose all you have. Your coven. Your life. Now, give us the amulet. You can have it once we are done,” Luca promised.

  “Ha!” Rowan cackled. “Right, like you would simply give it back to me. Since you don’t want to guess what’s in the vial, should I tell you or keep it a surprise?” She laughed and waved her hand. “Okay, okay, I’ll give you a hint. Remember lying in a church chained up? It was such a shame for them to mar your beautiful God-like body with silver, but it simply had to be done.”

  “My blood,” Luca said with a growl.

  “Handsome and smart. You vampires are so quick and strong. Very hard to capture, you know. Unless you happen to know when one is coming to your house, it is very difficult, indeed. But when you know one is visiting, well, it turns out it’s not very hard at all…just need a little silver.” Unscrewing the top of the vial, Rowan poured a drop of the blood onto the already sanguine stone. “So simple, really. It’s done. Do you feel it? Come on now, Luca, do you know what this means? You are now my slave, vampire. As long as you are in my presence and I have the periapt, you are mine.”

  “I’ll never be yours, witch. I feel nothing,” he insisted.

  “Really?” she grinned evilly, itching to play with her new toy. “Let’s try it out, shall we? Luca, slave of Rowan, vampire born of Kade, kill Samantha!”

  Luca reeled as the command drilled through his brain. The stake fell from his hands as he gripped the sides of his head. Never in his life had he been compelled to do what another told him, yet the desire to wrap his hands around Samantha’s neck grew deep within his belly. He roared and shoved her to the ground. Samantha struggled against him, kicking wildly, trying to escape.

  “Luca, no,” she pleaded. “Don’t listen to her!”

  Luca fought his own hands as his fingers crept around Samantha’s neck. He tried to fight, reeling his hands back. An excruciating convulsion racked through his body in response to his disobedience. He heard Rowan’s laughter in the distance.

  “Ah, what’s that you feel, Luca? That’s right; it’s slicing agony, isn’t it? Get used to it my dear bloodsucker. You no longer have free will. Surely you will fight me, but I will break you over time. Keep ignoring my command, vampire, and you will suffer endlessly. You might even die. What a pity that would be, after all my hard work. Just do it. Kill her.”

  At Rowan’s directions, his fingers wandered up to her neck and squeezed. Samantha pounded Luca’s chest with her hands, trying to dislodge him as his hands crept around h
er throat once more. She could tell from his eyes that he was trying to fight the order, greatly suffering for his refusal to hurt her. But still, his fingers gripped tighter and tighter.

  “Grab the stake. It’s right there, on the ground. Kill me, Samantha. Don’t let her do this,” Luca grunted.

  Samantha shook her head; the stake was within inches of her reach. “No! I won’t. I can’t,” she protested as she heard a loud whoosh from behind. She lost sight of Luca, as the vise around her throat unlocked. Samantha heaved and sucked in air over and over in an attempt to catch her breath. Pushing up onto the palms of her hands, she sat up and ran her hands through her hair, dizzy from the loss of oxygen.

  As she lifted her head, she gazed into the piercing black eyes of the vampire she’d met at Sangre Dulce. He’d rescued her from Luca’s grip. For a split second, he caught her gaze, fangs bared. He had Luca in a headlock, threatening to break his neck. Luca struggled against him, unwilling to give into defeat.

  Samantha screamed at the vampire to release Luca. “Don’t hurt him! Please! I’ll give you whatever you want. I promise,” she begged. Samantha stumbled as she tried to stand. Pointing at Rowan, she tried to get the attention of the stranger. “Over there! Rowan, that witch right there. She has the periapt. He’s under her control.”

  Luca growled at the other vampire. The clamp on his trachea loosened for a split second, allowing him to maneuver out of the stranglehold. The two magnificent vampires began to roll on the ground, wrestling for control over one another.

  Rowan laughed maniacally, “Oh how I love to see the gladiators fight. It’s a fine match. But alas, we must be going. Luca, are you ready to come with your new mistress? You really do need better training. I asked you to kill this insignificant excuse for a witch, and here you are playing games with a vampire. Ah, I must admit I am looking forward to making you my slave in every way possible. Oh yes, I plan to discipline you long and hard, night after night,” she mused, staring down at Samantha.

  “No!” Samantha screamed and lunged for her. Samantha shoved Rowan to the ground, but the witch was strong. She grabbed Samantha by the hair, pulling her downward, refusing to relinquish the amulet.

  “You should have worked on your powers, little girl. Maybe if you had, you’d be like me. But, no, you wasted Ilsbeth’s lessons. So tell you what, since I’m feeling generous, I’m about to teach you a little trick in transporting.” Rowan held her by the hair and slapped Samantha across the face. “Pay attention!”

  “Fuck you!” Samantha yelled and hit her back. “Give me the amulet!” She kicked at Rowan as they fought, but she couldn’t pin her to the ground.

  “Enough!” Rowan waved her hand, sending out a wave of magic; Samantha’s body flew across the courtyard and slammed against a brick wall. Rendered unconscious, Samantha drifted into blackness.

  Rowan waited for her vampire. After all the work she’d done, she had no intention of leaving without him. Chanting a spell, she opened a swirling gray portal. She turned to the vampires, who’d stopped fighting momentarily to observe the vortex.

  “Come Luca, you’re mine. You will come with me now,” she ordered.

  In confusion, Luca started to go for Samantha. He wanted to stay with Samantha and protect her. But as he did, searing pain ripped through his body; he knew he was being forced to go with Rowan. Thrown into an agonizing paroxysm, he doubled over, unable to stand. The periapt was the only key to his survival. If he could get the periapt and destroy it, then his binding to Rowan would be broken.

  He looked over to the large vampire with whom he’d been fighting. Luca could tell the vampire was many years older than him, a great warrior. Luca was one of the strongest vampires in the world, yet this vampire was not overcome. More importantly, the vampire had saved Samantha from certain death that would have come at his own hands. He sensed this vampire didn’t want him or her dead, but knew he also desired the periapt. Could he be trying to destroy it too? He had to make a decision, go with Rowan willingly and destroy the amulet or stay and try to fight against the compulsion.

  He tried once again to go to Samantha, and he was blinded afresh as the fiery torture rippled throughout his bones. Falling on his hands and knees, he backed away, and the pain subsided. Through blurry vision, he glared at the devil who’d done this to him.

  Rowan crooked a finger at him, giving him no choice. Stumbling toward her, he attempted an attack. With but a flick of her wrist, she threw him into the churning aperture. A rush of energy flooded his senses. Swept inward, he landed with a thud onto a rock-hard concrete floor. Luca hissed as a silver net blanketed his body. The smell of his own burnt flesh drifted into his nose as he prayed for mercy.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Samantha dreamt she was floating on a cloud, smiling at a rainbow. As she weaved her fingers into its beams, her eyes fluttered open, and she realized she’d been asleep. Where am I? Where’s Luca? In a surge of panic, she shot upright. Scanning the room, she didn’t recognize her surroundings; an achromatic theme teased her eyes. The room was bright white, with cream crown moldings. The white four-poster bed was covered in a white eyelet duvet with matching bed pillows. A large white dresser and mirror and overstuffed chair were offset by the dark cherry hardwood floor. Despite being devoid of color, the room was tastefully decorated.

  Draped in silence, she sat up with her legs crossed. She sighed, relieved that she was still dressed. Her shoes, however, were on the floor next to the bed. Considering she wasn’t naked or locked up, she surmised that whoever had taken her wasn’t considering hurting her…yet.

  Remembering Luca’s attack, she carefully touched her neck, grateful she hadn’t died. It was slightly bruised but didn’t hurt too much. She started to panic again, wondering what had happened to Luca, when she looked up to see the intimidating vampire who’d been stalking her leaning against the door jamb. Coolly, he approached her. Her eyes widened as she systematically ran through feasible escape scenarios.

  “Hello, Samantha. I am Léopold Devereoux,” he said, with a French accent.

  “You!” Samantha backed up against the bed, bending her knees to her chest, wrapping her hands around them. Her heart beat frantically. She looked for a getaway but saw none.

  Léopold gracefully glided toward her and sat on the large lounge chair. “Do not be afraid, mon agneau. I will not hurt you,” he assured her.

  She studied the larger than life vampire who’d threatened her at the club. Remembering the feel of his body against hers, she knew that he had to be at least as tall as Luca. In the darkness of Sangre Dulce, she had barely been able to make out his features, but she’d never forget his midnight-black eyes. Now in the light, she noticed how striking he was. The hard contours of his masculine face accentuated his square jawline. Dark brown, wavy hair was styled into a modern shark fin. Even though his presence exuded power, he looked young, mid-thirties. Sexy. Deadly. Samantha wondered if every vampire had an underpinning of sensuality that kept every woman wondering if he’d bite her. While he was undeniably attractive, she felt nothing but fear toward the vampire standing before her. She realized she was staring, and averting her gaze, she looked away toward the wall.

  Sensing her fear, Léopold attempted to soothe the pretty little witch. He didn’t mean to scare her, but he needed the amulet. She was nothing more than a means to an end. Looking at her pale skin and full lips, he understood Luca’s attraction to the mortal.

  “Now, I know you don’t trust me. Given my severe actions, I suppose you have reason. But mademoiselle, my intentions this evening are honorable.”

  “Honorable? You burned down my cabin!” she spat at him. “You could have killed us!”

  “Oh yes, well, that was merely a diversion to get you to focus on the task at hand. You see, it was rumored that Asgear had the periapt. After his indiscretion with Kade Issacson’s human woman, I searched his properties, or should I say what was left of his properties, but never found it. But I did, however, find you.” H
e smiled wryly. “Convinced of its existence, I simply gave you the encouragement you needed to find it for me. Which you did, quite resourcefully, by the way.”

  Samantha glared at him in contempt and disbelief. “You risked my life and Luca’s for that godforsaken amulet, and now what? Rowan has it. And Luca? Where is he?” she cried. Tears welled in her eyes.

  “I’m afraid that is a bit of a problem. Rowan is a devious witch, and she knows exactly why I was so persistent in my search for the Hematilly Periapt. She is fully aware that she can control vampires. And now, to my dismay, she has Luca. She’ll also have any other vampire whose blood she steals as well. The amulet is very dangerous to our kind. She must be found.” He took a deep breath and blew it out. “I called Kade this evening, and he has been detained for several hours, something or other to do with the wolves. We agreed it would be best for me to take Étienne, Xavier and you to extricate Luca from Rowan.”

  “Me? What could I possibly do? You saw what she did to me.” Samantha was embarrassed by what had happened. Rowan had called her and she had come like a dog. She hadn’t called on her powers; instead she’d frozen.

  Léopold stood, approached the bed and sat next to Samantha. “You are a mere babe in the woods, dear Samantha. But you do have your power. I saw you in the mountains the day you extinguished the fire. You need to concentrate this time. I will need your help to save Luca and acquire the amulet. Of course, Rowan will be expecting us. She very much wants to keep it, so that she can keep Luca. Do you want her to keep Luca?” he taunted.

  “No,” she whispered, putting her head in her hands. She rubbed her face and met his gaze with pleading eyes. “I can’t lose him. We are bonded. What I mean to say is that we started it. He is mine. I am his.” The reality of the situation was sinking in, and Samantha hated that Rowan had taken him.

  “I would call that a no. And so what you must understand is that he is no longer yours. He doesn’t even belong to himself. She is making him a slave as we speak, in every sense of the word. He will not be able to fight her. What she tells him to do, he will do. As long as the amulet exists, she is his.”


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