Vampire's Crucible

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Vampire's Crucible Page 20

by Yvette Bostic

  I sighed. We needed to go back to Logan’s to get my stuff, but I really needed time with Göksu as well. A movie really shouldn’t override my promise to my elemental, especially after all the shit I gave him for not training me sooner.

  “It’s okay,” Yun said, as if reading my mind. “I understand the whole ‘being a responsible adult’ thing.” She air quoted and smiled. “But we’re definitely having a movie night, just not tonight.”

  “You’re the best,” I said. “You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, whatever.” She waved her hand at me as the boys brought in two recliners. “How much you got left in the truck?” she yelled across the room.

  Otto placed his chair next to the sofa and shot a glare at Yun. “You could be helpful,” he spat. “There are several lamps and shit you can carry.”

  She jumped down off the counter with a grin. “You should’ve said so, stupid.”

  “I shouldn’t have to, tweety-bird.” He stopped in the middle of front doorway, with his hands on his hips, blocking her way.

  “You’ll pay for that, blood sucker.” Yun sauntered up to him, her chin barely reaching his chest.

  I suspected the barb about the bird was directed at her animal form. I didn’t know she was a bird, but it felt rude to ask.

  “You’re not quick enough,” the vampire taunted, staring down at her, his lips twitching into a smile.

  “I don’t have to be quick.” She poked his chest with her finger. “Now move or I’m not helping.”

  Logan appeared by my side, chuckling softly. “Otto never wins,” he whispered. “He thinks he does, but Yun’s too clever for him.”

  “Do it again, tweety-bird,” Otto jeered, swiping her hand away.

  Of course she did, thumping her small finger against his hard chest. I would’ve. In pure vampire style, Otto swept her off her feet, tossed her over his shoulder like a bag of dogfood, and carried her out the door. Yun screamed, slamming her small fists against his back.

  “Reminds me of someone else,” Logan said, following them.

  “That’s not funny,” I mumbled, knowing exactly what he referred to. He’d done the same to me when we first met at Jack’s casino.

  “Yes it is,” Logan called over his shoulder.

  “Damn vampire hearing,” I muttered again.

  Their playful banter eased some of my concerns about Otto. I hadn’t expected the easy relationship between them. The vampire seemed so abrasive towards me last time, like I was nothing more than a snack, until I’d attacked Fiona. Did he treat all humans that way? I didn’t remember Logan treating humans with such indifference, but I hadn’t really had the opportunity to watch him interact either. It probably didn’t matter now anyway.

  Maybe I needed to watch his interaction with Otto. Was his craving for vampire blood making it hard for him to be around his team? That would suck. How could you work with someone you constantly felt the need to consume? No wonder there were no humans in Jonathan’s group of vampires.

  I shook my head as the men maneuvered a large oval table through the door. Yun followed with a chair that matched. Why wasn’t I helping? Because I was being stupid. I walked out to the back of the truck and picked up another chair.

  Yun and Otto left thirty minutes later, leaving me and Logan alone in the cottage. I stood in the space between the living room and dining area, now fully furnished. I shouldn’t feel awkward around Logan, but I did. The new stuff with Kellen made it hard to be comfortable, and I hated it. I didn’t want to lose our easy-going relationship.

  “Where to next?” Logan asked, leaning against the back of the nearest recliner. It rocked with his weight. “And what made you decide to cancel movie night?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied, crossing my arms over my stomach. “And I don’t know.”

  “You need a break from reality, AJ,” Logan said, surprising me. “This might be the only time you get it. As much as I want to believe Kellen, you’re going to get sucked into the role of Magister.”

  I blinked, and his arms wrapped around me. His love and longing embraced me, and my crybaby showed her ugly head. I knew what was coming next, and I didn’t want to hear it.

  “I never should’ve gone back to Kellen’s.” I mumbled.

  “We had to go back,” Logan said. “We can’t win this fight without him and the mages.”

  “Fine. I don’t want to argue with you.”

  “Let’s go see your chick flick,” he offered. “And maybe explore the nightlife afterwards.”

  “And what about my training with Göksu?” I sniffled. “I was supposed to use this time with him.”

  “Make Kellen show you the training rooms,” he replied, pulling me closer. “It’s the best place to practice anyway.”

  “And what about my vampire training?” I mumbled against his chest, not wanting to accept what was coming.

  “I’m sure I can be there for that,” he responded. “But I can’t stay at the palace.” His fingers trailed up and down my spine. “We need information about Jack’s plans. I won’t sit idle while he plots to destroy everything we’ve fought so hard for.”

  I hated his words, regardless of their truth. But I also knew the things he didn’t say. A vampire couldn’t stay at the palace, no matter what Kellen said. I would be putting us both at risk by asking him to be with me. Kellen knew it too, the bastard. My partner only made those promises to lure me in, and it worked. The crack in my heart widened.

  “You’ll come see me as often as you can,” I commanded. “That isn’t a request. I need to be reminded that someone loves me.”

  His lips brushed against mine. “Yes, princess.”

  “I’m also leaving with you as often as I can.”

  “Be quiet and let me help you forget your responsibilities for just one night.”

  “You’ll also keep the short haircut. I really like it,” I said, running my fingers through his hair. I wanted more than one night. I wanted a lifetime, but I wouldn’t get it. “I also liked the earrings, so if you wanted to add them back, I have no objections.”

  His kiss stopped my blabbering, and he swept me off my feet. He stopped and locked the front door before taking me up the steps to the queen-sized bed in the loft.

  Chapter 20

  Logan and I followed the crowd of excited women and bored men out of the theater. I was surprised he sat through two hours of sappy love story. It was hokey and completely unrealistic but also exactly what I needed. The couple in the movie had a happy ending, something I was sure I wouldn’t get.

  The cool night’s breeze felt great when we finally made it to the parking lot. A crescent moon hung low in the sky, and its adoring stars sparkled around it. I took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air filled with car exhaust and sandalwood. Well, shit. How many vampires could possibly smell like sandalwood? Hopefully a ton of them, because I only knew one. Braden.

  “We have company,” Logan whispered.

  “You could have lied to me about it,” I complained.

  “No, not really.”

  The parking lot’s flood lights reflected off Braden’s black sedan parked right next to Logan’s Explorer. My new vision gave me a spectacular view of the offending vampire leaned against the driver’s door smiling at the women walking by. I could only imagine the stupid female responses he received. He was extremely good looking with his blond hair and handsome features. The ridiculously expensive suit he wore hung perfectly from his muscular build. Whatever.

  “Good evening, Alisandra,” Braden purred my name, making the hairs on my neck stand straight up. “Logan, I’m surprised to see you.”

  Logan grabbed my arm, holding me in place. I hadn’t forgotten our last visit from this monster. I really wanted to suck the blood from his body and give it to my vampire. Maybe I would, then leave his shriveled ass laying in the parking lot. Yep, sounded like a great plan to me.

  “What do you want, Braden?” Logan asked.

  The blond vampire’s ey
es landed on me, and I pulled away from Logan. Well, I tried to pull away from Logan, but he stepped behind me and wrapped both arms around my chest.

  Braden chuckled. “Don’t hold her back,” he said. “I’d love to see her on a rampage.”

  “Not if it’s directed at you,” I hissed.

  “Especially if it’s directed at me,” he countered. “Pain is a beautiful aphrodisiac. You should try it sometime.”

  This man was truly sick. “Why are you here?” I asked. I would not be baited by him.

  “I heard a rumor that I thought you might like to share,” he replied, pushing away from his car. “But it’s not something I’ll discuss where anyone could be listening.” His voice dropped significantly, to a point that a normal human couldn’t hear.

  I looked up at Logan, not wanting to give away anything to this monster.

  “He wants us to go for a ride,” Logan said.

  “Oh, hell no!”

  “My thoughts exactly,” my vampire agreed. “How about you join us?” Logan suggested. “I’m sure your minions can follow me easily.”

  “Only if the beautiful young lady sits in the back seat with me,” Braden purred, his eyes drifting down my body.

  “Not happening,” Logan growled.

  “Alisandra?” Braden asked. “I’ll be alone and at the mercy of your wishes. You have nothing to fear from me.”

  “Yeah, right, and I was born to a wealthy family who loved and pampered me my entire life,” I retorted. “Quit the bullshit. It doesn’t work on me.”

  “My, my. You are a treasure.” Braden pulled his eyes from mine, piercing Logan with an icy stare. “Last chance, or the information goes elsewhere.” His voice was once again too low for a normal person to hear.

  Logan grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, his hazel eyes boring into mine.

  “I got this,” I mouthed. I really didn’t think Braden would kill me, not yet, anyway. After he wrested control from Jack, my life was probably forfeit. Until then, he needed me alive.

  “Fine, get in,” Logan grunted.

  “Follow him,” Braden said to the man driving his car, then he opened the back-passenger door of Logan’s SUV and disappeared into the dark interior.

  “This is a bad idea,” Logan whispered, opening the back door on the driver’s side for me.


  I slid into my seat and glanced at Braden, wishing I hadn’t. His eyes roamed my body, making me wish I had anything to cover it with. I flipped him off and buckled my seatbelt. He laughed and leaned towards me.

  “You will one day be mine, my dear,” he whispered.

  “You will be dead before that day,” I whispered back, knowing I shouldn’t have. I wasn’t supposed to hear his comment.

  His pale eyebrows rose, and he drew in a deep breath through his nose.

  “Personal space is a thing,” I said loud enough for everyone to hear and held his widening gaze. “And sniffing people is rude.”

  “You are definitely not your mother,” he said, sliding back out of my space.

  “You just now noticed?” I jeered. “Tell us what you have to say.”

  “My friend Ernesto is devastated by the loss of his men,” Braden said, surprising me with his matter-of-fact tone. “Jack is concerned about the disappearance of Sergey and his entire army.”

  “You’ll have tell me who these people are in order for it to mean anything to me,” I said, turning slightly in my seat to face him.

  “Really? Logan has not explained the vampire hierarchy to you?” His gaze landed on the back of Logan’s head. “Interesting. We have six members of the council, not counting our illustrious leader.” His focus turned back to me and he crossed one leg over his opposite knee, leaning back against the window. “I lead the European vampires. Our history predates any others, and it’s believed we are the forefathers of our kind.”

  I didn’t miss the note of pride in his voice and the slight uptick in his smirk. Why was he sharing so willingly?

  “Simon leads Africa’s vampires. As much as I detest the man, he does a remarkable job. The native African tribes carry deep superstitions about vampires and are relentless when they find one. Yutaka, slimy little bastard that he is, brilliantly handles all of Asia and the eastern islands of Taiwan and the Philippines.” He leaned forward for a moment, tapping Logan’s seat. “Turn right up ahead and stop at the third building on the left.”

  The bastard winked at me before leaning back again. “Then there is Vail, a young and promising new member. He somehow convinced Yutaka to give up Australia and New Zealand. Neither will say a word about the agreement. And finally, our two leaders in question. Ernesto is vile, even for a vampire. He leads the South American clan and is completely onboard with Jack about revealing our secrets. He wishes to enslave humans and breed them like cattle for his own consumption. Any idiot should realize that humans will go to extremes to keep that from happening, including nuclear options. I don’t understand why Jack can’t see this.”

  He rubbed a hand across his jaw, but I noticed he avoided touching his long, blond hair. Was it a vanity thing? Was he afraid to mess it up? It was beautiful, certainly the envy of many women.

  “Lastly, Sergey,” he paused and glanced out the back window, probably to make sure his cronies were still following. “My Russian friend controls his own country as well as the Baltic States and unruly Middle East. I don’t how he manages it, but he does. Quite the accomplishment. His disappearance is disturbing, though.”

  Braden’s eyes fell on me, capturing mine in his. “Ernesto cannot confirm whether or not Sergey’s men fell into that fiery pit you created for them.” He paused, no doubt waiting for me to provide an explanation.

  I smiled.

  He smiled back. “I thought we agreed to share information, Alisandra.”

  “I agreed to share information that would be beneficial to us both,” I said. “You haven’t demonstrated how my knowledge of Sergey’s demise will benefit either of us.”

  “Have I said you’re a treasure?” he asked, his smile widening. “Of course I have. If Sergey is dead, someone will need to take over his region. I might consider taking Russia, but I want nothing to do with the others. Yutaka might consider it.”

  He glanced through the back window again, and his brow furrowed. He put both feet on the floorboards and leaned towards my vampire. “You didn’t stop where I instructed.”

  “No kidding?” Logan asked. “I must have missed it. I know a nice little park we can visit. It should be empty this time of night.”

  “Don’t toy with me, child,” Braden growled.

  “Don’t threaten my vampire,” I warned. “Not everything you heard from Ernesto was exaggerated. And if you haven’t talked to Sergey, you missed the best part.”

  If Ernesto was siding with Jack, but Sergey was going rogue as Yun, Logan, and I suspected, then it made sense that nobody had seen Sergey since he ran. But Braden didn’t need to know that.

  “Are you threatening me?” Braden twisted in the seat and invaded my space. “I’d love to battle with you, little mage.”

  “I would kill you now if I didn’t need your info,” I barely spoke. “If you pull another stunt like you did last time, you won’t walk away.”

  “You honestly believe you can kill me,” he whispered back, sitting so close to me I could feel his breath on my skin. “I can feel no hesitation or deceit, only anger.” He reached up and ran a finger along the left side of my jaw.

  My anger flared with his touch. A razor-sharp shard of air appeared in my hand, and I stabbed his open palm. I expected fury or retaliation, maybe even fear. I got neither. How could I be so stupid? His hands cupped my face, and his lips pressed against mine. Passion that I couldn’t handle slammed into me from this monster. For a split second, I responded with way too much enthusiasm. Luckily, the vehicle swerved and brought me back to reality. I forced another shard of glass into his chest, but his tongue continued its exploration of
mine. What the hell? I bit down hard on the intruder, his blood filling my mouth instantly. I swallowed before I thought about what I was doing, then I gagged. The vampire jerked away from me, but not far enough for my liking, until Logan slammed on the brakes. If not for my seatbelt, I would’ve face-planted into the back of his seat.

  My door opened seconds later, and Logan reached for the buckle to release it. I glared at Braden. Blood dripped from his smiling lips, and his eyes danced across my face. The taste of his blood lingered in my throat.

  “You’ll have to do better than that, my dear,” Braden said, his words slurring from his injured tongue. “I already warned you that I enjoy pain. Your little knives will only make me want you more. And those pleasant little teeth.”

  Logan pulled me from the vehicle and raced to the opposite side of the street.

  “Why the hell would you bait him like that?” my vampire hissed.

  “He threatened you, Logan,” I hissed back.

  “And you gave him more ammunition against you.” He looked over my head towards his vehicle. “He will never stop hunting you now, not until he has you for his own.”

  I heard a car door slam and the soft rumble of an engine fading into the night.

  “You cannot be alone with him, AJ. Do you hear me?” Fear radiated from my vampire. “He will turn you or kill you to keep anyone else from having you.”

  I dropped my head against his chest. I was so stupid thinking I could go up against Braden. That’s what happens when people go on and on about how powerful someone is. It all goes to their head. I should’ve been immune to that. I’d been walked over my whole damn life. How did I let my confidence make me stupid?

  “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “I didn’t think this could get any more complicated, but somehow I succeeded in making it so.”

  He hugged me close but didn’t contradict me. Nor did he tell me not to worry or that it wasn’t my fault. All of it would’ve been a lie, and we both knew it.


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