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Vampire's Crucible

Page 27

by Yvette Bostic

  “Thank you for telling me,” I whispered, lifting my head and meeting his gaze.

  “So I am forgiven for the other night?”

  “Hell no!” I hissed. “You attacked me.”

  “I believe you attacked me first,” he countered.

  “I don’t remember it that way,” I argued. He’d taunted me, but I’d stabbed him first… not that I would admit it.

  His lips curled up into a genuine smile, not that stupid smug expression he was so good at. “How was your trip through the portal?”

  His sudden change of subject made me frown. “Fine, why?”

  “You haven’t noticed a difference trying to use it?”

  “What are you getting at, Braden?” Worry settled in. He knew that I couldn’t do it by myself, which meant he also knew why. How would he know that?

  “That’s what I thought.” His head dipped closer to mine once again. His breath against my skin made me shiver. “My blood is running through you, little mage.”

  He kissed my neck, and I felt a small pinch. Did the bastard just bite me? And what did he mean his blood? I gasped. I’d bit the vile tongue he’d forced into my mouth. How much blood had I swallowed? Shouldn’t I just piss it away or something? My body wouldn’t retain it, would it?

  A drumroll quickly followed by ‘I love Rock-n-Roll’ interrupted my panicked thoughts. Braden released me and took a step back, my feet sliding off his. His gaze held mine, but not involuntarily. I had more questions, and he knew the answers.

  “Shall we get a drink?” he asked, running his tongue across his lips.

  I brushed my fingers against my neck, and he laughed. The skin was smooth, my fingers coming away clean. I glowered at him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a bar in the back corner of the room. I glanced at the dozens of faces around me, looking for Kellen. I hadn’t seen him since Kate and her new friend led him from the dancefloor. I still couldn’t find him, and I really needed to.

  “Two margaritas, please,” Braden said, dropping my hand.

  I continued to scan the room looking for Kellen. I didn’t see Kate either. Where had he gone? Could I assume he was with his sister? It made sense, but an uneasy feeling settled in my gut. A few moments later, a drink appeared in my hand.

  “I’m going back to the table,” I said. “And I still need answers from you.”

  “Any further information will come at a price, little mage,” Braden said, sliding past me. “Let me clear a path for you.”

  He didn’t wait for me to argue. Instead, he politely pushed his way through the crowd to our table. Six empty chairs greeted us. Someone had already cleared away the dinner plates, leaving only fresh glasses of water. I took my chair before Braden had a chance to pull it out for me and swept my hand beneath it looking for my small purse. I found it after several attempts and pulled out my phone. I forgot it was Logan’s phone. I’d left Kellen’s at the house. That wasn’t a very good idea.

  Braden sat next to me, turning sideways in his chair to face me. “Your partner left with his sister and another woman during our dance.”

  “I assumed as much,” I mumbled. My brain caught up with my ears, and my head snapped up. “How do you know so much about my partner when he didn’t recognize you?”

  He draped his arm over the back of his chair and smiled. “There’s a price for the information.”

  “Is there?” I set my purse and phone on the table and mimicked his pose. “What is your price?”

  His smile faltered and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I don’t deal in trivial things.”

  “I would be a fool to assume you did.” I refrained from moving from my wanna-be-relaxed pose. “Tell me your price and I’ll either accept or not.”

  “You’re mine when we defeat Jack.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. No way was that happening. Absolutely not.


  “I will tell you why you can no longer use your portal,” he said. “As well as Thomas’ plans and how they will affect your mages. I’ll also reveal my knowledge of your clan, including the identity of your father.” He leaned back again, assuming his original pose.

  Holy shit. No one else had even hinted at knowing my father. Why did it have to be Braden? “Why would you tell me all that?” I asked, knowing he was luring me into what he wanted. But why me? What could he gain from having me? Not a leaderless North American mage community. Our own council and Kellen would be strong enough by then. The people would trust my partner if we defeated Jack. Braden had to know that.

  “Because you need to know,” he replied. “I’ve been around a very long time. Information is the only power needed to defeat my enemies.”

  “And I’m your enemy.”

  “I’m trying to make you an ally,” he replied.

  “By making me a slave to you.” I bit back the profanity trying to escape my lips.

  “No. By giving you everything you desire and even things you don’t know you desire.” He leaned towards me again, his eyes drawing mine but only for a second. I knew the moment he released me. “I need someone…” He frowned and looked down at his hands. I followed his gaze to his long, bony fingers. His perfectly manicured hands clamped together, turning his knuckles white. “You will never suffer at my hand or anyone else’s if I can prevent it.”

  I wasn’t sure what to think. I stared at him, dumb-founded. What could he possibly need from me that he couldn’t get from anyone else? He had to know I’d never sleep with him or willingly be a blood donor. I’d take my own life before letting him turn me into a vampire.

  “Why me?” I asked, leaning towards him.

  “Agree to my terms and I’ll tell you,” he whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

  Was that pain in his eyes? Sadness? Regret? “I can’t give myself to someone who is incapable of love,” I whispered back.

  “Then we’re done talking.” He turned in his chair and picked up his margarita, taking a long sip.

  I bit my lip, considering things I shouldn’t. His offer wouldn’t be temporary. I’d be his forever, unless I could kill him. The consequences for taking his life would not be good, assuming I could even do it. Shit, shit, shit. Curiosity was about to kill the cat.

  “Twenty-four hours,” I said. “I will be yours for twenty-four hours, but only if we defeat Jack.”

  He glanced at me and set his glass on the table. I expected his smug expression, but it wasn’t what I got. His brows furrowed and a red ring circled his blue eyes. “This oath is unbreakable, Alisandra. Don’t go into this lightly.”

  “Will you tell me what you intend to do with my twenty-four hours?” I asked, my composure slipping rapidly. I still had time to back out. Did I really need to know everything he offered? No and yes.

  “I will only bring you pleasure,” he replied.

  I scoffed, searching for any sign of the lie that had to be there. I couldn’t find one.

  “So, a full day of pleasure for me along with all the information promised by you?” I asked. “Someone’s getting the wrong end of the stick, and I’m pretty sure it has to be me.”

  “You won’t be the only one being pleasured.”

  His smile finally emerged, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he meant. Okay, maybe it wasn’t worth it. Would I seriously whore myself out for a whole day just to get information from this guy? No, I wouldn’t. Logan would hate me, and I’d despise myself even more.

  I glanced around the room. The center was still full of dancing men and women, but most of the tables were empty. Thomas and his father were nowhere in sight, neither were my partner or Kate. That still worried me. He wouldn’t leave without me, would he? That had been the plan, but he was supposed to let me know before he went. Was Braden keeping me distracted while Thomas arranged my kidnapping?

  “I can’t,” I finally said. “I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror if I whored myself out just to gain information.”

  Braden laughed, his amusement reaching every part of his face. I blushed. That wasn’t funny. My image of myself was important. I’d finally started liking the person in the mirror. I wasn’t about to destroy all that.

  “I wasn’t talking about sex,” he said, still smiling. “I wouldn’t object to it obviously, but there are other forms of pleasure that are just as satisfying.”


  He laughed again, and my frown deepened. What the hell was he talking about?

  “Do we have an agreement, now that your virtue will still be intact?”

  “I still don’t know what I’m agreeing to,” I said shaking my head. “What do you expect from me for twenty-four hours?”

  He stretched his hands towards me across the table, palms up.

  “You already know what I like,” he whispered. “I will give you a full day to torture me anyway you wish. With only one stipulation. You cannot kill me.”

  Holy shit. Could I really stab this man for an entire day? Maybe. Probably. My eyes danced from his hands to his face and back again. I was trying to find the downside. Having an outlet for my rage and frustration would be amazing. But that would also make me a demented sadist, wouldn’t it? Maybe not. We wouldn’t be having sex, just torture. I shivered. No, I don’t think I could hurt him without a reason.

  “Last chance,” he whispered, pulling his hands back. “I’ve already revealed more than is good for me.”

  Damn. “Alright.” I held my hand out to him intending to seal our deal with a handshake.

  He placed his palm on his knee just below the edge of the table. I choked down my gasp as he drew a strange symbol in his palm with the single claw from his opposite hand. My eyes widened as I looked up at him. Would he do the same to me? I was allergic to pain. He nodded, and I gave him my shaking hand.

  He lifted my palm to his lips, then his fangs sank into my skin. I clamped my mouth shut, expecting pain. There was nothing, not even a pinch, just an odd sensation from the intrusion. How did he do that? It only lasted for a moment before he lowered my hand. Two small punctures remained, my blood pooling from them. He closed his bleeding palm over mine and bumped my chin with his free hand. His eyes drew mine.

  “I will tell you about your father and your clan. I will also reveal what I know of Thomas’ plans with Jack. And I will tell you why you cannot use your mage portal.”

  I stared at his blue eyes, wondering what the hell I’d gotten myself into. Where the hell was my partner to stop me? He’s supposed to keep me from doing stupid shit. Like this.

  “Tell me what you are giving me, little mage,” Braden whispered.

  I blinked several times. “I will gladly inflict pain on you for twenty-four hours, after we defeat Jack,” I whispered.

  The whites of his eyes disappeared, swallowed by a red so dark it was nearly black. It consumed his blue irises, and fear replaced my indecision. I was in so much trouble.

  Pain surged through my palm, raced up my arm, and slammed into my heart. It stuttered several times, and I gasped.

  “Come, we have much to discuss.” Braden pulled me to my feet, and my knees gave out.

  “What did you do to me?” I tried to sink back into my chair, but he wouldn’t let me, holding me up by my arms.

  “It’s a blood oath, and my blood is very strong,” he replied, like I should know what he was talking about. Whatever.

  “I need a minute,” I hissed. My legs felt like jelly, and my heart still stuttered.


  I can’t help you with this, child.

  You should’ve interrupted the whole thing and told me not to be a dumbass!

  I thought I heard him chuckle. Stupid elemental.

  “We really need to go if you intend to save your partner,” Braden said, shifting his weight and gripping my arm.

  “What do you mean, save my partner?” My heart stuttered again, and I clamped my hand over my chest. Damn, that hurt.

  Braden scooped me up in his arms, and the room blurred by. “Thomas has betrayed his father and kidnapped your partner,” he whispered, racing from the room and down the long corridor. We sped past the portal room and through a narrow archway. “He plans to kill Kellen and force you to marry him. As soon as the union is complete, he will kill his father.”

  “What makes him think I would ever marry him?” I asked. “I can rule our mages without Kellen. I don’t need Thomas.”

  We quickly descended a flight of steps and Braden stopped at a solid wooden door at the bottom. “He will take Logan and force you to cooperate.” He set me on my feet but didn’t let go. “He’ll use your love as a tool to weaken you.”

  Several emotions flickered through me. Had Logan and I been that obvious when Thomas was at the palace? “Does Thomas know what Logan is?”


  “I’d like to keep it that way,” I said.

  “I agree. Revealing myself or my people has never been part of my plan.” He reached for the old, metal door knob, but paused.

  The pain in my chest surged again, and I couldn’t stop the whimper escaping my lips. “Is it supposed to do this?”

  “No. I can hear your heart struggling.” His hand hovered over my chest, and his eyes met mine. “May I?”

  “Whatever,” I muttered. “Why does it hurt?”

  “Have you had another vampire’s blood?” he asked.

  My thoughts immediately went to Logan. I assumed Braden knew, but maybe not.

  “Yes, but it’s been awhile,” I answered, the warmth of his hand on my skin made me shudder. I forced myself to take slow breaths.

  “How much did you drink?” He tilted my chin, forcing me to look at him.

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t exactly coherent when it happened.”

  His eyes danced across my face and I suspected he looked for a lie. “My blood should be strong enough to override his. Not many vampires are as old as I am.” He reached for the door again. “Your heart rate has settled. Let’s go.”

  I wasn’t sure what to think of his comment. Did that mean my bond to Logan would be broken? I hoped not. Would it kill us if it did? I really hoped not. Man, was I stupid.

  “You and I should have no difficulties freeing your partner. Thomas and his crew are not very strong,” Braden said. “But we should avoid using any vampire traits on the guards that will be with him.”

  “I don’t want to kill anyone,” I said. “We’ll disable them and let their justice system take care of the rest.”

  A raised eyebrow was his only reply before he pushed open the door. A dank hallway greeted us, the smell of mold and urine included. The same intermittent sconces hung from the walls.

  “A dungeon? Seriously?” I shook my head and followed Braden down the hall.

  The dirt floor covered the sound of my shoes, and the moss-covered walls dampened everything else. Braden didn’t have to warn me about the voices filtering through the thick air in front of us. One was definitely Thomas, but I didn’t recognize the other.

  “Is he secured?” Thomas asked.

  “Yes, Your Highness,” the man answered.

  “Good, we’ll deal with him after I escort the princess home.”

  I grabbed Braden’s jacket and pulled on it as I backed up. We passed by several doors on our way down the hall. We could hide and let the little bastard pass, then rescue Kellen. Braden didn’t move.

  Damn vampire.

  Chapter 27

  I pushed past the stubborn vampire. I needed to try to settle this with words before we devolved into violence. Braden might have the self-control to fight like a normal person, but I didn’t. Not to mention, I didn’t want to kill a fellow mage.

  “Thomas,” I called out, the damp walls swallowing my voice.

  He stopped a few yards away, blinking and squinting at me. “Alisandra?”

  “We can stop this now, before it goes any farther,” I said, not advancing towards him.

  “Is that Braden with you?”

>   I didn’t miss the fact that he called the vampire by his real name. I should’ve known better. If he was working with Jack, then he would know Braden. How did I not see his lies? Did that mean Jack also knew about Braden’s intentions?

  “Does it matter?” I asked. “Will it change anything you’re doing?”

  “No, but it will change my report to Jack,” he replied, a sneer spreading across his face. “He knew there was a traitor, but he couldn’t figure out who.” Thomas stepped towards me, and two men followed in his wake. “I never would’ve suspected him, though. He’s the golden boy.”

  The kindness I once connected to Thomas was now gone, but so was the modicum of trust I’d placed in the vampire at my side. Jack’s golden boy? I hesitated in my decision, something I really needed to work on. Braden’s fingers wrapped around my arm, and he wasn’t gentle.

  “What makes you think Jack would put his trust in a simple human?” Braden asked. “Had it not occurred to you that I was keeping her busy while you and eight others secured her partner?”

  Thomas snorted. “So, what, you’re here to make sure the job is done?”

  “Again, why would Jack trust you with something so important?” Braden sneered. “Besides, it’s not like you can kill them.”

  “And you can?” The prince’s voice rose with his indignation. “She destroyed Sergey’s entire army and half of Ernesto’s!”

  “One doesn’t become the favorite by accident,” the vampire hissed. “Where is Kellen?”

  Thomas pointed back down the hall. “Last door on the left.”

  Before I realized what happened, Braden tossed me over his shoulder and raced down the hall. My mind raced with him. Was it all an act? Had our blood oath meant nothing to him? If he killed me, did it erase the oath? I should’ve asked that. Fear seeped through my stupidity. Braden implied he would kill us both. Were we sprinting to my death?

  I gasped.

  It would be Logan’s too and he wasn’t even here to defend himself.

  “Thank you for playing along,” Braden whispered, setting me down in front of the last door. “Keep it up for a few more minutes.”

  I nodded, but my fear didn’t subside.


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