Linus at Large: An Undraland Blood Novel

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Linus at Large: An Undraland Blood Novel Page 4

by Mary E. Twomey

  Tucker motioned me over to him, holding out a purple velvet pouch. “Here. Put Clara Barton inside. I won’t cinch it shut, so she can climb out if she wants. But this way our hands’ll be free.”

  I went to put her inside, but paused. “Wait. What was in this?” It looked similar to Jens’s old one.

  Tucker’s voice quieted. “Oh, nothing we needed. Just the rest of my lavender powder.” He wouldn’t look at me. “I dumped it into the stream. Figured Jens didn’t need the temptation, and I didn’t need it at all.”

  My mouth fell open. There had been no big talks about him cleaning up. There had been no threats. I’d pretty much just accepted that Tucker was who he was. As soon as Clara Barton was secured in the pouch around his neck, I wrapped my arms around Tucker, who bent over to accommodate my stature. “I didn’t know you were even thinking about doing that.”

  “I wasn’t, and then I took that damned oath to protect Jamie. Ever since then, it doesn’t work as well when I try to escape. I feel guilty, which is a first for me. Didn’t know I was capable.”

  “Good to know you’ve got humanity buried down in there somewhere.” I pulled away so I could look into his eyes. “But seriously, that’s a big deal. I’m here if you need anything.” When he went to open his mouth, I stopped him. “Unless it’s something pervy.”

  Tucker deflated. “Oh, well, that takes all the fun out of it.”


  My Butt

  When Foss drew his machete, Linus was fascinated. When my brother saw that the only thing it was going to be used for was hacking off branches and vines, he was less enthused. We all gave Foss a wide berth as he chipped away at the forest that was more like a wall with holes than actual nature. Jens had been right; this was going to take forever. I didn’t want to get caught here at night.

  When we came to a section that was pure crisscrossed thick trees, Foss took a break, his naked chest heaving. “This can’t cut through trunks this wide. And even if I could get one of the thicker branches, it wouldn’t be wide enough for us to fit through.” He pointed up to a hole large enough near the tops of the trees, but the distance was far too high and steep to be safe.

  The greenery was only at the very tops of the tall trees. The trunks were so thick and tight together that the sun didn’t illuminate much. Though it was early evening, it looked like nine o’clock.

  Jens and Jamie poked around while Linus and I hung back with Tucker, just trying to stay out of the way of the lumberjacks. “I could Tetris the crap out of this so fast,” Linus commented of the zigzag patterns that left little room for a misplaced piece.

  I was searching, too, but not up high. My eyes fell on a hole on the ground between two large trees that were bent at opposite angles, jutting inward and leaving a small space you could see through at the base. I moved over to it and crouched down, peering through to see how much room there was. “Hey, Jens? Do you have some rope in your Mary Poppins bag?”

  “I wish you’d stop calling it that. But yes.” The forest left little room for air to circulate, and the heat buildup was daunting. The guys had all given up on shirts about an hour ago. Of course, I had no such option.

  “How much? Like, enough to get up and over?”

  Jens shook his head. “That wouldn’t work, babe. Even if we could throw it through that hole up there, it would need to be tied on the other side to be useful.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Really? You’re a smarty. Is it long enough?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “I think I can fit through that hole there. If I can get to the other side of the wall, and you can throw the end through the hole up there, I’ll tie it to something and you all can climb over.”

  Jens blinked at me. “Avert your eyes Line, your sister’s about to get kissed.”

  Linus was a good sport. “Ho! Look at that tree over yonder. Never seen anything like it before. It’s loads different than any other tree in this forest.”

  Jens kissed me, and I could taste his gratitude. “Thanks. I wasn’t sure how we were going to get through.”

  “Thank me if it actually works.” I walked over to the hole and got down on my knees, wishing being smaller than the others wasn’t the only useful skill I possessed.

  My head fit through just fine, but my shoulders required a little wiggling until I pushed through up to my waist. That’s where we hit a snag. I jerked and pulled at my lower half, but it wouldn’t budge. The world on the other side of the tree wall was much the same, but with a small clearing that would make the perfect landing spot for the guys if I actually made it all the way over.

  I tried to slide through again. “My hips won’t fit!” Then panic really started to well up in me when I somehow couldn’t get my shoulders back out the way they came in.

  “Probably shouldn’t give you a wedgie now, right?”

  “Shut up, Linus! Don’t you dare! I’m freaking out!”

  “Sorry. Try it again.”

  I tried to drag my body through, but it still didn’t work. I whimpered and kicked my legs. “I’m stuck!”

  Foss was instructing Jens in a low voice I couldn’t quite decipher, and then I felt my boyfriend’s hands on my hips. I jumped, bumping the small of my back on the top of the hole.

  “Sorry, Mox. Foss, what do you want me to do? Like this?” I heard more mumbling, and then Jens’s hands pushed on my butt.

  “This is humiliating.”

  It could be worse, Jamie laughed.

  You shut up! This is so embarrassing! I’m going on a diet first thing when we get back.

  Jamie’s reply was sharp. Don’t you dare. We’re trying to gain weight, not lose it. You’re still too slim for my liking.

  Tell it to my sweet can.

  Jens pushed on my butt again, and I struggled forward, but not enough to get me through. “I can’t get it flat enough! What, Tuck?”

  “Don’t you dare let Tucker touch my butt!” I called, my face red. This had seemed like such a solid plan a few seconds ago. Something crawled up the leg of my jeans, and I bucked like a bull coming out of the pen. “Ah! There’s a spider on my ankle! Get it off!”

  “Knock it off, Linus.” Jens mumbled to Foss again, and then I felt someone hovering above my legs, probably straddling my calves, judging by the slight brush of the material.

  Foss’s voice was low, directed just to me. “Calm down and get ready to pull yourself forward. This might pinch a little, but you can handle it.”

  I covered my face in my hands when Foss’s fingers brushed my hips. I knew Jens was watching the blush that no doubt crept down my body and was probably visible above the waist of my jeans. He could see the goose bumps erupting on my skin and no doubt sense my attraction that was laced with embarrassment. Though it was getting dark, I felt very exposed.

  “Lucy, are you listening?”

  “No! I’m freaking out! I thought this would work, but I’m totally stuck in here!” My voice was mournful, and I hated the sound of the pathetic whine.

  Foss’s reply was gentle, like he knew exactly how tender he needed to be to soothe my nerves. “Hey, this is nothing. Jens was just afraid of hurting you.” When my legs reacted to this, he added. “I’m not going to hurt you. Relax. Now prop yourself up on your elbows so your hips are lower.”

  I followed the instructions, bending my back as Foss pressed his fingers down on my butt.

  “Now pull yourself through, and I’ll push. Go ahead.”

  I clawed at the ground with little hope, but was gleefully surprised when I actually moved forward an inch at a time. “It’s working!”

  “That’s right, honey. Go on through.” His hands slipped from my butt and caressed my thighs, scorching my body with heat I didn’t want to feel.

  I was ashamed that Jens had to watch Foss grope my booty in the most respectful way one could do such a thing. When I got to the other side, I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my chagrin in my folded arms.

  It’s alright. Jens is fine. Foss
isn’t gloating. Are you alright? I felt a little scrape on my hips. Oh! Jamie cut short, and I heard him yell, “Am I bleeding? Is she bleeding?”

  Linus answered with a confused frown. “You’re fine. It’s just a little scratch. Oh, but Lucy’s scratched, too. You alright, Loos?”

  “Not that! Her blood!”

  The panic built in me again like the ticks up the hill of a roller coaster until Tucker said, “No. It didn’t draw blood. You okay, älskling?”

  “Well, I died of embarrassment seven times through that whole ordeal, but other than that, I’m fine. Thanks, Foss.” I looked through Jamie’s eyes and saw Foss and Jens avoiding each other’s gazes altogether. What a mess. I stood and wiped the dirt off my jeans. “Okay, toss the rope over.”

  Jens called to me after the rope banged through the gap overhead on the fourth attempt. “I can talk you through how to tie a proper knot.”

  Foss’s answer had the hint of a jab to it. “She knows. I taught her on the boat while you were off living it up in Bedra.”

  “Oh, she knows?” Jens fumed.

  Foss was cruel. I could hear it in his tone. “Oh, she knows.”

  Jamie, do something! Stop this before it gets out of control.

  I heard Jamie mediating, and was forever grateful for his diplomatic ways. I made quick work of tying the knot around a tree, and then looping the thick trunk next to it and tying it again.

  When Foss swung his leg over the tall wall of trees that was at least three stories off the ground, my scream stayed in my throat as he glided down the steep decline.

  He landed with a thud on his feet, and without a word, I was caught up in his arms, slamming my mental door shut tight. His embrace lifted me off the earth as he placed silent kisses all over my face and neck. We’d been in far more harrowing situations before this, but I felt the fear afresh, and thus, made terrible decisions. I let Foss stroke my hips, paying reparations to the small bumps they’d endured. My breath came out heavy and laced with desire I didn’t know how not to feel when Foss got too near me. I pulled away when his hand brushed over my backside, knowing I needed to take a breather from him before I fell harder than either of us could resurface from.

  Foss released me like a gun had abruptly been pointed in his face, dropping me down and putting his hands above his head as he took several steps back with wide eyes. I did the same, backing away from the thing that would only hurt us both. Foss took one step forward, and I shook my head in warning. Thankfully, he stopped, and the only thing we shared was heated eye contact and too many feelings for words. It was a good thing there were no words. Even that might have set us on fire and sunk everything for good.

  Foss moved slowly and with purpose to the small opening. “Okay, I landed. Careful on your way down, though. Rope burn, and the drop’s steep. Leave the rope tied on both ends so that we can get over the wall when we come back this way. There’s a notch towards the top you can get a foothold on for leverage to pull your other leg over. Take your time, and don’t fall.”

  Unfortunately, “take your time” was necessary, so the sky was completely dark when Jens slid down last. Tucker had fed Clara Barton through the small hole near the ground, and I wasn’t quite ready to give her back yet. She snuggled to my chest, and I couldn’t stop petting her.

  Jens dusted himself off. “Next time we do this, I’m shimmying through the gap, and Foss can stroke my sweet cheeks all he wants.”

  “Foss’ll have to get in line,” I teased, glad to be in my boyfriend’s arms. His scent was soothing, and his bulk was healing. I was glad I hadn’t buckled and made out with Foss. We were moving on. It was slow and painful, but the progress was there.

  Linus was beaming at the bout of strength he’d exhibited climbing up the rope. There had been times the chemo had left him with barely the ability to get out of bed. That he was a beast now was a Karmic reward that was gratifying to watch.

  The guys turned as one to the thick mess of trees that was maneuverable in daylight, but not so much in the darkness that had settled in. Tucker clicked his fingers like a lighter. The combination of his fire and my starry hands illuminated just enough to let us move into the thick entanglement.

  There were a few “oof”s and “I’m stuck”s before Jens made the executive decision to turn back to the wall. “There’s just no point. I’m thinking we’re about halfway through the forest. We can hit the other half tomorrow. It’s not worth the twisted ankles and scrapes to get to the Darklands exhausted.”

  We turned back to the clearing, realizing Jens was right. We’d barely made it more than half a mile through the forest. The clearing wasn’t nearly big enough for everyone to stretch out, but it was better than nothing.

  Jamie and I set to making as flat a space as possible for us to sleep on. “I’ll take first watch,” I volunteered. I could tell Jens wanted to argue, but given my nighttime chaos, it was best I let them get some shuteye. Hopefully I would get a nap in just as the sun was coming up, so Linus didn’t have to know about the whole sirens torturing us bit. I wasn’t quite sure how much longer I could keep that little gem from him.

  Jamie picked enough thoughts out of my head to form an opinion on them and frowned at me. Eventually it’ll have to come out. Wouldn’t you rather tell him than have him find out when you start screaming?

  I would just rather the whole problem not exist, so that’s how we’re going with this. We’ll make it out of Undraland, and you can tell him all about it. I’ll be in Mexico.

  You’re running, Jamie observed with obvious judgment.

  I offered up a grin as I rubbed Clara Barton’s fuzzy ear between my thumb and forefinger. I’ve got the shoes for it. I made myself a little spot to sit on so I didn’t get too comfortable and fall asleep. Linus didn’t tell me about Jens or Undraland. I don’t have to tell him things he doesn’t need to know.

  Jamie’s remarks were too negative for my taste, so I ignored them. The bond’s going to be broken soon. You’ll be good and rid of me in another day! What’s the first thing you’re going to do with your newfound freedom?

  Instead of answering me, Jamie closed the distance between us and sat by my side, wrapping an arm around me and squeezing in a way that made unbidden emotion rise in my throat. I swallowed it down before I could admit that part of me would miss my constant brother. He’d been my Linus Band-Aid, and I loved him for it.

  But now you have Linus, he said to me, his thicker lips speaking truth into my hair as he inhaled. I love you, too, and I’ll still be your brother.

  “Okay, you’re going to make me cry. Go to your corner,” I ordered aloud.

  “Huh?” Linus turned to look at me.

  I motioned to Jamie, who gave Clara Barton a light pat before finding his spot on the ground. “Nothing. Just talking to Jamie.”

  “That is freaky. I’m not sure how you all got used to that. I mean, how can you tell who’s talking out loud, and who’s in your head?”

  I didn’t want to tell Linus that sometimes I couldn’t put my finger on the difference. Turns out, there was a lot I didn’t want to tell Linus. “Get some sleep, guys.”

  Jens kissed me just enough to make me swoon, but not so much as to flaunt anything. The star he’d taken from my blood and placed on his cheek blinked at me in the dark. “You sure you’re alright to keep watch?”

  “I’m like, human caffeine. Couldn’t sleep a wink.” It was one hundred percent the truth. Though I could have used about a week of sleep, I was too afraid to let the crazy loose in front of Linus just yet. He was dealing with a lot. “You alright, Line?” I asked, noticing his pensive look up at the trees as he lay on his back.

  “Probably. Mom and Dad are gone. I’m not sure when that’ll hit me, but it’s coming. Could we pretend the two of us are just on a trip or something, and we can deal with it when we go back to our world and they’re not there?”

  I gave my brother my most compassionate smile, knowing exactly how he felt. “Sure, Linus.”

bsp; Jens laid down at my feet next to Linus. “We’re here, man. You’re dealing with a lot right now. It’s supposed to be overwhelming.”

  Linus nodded. “That’s good, because it’s like a swirl of too much up in here.” He tapped his forehead.

  Tucker’s voice was thoughtful, which wasn’t all that like him. “So it’s probably a bad idea to talk about if or when you’d like me to school you in the elfin arts.”

  Linus’s nose scrunched like mine did when he was confused, or when I’d added too much hot sauce to his dinner when he wasn’t looking. “Arts, like painting?”

  Tucker chuckled. “I suppose I could teach you that. Your sister can attest to me being an excellent painter.” He paused to throw a wink at me that I grimaced at, recalling seeing his oil on canvas portrayal of him nakedly seducing an old lady in bed. “But no, I was referring to teaching you the things your father was educated in. When you’re ready, I can teach you the basics of elfin magic. Though, I’m a fire elf, and your father was a wind elf, so it truly would be just the basics.”

  “What about the block?” Linus asked.

  My head whipped down to him. “How much do you know about the block?”

  Linus had the grace to look chagrinned. “I got into it nice and good with Mom and Dad over it. I wanted them to take the wall down, but they said it was dangerous. They wouldn’t unleash another Huldra on the world, much less you and me.”

  I bristled. “I’ll have you know that I can control myself just fine. I wouldn’t have gotten carried away if I had abilities.”

  Of all people, Jens chuckled. “Sure. Okay. You wouldn’t be dangerous with that much power.”

  “I wouldn’t!” I argued, straightening with indignation at Jens’s answering balk. “What? I wouldn’t.”

  He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow, the star on his cheek flickering at me in mocking. “Babe, you killed the farlig fisk, killed the Circhos (which is our equivalent to a yeti), Pesta, and Olaf’s bedslave. All that without a lick of magic. I can’t imagine the damage if you could actually access your abilities.” He rolled onto his back. “After this is all over and we’re back on the Other Side, you can teach Linus the basics, Tuck, but only that.”


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