Shattered Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 3)

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Shattered Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 3) Page 12

by Anna Moranski

  Maddox caught sight of Skye sitting on a large boulder with a huge smile on her face. He looked over and saw Mike training with Buck. Maddox growled at the sight. She was ogling him. She was staring at Mike, who just happened to be bare chested and sweating, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Maddox gritted his teeth and froze. He had to hold his anger back. Mike had not made a move on Skye since the attack, not once. It wasn’t his fault Skye seemed obsessed with him. Maddox knew it would do no good to hurt Mike. It would only upset Skye and without her memories she would think Maddox was evil. He really wished Skye would forget about Mike already. He felt his patience slipping more and more with every day that passed.

  “I want to train more.” Skye jumped off of the boulder and nearly bounced over to Buck and Mike. They both stopped and looked at her with their eyebrows raised.

  “Skye you should rest more.” Mike said patiently.

  “The doctor cleared me. Besides, I was training before right? The more I sit around doing nothing the worse off I’ll be. I need to be in top condition. So please stop babying me or I’ll kick your ass.” Skye said with a smile.

  “Oh, I’ll let you have this one. If I fought her, I might hurt her a little on purpose.” Buck said with a wink and walked a little distance away, turning back to watch. Mike stood still unsure of what to do.

  “Skye I would rather not fight you.” Mike said.

  “Oh God, come on! I’m bored and I really do feel better. I need something to do or I’ll go freaking insane.” Mike remained unmoving. Skye decided to take matters into her own hands. She swept her leg quickly under him to bring him crashing down on his back on the ground.

  “You fight dirty. I like it.” Buck said with a grin as he watched. Skye flipped him off. “Even better, but no thanks. Kel keeps me too tired for anyone else.”

  After a short pause Mike jumped to his feet, and he decided to train with her. Maddox’s muscled tightened in fear of Mike harming her, but he saw how softly Mike was touching her. Each hit was a pretend hit and never actually made contact other than a whisper of a touch.

  “Do you always fight like this? I’d say you’re fighting like a girl, except Kel and I fight better than this.” Skye teased. She landed a blow on Mike’s bare chest. Skye paused keeping her hand on his chest. She looked up into his eyes. Mike smiled as he grabbed Skye’s arm and twisted it gently around behind her, holding her back against his chest.

  “Never lose sight of what your enemy could do.” Mike reprimanded her. Skye let out a breath of shock at the move. “Did I hurt you?” Mike asked when Skye didn’t try to get out of the maneuver. He gently turned her to face him. Skye shook her head slowly.

  “No, I’m fine. Not hurt.”

  “What’s wrong?” Mike bent close to Skye’s face whispering to her. “Skye tell me.” Skye blinked away a few tears that had suddenly flooded her face from nowhere. Mike groaned and pulled her into his arms, holding her.

  “I’m sorry. I just get so emotional sometimes. I keep getting flashes of memories or visions or something. I don’t know what they are. It confuses me.” Skye cried. Mike smoothed a hand down her hair as he leaned his head on hers.

  “Oh shit!” Buck’s sudden outburst brought Mike and Skye out of the moment. Mike looked up to see Maddox rushing towards him with murder in his eyes.

  “Damn it.” Mike muttered. He pulled Skye behind him just before Maddox made it to them. Buck was instantly by their side.

  “It’s not what it looked like.” Mike said quickly.

  “Yeah man, keep calm.” Buck said.

  “Fuck calm! I’ve been calm. I’ve sat around watching and this is the last straw!” Maddox put his finger in Mike’s face. “I’m tired of sitting in the shadows waiting while you look like a fucking god to her.” His voice was low, but Skye looked around Mike to stare at Maddox completely shocked by his behavior.

  “What is going on?” Skye asked as she stepped beside Mike. Instantly Mike and Maddox both grabbed for her to pull her out of harm’s way. Skye was pulled in two directions and gasped. “Let go!” she snapped. Maddox looked at her and saw the anger and confusion on her face. He let her go quickly. So did Mike.

  “Sorry.” Maddox muttered as he looked down at the ground, ashamed of his actions.

  “What are you thinking? Running over here and threatening my friend for no reason?” Skye interrogated Maddox.

  “Your friend?” Maddox repeated the words back. “Is that all he is to you?” He instantly wished he could have taken the words back right away, but it was too late.

  “What business that is of yours is beyond me.” Skye answered.

  “It is my business if something is going on between the two of you.” Maddox calmly answered.

  “There is nothing between us. I swear.” Mike said. “I’m not going to lie to you about it. I’m not afraid to fight you if I need to, but there is nothing between her and myself. We are just friends.” Skye looked at Mike. She was a little perplexed by his answer.

  “The way she looks at you, watches you, it doesn’t seem that way.” Maddox claimed.

  “I can’t help how Skye looks at me. I’m not doing anything to encourage her.”

  “Whoa! Hold up!” Skye threw her hands up frustrated. “First off, it is no one’s business who I look at or why I’m looking. Secondly. Mike, when did I become so repulsive to you that you act as if being with me is gross or wrong? Not that I’m asking you to be with me, but damn a girl has some pride and you are acting freaking weird right now. And third, why are we answering to Maddox?”

  “I just don’t want there to be any confusion, Skye. We are friends. Nothing more.” Mike answered evenly.

  “That’s nice since I don’t remember proposing to you. What the hell is going on?” she demanded. The three men stood staring at each other not answering. “Oh to hell with this! I’m so sick of everyone treating me like I’m going to fall apart and they have to hide things from me. Yes, I went through something traumatic, but I’m still here. I’m fighting. I had a moment there a minute ago when I got upset. Geez, that is going to happen. No reason for anyone to lose their freaking heads over it.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted that way.” Maddox said looking Skye directly in the eyes. He noticed a small shiver run over her body and he yearned to pull her into his arms to soothe her.

  “Why did you act that way? I don’t care that you did but I demand to know why.” Skye said refusing to back down.

  “Because you are mine!” Maddox answered a little more strongly than he intended. His passion for her was undeniable and had been restrained for too long. Skye’s back straightened at his answer.

  “Excuse me? I’m yours?” She looked at the three guys in front of her. “Since when?” she let out a small chuckle of disbelief.

  “You’ve been mine since the moment we met in school.” Maddox’s voice was huskier now. It made Skye feel as if her insides were warming up. That annoyed the hell out of her.

  “Maddox, I don’t belong to anyone. I haven’t… I mean we haven’t…” she huffed. “I haven’t lead you on that I’m aware of.” She sounded a bit unsure.

  “Skye listen to me please.” Maddox took her hands in his. When she started to pull them away he held a bit tighter. She gave up and looked him in the eyes.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Your memory loss made you forget a lot more. You know that there are gaps of your life missing. I’m part of that. We are dating. We’ve been dating for a while. Almost immediately after I followed you to the skate park that night and stopped that dick of an ex from hitting on you. You were mine when you went missing and it drove me insane. I was so worried about you.” Maddox poured his heart out to her. Skye looked scared.

  “You’ve lost your mind.” she said. Maddox dropped her hands and closed his eyes.

  “No. He’s telling the truth.” Mike spoke up. Skye looked at Mike as if he were crazy as well. Buck nodded in agreement.

h, you guys were all happy and lovely. It was gross for a while.” Buck added.

  “No. I mean, it’s impossible. You’re saying we started dating back then. But I was told, and sort of remember, dating Mike when I was in the other realm. I’m not a cheater.”

  “No. You’re not a cheater. You never cheated on me. We broke up. I lied to you and made you break up with me. I thought if you were away from me that you would be safe from all of this, but I was wrong. You dated Mike. You broke it off with him. When you got back, after a while you finally came back to me. We were happy. I swear this to you.” Maddox told her. Skye looked at him then to Mike.

  “I…” She scrunched up her face trying to think it through. “I’ve had these thoughts about you,” Skye said looking at Maddox “But, I thought it was my imagination. I mean it had to be. We didn’t…” she blushed, “you know?” she asked. Maddox simply nodded in answer.

  “He was your first actually.” Buck said. Maddox shot him a look. “What? She needs to know right?” Skye’s mouth dropped open in shock.

  “First. My first.” She nodded. “Of course, my first was with a demon. Then an elf. Um, did I have sex with anyone else while I was busy getting it on and not remembering?” Skye looked at them with wide eyes.

  “Of course not. It was just us.” Mike said trying to be reassuring but failing horribly.

  “Just.” Skye repeated with a laugh. “I ‘just’ had sex with the two of you. Dated you both. Now you nearly come to blows over me.” Skye rubbed her hand over her face.

  “Are you okay?” Maddox asked softly. Skye let out a chuckle.

  “Yeah. No. I don’t know. This is too much information.” She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, they were sparkling with unshed tears. “So we ARE dating now?” Skye asked Maddox.

  “Yes, we are. We wanted to give you time after what happened to you before dumping all this information on you. Its time you knew. I’ve missed you so badly that it’s driving me crazy. I didn’t mean to attack Mike. I’m so sorry,” he glanced at Mike quickly and then back to Skye, “but when he was holding you, I couldn’t handle it.” Skye rubbed her face again as if she were trying to wake up from a dream.

  “Everyone knows this?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Mike answered. Skye hung her head.

  “Okay. Okay. Okay.” She shook her head. “I need time. I have to be alone. I’m sorry.” She shook her hands at the guys to hold them off from comforting or touching her, then disappeared into the cabin. Maddox looked to Mike.

  “I really am sorry.” Maddox said.

  “Yeah, I get it man. Just chill okay?” Mike answered.

  “Well, that went great… at least I think it did.” Buck said with a goofy grin on his face. Maddox raised his arm and punched Buck in the shoulder hard. “Ouch man. I was just trying to help.” Buck said rubbing his shoulder.

  “Don’t.” Maddox said walking away. Buck shrugged unapologetically and walked off to find Kel.

  Chapter Nineteen

  After Skye had time to process what she had heard from Maddox, Mike, and Buck, she decided to talk to several of her close friends as well as her family to fill in the blanks. She was amazed at how open they all were about her relationship with Maddox. Each and every one of them acted as if it wasn’t weird. Skye still felt weird that she had dated a demon and apparently had sex with him. Interestingly enough, a part of her was starting to accept it quicker than she would have imagined possible.

  Sitting quietly in awe of everything she had recently discovered about herself, especially her relationship with Maddox, Skye couldn’t help but wonder one question. Why? Not why she was attracted to him because that was easy. Maddox was built and sexy as hell. He had also continually showed her his kinder side while they had been in the cabin before she knew he was her boyfriend. ‘Boyfriend’ felt like a weird word when she thought of him. She shook her head to dismiss the random thought.

  Skye had to admit that the stories her family and friends had told her about their relationship had shocked her. None of them had a doubt that Skye had loved Maddox and that Maddox loved her back fiercely. According to them, all of their relationship had been wonderful. Skye couldn’t help but wonder why, if things had been so perfect between them, that Maddox had made up a hurtful lie to break them up?

  Everyone told her it was to protect her and Skye understood he had believed that he was truly protecting her by doing that. It obviously didn’t work. How couldn’t he have seen that a simple break up wouldn’t have changed anything between them was beyond her understanding. Besides being stubborn, Maddox seemed to be smarter than that.

  Skye looked over at Kel, really taking a moment to look at her and appreciate her beautiful friend. Kel was the same amazing person she had always been, yet she seemed to shine brighter inside of because of her love for Buck. It was as if a light switch had been turned on. Now everyone was able to see the beauty inside of Kel that Skye had always known was there.

  “Seriously, how did we both end up with demons? And related demons at that?” Skye snickered as she said it.

  “Simple. You love me so badly that you had to find some way to become related to me. You knew you had to be with Maddox to be closer to me.” Kel said with a wicked grin.

  “That makes absolutely no sense!” Skye laughed at her.

  “Sure it does. My logic is not flawed.” Kel raised her eyebrows in challenge.

  “But I was with Maddox first!” Skye said with a giggle. Kel raised her eyebrow again, but this time she looked intrigued.

  “Did you? How can you be sure if you don’t remember?” Skye let out a small frustrated breath at the question.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe someone told me or maybe I just ‘feel’ it, but it feels right.” Skye looked down thoughtfully.

  “Do you want your memories back?” Kel asked. It was the question she had been dying to ask since Skye had first came back as a blank slate.

  “I do.” Skye said with a small nod. “When I first found out about Maddox, I didn’t want them back. That’s wrong of me. It’s selfish because it wasn’t just my life that has been erased, but my life with all of you. So memories be damned but I want them back.”

  “Why do you want them back though? Is it because you feel obligated to remember him or because you want to?” Kel pushed.

  “Both I think. I’m missing huge pieces of my life and I feel like part of me is missing with them. I want to remember, but the truth is I’m also terrified to remember.”

  “Why would you be afraid?” Kel questioned.

  “What if I do remember and I still don’t love him? Or what if I remember that I do love him? Honestly I don’t know which is worse right now. I feel horrible saying that, but when you are able to remove yourself from a situation you can look at it more logically. Logic tells me that love hurts, but it also tells me that love heals.” Skye sighed. “I’m so screwed, aren’t I?” Kel shook her head.

  “Totally screwed babe.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk.” Skye jokingly flipped her off.

  “Anytime.” Kel seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. “Can I tell you how I feel about it?”

  “Since when do you ask before telling me how you feel?” Kel laughed.

  “True. Good point, so shut up and listen.” Skye made a gesture of zipping her lips and throwing away an imaginary key. “Nice.” Kel commented before focusing on her. “When you were with Maddox it seemed like he was able to help you become who you really are. Before him, you held back. Maybe it was your upbringing with evil step-parents or the thought of losing your dad at an early age, but whatever the reason you found a way to move on with your life. Maddox loves you more than anyone thought was possible. I know this because his annoyingly handsome cousin, aka my fiancé, is still shocked by the changes in Maddox that YOU brought about. You’ve made him a better man. Sure he loses his temper sometimes, but it’s mainly when it comes to protecting you. Or jealousy over Mike but that�
��s only because you bumped uglies with Mike in the other realm.” Skye covered her own face in embarrassment.

  “Really Kel?” Skye couldn’t help busting out into laughter. “You have such a way with words.”

  “I have a way with honesty. I don’t think the toxin made you love Maddox. I think your heart loved him and still does. Whatever your Nanna did to you in that basement messed with your head. I think if you dig deep inside of yourself you will remember your love for him and know it’s real.” Skye reached out and took Kel’s hand in her own.

  “Thanks for being honest, even when it’s more than I really want to know.” Kel winked.

  “If you truly want to remember you need to get off your ass and remember.” Kel said.

  “How?” Skye asked the same question that all of them wondered. How could she get her memories back?

  “I think Evan can help you. He could put you under a spell to show you the past. You know, restore you back to your default settings. Hell if I know, but I’d ask.” Skye laughed.

  “I think my default settings may be outdated.”

  “Drama queen.” Kel joked.

  “Bitch.” Skye shot back smiling.

  “It’s one of the many reasons you love me. Everyone needs an upfront and honest bitch in their lives. You can thank me for it with money, gifts, or both.” Skye let out a raucous laugh at her friend, but she knew she was right.

  She needed to know her past so that she could come to a true decision about her future. How could she possibly decide what was right in her life for the future if she couldn’t even tell if the past was something she needed to continue on with or leave behind her.

  “Evan it is.” Skye muttered as she walked out to find the male witch.

  Evan wasn’t one bit surprised when Skye approached him about finding her lost memories. In fact, he seemed a little annoyed.

  “What took you so damn long to ask? Did you think I couldn’t do it? Did you doubt my awesomeness?” He was snarky Skye noted.

  “I didn’t ask because I needed to make sure I was ready. How could I ever doubt a powerful male witch like you?” Skye said playfully. Evan arched an eyebrow.


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