Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 41

by Kym Grosso

  Léopold, in the front passenger seat, directed Xavier to park out of sight of the house. The thrum of the engine cut to silence. Samantha took a deep breath, knowing their battle was about to begin.

  “Xavier, Étienne. Take the back of the house. Samantha. We’re going to enter the front door together. Now listen up, everyone. We can’t be sure who or what Rowan’s got in there. She could have wards. It’s even possible that she could have another vampire besides Luca. Not likely, but possible.” He caught Samantha’s eyes. “Samantha, I’ll try to take Rowan, but as she demonstrated, her gift of telekinesis is strong. If she spots me, she can shake me off with a hand. You need to go after her with your gift in kind. Call on the elements. Show no mercy, for she will not show it to you. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she lied. Samantha nervously bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if she could take out Rowan, but she’d die trying.

  As they got out of the car, a humid breeze blew hard against them. Lightning flashed in the distance. Within seconds, thunder roared and Samantha reacted by wrapping an arm around Léopold’s. She barely knew the lethal vampire, yet here she was holding onto him for dear life. She rolled her eyes silently in embarrassment but she held firm. Better the devil you know.

  Léopold smelled Samantha’s trepidation. He’d gone to war many times over his lifetime, accepting that battles seldom came without loss. But one thing he’d never done was knowingly go into a situation attached to a fragile mortal woman. If he’d had any other choice, he would have left her at home. But he knew damn well that he needed her to dispose of the amulet, for only a witch could demolish the diabolical object.

  If Luca didn’t survive the attack, he’d pursue the beautiful girl, he thought to himself. He knew he shouldn’t think such things while on the brink of combat. He blamed it on the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Every sense was heightened, including his need for sex. He enjoyed the feel of her body tight against his and wondered what it would be like to bring her to climax.

  Before climbing the staircase, Léopold shoved Samantha behind a tree. Her back pressed tight against the bark, the evidence of his arousal grazing her belly.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered loudly, quite annoyed by his state.

  “Patience, my dear Samantha. I’m listening.” He smiled ruefully, aware of his surroundings.

  “Do you hear anything?” She tried to ignore the fact that a large, sexy vampire had her pinned to an elm tree, not to mention the inappropriate hardness in his pants.

  “Lovemaking.” A broad smile broke across his handsome face. He leaned down to smell her hair.

  “Excuse me?” It was obvious the man had sex on his mind. But Samantha couldn’t for the life of her fathom how he could talk about it when they were about to go on the offensive.

  “Lovemaking. Sex. That is what I hear. Someone is getting it on, as Al Green would say. A perfect time for a party, don’t you think?”

  Samantha’s stomach lurched. She’d die if Rowan made Luca do something sexual against his will. She’d seen firsthand the power the amulet had had over Luca back in the courtyard.

  “Don’t worry, my sweet. We’re about to go in now. You ready?” he asked.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s do this,” she replied.

  Stepping out from behind the tree, Samantha took in the sight of Rowan’s home. The once magnificent antebellum stood dilapidated before them. The gabled roof peaked with an uneven slope and paint peeled from majestic Grecian pillars. Fig ivy had nearly taken over the sides of the home and was creeping onto the porch.

  Léopold placed a silencing finger to his lips and pointed at the stairs. Slowly they climbed up toward the door. Aside from the cicadas singing, she could only hear her own heartbeat in the darkness. She trusted that Léopold was correct about the sex; yet as they approached the door, she heard nothing.

  Silently, Léopold traced a finger down her cheek, seeking her attention. It was time. He held up a finger. On the count of three, he’d enter. One. Two. Three.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Luca watched as Sköll lifted Rowan to position her over the sofa. The sight of Rowan’s pale ass in the air pointing toward him repulsed Luca. Sköll growled and looked over at Luca to make sure he was watching as he roughly entered her from behind. She screamed in delight and soon Sköll lost himself in his actions, ignoring his unwilling audience.

  Luca breathed deeply as he steeled himself for attack. Remove the amulet; the words reverberated through his head. It was his only chance of breaking the spell. Lunging forward, burning agony tore through Luca’s spine. He had disobeyed Rowan’s command to lie still on the floor. His blatant insubordination was met with blinding torment. A thousand invisible knives pierced his skin; his head screamed for alleviation. Sucking in a breath, Luca charged onward into swift propulsion.

  Immersed in passion, Sköll barely registered the danger before Luca sank his fangs into his shoulder. Energizing shifter blood rushed into Luca’s mouth as he held Sköll in place. Plowing his hand madly toward Rowan’s neck, his fingers felt for the periapt and slipped under the silver chain. A pop sounded as it snapped.

  Luca saw the crimson amulet rattle across the floor. Instantly, the ghostly knives receded. Twisting herself round to look up at Sköll’s attacker, Rowan met Luca’s eyes with a clear understanding that the spell was shattered. Refusing to retract his fangs, he bit deeper into Sköll. Raging, the shifter jerked Luca upward, wildly attempting to dislodge his attacker. Sköll began to transform into a wolf, successfully bucking Luca onto the ground. Within seconds, the man turned wolf, and Luca renewed his assault, giving the beast little time to assume an offensive position. In the midst of the struggle, a loud crash sounded, distracting Luca. The vampire from the courtyard had erupted through the barricade, and his beautiful Samantha rushed directly into the skirmish.

  Running through the foyer, Samantha chased Léopold as he shouldered his way through a double set of locked wooden doors. In the melee, she could have sworn she heard dogs growling, but didn’t turn around to investigate the noise. Samantha froze upon entering. Rowan, nude, was scrambling around on her hands and knees. Luca, barely dressed, held the throat of a red wolf. Its jaws snapped at Luca’s neck as they fought for dominance. Léopold, baring his fangs, turned toward her and roared. She ducked as he flew over her head. Crouching down, she peeked to see him wrestling two brown wolves. The crisp pattering of feet could be heard from the hallway; more wolves approached.

  Spying the periapt in the corner, Samantha tore across the room. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Xavier tearing the fur from a gray wolf. Blood sprayed across the room. Focusing on the amulet, Rowan and Samantha raced to get to it first. Rowan, deciding to use her magic, stilled and blasted Samantha, effectively smashing the back of her skull against the wall. Samantha gritted her teeth, staving off the pain. Touching the back of her head, blood trickled onto her fingertips.

  Rowan grabbed the amulet and sneered in victory. “Stupid Samantha, did you really think you could come in here and take what’s mine?”

  Samantha stumbled to her feet. Instead of feeling lightheaded, strength and loathing rushed through the whole of her body. Samantha closed her eyes, concentrating on the element she wished to call. She’d had enough of death, fighting, torture. It was time for it all to end and she’d be the one to end it. The room started to slightly vibrate at first. The vampires and wolves barely noticed the buzz as they bit and tussled. Within seconds the house came into a full tremble. Dust cascaded from above as the ceiling threatened to collapse. Floor boards creaked and snapped as the foundations began to heave and rock. As the room began to shake violently, the vampires and werewolves steadied themselves against the barrage of tremors.

  Rowan attempted to telekinetically bombard Samantha with magic, but was thwarted by her reflective palm. Rowan looked around as the planks beneath her feet began to split open and crack. Screaming out for help, she collapsed into the cra
wl space. Holding onto the sides of the flooring, her upper torso supported her weight. Rowan’s face turned stark white in fear, unsure of how Samantha was causing the quakes.

  Samantha’s eyes flew open as she called upon the elements. “Care dea aperuerit mihi thesaurum terrae. Hoc malum pythonissam in sinu. Quia non est de hoc mundo. Adhaerere. Tolle eam nunc!” Open the Earth.

  Rowan screamed Sköll’s name as the earth began to cleave open at Samantha’s command. Luca bit deeply into Sköll’s shoulder, rendering him immobile. Helplessly he watched as his lover, Rowan, flailed her arms, shrieking as she plunged helplessly into the crevice.

  Samantha walked over to the gaping chasm, and knelt down to Rowan.

  “Save me, sister,” Rowan pleaded. “I swear to you. I will share it with you. Please, grab my hand.”

  Samantha considered her plea but knew in her heart, that evil was speaking. “Dear sister,” she chided. “You are no sister of mine. Back to the earth you go. May the Goddess grant you peace.” Peeling open Rowan’s fingers, Samantha took the periapt and shoved it into her pocket.

  Rowan cursed her. “You little bitch. This will never be over. There are others who will want the periapt. They know of its existence. They will find you! This will not end!”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Rowan. This! Ends! Now!” Samantha yelled.

  A seism rocked the entire house as the fissure grew wider and deeper. Samantha closed her eyes and called once again on the elements. “Lorem benedictionem, dea. Accipere, Rowan, soror Ilsbeth, in calore et munda eius eius malum.”

  Rowan clawed at the crumbling dirt in an effort to save herself as Samantha’s words took effect. A loud shriek emanated from Rowan as she plummeted deep into the fiery core of the earth.

  Samantha breathed deeply, willing the brown terra together again. Within seconds, the gaping crevice consolidated, leaving nothing but disturbed dirt in its place. As exhaustion racked Samantha’s mind and body, she crumbled to the floor, and sobbed.

  As the shaking subsided, Sköll sliced into Luca’s arm. Not lethally, but it was enough to make Luca release his hold. Sköll transformed into his human form and scurried toward Samantha. “What have you done, witch? I needed Rowan. Now that you have taken her, I will take you.” He wrapped his arm around Samantha’s neck.

  Xavier, Étienne and Léopold stood still, acknowledging her capture. They had killed all the wolves except one or two who’d retreated out to the woods. Luca stalked cautiously toward Sköll.

  “Don’t hurt her. You need me for your war. Take me,” he ordered.

  “Now you want to come willingly? Hmmm….this one smells good,” Sköll growled and licked the back of Samantha’s neck. She hung like a ragdoll helpless in his grip. “Ah, she’ll do nicely. A fertile witch who can serve all my needs. And she’s got the periapt.” He reached around with his free hand to grope her breast and smirked. “Go now, and she’ll live. I’ll find another vampire to do my work.”

  “Get off her. She’s mine, wolf,” Luca snarled; his bared fangs dripped with the blood of his enemy. He was going to kill the wolf for touching his woman. But he resisted the urge to attack, knowing that Sköll could easily snap her neck. Cornered, Sköll was running out of options, and that made him particularly deadly and unpredictable. Luca was certain he’d kill Samantha just to make his point.

  Samantha felt dazed as the wolf held his arm tightly around her, crushing her trachea. She barely felt his grubby hand touching her. All of the energy she’d exhausted on Rowan had left her weak. She peered up at Luca through teary eyes. Sucking in a quick breath, she tried to speak but couldn’t.

  “Wolf, you’re making a mistake. I’m warning you, let her go or you die within minutes. Your choice,” Luca growled at him. There was no way he was taking Samantha alive.

  Sköll laughed violently and flashed his canines.

  Samantha trembled under his touch and sought a means of escape. Closing her eyes, she intensified her thoughts, praying that she had enough energy to call an element. Unable to speak, she silently chanted to herself, “Adducam ignis ad manus… Adducam ignis ad manus… Adducam ignis ad manus…” Bring fire to my hands.

  At first she simply felt a tingling. Soon, the smell of burnt flesh and hair wafted into her nostrils. Sköll hollered as the searing heat scorched his arm. Reacting to the scalding pain, he threw Samantha aside. Red handprints were branded into his bubbling flesh.

  “What the fuck did you do?” he screamed at her.

  Léopold rushed to gather Samantha from the floor as Luca charged Sköll. Wrapping his hands around the wolf’s throat, Luca tore his fangs into Sköll’s shoulder, tearing and spitting the raw flesh onto the ground. In a struggle for dominance, the two men lurched onto the floor. Sköll pinned Luca down, and landed a punch to his face. From the corner of his eye, Luca saw Xavier and Étienne rushing to help him. He held up his hand to them. “Back off. He’s mine.”

  The pain of the strike only served to fuel Luca’s anger. Adrenaline surged. Reaching up with both hands, he wrapped his fingers around Sköll’s neck, digging his thumbs into his windpipe. Sköll coughed and faltered as his oxygen was depleted. Luca wrapped his legs around the man’s waist and flipped him over. He straddled Sköll’s chest. Sköll clasped his hands around Luca’s wrists, but could not shake him off. For a second, he thought Luca was releasing his hold. Luca quickly grabbed the back of Sköll’s head and palmed his chin. In a fluid, accelerated motion, Luca shoved upward and down, twisting Sköll’s neck until he heard a loud pop. Bereft of life, death bled out of Sköll’s eyes. Discarding his prey, Luca roared in domination, wild with fury. Rising, he scanned the room for Samantha.

  Like a ferocious animal, Luca searched for his mate; he was dangerous, primal. Léopold carefully watched Luca approach him. Restraining Samantha had been the only way that he could keep her from attempting to enter the fray, in what would have been a treacherous and unnecessary effort to stop Sköll from killing Luca. Luca hadn’t needed help; this kill was his and his alone. Cautiously, Léopold released Samantha’s arms, facing his palms upward toward Luca, gesturing that he had not hurt her. Léopold was unsure if the already enraged Luca understood that he was friend, not foe, and did not want to agitate him further.

  As Samantha broke free, she ran into Luca’s arms. “Luca,” she cried.

  Possessively taking her into his embrace, he cupped her face, and pressed a punishing kiss to her lips. She was his woman. “Samantha mine,” he said, his lips against hers.

  “Yes, I’m yours. It’s okay now,” she said softly, reassuring him.

  “It’s over.” Luca wasn’t quite sure if he was trying to convince Samantha or himself. He only cared that she was safe.

  “Luca, oh my God. Are you okay?” she reluctantly pulled away, inspecting his face and body, noting the bruises and cuts that were already beginning to heal.

  He laughed, wincing slightly as she touched a gash on his face. “Am I okay? I’m better than okay now that I’ve got you in my arms.”

  “But he bit you,” she protested, continuing to inspect his body.

  “Don’t worry darlin’. I’ve had my rabies shots. Now come on, let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “Not so fast, Luca. We must discuss the periapt.” Léopold stepped up to introduce himself. “Mon ami, I’m Léopold. Léopold Devereoux. I am Kade’s maker and you are descended from my blood.”

  Luca was shocked. Kade had never spoken of his maker, and Luca had never asked. He was loyal to Kade only. Despite Léopold’s claims, he did not fully trust the vampire.

  “You kept Samantha safe?”


  “Pardon me if I sound ungrateful, but why the hell would you bring her here? And where the hell is Kade?” Luca asked.

  “Ah, there is trouble with the wolves. Kade entrusted me with your safety while he provided them with assistance. I don’t know the details, but I suspect these dead wolves here have something to do with the problem.” He perused t
he room, counting six dead men. “There were others who escaped. They planned to use you?” He raised a questioning eyebrow at Luca.

  “Yes, they’re going after Marcel’s pack. But why would you bring Samantha? She located the amulet. Wasn’t that enough for you?” he demanded.

  “We need her. The Hematilly Periapt must be destroyed and only a witch can do it. In addition, we needed her help in subduing Rowan. As you can see, she was more than capable.”

  Luca recalled Samantha’s display. Her command of the elements was extraordinary. “You were amazing, my little witch.” He kissed her again, hugging her against his bare chest.

  “Hmmm….” was all Samantha could manage. She was exhausted from the ordeal; her legs felt weak.

  “We must destroy the periapt now,” Léopold informed him. “We can’t risk it getting into the wrong hands. The wolf was correct about one thing. Others may know of its existence. The temptation will be too great for any witch who toys with black magic. To have a vampire as a slave is quite the coup. He could be used in war, to harm others, for all sorts of purposes. Do you have the amulet, Samantha?”

  Samantha twisted around in Luca’s arms enough so that she faced Léopold. Luca’s strong arms remained secure around her belly. She leaned into him. “Yes, I’ve got it here.” She dug into her pocket and held up the teardrop-shaped rock. Eyeing the amulet, she affirmed her commitment to its destruction. “So, how do we destroy this thing?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Back at Léopold’s townhome, Samantha waited in his study for the vampires to join her. She ran her fingers over the volumes of antiqued books on the bookshelves that ran top to bottom on the wall around the entire perimeter of the room. He had quite the library, all alphabetically categorized. She wondered what it would be like to live so long. Would you miss those humans who died when your own youth stood still? Would you try a thousand different hobbies to keep boredom at bay? Her thoughts drifted to Luca and how he’d lived for centuries. Centuries. What must that be like?


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