And Then There Were Three

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And Then There Were Three Page 12

by Renee Lindemann

  “I can assure you Mark is a willing participant. I need everyone to understand this was a decision that Mark and I made. We are in no way asking any one to follow our lead and find them a Nicole. No one is asking Amber to keep up with the Thompsons.”

  “I keep Jose satisfied, as his wife. I see to it that his needs are met, so he doesn’t need to sleep with another woman. Maybe if you focused on keeping Mark satisfied, you two wouldn’t need this kinky monstrosity you call a relationship.”

  Amber poured a cup of coffee, agreeing with herself as if she has solved some great riddle. Monica gave a laugh entering the room agreeing with Amber via a high-five. Stacey stood close by as if she were preparing for the funeral that would be my marriage. She was still single and if this was what marriage had in store for her, she would no sooner stay single. I closed my laptop, as Nicole looked ready to fight. I could see Amy, Shantell, Cordelia, and Uwimana pleading with me to just take Amber’s jabs. Nicole joined her hand to my hand as we walked to our room.

  “I will take that into consideration. Definitely great advice to keep your husband satisfied so he doesn’t need this kinky monstrosity.” I couldn’t resist a cocky smile. Upon closing our bedroom door we were treated to a litany of Spanish curse words and I am sure some stuff about my mother.

  Under the rush of the running shower water Nicole asked, “So what’s the story?”

  “Cordelia and Shantell on two separate occasions have seen Jose in congress with women that were not Amber. When Cordelia tried to be a good friend and tell her, Amber went berserk and it got bad. Jose convinced Amber that Cordelia was a jealous lesbian. Amber called Cordelia some choice names and ceased all communications with us for a while, and then just like that she was around again. No apologies no explanations. We never told her what Shantell witnessed. We figured she just didn’t want to know.”

  “Wow! She needs to focus that fiery attitude towards her own marriage. I told you Eva. Your marriage set the precedent. That’s the only reason this means so much to your friends. They are gauging their relationships success based on the perceived success of your marriage to Mark.”

  “I’m still not completely convinced, my life is far from perfect. It is however perfect for me. I know I made sexual references out there. This isn’t just about sex. I hope you know that Nicole. I really do love you for so many different reasons.”

  “Eva, I know that you love my stunning cooking skills, not! Or better yet my sweet singing skills,” she joked, singing terribly. “I know it’s more than sex. If it were just sex this would be easy. We could just do that and live our separate lives. That’s not the case.”

  Amber, Stacey, and Monica kept a respectable distance from Nicole for the duration of the weekend, as if they were going to catch something. Amber pouted most of the weekend, muttering in Spanish. I was not mad at her and said as much. I extended an olive branch to the three ladies and promised to leave them out of the sordid details of our relationship with Nicole.

  The rest of us had a great time as we normally do. There was lots of food, lots of drinks, lots of fun, and lots of flirting on Cordelia’s part.

  “I have never seen you this flirty Cordelia,” I remarked as I thwarted her one hundredth attempt to entice Nicole.

  “You know I am just joking right? I am trying to keep the mood light. If it’s bothering you or her for that matter I will cut it out. But if she is considering a move then uh…” she trailed off laughing.

  “It’s fine, Nicole knows better,” I said and gave Nicole a knowing look.

  “I am sure Cordelia, you can respect being pussy whipped,” Nicole whispered in her ear as Cordelia’s eyes widen.

  “I would never in a million years think you had it in you Eva. Damn all these years right under my nose, you could have been right under my nose.”

  “Ugh Cordelia, you are like my sister!” I pull a face as the three of us head to the dance floor.

  In the end Amber, Stacey, and Monica were unable to reconcile their disgust for my choice and while we remained friends our relationship was fractured. Cordelia had no qualms about my choices considering she thought Nicole was downright gorgeous and cool. Uwimana had reservations but left them for me to deal with and wanted no details. Shantell and Amy remained my best friends even though they would never consider such a move with their respective husbands. Nicole had a great time, but decided she would allow me my time alone with my seven sisters. She planned to sit out the next Seventh Wonder event and stay home with Mark sending me pictures.

  Although we have only been gone for three days, Mark hugs us both tightly. We ply him with kisses as he takes our bags.

  “We missed you so much husband,” I said cheerily.

  “Yes we did. I will be sitting out the next Seventh Wonder and home with you Mark, making nasty,” Nicole said with a wink.

  “I like that idea,” Mark said checking my response. I give him a shrug and held on to his arm. The kids were still in school as we made our way home, I was grateful for the early flight. The trip was enlightening and while I think we mostly resolved my new relationship dynamic, I know that we were forever changed.

  “Take off your clothes right now,” Mark demanded as we stepped into the house. Nicole and I exchange quizzical looks as Mark drops our luggage. Mark tapped his foot waiting for us to comply with his ultimatum. I unbuttoned my blouse and removed my jeans as Nicole followed my lead. We were standing before my husband in our underwear. When he grunted and swirled his finger around we took our underwear off as well. Walking to the coat closet Mark turned the knob slowly. He retrieved something black and something red.

  “Hold your arms up,” Mark instructed Nicole. Mark slid the expensive black tulle slip over her body. The leaf detailed accents covered her breasts but left nothing else to the imagination. After giving me the same instructions, Mark slipped the equally as expensive red baby doll slip on me. Giving us each a quick kiss, Mark walked us up the spiral staircase to our bedroom. The fabric of the lingerie was so soft and smooth against my skin. I could see that Nicole was having an equal reaction to the material. Our king-sized bed was covered in a thick layer of rose petals in varying colors. The room was accented with candles and the heavy curtains closed to ensure the room was completely private.

  “Undress me,” Mark commanded once more. Nicole and I removed his clothes kissing him intermittently. When he was completely naked Nicole and I took sides kissing his neck as we stroked his length. Sliding down his body we took turns lavishing oral attention on our man. Mark took his time fucking each of our mouths before resigning us to the bed. The rose petals and tongues felt incredible against my skin as Mark and Nicole licked my special spot. Reversing the roles Mark and I brought Nicole to a loud orgasm as we drank her sweet nectar.

  Mark pulled us both to our knees, enjoying the sight of our asses in the air. Mark entered me and began pounding into me until I screamed. Pulling out he entered Nicole pounding into her as she screamed. He repeated this until we were both climbing the walls. He had us sit on the side of the bed as he fucked our mouths once more. This time he gave us a very wanted gift of his salty juices. Nicole and I eagerly took every drop. Hearing Mark’s cries of absolute pleasure was music to our collective ears.

  “I missed my wives so much,” Mark hissed through clenched teeth.

  “We missed you too husband.” Nicole and I agreed. In the bathroom was an equally romantic setup of candles, champagne, and chocolate dipped strawberries. The luxurious bubbles were expensive for sure. Nicole and I felt completely pampered as we sank beneath them flanking Mark on either side. We drank champagne and fed the strawberries to each other. This romantic and highly erotic scene was so beautifully orchestrated.

  “No matter what, anyone thinks of our relationship, I want you both to know how much you are loved and appreciated by me. I love you both so very much and I want exactly what we have,” Mark indicated as we both swooned.

  “I love you Mark,” I murmured.

sp; “I love you Mark,” Nicole concurred.

  Who would have guessed in about two hours our house would be filled with bickering children, homework, dinner, and other family noise. At this moment however it was sheer bliss to have such an attentive husband. We relished every minute.

  “Can we please have chicken for dinner mom?” Celeste asked as I collected her from school. After getting a bear hug from my youngest I agreed to her request. My mind kept inadvertently going back to our wonderful welcome home.

  “Mom why are you smiling so goofily?” Sabrina asked as I picked her up from cheerleader practice. I shook from my reverie to answer my daughter. “Daddy did a nice thing for Nicole and I when he picked us up from the airport.”

  “Ugh ok, that’s all I was wondering,” Sabrina replied quickly giving me a smile. “How did your seven sisters take the news of Nicole?”

  I shook my head in the negative. “Let’s just say it may only be a few sisters in the future and Nicole will probably never attend a Seventh Wonder again.”

  “Sorry mom but you know people do not like unusual stuff. It makes them question themselves and their secret desires,” Sabrina said smartly.

  “You know you are probably right. I still love Nicole very much so it’s their loss. Besides when did you get so smart?”

  “I have always been a genius mom. Plus my psych class had a discussion on deviant behavior and how people deal with stuff that differs from what Mrs. Alexander called ‘societal norms’. It was really interesting. I won’t lie it was the first time I paid attention in that boring class.”

  I arch an eyebrow her way and she instantly confirms that she is still getting an A in that class.

  “Her exams are common sense so I do well mom. The lectures are usually boring but not today. Some people just can’t handle things that are too different.”

  When I open the door, Junior and Nicole are at the dining room table doing homework. Sabrina and Celeste are locked in a dinner debate as they walk into the house. One wants meatloaf the other wants chicken. Mark is outside cutting the grass and just like that we are settled back into home life.

  The Proposal/ Wedding

  “You know it is not smart to have that dance teacher around Mark all the time sweetheart. I know you are good friends but remember that Monica incident. I am not saying you can’t trust Mark but I am sure Nicole recognizes that he is a great man,” Lynette Abernathy explained. Lynette & Earl Abernathy are my parents.

  “That’s what I came to talk to you two about actually,” I stammered nervously. I am having the toughest time facing my parents right now. I guess I was wrong previously. I was going to talk to my parents about my sexuality.

  “What’s the matter sweetheart?” My dad asked, sensing my nervousness he patted my hand reassuringly.

  “Well Nicole is more than just Sabrina’s dance teacher,” I said then moved from striking distance. “She is our girlfriend.”

  “I know you two are girlfriends, but you have to be leery who you have around your husband honey.”

  My mother was a little slow on the uptake but not my dad. The ‘have you lost your mind’ look on his face told me my words were processed and understood.

  “No mom, we are friends but she is more than that to us. She is our romantic girlfriend. Mark and I are in love with Nicole.”

  “What the hell did you just say? Eva what the hell does that mean? You and Mark are married, remember?” My mother yelled processing my words.

  “For the last four months Mark and I have been in a relationship with Nicole. We love her very much,” I further explain. My dad shakes his head before covering his mouth.

  “Was your marriage falling apart Eva?” My dad asked his brow seriously furrowed. I shake my head to the negative.

  “No daddy, Mark and I are very much in love and our marriage has never been stronger. We just found ourselves attracted to this woman. We tried to fight it but in the end we were unable to resist our feelings for her. We thought this was just some weird passing fancy but it’s much bigger than we anticipated. We are head over heels in love with Nicole. She is a wonderful addition to our family.”

  “What about the kids? How could you have this perversion around the kids?” My mother was full on screaming at me.

  “It’s not a perversion mom. Sabrina figured it out. We tried to end it but we were miserable without Nicole. Eventually we talked to the kids and slowly Nicole has become a part of our family. I know this is all weird and shit,” I said then apologized. “Sorry, I mean and stuff but we really love her and it’s not just about sex. She is an amazing woman.”

  “Are you doing this to keep your marriage together? Is Mark making you do this Eva? I will kick his ass!” Now my dad was yelling and I think my mom was going to faint.

  “No dad! I fell in love with Nicole first and then Mark.”

  “Since when are you that way Eva?” My mother looked horrified as she thought of her daughter as a God forbid, lesbian.

  “I have never been with a woman before Nicole. She is the only, I repeat only woman, I have ever been attracted to,” I explained but it fell on deaf ears.

  “You need to see Reverend Perry. You both need to go to marriage counseling right damn now Eva.” My mother was hollering. I shook my head in the negative and wondered how Mark was fairing with his parents or Nicole for that matter. We made the decision to tell our respective parents at the same time. Nicole’s mother had long since been MIA, she had the unenviable task of telling her grandmother, who raised her.

  “We do not need counseling mother. We know what we are doing. We love Nicole and so do the kids. I just wanted to tell you before you heard it from less than reputable sources.”

  “Oh God! Who else knows about this perversion? What must your neighbors think?”

  “Well Bill thinks Mark is a lucky S.O.B and Mildred just likes asking me questions. Arthur and Delores have no clue what’s happening, they are old mom.”

  “What will your friends think?”

  “They reacted pretty much as you have but most of them can see this is not some passing fancy, this is very serious.”

  “I mean Mark looks like the winner in all this Eva. You are not doing something you do not want to do, to stay married. It is not worth you debasing yourself Eva.” My dad looked worried for me as the anger subsided.

  “No daddy, this was my choice. I love Nicole very much. I love Mark very much. I love the three of us together. It’s not an easy thing to deal with but I can’t see my life without her in it.” I said earnestly as tears rolled down my cheek.

  “You are not gay Eva, we didn’t raise you to be gay.” My mom pleaded with me as if I could just snap my fingers and poof no more Nicole.

  “I do not think I am entirely gay but I love being with Nicole. No other woman has ever made me feel this way. Mark and I are happy. Daddy, Mark loves me of that I am sure. We will never let this come between us and we will always stay married.”

  My dad scratched his chin and tried not to convey the hurt he was feeling on my behalf. He still felt Mark pushed me into this unconsciously. No matter how many times I deny that hypothesis, he insists it was subliminal.

  “Is it because she is beautiful? Are you going on looks alone?” My dad really wanted to get to the bottom of our decision.

  “Her looks are a definite plus daddy, but it’s more than that. And it’s not just sex either,” I explained. My dad’s face turned an ashen color at the thought of sex and his daughter. Male or female sex with me was not a topic of conversation in relation to his little girl. My parents continue to drown me in questions and where I was once resistant I am now an old hat at this point with explaining our relationship. My mother called my sister Elaina over, so that she could talk some sense into me. However my mother really didn’t know her oldest daughter really well. Elaina was five years older than me and when she hit the magic forty years old, she lost her mind. Fresh off her second divorce, my sister went nuts in the love department, to p
rove she still had it.

  Elaina eyed me suspiciously when she entered my parent’s home. The quick story my mother gave her involved a dancer who turned me into a lesbian and Mark using subliminal messages to make me gay. Talk about the loss in translation there! My mom could always spin a tale from virtually zero information or cleverly repurpose a story to suit her teaching needs. With all of this being said it was doubly hard, as I previously mentioned, my mother looks like my youngest daughter Celeste.

  “So you’re a lesbian now? And just how many beauties have you conquered my gay little sister?” Elaina said in a mock serious tone. I did my best not to laugh but my dad failed as he let a snicker escape. My mother gave him an icy stare that silenced him instantly.

  “Elaina, cut it out! Mom, Elaina already knew about my relationship with Nicole.” I tattled since she wanted to pretend to be the good daughter.

  “Elaina, why didn’t you tell me? We could have held an intervention. Will you start to dress differently? Please tell me you will not cut your hair and lose your femininity.” My mother asked with absolute seriousness.

  She was livid that my sister kept this secret from her and just like that my mother switched gears. We used to call my mother the hummingbird. She could never keep her focus on one topic for long. It made growing up and getting away with a lot of shit easy. My dad was not so easily persuaded but then he considered us princesses most of our lives.

  “I am not the wayward daughter this week,” my sister objected. Elaina’s short black hair was always styled and gorgeous. It was as if she went to the beauty shop every single morning. My mother insisted that because Elaina cut her hair on a non-full moon day, it would never grow long again. I am not sure to this day what the lunar calendar has to do with hair growth, other than for werewolves, but she is insistent this was the reason. I was lost in this memory when I heard my sister and my parents speak, “We are ready, let’s go Eva.”


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