Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 88

by Kym Grosso

  “Logan’s single. As in not attached. That being said, my Alpha’s all about business. I’m fairly sure that he’s with Léopold right now and not out messin’ with girls.”

  “I feel horrible,” she cringed. “I shouldn’t have asked. It’s none of my business.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Trust me; there are things at work here that you don’t understand.” Like he’s your mate. “Logan’ll be home later, cher. Ya’ll will work it out. Until then, you need to listen to your beta. I know what’ll make you feel better,” he predicted, taking her by the hand.

  Wynter nervously followed him, unsure of where they were going. But as soon as he opened the large door, she knew. Logan’s scent engulfed her, and her wolf rejoiced.

  “What are we doing in here?”

  “You know where you are, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she managed. A flick of a light revealed Logan’s bedroom. Immaculate, but sparsely decorated, a king sized cherry four-poster bed invited her. A simple white cotton down comforter covered the bed along with a topping of several white pillows. A matching dresser sat across the room in between rectangular windows, and night tables flanked the mattress. Several large potted tropical palm trees added an organic flair to the décor.

  She stood frozen watching Dimitri, who walked over to the bed and pulled back the comforter. What was he doing? Wynter tried desperately to quell the nervous flutter in her stomach.

  “Come, cher. In you go,” he commanded.

  She raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. There was no way in hell that she would get into Logan’s bed with his beta. No freaking way. Wynter had made enough mistakes for one evening, thank you very much.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not getting in bed with you,” he promised. “Not that I wouldn’t want to, but Logan would kill me. Stop stallin’ and get on over here.”

  Wynter smiled at Dimitri. “I don’t know. I’m not sure Logan would want me in his bed,” she hedged.

  “I’m tellin’ you. Logan doesn’t know what he wants. But this’ll be good for you and him. Now get in.” He continued to hold the linens up, gesturing in a sweeping motion for her to get in the bed.

  She knew she shouldn’t do it, but the temptation was too great. The scent in the room was like walking into a chocolate factory and damn if she didn’t love chocolate. Just one small bite, a taste, and then she’d leave and go to her guest room. As she pushed her feet into the bed, the smell of Logan grew stronger. Like a cat, she shamelessly rubbed her face into the pillowcase. It felt incredible. Desperately, she kneaded the mattress and pillow, letting the calm of Logan wash over her. She didn’t understand why it was happening, and she didn’t care. This man, this Alpha, she needed him; he was hers. Oh God, she prayed they’d reconcile. As she drifted off to sleep, all she saw was Logan’s face.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Logan went to the cupboard, pulled out a bottle of scotch and poured himself a generous glass. God damned fucking vampires. Logan cursed them to hell, worried that it was just a matter of time before they attacked another one of his wolves. He and Léopold had gone over every square inch of the blocks surrounding Courettes, and they’d found nothing. Granted, the eccentric vampire had caught a scent off of Dana’s body, but it wasn’t enough. Despite the failure to find anything, Léopold had assured him that he’d find the lab’s location. But Logan didn’t trust him, and sure as hell couldn’t wait around for Léopold. His pack was in danger, and he needed to take immediate action to protect them. In the morning, he’d planned to call Jax and have it out.

  He’d been so angry with Wynter. Still, he felt like shit for yelling at her. But he was sick of the lies. Well, he knew they weren’t exactly lies; more like an omission of facts. And even though she may have had her reasons, it still was a bitter pill to swallow. Coupled with her challenge, he’d torn into her, treating her like he’d treat any wolf. And therein lies the rub; she wasn’t just any wolf.

  The look on her face when she’d left the apartment had ripped his heart out of his chest. Yes, he sought to provide comfort to Fiona and Luci, but he should have never let the women touch him like that. Only an hour earlier, Wynter had opened herself, allowing him to touch her, taste her. He’d been so disrespectful. He wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t forgive him.

  Footsteps alerted him to Dimitri’s presence.

  “Hey, how’d it go?” Dimitri asked, grabbing a glass, looking to join Logan in a drink.

  “Not good,” he replied, falling into an overstuffed chair. He propped his feet onto an ottoman.

  “I take it you didn’t find the lab, huh?”

  “Nope. We didn’t find a damn thing. Devereoux is certain whoever it is is from his line. But of course, he’s as slippery as an eel.”

  “And Fi?” Dimitri asked all too innocently.

  “Fi’s Fi. She’s upset, of course. But you know, she wasn’t exceptionally close to Dana. The two fought like wildcats. Still, they’re sisters…half-sisters. Whatever. Luci’s staying with her. I didn’t really have time. Had to meet Devereoux down at Courettes. How the pack loved seeing him,” Logan said acrimoniously, throwing his head backwards into the cushion.

  “Yeah, I bet,” Dimitri concurred, taking a long swig. He coughed as the caustic liquid burned his throat. “So, uh, what about Wynter?”

  “What about her?”

  “She’s upset.”

  “Yeah, so am I,” he spat out.

  “Well it wasn’t that way at the club. Y’all seemed in tune then,” Dimitri mentioned. “Pretty hot, man.”

  Logan let that sink in a minute before responding. Goddess, she was amazing. The sweetest he’d ever tasted.

  “Yeah, it was,” he began. “Didn’t go so well after that.”

  “Yeah, not so much,” Dimitri commented, looking into his drink.

  “This thing with her…it has me distracted. I’ve fought hard to be Alpha. The pack needs me.” Logan swiped his hand over his eyes, replaying what happened at Dana’s. The scene at the apartment was jacked. Guilt dug at him, knowing how he’d treated Wynter. “Fuck, I’m an asshole. How is she doing?”

  “I’ll be honest. She wasn’t lookin’ so good earlier. She’s torn up about what’s happening. I think the whole wolf thing’s freaking her out too. But don’t worry; I took good care of your girl. She’s doing fine now.” Dimitri darted his eyes to the side and then finally looked over to Logan and smiled.

  “What’d ya do, D?” He blew out a breath.

  “Nothin’ you wouldn’t have done.”

  Logan stared over at him. “Seriously? Tell me you didn’t…”

  “Not that. Although, she’s sweet, man. I mean, really sweet. Tonight she was wearing these tight little panties, and those breasts…Oh Goddess, save me,” he said dramatically, putting his hand to his chest.

  “Mine,” Logan reminded him with a smile.

  “Ah, but are they? You were a little harsh tonight, almighty Alpha,” he taunted.

  “Still mine, smartass.”

  “Well, great one, if you want to keep said breasts, you’d better make nice. Your little wolf is getting ready to high tail it back to New York tomorrow,” he lied.

  “She is?” Logan asked in a panicked voice. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “Let’s just say you shouldn’t have let Fi and Luci rub all over you like cats in heat. You know, giving that kind of grief counseling isn’t doing you any favors,” Dimitri half-heartedly joked.

  “Fuck.” Letting his anger drive his actions wasn’t the smartest thing he’d ever done. He knew full well how jealous Wynter had been when they’d talked earlier in the club. And he couldn’t blame her after he’d gone all territorial on her after seeing her dance with the vampire. If he were truthful, he’d admit that he knew the sight of Luci touching him would hurt Wynter. He shouldn’t have let it happen.

  “Fuck is right. She didn’t like it at all. On the upside,” he laughed. “She didn’t like it at all.”

p; Logan rolled his eyes.

  “Seriously, bro. How would you feel if she didn’t care? Think about it. It’s not really that bad, all considered.” Dimitri shrugged.

  “What exactly am I supposed to consider? That my life has been upturned in the past twenty-four hours by a human female? Who’s a wolf? That I’m losing it because I’m preoccupied by a woman? And now, one of my own wolves is dead. You and I both know I’ve got to focus all my priorities on running this pack, D.”

  “She could be your mate, Logan,” he posed quietly. Dimitri’s lip curled up on one side, as he waited for a reaction.

  “You’ve got to be joking. No way. I know I’ve been distracted, but come on,” Logan pleaded. “Where is she?”

  “Okay, believe what you want, man, but I’m telling you that there’s something about that woman…you and her. Today at the pool and then at the club. You’ve been with lots of females, of all species, but this is different. She’s,” he took a deep breath, shaking his head, “She’s responsive. To you, hell, even to me.”

  Logan growled at his beta.

  “As if I’d touch her without your permission,” Dimitri assured him. “It’s just that she calmed down with me, and I felt comfortable with her…like I’ve known her for a long time.”

  “So what happened?”

  “Let’s just say that I knew what to do,” he said proudly. Dimitri stood up, walked over to the sink and put his empty glass in it.

  “And that was?”

  “She’s in your bed.”

  “What?” In his bed? Even though he acted surprised, there was no place he’d rather have her.

  “You heard me. And it worked, by the way. She fell right asleep.”

  “Have I told you what a great beta you are, D?”

  “Yeah, and don’t fuck it up.” Those were Dimitri’s last words as he walked out the door.

  Logan laughed. As sure as he was sitting there, he knew without question that Wynter would challenge and reward him in ways he’d never known. But was she his mate? He’d honestly never given it a thought. Whether out of denial or ignorance, he hadn’t considered why he’d been nearly obsessed with her since they’d met. She’d gotten under his skin; that was for sure. All he knew was that he had to go to her. Whether she forgave him or not, he needed to say his piece.

  On his way up to his bedroom, Logan contemplated what it must be like for her. Her captivity, surviving being bitten and now, her illness or whatever they’d done to her; it was all too much for one wolf, let alone a human to take. Learning to live as a wolf wouldn’t be easy, but he was determined to guide her during her transition. And that was the crux of it. He wanted to be the person who stood at her side, not Jax. In spite of everything, it was the fact she lived with another man that irritated him. The New York Alpha would arrive soon and she’d leave.

  Cracking open his bedroom door, Wynter’s delectable scent hit him, drawing him to her side. Like an angel, she slept peacefully, looking as if she belonged there. In his bed. In his home. The temptation to touch her was great, but he needed to shower before lying down. Not only did the stench of death cling to his clothing, he was reminded of how he’d let Fiona and Luci touch him.

  After a quick shower, Logan toweled the moisture off his body, letting his thoughts wander. He considered what Dimitri had told him about Wynter. How could the Goddess send him a human as a mate? A human who may or may not be a wolf? Who belonged to another Alpha? Shit, it’d been a long night. But knowing the woman was ten feet away in his bed had him wide awake. They needed to have a real discussion before they made love. Unless she submitted to him, accepted him fully as her Alpha, they had no future.

  Steam poured out of the bathroom as he opened the door. The anticipation of touching her again put his system on alert. Even though she was fully covered, he knew the taste of the lovely she-wolf who lay beneath. It would kill him to talk first, play later, but it was the right thing to do. Lifting a corner, he slipped in underneath, his naked skin grazing the sheets. Unable to resist, he slid forward until his chest was against her back and wrapped a hand around her waist. Damn, she was dressed. He supposed he didn’t want Dimitri taking care of ‘everything’. It’d be his pleasure to peel off the flimsy fabric that clung to her body. She stirred and her bottom brushed against his semi-erect shaft. Sweet mother of nature. Soon he’d take her like this, he thought; slamming his cock into her tight pussy from behind. He sucked a breath, willing his self -control to kick in. Better talk quick before I come right here.

  “Wyn, baby.” He kissed the back of her hair, inhaling deeply. She smelled so good, like a breath of fresh air.

  “Hmm,” Wynter responded sleepily. Within seconds, she realized Logan’s hard chest was against her. Something about his scent calmed her wolf. But then she remembered how angry he’d been. “Do you want me to leave?” Please don’t make me go.

  Logan gently rolled her toward him so she was facing him. “No, sweetheart. I want to talk about what happened. What’s happening with us.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, slowly opening her eyes to meet his. On her side, she reached forward and placed her palms to his chest. She swore she could hear his heartbeat.

  He laughed a little. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I was an ass tonight. I shouldn’t have treated you like that.”

  “I didn’t tell you everything. I challenged you in front of everyone,” she responded, looking down to his abdomen. Even though she was supposed to be apologetic, and she truly was, the man made her horny as hell. For the love of God, she could lick him all over and never eat another meal.

  “The challenging business, well, it’s true that’s something we can talk about, but honestly, I was just trying to protect you. It could’ve been dangerous. But the most important thing from now on is that we can’t have any more secrets. Seriously, Wynter. And that includes no more withholding the truth. If I don’t have all the facts, I can’t see the whole picture. It puts all of us at risk.”

  Wynter nodded.

  “Still, I shouldn’t have been so harsh…especially since you haven’t been wolf for very long,” he continued. His eyes roamed over her body; the swell of her cleavage threatened to spill out of her top. “I know you haven’t been around wolves, not in a pack anyway. You haven’t even shifted yet. After everything that’s happened to you…I should’ve gone easier.”

  “No more secrets. I promise. But Jax…”

  “I know you’re worried about Jax, but I’ll talk to him and…” I want you to be mine.

  “I’m not with Jax, not the way you think.”


  “I haven’t had sex with him,” she interrupted. She lowered her eyes and spoke softly. “He’s my guardian. A protector. A friend.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Logan felt as if a thousand pound weight had lifted with the news that she hadn’t slept with Jax.

  “When my parents died, I was only fifteen. Jax, he took me in that very day, and he’s been in my life ever since. He only wants to protect me. That’s why he wanted our relationship to remain kind of unclear…to others. He claims me as his, like you did. After all he’s done for me…you need to understand. I owe him everything. I didn’t want to be disloyal,” she explained and then added, “Growing up, and even now as an adult, he doesn’t want me around the wolves. Well, he’s okay with Mika, but he’d never let me date wolves when I was younger. Believe me, he won’t understand.”

  “I can’t blame him. Wolves, we’re passionate, but aren’t always gentle.” He smiled.

  “Maybe I don’t want gentle,” she said seductively. “Maybe I just need the right wolf.”

  Logan pulled her into an embrace so that her head and body was flush with his. As she molded into him, he wrapped a leg around hers allowing his erection to press into her belly.

  “Logan, there’s something else. I’m so embarrassed, but I need to tell you. Tonight, when I saw you with Fiona and Luci…my wolf, she…she’s so strong�
�I don’t know how to control her…the way I feel…” She couldn’t finish. The jealousy had nauseated her.

  “Wyn,” Logan began, gently raising her chin so she’d look into his eyes. “I’m really sorry. I should have never let Luci touch me after what we had just shared in the club. It was wrong. I shouldn’t have let her near me…not like that, anyway. Let’s just say that if someone had touched you like she’d done to me, I would have…well, you saw how I reacted to Devereoux earlier. Our wolves, they are an extension of ourselves, and sometimes, they feel and act like what they are, animals. As such, they have a tendency to fiercely protect what they perceive to be theirs.”

  Relief swept over Wynter. In response, she rubbed her body against his in a slow rhythm. She pressed her mound into the ridge of his hard shaft, seeking to alleviate the throbbing ache between her legs. She cursed that she was dressed when she felt his velvet tip brush against her inner thigh. Her fingertips dug into his back.

  Logan’s hand slipped from her waist around to her bottom, sliding into her panties. He cupped her ass and traced a finger up and down her cleft, massaging her flesh. His hips pushed into hers, slowly grinding, creating the pressure they both sought.

  “I was so angry when I saw you with them. It’s like I’ve lost control of my emotions. I’ve never been like this before. I can feel it. I’m changing,” she admitted. “But it’s more than that. I know we’ve just met, but I want you so much. I’ve never felt like this…not ever.”

  “I feel the same way. There’s something about you. Us. You have no idea how much I want to make love to you,” he breathed, kissing up the side of her neck until he reached her ear. His low sexy voice reverberated between them as he told her what he planned to do next. “Tonight, you’re mine, Dr. Ryan. All. Night. Long.”

  “My Alpha, I’m yours,” she whispered, baring her throat. Never in her life had she done this for a man, yet she knew what it meant to wolves. Open and vulnerable. Submitting to him, accepting all that he was. The man. The wolf. The Alpha. And before the night was through, she’d be his.


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