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ERO Page 38

by F. P. Dorchak

  This is of what She and Qxuill were.

  She and Qxuill may have been many, many millennia in advance of Cherko’s timeline, but he also saw that they were nowhere near Eurphraeus’s even more distant and removed timeline. And Cherko saw that there were different versions of extraterrestrials depending upon the probable versions of timelines visited. Cherko saw that an even closer version than She-and-Qxuill’s historical timeline had gotten involved with Cherko’s at-the-time present-day government. But that elements on both sides of his experienced timeline, present-day and future, had still been too enwrapped within “scientific” principles to see the outcomes of what they were doing. Greed had interfered on both ends, the continued need for power, whether through extraterrestrial science and the historical engineering of the race for their own ends, or Humanity’s power and future engineering of the race for their ends. Throw in a couple wars and international conflicts, and you have the logical conclusion.

  I am an entity that is so vastly removed from the physical realm, Eurphraeus sent, that it is extremely difficult for me to form any corporeal expression in your existence.

  You were never on a UFO? Never abducted me?

  To borrow a familiar term, my platform has never been physical, though distantly ancient memories originated from your timeframe that are directly tied to what I am. Those who abducted you were from your future probabilities. You are an extraordinarily distant ancestor of my consciousness.

  The images came to him as Eurphraeus communicated that last thought.


  A son.

  Cherko and she had created... a son.

  You and I are of the same lineage, Eurphraeus sent.

  The overwhelming feeling of familiarity. The attention and guidance throughout his entire life by alien visitors. It all finally made sense. He wasn’t just some random life form upon which an extraterrestrial race had capriciously decided to bestow its benevolence. No, there was a much more direct tie. A tie that could place everything in much improved, more highly focused perspective.

  The children were the parents.

  There was nothing random about any contact.

  Nothing statistical or otherwise. This was personal.

  This was family.

  Cherko saw... Erica give birth to their son. A boy who’d grown up to be like the father he’d never known. Had also been guided and overseen in a manner not unlike his own Earthly life by alien visitors who’d removed all knowledge of him from Erica’s mind. Aliens who’d made it their business to make sure both Erica and her son were left alone.

  Hidden from prying government eyes and manipulation.

  Left alone to live their lives organically. To live life together as they wanted. Lives masked from government interference as his had not been.

  And the irony of it was that this boy had been his father’s son: had become an astronaut in his own right. Had spawned his own progeny and lineage that had forged out into the deepest, darkest reaches of space until they, too, had become but distant memories themselves....

  You and I are of the same lineage, Eurphraeus had said. And he now saw that. Saw it in all its brilliant, mind-bending, clarity.

  Cherko experienced consciousnesses and probabilities that existed between himself and Eurphraeus. Felt as if his consciousness were a star on the verge of not only a nova, but a gargantuan supernova.

  Each person, he saw, each earthly personality that ever existed had their own Eurphraeus or She or Qxuill. Saw the many future “aliens” visiting their ancestries.

  All of the universe was related.

  Everything—every star, molecule, idea, or life form—was tied to everything else.

  In the timeline Cherko had lived, it was obvious Humanity had gotten out of control. Had focused far too much on the physical. In having barreled down the path of violence and greed and fear it had gone far beyond where it had ever been meant to go. Should ever have tread.

  There were some within the government, an extremely rarified few, who had glimpsed this understanding and learned from it, and some who though had glimpsed this knowledge, had still chosen the path of greed and power. Distorted the efforts of She and her kind for their own ends. Some truly felt Humanity could not handle the extraterrestrial truth; that all of Humanity’s sociological structure would collapse... bring about the end of the world.

  But it had not.

  What had brought about the end of life was humanity’s own self-perpetuating preoccupation with fear.

  Yet Humanity had been where it had needed to be.

  Humanity had finally taking off its training wheels. Finally directly faced its own fears.

  Humanity had to realize no external anything was ever going to save it from itself. Humanity had to learn to live with itself, to answer its own questions, solve its own quandaries.


  Even for advanced beings it is not technologies, nor the corporeal that are important to mankind, but the mind... the soul.

  So, what of me? Where do I go on from here, if there’s no longer any place for me down there?

  Mom. Dad. Carl, Penny, and Ritchie.

  Theresa, Michael, Lisa, and Benjamin.


  All gone.

  Your decision, Eurphraeus answered. You are in-between continuums.

  Cherko saw his answer. Yes, Earth, as he’d known it, had been wiped clean. Was ready to begin anew. In this new beginning—this new reboot—Humanity was but a dim memory, as were Atlantis or Mu.

  Humanity had worn out its welcome.

  A new direction was needed. One that would come and be used in a way human consciousness had never before been used. In peaceful endeavors. Endeavors that would interact and mutually benefit from other “Beyond-Earth” direct contact and cultures—those that have never been corporeal. Artifacts, Cherko saw, from his timeline, would be unearthed, just like Atlantis or the pyramids. Life would go on, as it always did. But even all of what he was seeing was but a sampling of the countless probabilities... each of which would follow their own focus and logical conclusions.

  Cherko also saw that since he was no longer constrained by the physical he could reexamine his life—take a break, as it were—or move on into other realms. He could even experience other probable existences of his previous human continuums, many of which were decidedly more friendly.

  I no longer need my brain?, Cherko asked. Geez, I sound like the Scarecrow. Won’t I die if I... if I leave it?

  The brain, Eurphraeus continued, is an interface for consciousness’s entry into corporeal expression. Because of your current condition you have superseded that obligation.

  I can just... leave?

  You can.

  All reality, Eurphraeus said, is but a change in focus. For me to exhibit myself to you as I do now, in nonphysical discussion, is but a shift in focus. There are no great intergalactic distances involved in space travel or in finding those such as myself. It is all an illusion. As is Time. To contact other intelligences is no different than changing channels on a television or radio. However, in your reality, many have had the settings on the same station for so long they have become stuck. Once unstuck, as you now are, automatically enables other capabilities. Simply put, you are free to roam.

  And all it takes... is a shift in focus?

  Cherko again looked out upon the Earth.

  A once beautiful, blue planet, it now lay dead and lifeless. There had been so much beauty in that world, those lives—births to deaths, families to strangers—all gone.

  Erica and his son.

  All had chosen to focus upon sadness and disharmony to some extent during their lives. Humanity had chosen to explore the darker side to existence.

  It was time for a change.

  A chance to explore all that was good. A world where there was no need for rape, greed, or murder. They simply weren’t programmed into human consciousness. Perhaps the endless reaches of space were more meant to remind humanity of the vast
unknowns within each individual. Were merely a direct construct of that analogy in physical existence...

  Everything affects everything.

  No thought, deed, or action ever went untouched by any other thought, deed, or action.

  Quantum Entanglement.

  I would like to see more, Cherko sent. I want to learn... to move on.

  It will not be without its challenges.

  What is?

  Cherko found himself free from his still orbiting alien platform. Free from a concept of “self.”

  He gazed upon the Earth and smiled.

  On a tiny chunk of dirt and rock illuminated by a nearby star, forces converged and heaved and breathed. Tectonic plates shifted and ground. Cataclysmic fire spewed forth from within deep planetary fissures. Comets slammed into its churning surface...

  And then came the rains.

  Air... sweet and so long gone... returned.

  Something stirred.

  Pushed its way upward with untold restless ferocity borne of incalculably primeval legend... forced its way up through untold millennia of rock and dirt and chaos. Broke the surface in a powerful explosion complete with memory of all that had come before. Civilizations come and gone.

  Bright blue skies.

  Nourishing rains.

  Snow and cold, sun and warmth.

  Birds, bugs, deer, and fish.

  And this time it would not be denied.

  A flower.

  * * * * * * * * *

  About the Author

  F. P. (Frank) Dorchak began writing at the age of six. He writes gritty, realistic paranormal fiction that delves into the realms of the supernatural, the unexplained, and the metaphysical to explore who we are and why we exist. Frank is published in the U.S., Canada, and the Czech Republic with short stories, non-fiction articles, two novels, Sleepwalkers, and The Uninvited, and the story “Tail Gunner,” in The You Belong Collection – Writings And Illustrations By Longmont Area Residents regional anthology.

  Blog, Website, Social Media and E-mail sites:

  Runnin Off at the Mouthwriter blogsite

  Reality Check paranormal blogsite website Goodreads

  @fpdorchak Twitter F. P. Dorchak Author Page Facebook

  [email protected] public contact

  Keep an eye out for additional social media outlets!

  F. P. Dorchak books and short-stories:

  Sleepwalkers (

  The Uninvited (

  “Tail Gunner” page 78, The You Belong Collection – Writings and Illustrations By Longmont Area Residents regional anthology (, #19)

  Research Reading

  ABOVE BLACK, OneTeam Publishing, 1997, 2006, by Dan Sherman, ISBN 0-9660978-0-7

  ALIEN AGENDA, HarperCollinsPublishers, 1997, by Jim Marrs, ISBN 0-06-109686-5

  BODY OF SECRETS, Anchor Books, 2002, by James Bamford, ISBN 0-385-49908-6

  BREAKTHROUGH, HarperCollinsPublishers, 1995, by Whitley Strieber, ISBN 0-06-017653-9

  COMMUNION, Beech Tree Books, 1987, by Whitley Strieber, ISBN 0-688-07086-8

  CRASH AT CORONA, Paraview Special Editions, 2004, by Don Berliner and Stanton Friedman, ISBN 1-931044-89-9

  DARK MISSION: THE SECRET HISTORY OF NASA, BY Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara, Feral House, ISBN 978-1-932595-26-0

  DEEP BLACK, Berkley Books, 1988, by William Burrows, ISBN 0-425-10879-1

  DREAMLAND, Villard, 1998, by Phil Patton, ISBN 0-375-75385-0

  LEAP OF FAITH, Harper Torch, 2002, by Gordon Cooper, ISBN 0-06-109877-9

  ROSWELL: INCONVENIENT FACTS AND THE WILL TO BELIEVE, Prometheus Books, 2001, Carl T. Pflock, ISBN 1-57392-894-1

  RULE BY SECRECY, Perennial, 2001, by Jim Marrs, ISBN 978-0-06-093184-1

  SKY WALKING, Collins/Smithsonian Books, 2006, Tom Jones, ISBN 978-0-06-088436-9

  THAT CRAZY LADY DOWN THE ROAD, Earth Star Publications, 2005, by Judy Messoline, ISBN 0-944851-14-2

  THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL, Pocket Books, 1997, by Colonel Philip J. Corso (Ret.) and William J. Birnes, ISBN 0-671-01756-X

  THE RIGHT STUFF, Bantam Books/Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1979/2001, Tom Wolfe, ISBN 0-553-38135-0

  THE ROSWELL LEGACY, New Page Books, 2009, Jesse and Linda Marcel, Jr., ISBN 978-1-60163-026-1

  The works of Seth, Jane Roberts, and Rob Butts

  The Zeta Reticuli Incident (and Commentary), AstroMedia Corporation, 1976, Terence Dickinson

  TOP SECRET, The Dictionary of Espionage and Intelligence, Citadel Press, 2005, by Bob Burton, ISBN 0-8065-2650-5

  TOP SECRET/MAJIC, Marlowe & Company, 2005, by Stanton T. Friedman. MSc, ISBN 1-56924-342-5

  TRANSFORMATION, Avon Books, 1988, by Whitley Strieber, ISBN 0-380-70535-4

  UFOs AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2002, by Richard M. Dolan, ISBN 1-57174-317-0




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