VAMPIRE ROMANCE: A Witchy Girl (A Vampire In Disguise Book 2, Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Fantasy Dark Demon Romance)

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VAMPIRE ROMANCE: A Witchy Girl (A Vampire In Disguise Book 2, Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Fantasy Dark Demon Romance) Page 9

by Amelia Wilson

  “Mike, are you alright?” Hans said loudly.

  “Yeah, why?” I noticed all of the boys were giving me weird looks, and Lee was staring at me with his judging eyes. I am going to be in a big row with him soon. I can feel it in my bones.

  “You just stopped talking all of a sudden and stood there staring,” Hans said looking at me, concerned.

  “I am okay, let’s go,” Just as I said, that her eyes fell on me. It felt like her heart had stopped all of a sudden as her mouth fell open slightly. I could see her grip tightening on the book her hands held. I smirked, knowing my influence on her. At least she doesn’t hate me. Her friend, too, looked in my direction and just like that she started talking and whatever she said made a tinge of red appear on her cheeks. She pulled her friend by the hand as if furious, and speed-walked in the other direction away from me.

  “Mike, I can see your interest in that new girl,” Lee smirked beside me while the others looked at him and me weirdly.

  “What girl?” I asked as if I don’t know. When all of a sudden, realization dawned upon Tim and Hans, and they started hooting immaturely. The students in the corridor were all giving weird looks in our direction.

  “So Michael Starton is in love?” Hans asked challengingly.

  “I am not in love, you fucker. I can never be,” I said back to him.

  “Well, we know that pretty well.” With that, Lee started walking, and the others followed him. Not having a choice I fell in step with them. So much for being the worst bad boy in our group! I am turning into a mush boy, fuck.

  Chapter-13 Sharon

  “Miss Esther?” Mr. Donovan said from his desk, pushing his grandpa spectacles higher up the bridge of his nose.

  “Yes,” I said, standing up. He beckoned me to his desk, which I obliged, thinking what I had done wrong now.

  “I assume you got back your Maths paper.” He made it sound like a statement instead of a question.

  “Yes, sir,” I said sheepishly. I am not the best person at Maths. I despised it with all my heart. And that hatred reflected off of my paper showing a big ‘F’ on the side.

  “This is the second time you’re failing in my subject. I am sure you’re aware of that?” Okay, now he made it sound like a question.

  “Yeah, I am,” I said. I hope he’s not going to assign extra classes to me. College teachers don’t have time for that. Come on, this is not a school. I don’t want to get sessions with my Maths teacher.

  “I am also noticing that you’re lagging behind what is being taught in the class. Therefore, due to all of these reasons, I am assigning a senior to teach you a bit for the upcoming exam. He’s a splendid student, and I am sure you will progress if he teaches you. I am going to ask him about it when I have a class with him today.”

  “But I don’t need a tutor. I can take lessons from someone in my class.” I tried to reason with him, but I probably sounded almost pleading. Why a senior? Why not Mirabelle? Why not Julian? They are all good at Maths.

  “I am not assigning one of your classmates because they are going to be busy in the upcoming weeks just like you with the tests. The seniors don’t have examinations right now. Now, I am going to ask him to start your classes from tomorrow after school. You two will meet in the library, and he will be giving you classes for two hours. I assume that will be enough for you to pass this test in the upcoming week.” He babbled on about it. I noted the word ‘him’. It’s a guy, and another stuck up senior guy no doubt. Can my life get any better?

  “But sir, my friends won’t have a problem teaching me. They are superb at studies and me—“ I was saying, desperately trying to alter his decision. Two hours, with a complete stranger senior guy in a deserted school. Not a very good idea. Nope, not at all.

  “My decision is not up for negotiation, Miss Esther. Now please take your seat.” He said pushing at his spectacles again.

  I gave him a final disheartened look and turned away, sitting down at my desk. Let’s just think positive. Maybe he’s a nerd, a very innocent person with big Harry Potter-style glasses, only with more thick lenses. Maybe he won’t even pay attention if I was a girl and will only tutor me for the two hours and leave. Yeah, that might be. I am sure if he’s a good student, then he has to be a nerd. Okay, I feel good now, everything will be alright.

  “I assume you got yourself a new Maths tutor?” Mirabelle asked from beside me without looking up from her notebook where she was scribbling down some formula shit.

  “Don’t say that ‘assume’ word again, or else I am going to bite you,” I hated how Mr. Donovan said ‘I assume’ so many times and made me accept a tutor.

  She giggled, “Okay, okay. So who’s going to be YOUR tutor? I bet he has to be exceptionally skilled to teach you Maths.”

  “I can annoy him to death if I don’t even attempt to learn something. He might leave me before the exams. I will be free,” I squealed, and every other student looked my way. I calmed down, embarrassed.

  “Yeah, sure. I am confident you can do that alright. But mind you, I am not going to play the role of your tutor then,” she said sternly.

  “Huh, I don’t need your help. I have Julian. He will teach me.” I said as I looked towards the back desks. He caught me watching him and winked at me with an adorable smile. I liked his smile, but not as much as Michael’s smirk. Ugh, not again. Sharon, don’t think about that bastard.

  “Best of luck to poor Julian then, trying to teach you Maths.” She giggled, and the bell rang, indicating the end of the class.

   Chapter-14 Sharon

  “Okay, bye Shar. Hope you have fun with your new nerd tutor,” Mirabelle said in her chirpy voice.

  “Come on stop teasing me. I am not going to be a goody two shoes for him, I will be the most annoying student that he has ever had to teach,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

  Ashley, Sierra, Gerard, and Jerome were all just coming out through the gate of the college; all prepared to go home. When I had first met them, I had thought we would be the great college group, but it wasn't really like that. We didn’t hit it off as well as I had thought. We weren’t that close friends, and just sat together at lunch time. Mirabelle too was going home in her car, and I would have to catch the bus to get back home. Thank you, Mr. Donovan,, for this thought of yours to help me in Maths. Finally, Julian too climbed down the stairs to get back home.

  “Hey Ju…,” I went up to greet him, and he caught hold of my waist and kissed me softly on my lips.

  “Hi babe,” he said, his eyes fondly taking me in. He stole another kiss, just as I was going to reply. He was obsessed with kissing me. This time, though, I didn’t let the kiss break too soon. I bit onto his lips just as he was going to leave mine; our tongues swirled together in unison as he smiled into the kiss. I could hear, oohs and aahs from behind me, probably from Gerard and Jerome. As we separated, we stared into each other’s eyes, smiling after which Julian let go of my waist and instead settled for holding my hand.

  “So, now that you two are done slurping on each other’s saliva, I think you’re going to be late for your extra class,” Mirabelle said cockily.

  “Gross, ‘Belle, shut up. When you had a boyfriend, you used to push your tongue down his throat all the time,” I said back to her with a smirk.

  “Shut up. Julian, are you coming?” She said looking at Julian.

  “Yeah, we should probably go. Sharon wouldn’t want to be late for her first extra class,” he chuckled. He was clearly happy to tease me about it as well.

  I rolled my eyes, “You two are the same. I promise to send him away by the third day. And Julian, then you’re going to be my teacher,” I said, twirling my hands around his neck.

  “I would love to teach you Maths as well as many other things which include an element of sexy in it as well,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

  I lightly smacked his chest, “Sure you do lover boy, now go,” I pushed him playfully.

  “Bye ‘Belle,” I said as she w
aved the back of her hand while walking towards her car.

  I sighed and started walking up to the library where my tutor was supposed to be there right now. This was ridiculous. I am in college, yet I have to take tuition classes from a senior. I could just bunk his tutoring class and go home. But then again, I couldn’t do that; he would probably complain to Mr. Donovan, and I would be in more of a problem.

  The library was empty except for the librarian. I gave her my name and told her about the tutoring, to which she just nodded her head and said that there was a guy at the last table behind the shelves of Maths books. Okay, this was not good news, that table is completely hidden behind the several shelves of books.

  He could, well, be a serial killer. Stop giving stupid excuses Sharon, and just go with it. How bad can it be? I started walking towards the table and there was my tutor.

  Sitting hunched over, and looking out the window. He probably heard my footsteps and turned around, and oh boy, this was not good. This was not good at all. I had stopped walking and stared blankly at him.

  Chapter-15 Michael

  I smirked, looking at her shocked and surprised condition. Her mouth had slightly opened, and her eyes bulged out wide; she looked comical. She started looking around, probably thinking she had someone else as a tutor, and I was just sitting there. As she completed her inspection, not finding anyone else, she looked back to me.

  “Are you here to take extra classes too?” she asked, trying to reassure herself that was how it was.

  I chuckled. “No babe, I am here to tutor you,” I said, still smiling, and patting the seat beside me for her to sit down.

  There it goes again; her mouth fell open, and if it were not attached to her jaw, it would have probably touched the ground. She looked from me to the seat and then back to me.

  “You’re bluffing!” she said, throwing her hands up in the air and immediately we could hear the librarian making annoyed noises, to keep us quiet.

  “Well, I am not. Now will you please sit down and let me start your tutoring? I don’t want to get the bad mouth for your results in the upcoming tests.” I said matter of factly. I always take my jobs seriously.

  She reluctantly took the seat beside me and slid it a bit further away from me.

  “So, Mr. Donovan asked me to help you, saying that you’re quite much of a topper in Maths,” I chuckled, and I could see her face going red. This was cute. “How about we start with something easy?”

  I started with the basics, and every time I would explain something and ask her to do a problem, she would just stare at her notebook and the textbook. She wouldn’t tell me that she couldn’t understand or anything, she would just sit there. I thought maybe she was too proud to say that she can’t understand so I explained the chapter to her about five times and yet she still wouldn’t understand. I couldn’t control it anymore. I am not a patient person, but for her sake, I tried.

  “Where the hell is your mind? Are you even listening to what I am saying? It’s been one hour, and yet you haven’t done a single problem. What the hell are you trying to do?” I said exasperatedly.

  “I am not interested in learning anything from a douchebag, good-for-nothing person like you,” now she talks with a calm voice. It was like the calm and pleasant environment you have before a storm.

  “I don’t have any interest in teaching you what I had to learn with my own hard work. I am trying to teach you every shortcut and trick I have ever used so that you can get a good grade. If it weren't for you, I never would have agreed to do this, so just get your head in the game and get this shit over with,” I said back.

  “That’s the damn problem. This is the problem. You go kissing me when you perfectly know I am dating someone, and then you would act like it never happened. You just ignore me after that like you never knew me. I mean, why the hell are you doing this for me?” She said, anger evident in her voice.

  She was going to say more, but I guess this was enough to trigger something in me, and I crashed my lips on hers. Like the last time, this time too, she was surprised. Oh, how I missed the feeling of her mouth! It had been weeks, and I had to see her kissing and hugging Julian, who didn’t even know how to protect her. Whenever I saw them together, I wanted just to snatch her away from him and kiss her senseless, to show her who is better for her. But this was so good, after such a long time. She tried to push me away. But I caught hold of her neck to make her stay in place and kept hold of her lips. After a couple of moments, she melted into my kiss. She started kissing me back. As my tongue entered her mouth touching hers, she moaned loudly, and I drank up all of it. She bit my lower lip, and as much as I hate it, I made a muffled moan too. I could feel her trembling hands; I smirked at the reaction I left on her and slowly released her lips. As we parted, her hands were still held in mine, and she looked back to my mouth. Then suddenly, as if she had woken up from a trance, she shook my hands off from her wrists and stood up in the flash of an eye.

  “Oh no, you’re not doing this again. I am leaving,” she said hurriedly packing her books into her bag.

  “Sharon.” I said calmly.

  “No, I am not listening to you…” She was still trying to get her belongings into her bag.

  “Sharon!” I said louder this time.

  “What?” she shouted. And the sound ‘shhh’ echoed in the library. The librarian didn’t like this sort of noise in her peaceful heaven.

  “Sit down,” I said, looking straight into her ocean blue eyes, swirling into different waves from her emotions.

  She sat down slowly, looking at me and kept her bag down with half of the books tumbling out of it.

  “I am not going to endure you ignoring me after this kiss,” she said with defiance.

  “Then what the hell do you want?” I lost my calm again, but managed to keep my voice level so that she could only hear it. “What do you want, huh? You’re dating a guy and sucking face with him. What was I supposed to say to you when you were leaving my house the other day? Was it appropriate to say, no Sharon don’t go, I want to kiss you more? Was it?”

  She was dumb-founded and just stared at me with those big blue eyes. I sighed.

  “Look, I am not good at sharing feelings. And I do shit things, and you are dating someone else. But I tried to overlook you, I slept with others and did shit.” Her eyes narrowed at that statement, “I like you alright? From the first day you slapped me in front of the whole damn college. I know this is weird, but yeah, I liked your defiance and your no-nonsense attitude. You don’t throw yourself at me like the other girls,” I nervously laughed and ran my hands through my hair.

  “So you like me?” It was like she didn’t hear anything else but just that.

  “Yeah, I said that, didn’t I?” This time, she sighed.

  “You know I should go, let’s just have our tutoring classes tomorrow when we are both in a fresh mind.” She said back to me, standing up and this time, there was no stopping her. I quietly got up too, and followed her down the stairs outside, bidding farewell to the librarian.

  “I can just leave you at your house, I have my car,” I offered.

  “No, it’s okay, I will just—“ I knew what she was going to say, and I didn’t like her being crowded up on that bus.

  “Just sit alright? I am not going to eat you,” I said.

  She looked down and obeyed, finally for the first time. I opened the door for her, and she sat down without a word. As I started to drive, I thought it was maybe better for her to go by bus or something. The tension was suffocating. I drove in silence and with the help of her directions reached her house. She didn’t say a word to me as she left my car, probably to enter her parents’ house.


  I hadn’t got over the first kiss I had shared with Michael, and there he entered with another. Don’t get the wrong impression; it was amazing, I felt I was on cloud nine each and every time his tongue touched mine. But I had a boyfriend, how can I do this to him? I hadn’t said anything to h
im about the first kiss Michael and I had sneaked in, and now I have another. The types of thoughts were racing through my mind when Michael left me at my house. I didn’t turn back to say anything to him. It felt weird and awkward. He confessed he liked me and no wonder, if it turns out to be more than that in the future.

  “Sharon, are you back darling?” Mum said from the kitchen, probably making our dinner. I didn’t understand how the time flew by when I was with him.

  “Yeah, I am back, I am just going to my room,” I said already starting to climb the stairs.

  “Why? Are you ill or something?” she said hurriedly. I could picture her worried figure standing in the kitchen, stopping all of the work she was doing.

  “No, I am just a bit tired with all of the additional study for Maths. Don’t worry,” I said back to her, already half way up the stairs.

  “Alright,” I heard her faint, almost non-existent voice from the kitchen as I entered my room and closed the door. I flopped down on my bed and sighed. My empty light blue ceiling stared back at me.


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