Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 3

by Meghan Quinn

  Jane pushed Brady off her so he was on his back and she slowly moved her hand that was playing with his chest down to his stomach circling his belly bottom then traveled a little further until she hit his already hard erection.

  “Well, your dick is still there and that seems to be working very well, let me just see if your balls are still attached.”

  Brady laughed in the back of his throat and then let out a groan when she circled his dick with her hand and slowly glided her fingers down to his balls where she faked a gasp of shock.

  “Oh dear I think we might have a problem, there are balls here but my god have they shrunk.”

  Brady grabbed her hand and lifted her off the bed and threw her on her back laughing the whole time. “Why you little pip-squeak, you’re going to get it now!”

  Jane squealed and tried to get away from Brady’s grasp but he was way too strong for her. He captured her mouth in his and she instantly relaxed into his hold. She melted into the bed and let him do his work. They were already naked so there were no clothes to have to fumble with.

  Brady pulled his mouth away from Jane’s and looked down at her. “God I’m so lucky. You really want to be mine for the rest of your life?”

  “More than anything my handsome man.” Jane touched Brady’s face and continued. “Thank you so much for last night it was the most incredible night of my life.”

  Brady gently kissed Jane on the lips and said, “What part are you talking about the proposal or when we got home?”

  Jane playfully swatted Brady. “The proposal you oaf. The sex was sub par.” She knew she was playing with fire.

  “Wow, you really like getting yourself in trouble today don’t you? Don’t make me whip out the handcuffs again.”

  Jane was just about to respond when Brady’s phone rang. She pushed him to the side and saw that it was Marc. “Oh it’s my secret lover, let me get this.”

  “That is strike three sweet thing in bad behavior this morning. You will receive your punishment later tonight!”

  Jane laughed and answered the phone.

  “Hello hot stuff, I can’t talk very long the other man is in the next room and I don’t want him to hear us talking.”

  Marc chuckled on the other line while Brady yelled into the phone, “She is quite feisty this morning Marc, watch out.”

  “Well the two of you still seem to have some spunk left in you. I thought you would be dead tired this morning after fucking all last night.”

  “Marc Sullivan how dare you accuse me of having sex with the man I’m courting before I get married!”

  “Yea, if you guys are not having sex than I’m not either.”

  “Well I see that you have been striking out with Patty so maybe you really aren’t having sex.” Jane said jokingly.

  “Alright Jane, low blow! I will get her to date me someday just you wait and see.”

  “It has been a year and half of this cat and mouse chase when are you going to actually do something about it?”

  “Ugh, I don’t know but that is not why I’m calling. I wanted to see if you and Brady wanted to celebrate and come out to brunch with me. You can invite Molly and even Patty if she’s interested.”

  Jane laughed out loud on the phone. “So basically you want to celebrate our engagement just so you have an excuse to get close to Patty?”

  “I’m insulted Jane Bradley. I thought I was just being a nice guy…”

  Jane cut him off. “Alright I don’t want to hear it. We will meet you at the Marriot for brunch in an hour. I will text Molly and Patty for you.”

  “Thanks Jane and congrats again, see you soon.”

  Jane hung up the phone and threw it on the pillow next to her. “That best friend of yours always has an angle, you know.”

  Brady shook his head in amusement. “He has good intentions…most of the time.”

  Brady started kissing Jane down her neck and across her shoulders stopping right before her breasts. He gently teased her with his tongue and she moaned in aggravation.

  “Brady, please no teasing.”

  “Oh well too bad for you because you were a bad girl today and bad girls don’t get to pick and choose what they want. So you will just have to be teased.”

  He lightly licked her right nipple and she arched her back so her breast was almost in his mouth when he pulled back.

  “Don’t you have some people to contact if we are going to brunch?” He said in between kisses.

  Jane groaned and pulled herself away looking at Brady with a look of distaste. He just crossed his arms behind his head grinning and laying on the bed.

  “You are pure evil, you know that? You better watch out because two people can play at this game.”

  “Oh yea and what do you plan on doing?”

  “Don’t forget Mr. Matthews, I still have my vibrator and I know how to torture you with it.”

  “Don’t you DARE Jane!”

  “Just keep that in mind when you are planning on your torture for me.” Jane said with a wink. She grabbed her phone and sent a group text to Molly, Patty and Albert.

  Jane: Brunch to celebrate our engagement at the Marriot in an hour. It was Marc’s idea.

  Jane threw in the fact that it was Marc’s idea to score some points from Patty for him. Jane thought Marc could use all the help he could get. Everyone but Albert text back and said they would be there. Surprisingly Molly was coming. She really separated herself form Jane lately and Jane did not expect Molly to respond since Molly did not answer her phone last night when Jane tried to call her with the good news.

  Jane grabbed Brady by the arm and said, “Let’s go, handsome. You need to take a shower.”

  “What are you trying to say pip-squeak? Do I stink or something?”

  “No, not at all, I just want to have some shower sex right now for the first time as an engaged couple.” Jane said with a grin.

  “Oh you are a wicked woman you know that?”

  Jane laughed and started the shower, she looked over at Brady who was naked brushing his teeth and smiling at her with a tooth brush hanging out his mouth. She was one lucky lady.


  Molly was struggling this morning. She didn’t really want to go out to brunch but she knew she had to for Jane. She had to at least try to be a good friend even though the last thing she wanted to do was go celebrate the nauseating love that spewed out of Jane and Brady.

  Luke’s parents, Marcia and Jim were not too pleased to smell smoke on Molly’s breath. She didn’t know what their problem was, she didn’t smoke around Winnie, she knew better than that. She used to smoke before she met Luke but when they started dating he helped her quit. He always said he loved making out with her but preferred if she didn’t taste like an ash tray. She started smoking again because frankly, she didn’t care anymore. People come and people go, simple as that so she was not going to worry about saving herself from lung cancer.

  She dressed Winnie in a pair of pink leggings and a baby doll cotton dress. Threw a headband on her head and headed out the door. Molly hated it when Winnie looked at her with such admiration. Molly knew she was a decent mom but Winnie acted like she was some hero to worship, like she was the greatest thing ever. Molly knew that was not the truth by any means. She felt so guilty for not being the best mom but it was so hard when her daughter was the spitting image of her dead father.

  Thank god Luke’s parents enjoyed taking care of her daughter throughout the week. They moved closer to Molly just to spend more time with Winnie. Marcia and Jim never really grew close with Molly, they were always just cordial. Molly had the feeling they were spying on her and making sure she was taking care of their grand-daughter and not just sticking her in a closet until the grandparents came over again. She was depressed but by no means would she ever mistreat her own child. She was not a barbarian!

  Molly remembered the day she gave birth to Winnie. Winnie was a week overdue and it was one hell of a pregnancy. Molly never felt so sick and uncomf
ortable in her entire life. She was losing more weight than gaining weight at the beginning. The doctors were starting to get nervous so they put her on bed rest for the first couple of months. Thankfully, her school she was working for fired her at that point. It didn’t seem like she should be grateful but she was because getting up every day after Luke’s death was too painful.

  She just lied around in Luke’s clothes and ate whatever was in her path when she was on bed rest. When her water finally broke Albert and Jane met her at the hospital and were her “coaches.” Albert just huddled in the corner looking anywhere but toward her lady parts. He said if he saw one in person he might burn on the spot. Jane was a nervous wreck throwing ice chips down Molly’s throat and making Molly breath to the point that Molly thought she was going to hyperventilate. Thirty six hours later Winnie Anne was born. Molly named her Winnie because Molly’s dad’s name was Winfred and Anne after her mom.

  Molly was just pulling up to the Marriot when she realized she had been day dreaming the whole way over. Whenever she did that, especially with Winnie in the car, it freaked her out. Thank god for valet. She pulled in, handed her keys over to the young valet, grabbed Winnie and went through the doors where she spotted Jane and Brady holding hands and looking at each other adoringly. Molly wanted to walk right back out the doors but it was too late, her car was gone and the happy couple spotted her. Damn.

  “Molly!” Jane screamed. She came running over and gave her a big hug. “I’m so glad you and little Winnie could make it.” Jane turned to Winnie and said, “How is my favorite little girl?” Jane took her out of Molly’s hand and was playing around with her. Jane was a pure natural around kids. Molly envied her, she knew someday Jane would be a great mom and would have the cutest kids with Brady.

  “I have something for you little girl.” Jane pulled out a ring pop and handed it to Winnie. “Now we both have big rocks on our fingers.”

  “Are you going to give her something every time you see her?” Molly asked a little too bitterly.

  Jane shrugged off Molly’s bitter tone and answered, “Well of course, I’m her favorite Aunt and that’s what favorite aunts do. Come on, everyone is waiting inside and when I mean everyone I mean Marc and Patty.”

  “Jane are you ever going to stop fixing them up?”

  Jane mocked horror. “I would never do such a thing!”

  Molly realized as they were walking in she actually didn’t say congratulations to Jane or even ask to see her ring. She knew she was being rude. Time to put the big girl pants on and act like a decent human being.

  Molly grabbed Jane by the shoulder before they reached the table and gave her a hug. “Congratulations Jane, I really could not be happier for you and Brady. Let me see the ring.”

  Jane looked like she was going to cry, oh God Molly was not ready for tears. Jane held up her hand and Molly was nearly blinded by the rock on her finger.

  “Jesus!” Molly exclaimed pulled Jane’s hand closer. “You think you could have gotten one any bigger there Brady?”

  Everyone laughed as they sat down.

  “Hey, Marc helped me pick it out.” Brady said.

  “Yes I did, I heard you have to get your lady a bigger diamond to make up for what lacks in the groom’s pants.” Marc said with a wink.

  Brady punched Marc in the arm and said, “Don’t make me whip it out right now.”

  “There will be no whipping out of dicks boys. I would actually like to have a nice brunch and not be flagged in the gossip blogs for having a who’s-dick-is-bigger contest during brunch at the Marriot.

  “Alright but can you at least reassure the table for me?” Brady asked.

  Jane rolled her eyes and said in a mocking monotone voice, “Brady by far has the biggest dick known to man. Oh how it is so big I don’t know how he can even walk since he is practically a tripod.”

  Brady grinned like a fool at Marc. “Wow man, I didn’t know you started brain washing her.”

  Molly was surprisingly entertained by the banter and felt a little guilty that she had not hung out with everyone in a while. She missed everyone. A big reason she was not around her friends a lot recently was not because of Winnie but more because of Austin. She didn’t want anyone to know about their little affair.

  Molly looked over at Marc who kept eyeing Patty. Poor girl, she wanted nothing to do with the man and he was like a wolf stalking his prey. Frankly, Molly thought Patty was crazy. Marc was seriously good looking. He was like your typical all American boy and his eyes were such a beautiful shade of blue she could get lost in them for hours. They are nothing compared to Luke’s steal blue eyes but they were still very nice.

  Winnie was playing on Jane’s lap and twirling the bracelets Jane was wearing when Jane asked Molly, “Will you be my maid of honor and allow Winnie to be my flower girl?”

  Molly knew that question was coming and there was only one answer even though she didn’t want to say it. “We would be honored, Jane.”

  Jane squealed. “Oh thank you so much. You don’t know what this means to me and Patty you will be my bridesmaid right?’

  Patty looked a little shocked but put her tea down long enough to say, “Of course.”

  Marc chimed in. “Well good thing Patty because I heard it’s customary for the bridesmaids to sleep with the best man, so let me know when you’re free.”

  Patty shoved Marc to the side. “How about never Sullivan. You know where we stand.”

  “One of these days Patty Cakes, one of these days I will be the one proposing to you.”

  “Oh is that right?” Patty said “How do you think that? You have known me for over a year and a half now and how far have you gotten in my pants?”

  Brady slapped Marc on the back and said, “She’s got you there man. I think Winnie has a better chance at growing up and getting married then you do of courting Patty.”

  Marc leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Well, I haven’t really been trying. That’s all. Game’s on now.”

  Patty just shrugged her shoulders. Molly could tell Patty was set in her ways and was not going to get anywhere near another man. Molly wondered what her real reasoning was and before she could think she just blurted out, “Are you a lesbian Patty?”

  Jane whacked Molly on the arm. “Molly!”

  Rubbing her arm Molly said, “Sorry I was just curious. Clearly Marc is an extremely handsome man I didn’t know what her deal was and if she didn’t like penis our friend Marc here was clearly barking up the wrong tree.”

  “I’m not a lesbian Molly, I just was in a very bad relationship when I lived in New York and don’t care to be in another at the current moment.” Patty responded shrugging her shoulders.

  Well Molly knew what it felt like not to want to be in another relationship. She was in the same boat. All she wanted was a good screw every once in a while and that was it. She wanted absolutely no emotional connection.


  Patty felt awkward at brunch, she felt like Molly was judging her the whole time. Of course she knew Marc was extremely attractive she actually had never met a man more attractive than Marc. Before she was even working with Jane when she lived in NYC she would watch the Mets play the Braves and Patty would just sit there and stare at Marc on the television. The fact that she was sitting next to him at brunch while he was hitting on her the whole time was unbelievable to her.

  She wished she could date Marc but she didn’t want to get him wrapped up in the chaos that was her life. Gino her ex-boyfriend who emotionally and physically abused her while she was living in NYC was still trying to figure out where she was. He was not very happy that she left him. He keeps telling all her friends how sorry he is and he wants her back. She was not going to fall for that bullshit. He just wanted his punching bag back.

  She heard that ever since she left, he had been tanking at his job and had lost quite a bit of money. She was happy she got out before things got too serious. She couldn’t imagine how he would treat her now
knowing he is close to being fired.

  Marc didn’t need to get tangled up in her life. He would send her emails occasionally and call her from time to time at the office but nothing too serious. Patty knew she was a girl to check off of his list of women he wanted to have sex with. She was nothing special to start anything with and all his outlandish claims of wanting to marry her were just for show.

  After talking about the amazing proposal Brady made last night, some wedding arrangements and what’s coming up this week for work Patty said her good byes to everyone and started walking out to her car. She was in no position to pay for valet services and she enjoyed the walk to her car.

  “Hey Patty, wait up.” Came Marc’s voice from behind her. She groaned. She did not want to talk to him right now. She just wanted to go back to her place take off the summer dress she was wearing slip on some sweats and read her kindle.

  Patty turned around and saw Marc slowing up from a jog. “Hey Marc, what’s up? She said casually.

  “I was wondering what you were doing later tonight.”

  Crap, think of something fast…

  He interrupted her thoughts when he said, “Because I was thinking it might be nice to go for a walk in Centennial Olympic park and catch the late night showing of the Fountain of Rings.”

  God he looked so cute, no she couldn’t do this. She was not dating or seeing or courting anybody for quite a long time.

  Marc caught her before she answered. “Before you say no, I want to go just as friends.”

  Patty was taken back a little. Friends? Was he serious?

  “You’re telling me, you just want to go as friends, no strings attached? No asking for a good night kiss? No holding hands? I know you Sully and I don’t think you can do such a thing.”

  Marc smiled when she called him Sully. That was the nickname all the fans gave him and she found it quite fitting. “I can do that and I will do that. How is this, we make a friend contract.”

  Patty was confused. “A friend contract?”

  “Yes, we will draw up a contract stating that under no circumstances will I make any moves on you nor will we be romantically involved at any point during our friendship.”


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