The Edge of it All

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The Edge of it All Page 17

by Jessica Grayson

  It isn't long before Talel and his men move on. The plan was for Grex and me to remain here at least thirty minutes before making our way to the ship, but the wait is agonizing. With each second that ticks by, I worry that she's been caught.

  Anger burns through my veins. I will kill them if they dare touch her.

  Fear for my Ashaya makes me impatient, and I turn to Grex. "I don't want to wait any longer."

  From his expression, I can tell we are of the same mind in this regard. "Agreed."

  I look back at the shopkeeper. "Thank you for your help."

  He bows low. "My family fought on the side of your House during the last Civil War. May the Creator guide and protect you."

  "May the Creator guide and protect you as well," I reply solemly.

  Dipping my chin in a subtle nod to Grex, we carefully slip out of the shop and into the crowd.

  The journey back to the glider is brief, as I don't have to hide my appearance. We Mosaurans and Lacerta all look alike to the A'kai. The one they're looking for is Liana. Not Grex and me.

  As soon as we step onto the ship, I call out her name, but there is no answer. Rowan and Tr'lani rush to greet me.

  I look to my brother. "Where is Liana?"

  He gives me a confused look. "We thought she was with you."

  Panic tightens my chest. "She should have been here by now. She left before we did."

  Tr'lani pales as she stares over my shoulder at the door, despair easily read in her features.

  My heart begins to race, and despite knowing it is foolish to search for her, everything inside me is urging me to go. I cannot stand the thought of her alone and in danger. Palming my blaster, I turn for the door. "I have to go back out there. I have to find her."

  A heavy hand clamps down on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. I spin to face Rowan, roughly shoving him away. "Do not try to stop me!" I snap.

  Grex steps directly in my path. "Just give her a moment. She may have taken a different route than we did."

  Angry and impatient, I meet his gaze accusingly. "Would you wait if it were Abby?"

  He opens his mouth as if to speak but quickly snaps it shut, confirming the answer to my question.

  When I push him out of the way, he doesn't resist because if our roles were reversed, I know he'd do the same.

  Slamming my hand to the control panel, the door slides open, and my breath catches in my throat when I find Liana standing on the other side.

  Relief floods my system. I gather her into my arms and back us into the glider, quickly sealing the airlock shut behind us. Hugging her tight to my chest, I send a silent prayer of thanks to the Creator that she made it here safely.

  I pull back, and my eyes rake over her form, appraising her for injury. "I was so scared something had happened to you. What took you so long?"

  She removes the hood of her cloak and unfastens the clasp at her neck, allowing the thick material to slide back from her shoulders and drop to the floor.

  I stare in shock at the obsidian blood that mars her clothing. Panic spikes through me before I realize it cannot be hers. Her people bleed red, not black.

  Her eyes flick up to meet mine. "I'm fine. But I was almost caught. I killed one of Talel's men to get away."

  My gaze travels over her form, and I place my hands on her shoulders, sliding them down her arms as if to reassure myself she is unharmed.

  She continues. "The blast drew the attention of his fellow soldiers, and I had to take a longer route to get back here. The entire station is crawling with A'kai. We need to leave. Now."

  Rowan's voice calls out behind us. "She's right. We should hurry."

  We rush to the bridge, and Rowan slams into his chair. He's already punching our destination into the computer as Liana and I take our stations.

  Rowan looks to me. "Take over weapons." His eyes dart to Liana. "You've got control of the ship. I'll double-check our coordinates."

  Her jaw is set in determination as she focuses on the viewscreen. "I'm on it. I've got this. Everyone, hold on."

  Effortlessly, she begins the engine startup sequence, her fingers deftly flying across the control panel. I'm glad she's such a skilled pilot. I doubt we'd be able to pull this off so quickly on our own.

  Panic coils tight around my spine; I won't be able to relax until we've put some distance between the A'kai and us. The ship groans loudly as the docking clamps release. Liana maneuvers the glider away from the station, and I hold my breath while we wait to be cleared to spin up for FTL travel.

  A Hawkan male appears in the viewscreen. He narrows his eyes as he looks to my Ashaya.

  I go still. This is it. They've caught us.

  Liana is frozen in her chair, staring at the screen. Her entire face goes pale; her hands grip the control panel so tightly her knuckles turn white.

  "You are clear for FTL," the Hawkan male says, shutting off the display.

  Without a word, she skillfully completes the sequence. Within seconds, the ship's engines launch into FTL travel, and the stars begin to blur outside the viewscreen.

  As soon as Rowan confirms our course heading, Liana wastes no time activating the cloak and the autopilot before she turns to Tr'lani. I'd been so nervous, I wasn't even aware she was on the bridge with us. "Was the Healer able to do anything for your wings?"

  Tr'lani's golden eyes dim slightly as she looks to her friend. "The Healer said they will have to be rebroken...and then perhaps they can be mended by the MRU. But she was uncertain it would work."

  I notice the slight clench in my brother's jaw at her words. "There has to be another way," he says.

  Tr'lani gives him a pained smile. "You were there, Rowan. You heard what she said just as well as I did."

  He crosses his arms over his chest. "I don't believe it. You shouldn't have to go through all that pain again. We will find another way."

  We. I look to him, and when his eyes meet mine, I know for certain. He has feelings for the Aerilon.

  Liana puts a hand on her shoulder. "When we reach your people, they might know of another way to repair your wings. We can't give up hope."

  Tr'lani's eyes are bright with tears as she nods in agreement. "You're right." She takes a deep breath and swallows thickly before lifting her gaze back to Liana. "I'm going to check on Abby. Would you like to come with me?"


  Chapter 24


  When we enter the med bay, Abby is lying on the bed with Grex seated in a chair beside her, holding her hand. Covered from head to toe in light-green scales, the scarred warrior looks so big and intimidating next to her smaller form. His long, tapered tail is curled around her baby bump as if cradling the child that she carries. Gently, he runs the claw-tipped fingers of his other hand through her long, blonde hair. He leans forward and brushes his lips across her forehead, whispering soothingly to his mate while Tr'lani picks up the scanner and waves it over her abdomen.

  Tears stream down Abby's face while she waits for the results.

  Soran and Rowan enter behind me, and I step closer to see if I can make out anything on Tr'lani's screen.

  Grex whispers softly in her ear. "Please, Abby, do not be so distressed, my cherished one. What happened to you is not your fault. Even if the child is not mine, I will love it just as if it were because half of the child is you, my beloved."

  I draw in a shaking breath as Tr'lani studies the scans. Without thinking, I take Soran's hand as we wait to hear what she's discovered about the baby.

  Tr'lani lifts her gaze to Abby. "The tests are conclusive. Half of the baby's genetic material comes from Grex and the other half from you." She smiles brightly.

  Abby puts her hand to her mouth as she cries tears of joy.

  Grex pulls her into a tight embrace, and I'm so keyed up from everything that's happened, that a tear of happiness slips down my cheek before I quickly brush it away.

  "Is the baby healthy?" Abby asks. "Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?"
r />   With a flick of her wrist, Tr'lani projects an image of the unborn child on a floating screen before us. She grins. "It's a girl."

  My breath hitches in my throat, and I stare in awestruck wonder as the display shows what she'll look like as she gets older. She's beautiful. She has many of Grex's features, appearing more like a Lacerta than a Terran with her light-green scales and long tail.

  But she lacks the sharp ridges that define his brows and cheeks, seeming to favor Abby's softer Terran facial features. She is also missing the sharp spikes that run from the top of his head and down his back and tail, having slightly rounded nubs instead. And where Grex is completely hairless, she has a full head of blonde hair and striking green Terran eyes, inherited from her mother, instead of the vertical slit pupils of a Lacerta.

  Abby looks to Grex. "If we ever find my home world, I hope my parents are still alive to meet their granddaughter."

  Confused, I ask. "Why are you worried they might not still be alive?"

  She turns her attention to me. "When they brought me out of stasis two years ago, one of the Healers that scanned me...they somehow estimated that I'd been asleep in suspended animation for at least thirty to forty years before I was awakened. Maybe more."

  My mouth drifts open in shock. "What? How? I don't understand.” I go still as everything clicks into place. Cold fills me as her green eyes stare into mine, and I realize why she looks so familiar. My mind rebels against the idea even as I know, deep down, that it’s true. "You're Abby Worthy, aren't you?"


  I shake my head softly in disbelief. "No," I barely manage, "you can't be her."

  “Liana, what's wrong?" Soran's voice is in my ear.

  Tears gather at the corners of my eyes. My bottom lip quivers, and I clamp my hand over my mouth to stifle the pitiful sob that escapes me.

  It takes me a moment to compose myself, and when I finally do, despite my best efforts, my voice quavers as my eyes travel over Abby's face. "I knew you looked familiar. You disappeared twenty years ago. I learned all about you and your crew in school when I was just a child. There are so many theories of what could have happened to your ship and now...I know."

  Tears stream down her face. "My you know what happened to my parents?"

  Swallowing against the lump in my throat, I force myself to continue. "Every year, they visit the launch site. All the families of your crew...they leave flowers in remembrance.” My voice catches and I close my eyes, picturing my family, wondering if they do the same for me now. "They thought your shuttle had been destroyed because they never found any trace of it. If you were asleep for that long, how many years was I in stasis? How many years have passed on Terra since I was taken?"

  All this time, I thought it had only been months that I've been gone. It could have actually been years...decades even. My entire family and everyone I love, could be dead.

  Soran's voice pulls me from my despairing thoughts. "The Healers could have been wrong. They've never seen your species before. They may have misinterpreted their readings when they scanned Abby."

  Tr'lani chimes in. "He's right. There's so much I don't understand about your anatomy. Your people are very close to V'loryns, but there are still many differences between you." She looks to Abby. "The fact that your people can procreate with other races is something I've never heard of any other species being capable of. Mixed-species pairings have never resulted in the natural creation of offspring. It has always been impossible…until now."

  Grex nods. "That is why most of the races do not condone such pairings. They consider it unnatural. Many societies condemn them as people included."

  Tr'lani stares at the display, cocking her head to the side as she studies it. "According to these readings, Terran genetic material is highly adaptable. She looks to Abby. "Perhaps that's why you were able to conceive a child naturally with Grex."

  Soran's expression is full of worry and he wraps a protective arm around me, pulling me close to his side. "If the other races discover this, Terrans will be in even more danger than they were before."

  Grex gives him a grim nod. "He's right. Slaves that can be bred will fetch much more on the markets. Once other races find out about Terrans and the fact that they may be breeding compatible with other species…“

  I turn to Abby. "How were you taken? Do you remember anything?"

  She shakes her head. "I went into stasis on the Intrepid and woke up in a cage on an Anguis slave ship. I was alone; I don't know what happened to the rest of my crew."


  As Abby and Liana discuss the similarities of the events surrounding their abductions, it conjures many painful memories for them both. Grex wraps a protective arm around his mate, and I do the same. Tr'lani eyes us discreetly, but it is Rowan's gaze that falls heaviest on me. I see the concern etched in his features. He doesn't want me to be Outcast any more than I do. But I love Liana. Even if she were not my Ashaya, I would love her still.

  She is stronger than anyone I have ever met. It is well known that R'ugol breaks the mind as well as the body. That's why it is such an unspeakable crime...because the victim rarely, if ever, recovers. That she survived and still pushes forward speaks to a strength of will and determination I've never seen in anyone before. A smile tugs at my lips as I think of the fire behind her eyes when she is determined to do something. She is brave. And also very stubborn. Both excellent qualities in a female. If she chooses me and agrees to become my mate...I will give up everything for her.

  Without warning, the ship's proximity sirens begin blaring.

  Worried sea-green eyes find mine. "We have to get to the bridge!"

  As we race through the corridor, Rowan pulls ahead of me. He's always been the faster of the two of us, and he slips through the bridge doors before Liana and I are even close to reaching them.

  As soon as we enter, ice fills my veins. The large black hull of an A'kai cruiser dominates the viewscreen.

  All the color drains from Liana's face. "Can they see us?"

  Rowan shakes his head. "No."

  Liana's fingers fly over her control panel as she checks the glider's systems. The scent of her fear is strong, but her stoic expression betrays nothing as she works at her station. My protective instincts surge, and I desperately wish I could gather her in my arms and reassure her that she is safe. The A'kai cannot see us while we are cloaked.

  Silence fills the bridge as we watch the A'kai cruiser become smaller and smaller in the viewscreen. After what feels like an eternity but I'm certain was no more than half an hour, the ship disappears completely into the black void of space.

  I reach across and take Liana's hand. She gives me a small smile, but the dark circles under her eyes tell me she's exhausted.

  "You should rest," I whisper softly.

  She shakes her head. "I'm not that tired, but I could definitely use a shower." She stands from her chair. "I'll be back in about twenty, and I was thinking...maybe we could talk then?"

  I give her a quick nod before she turns and leaves the bridge.

  As soon as the doors slide shut, Rowan looks to me. "Terrans must have an exceptionally heightened sense of smell. She bathes every day...sometimes even twice," he adds.

  I turn my head, flaring my nostrils to scent myself.

  He arches a questioning brow. "What are you doing?"

  "Do I...smell bad to you?"

  He wrinkles his nose. "Well, now that you mention it, you could definitely benefit from a shower."

  Horrified, my mouth falls open. Oh, Creator. Terrans have sensitive noses, and if Rowan believes I smell, Liana definitely must have thought so as well. Anxiety ripples through me. "Do you think she noticed my odor?“

  A smile tugs at his lips as barely restrained amusement dances behind his eyes.

  "You maltak! I thought you were serious."

  He doubles over with laughter.

  "You think it is fun to tease me like this?" I ask incredulously, and h
is laughter grows even louder. "I am already nervous enough as it is...wondering if she will decide to claim me as hers."

  His laughter dies, and his expression quickly sobers. "You have decided then?" he asks.

  I meet his gaze evenly. "I love her, Rowan. not wish to be without her."

  He glares at me accusingly, but it is easy to see the hurt in his eyes. "And what about your family? What about me? You would give up everything? Become Outcast for her?"

  I shake my head. "You know I don't want to lose you or our family. I do not want to become Outcast."

  "Then, the answer is obvious," he snaps. "You cannot take her as your mate."

  "It's not that simple."

  "Yes, it is," he counters.

  I give him a pointed look. "I've seen you with Tr'lani. You know it is not that simple."

  With a slight clench of his jaw, he looks away but says nothing.

  "What is your plan?" I press, knowing from his expression that I've hit a nerve. "You will just tell her goodbye once we reach her brother's ship? Never see her again?"

  "She doesn't want me," he replies in a voice so low I almost miss it.

  My head jerks back slightly in surprise. "She said that?"

  He shakes his head. "She didn't have to. I overheard her brother mention a male that she was supposed to be joined to before she was taken. Apparently, he has waited for her return all this time."

  "And she wants to be bonded to this other male?"

  "I didn't ask...I couldn't bring myself to."

  "Then, how do you know she still wants him?”

  He gives me a defeated look. "I am Mosauran. Her people are handsome and they are known for their beauty." He gestures to himself. "I look nothing like the males of her species. Why would she desire me when it is clear—from the interested glances she received from nearly every Aerilon male that we passed on Telvo station—she could have any male she wants?"

  I put my hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you speak with her? Tell her how you feel?”

  He lifts his gaze to mine. "Because to pursue her, no matter how much I may wish to, would mean that I would become Outcast. I cannot betray our family when they need me." His eyes stare deep into mine. "Mother and Caryn need us, Soran. The Civil War may be over, but we both know how easily such truces are broken and the devastating consequences of lowering our guard."


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