Parasite ; Sleeper Cells ; Kingdoms of the Dead

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Parasite ; Sleeper Cells ; Kingdoms of the Dead Page 62

by Ian Woodhead

  The last member of their quartet had just walked out of the gents. Dan watched him look over at their table. He gave them a strained smile before making his way over to Colin. “I don’t think either of them will forgive me for this.”

  Alison squeezed his hand. “Don’t let it worry you. Colin’s a good mate, I suppose but I wouldn’t even think of him as boyfriend material, and as for Terrence Corvin?” She pulled a face. “Oh my god, there’s no way that I’d think of him in that way. The lad’s such a weird little creep. You ought to hear what his sister says about what he gets up to in his bedroom.”

  Terrence worked at the body repair shop with his older brother Alex Corvin and two other lads. He was on nodding terms with Terrence’s brother and Alex’s mate but that’s as far as it went. The whole village knew of their reputation as troublemakers.

  “You have no idea what I can do with the tip of my tongue,” she purred. “Come on, Dan, let’s go right now, I need to feel you inside me.”

  Was he imagining this? Dan turned to look at his new girlfriend and saw lust in those mischievous looking green eyes; he tried to picture that cold fish from just yesterday and couldn’t believe that this was the same woman.

  “Will you two fucking love birds just cut it out?” said Colin, slopping down Dan’s beer on the table. “You’re making me want to throw up. Can’t you do all that giving into each others’ eyes somewhere in private?” Colin sat down and picked up his own drink. He took one sip and grimaced. “Fuck a duck, the water in the canal tastes better than this.” He glared at Terrence. “We should have gone to the Drop Kick. I fucking hate this place.”

  Dan bit the inside of his cheek when he felt Alison’s fingers massaging his crotch. Why was he still here with these two losers? He placed his own hand on top of hers. He so needed to leave.

  “Hey, don’t look at me like that, Colin,” said Terrence.

  “Don’t give me that innocent look. It is your workmates who taken it upon themselves to picket our fucking local.”

  “I might work with them, but they ain’t my mates.” Terrence picked up his own pint and took a sip. “Look, okay so the beer is a bit shite but it is strong stuff.” He grinned at Colin. “I’m telling you, after another couple of pints, you won’t give a shit about what it tastes like.”

  Alison moved her hand towards Dan’s pocket and he stiffened. His ring was in there. Dan entwined his fingers with hers and moved her hand to the side of his thigh. He felt the desire just flow out of him like a leaking hot water bottle. Dan gently squeezed her hand once, sighing when she returned the gesture.

  “What are they doing outside the Drop Kick?” she asked.

  Colin put his pint down. “Oh yeah, I forgot you were too busy eating Dan’s face to notice. I’ve already said, They’ve formed a picket.”

  Terrence sighed heavily. “For fuck’s sake, Colin, they’ve just asking a few questions that’s all.”

  Colin laughed. He leaned forward. “Dan, you ain’t going to believe this. You ain’t going to believe what Ethan’s done. He’s only gone and shot Samuel in the face.”

  “Good,” spat Alison. “It would have been better if they killed the fucker.”

  Dan gazed dumbfounded at her. He had had no idea Alison hated the bloke so much. “What’s he done to you?”

  “His dad drinks with my dad,” she replied. “That and other stuff.”

  Alison picked up her drink. Dan was dismayed to see that the ice-maiden had made an unwelcome appearance. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Some of the frost melted and she kissed him on the nose. “It’s nothing, Dan, I promise.”

  Colin coughed into his hand. “Before you two start smooching again, I think it’s time you told us exactly what you saw in the caverns.”

  Dan shrugged and sighed. He should have known this question would appear tonight. “We’ve already said what happened. The boss hasn’t fucking shut up about it all day either. Believe me; you’ve heard everything a million times already.”

  “That’s bullshit, there must be something that you’re holding back and don’t give me that lost phone story either. I’m not buying that one.”

  A thin sheen of translucent mist obscured Dan’s vision. Through this mirage of scarlet shade, he watched Colin’s mouth open and close in slow motion. Dan could not move any part of his body. He continued to observe his friend’s fishlike movements, while feeling a spot of heat that spread across his skin.

  He screamed out in agony as he felt his whole body suddenly burning up. Like a tap, the pain just vanished, leaving him feeling as if he’d just been put through a wringer. Dan discovered that he could move again.

  “That’s bullshit, there must be something that you’re holding back and don’t give me that…”

  “All right!” Dan growled out. “You don’t have to say it again.”

  “Say what again? Dan, just how much crappy beer have you had?”

  “He’s drunk on love,” quipped Terrence.

  Alison jumped to her feet and stared down at Dan. “I can move again.”

  “You as well, Alison?” Dan pushed his hand into his pockets and held the ring tight. He had no idea what had happened just then but he sure as fuck didn’t want it to happen again, feeling the warm metal against his skin, helped to calm him down. His anxiety and confusion just drained away, leaving him as empty as Colin’s pint glass. Dan felt so good, almost stoned.

  Do you want to feel like a god?

  He slowly nodded, thinking that Colin was talking to him. Dan had no idea what the clown was talking about unless it was the start of a joke. He hoped so. Dan enjoyed a joke.

  This bitch wanted you to fuck her and yet you chose to spend your time with these two infantile fools? Perhaps you are not what I require.

  What the fuck was happening to him? He found that he had lost control of his movements. Both Terrence and Colin were staring at him as if he’d lost his mind. He would have shivered if he had been able. Perhaps he had lost it.

  So, you two lumps of hot flesh want to know what I found? What I really found?

  Terrence’s face broke into a smirk. “Did he just say hot flesh? Colin, is he coming onto us now?”

  Dan had said nothing; he seriously began to freak out. What the hell was going on here?

  I’m talking about forgotten trinkets and gem stones. I am talking about gold coins and precious metals. I can see the naked greed behind your dim-witted little eyes. There is another chamber behind the sacrifices.

  He felt his hand squeeze the ring even tighter. Dan wanted to scream out in pain as he felt the sharp metal prongs breaking his skin. The hand pulled out and hovered over the table. The fingers opened and the ring rolled across the wood before clinking against Terrence’s glass.

  The feeling returned to his body with vengeance. Pins and needles attacked his arms and legs. Dan stretched out and thrust his arms up into the air, groaning. He saw Colin pick up the ring and stare in amazement at the piece. He wanted to tell the lad to drop the bloody thing before it possessed him as well.

  “Alison? Is what he says true?” Colin passed the ring to Terrence.

  “I saw no other chamber,” she replied, looking curiously at Dan.

  “This must be worth a fucking fortune.”

  Alison turned Dan’s head to face her. “Is this true?”

  He sighed. “Yeah, I suppose. There was something beyond that chamber.” He closed his eyes, feeling like his brain wanting to leak out of his head. “At least I think so, I must have blacked out or something.” Dan put his hand over hers, feeling like someone was squeezing his heart when she pulled her hand away.

  “What the fuck are we still doing here then?” said Terrence, rolling the ring across his palm. “Let’s go have a look.”

  “I agree,” said Alison, glaring at Dan. “We’ll have to break in but I’ve got a key to unlock the cavern gate.”

  Dan felt her pull him out of the chair.

  “On the way, you can explai
n what the fuck you are playing at.”

  There was no way he would be able to answer that. Dan wasn’t sure what was going on. Alison pulled him across the lounge, towards the pub doors, the other two were already out in the street.

  Where had that voice come from? He looked at the ring held tight in Terrence’s hand. A green gemstone caught the white light from a passing car headlight. He already knew the answer to that question.

  He just wanted to sleep; Dan’s befuddled wits could not take in this situation. Closing his eyes and letting his whole body rest just had to be the best option. Was this even his body? Dan watched his feet stumble along the road as Alison pulled him along, she was speaking to him, asking Dan lots of questions but it all sounded like gibberish.

  It really didn’t feel like his flesh, wrapped around his aching bones, as if Dan was wearing three large coats over a lycra body suit. The gibberish increased in volume as the others joined in. Dan just closed his eyes and smiled as the noises abated.

  “Is he okay?”

  “Dan, is there anyone in there, buddy?”

  “We just leave him in the carpark until we get back.”

  “Don’t be stupid, Terrence. He’s the only one who knows where the other chamber is.”

  He felt harsh white light against his eyelids. Dan wondered if it was morning. His mum would be calling him down soon for breakfast. Chelsea would already be there, scowling at everyone and tucking into her defrosted berries.

  “Why is he smiling?”

  “Take the torch out of his eyes.”

  What were his friends doing in his bedroom? Dan opened his eyes and saw Alison’s concerned feature looking back at him. Shit, the events in the pub flooded back, at least some of them did.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “I think so.” Dan looked past Terrence and Colin and saw they’d brought him to the caverns. “Did you carry me?”

  “No, you walked just like the rest of us,” replied Alison. “Only, you weren’t quite yourself.” She took his hand. “I’m sorry for getting mad earlier.” Alison wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “You need to believe me; I honestly had no recollection of that other chamber until tonight.”

  “I’ve heard of things like this before,” said Colin. “If you left me alone with a pile of skeletons inside a cavern, I’d probably go fucking loopy as well.”

  “How do we get inside?”

  Dan watched Terrence pull on the door handle. He scowled before peering through the window. He turned around and cast his eyes to the floor.

  “Is there a back entrance?”

  Dan shook his head. “No, there’s just a couple of fire doors around the back of the building.”

  Terrence scooted over to the edge of the carpark and came back with half a brick. “Then, there’s no other choice.”

  “Don’t be so fucking stupid!” hissed Colin. “We can’t break in.”

  Terrence glared at him. “Yes we can.” He looked at Alison. “Did you say there were some experts turning up in the morning?”

  She nodded.

  “Then they’ll find the stuff and we’ll have lost out. Come on, man. You’ve already told me that the building isn’t alarmed. What can go wrong? Colin, you heard what Dan said. Just think about what you could do with a ton of cash.” He leered at Alison. “The chicks would be all over you.”

  Colin gazed at Dan. “That is, if he’s not spinning out some bullshit story.”

  “I don’t know,” replied Dan. “I don’t know what’s real and what’s not.”

  Terrence opened his hand. “This is real,” he said showing them the ring. “This alone must be worth a bloody fortune. Come on, guys. I’m in debt up to my eyeballs, I’m not going to let this opportunity slip through my fingers. I mean, it’s not like it’s really stealing, is it?”

  Dan looked at Alison. “You’ve been quiet, if we get caught; it’s not just our jobs that we’ll lose. We could be looking at some serious prison time.”

  “What if there is more stuff in there, Colin?” she sighed. “You have no idea what I’d do to get away from my family.”

  Terrence grinned. “It’s decided then, we go have a nosy.” He lifted the brick and slammed it into the window at the corner. “Colin, don’t just stand there, give us a hand to shift all this glass.”

  “Shouldn’t we be wearing gloves or something?” Colin asked. “They’re bound to dust for fingerprints.” The lad nervously glanced towards the road. “That sounded a bit fucking loud. What if someone heard it?”

  Terrence pulled a long shard of glass out of the window frame and placed it on the floor. “You already work here, you big plum. Your prints will be all over the place already. I’m the only one who’s taking the risk here. So shut up and stop fucking complaining.”

  Dan watched them both clear away the glass. He did feel better, almost normal but his memory was still shot to buggery. None of the images that rushed through his head made any sense. He did know that this wasn’t a good idea.

  Terrence was already inside, Dan watched him help Colin climb through the window. Alison pulled him over to the building.

  “It’s your turn now,” she said.

  Colin grabbed his arms and pulled him up. Dan allowed him to lift him into the dark room. He waited for a second until his eyes adjusted to the low light before making his way through the dark foyer. It felt so odd being inside the place where he worked, without any lighting. Alison put her hands around his waist. Dan felt suddenly guilty for not helping her climb inside.

  “Are you ready?”

  He nodded. “I suppose,” Dan replied, sighing. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Alison unlocked the gate and led them into the caverns. Dan had already activated the light on his phone and noticed the other two lads had done the same. She took the three of them to the hole in the cavern wall and climbed through. Terrence looked back at Dan and grinned.

  “Are you ready for the life changing experience?”

  Dan followed him inside and just hoped that he wouldn’t be able to find the hidden door. The others would be pissed off but it wouldn’t last. Besides, Terrence had appeared to have claimed that ring. That would bring him some money. That was fine by him. Dan didn’t wish to see the bloody thing ever again anyway.

  He moaned softly when he saw the doorway clearly marked by a dim red glow outline. The others saw it too.

  “That was not there before,” whispered Alison.

  Terrence ran over to it, “who cares, it’s here now.” he placed his hand on the rock and yelped with excitement as the stone moved. “Fuck me,” he gasped, “This is better than Indiana Jones.”

  The others eagerly followed Terrence inside. Dan stayed away from the wrapped up figure in the middle of the chamber, with his back pressed up against the rough stone. Both Colin and Terrence were walking around the body, picking up various pieces of jewellery, scattered around the body. They seemed oblivious to the figure by their feet; Dan could not pull his eyes away. He choked back a scream when he saw one of its fingers twitch.

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” he gasped.

  Colin staggered back; Dan figured that he must have noticed movement as well. The figure suddenly sat up and dug its fingers into Terrence’s legs. The lad screamed out in complete agony, his eyes bulged in his sockets. Dan caught Alison’s hand and pulled her back when she tried to reach Terrance.

  “It’s too late!” Dan cried. A gut feeling told him that they had just lost their friend.

  Colin staggered over to the doorway and fell through the hole. Dan kept hold of Alison and followed Colin through, desperately trying not to let the panic grip him. They both fell to the side as a huge figure pushed past the three of them and ran out of the caverns, growling like an enraged bull.

  “Oh my god!” cried out Colin. “What’s just happened and where’s Terrence run off to?”

  Dan pointed to the pile of mouldering fabric in the other cha
mber. There was no figure there anymore. “I don’t think that was Terrence,” he whispered.

  Chapter Five

  Mavis Corvin just could not shift that dreaded fear that she had used too much sugar in the mix. She stared at the dark red glutinous liquid, bubbling away in her saucepan and glanced at the timer. Mavis would have to take it off the heat in a few seconds. It would be a few hours before she knew if her raspberry jam would be a serious contender.

  “I’m not too sure if I have done it right, Steven.”

  Her husband looked up from his newspaper. “What are you talking about?” he scowled. “Oh, you’re cooking again, I did wonder what that smell was.”

  “For crying out loud, Steven, I’ve told you a million times tonight already. I wish you’d start to pay attention.” Mavis didn’t even know why she was bothering. She watched his head dip down. The man had already dismissed his nagging fat wife.

  She moved the pan onto the rear hob and marched over to their dining room table. She sat opposite him and glared at the newsprint.

  Her friend, Mrs Briers had just happened to let it slip what her darling husband called Mavis while he got drunk with his mates in the Drop Kick. Not that it came as much of a surprise to her. Steven had little time for anybody these days, especially his wife. He’d had so much trouble trying to find alternative employment after losing his contract at the haulage company. Steven had found the odd job here and there and his cleaning job at the primary school helped but it was peanuts to what he used to bring home.

  The man muttered behind his paper. Deep down, Mavis knew that her husband resented the fact that she was the major earner now. He also resented the fact that as long as the bills were paid, Mavis could spend her own money anyway she damn well pleased. “I thought you liked my jam.”

  The man sighed. “You know I do, honey, it just seems, well because of the money situation, it just seems a little extravagant to be spending so much money on something you could get from the supermarket for a pound.” He put his paper down. “Mavis, I know for a fact that some of the other wives will be entering ready made jam for at the craft fair.”


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