My Best Friend's Brother

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My Best Friend's Brother Page 68

by Candy Gray

  “Holy shit, Bridget. Fuck, you’re tight.”

  I bucked back into his hips and felt his body began to tremble. Tears of pleasure rushed down my face as my aching abdomen contracted yet again, building within it something it no longer had control over while my asshole massaged Thomas’s dick. His balls smacked my clit just right, and it fed me the energy I needed to push back into him, swallowing his dick with my puckered hole and milking every ounce of come from him that I could.

  His hands planted onto the small of my back. He thrusted into me like a wild animal while he grunted and dropped his beads of sweat onto my skin. I felt my body pop and give way, and I collapsed back to the bed in a fit of pleasure.

  “Yes! Thomas! Holy fuck! Just like that. Please. Oh, please. Don’t stop.”

  My hips ached with the fury of his pounding, but my body continued to beg for more. His balls smacked my clit, coaching me through my orgasm as his hips finally stuttered, and the words of sheer lust that poured from his lips caused tears to rise to my eyes.

  “Your body. Bridget. Oh, fuck. It’s so perfect. You milk me so good. Damn, this ass. Oh, I bet it would taste wonderful with my come dripping out of it. You come so good for me, baby.”

  I felt his dick pump streams of come into my body before they began shooting out and trickling down the backs of my legs. Thomas’s body quivered against mine before his sweating form dropped to my back, and the both of us went crashing to the bed as we heaved for air. The air was tainted with sex, and our fluids were draining onto the bed. The only thing I could think about was how happy I was.

  Tears flowed from my eyes while my body continued to cry out for more.

  “I can’t do anymore,” I said.

  I felt him press kiss after kiss into my shoulders, his muscles shivering against me before he slowly pulled his dick from my ass. His hands ran along my sides before he slid off me, pulling me into him as tears continued to rush down my face. Never in my life had I felt so fully satisfied and complete, and as I laid there, crying in the arms of the only man I’d come to trust in my life, he nuzzled his nose into the nape of my neck before he sighed with content.

  “Need sleep,” I said breathlessly.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he said.

  “Stay with me forever,” I said with a whisper.

  And I drifted off to sleep with the feeling of Thomas’s smile pressed against my back.

  Chapter 34


  “So, I woke up to some wonderful news,” Bridget said as I walked into the bedroom with a tray of food.

  When I’d rolled over that morning and felt Bridget’s arms cinch my waist, I knew I was right where I needed to be. My body ached in all the best ways, and still my dick throbbed for her that morning. Seeing her next to me with her body shimmering in the morning light made my chest tighten, and I decided to slip from her grasp and make her some food.

  After all, if my body ached, then I knew hers did, too.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Oh!” she said. “Breakfast. You like cooking, don’t you?”

  “Only for those I care about,” I said.

  I set the tray of toast, bacon, and eggs down into her lap before I took her juice and put it on her bedside table. I slipped back in beside her while I watched her eat her fill, and my eyes couldn’t help but slide over her beauty. Her breasts rose and fell with every breath she took before she swallowed, and the grace with which she moved took my breath away. She reached for her juice, and the residual bubbles tickled her nose, and it was in that giggle that I realized why this morning felt so different.

  Why my chest tightened the way it had when my eyes fell upon her.

  “So, what’s this good news?” I asked.

  “The realtor called me early. She said they accepted our initial offer for the house. It’s ours if we want it!”

  “That’s amazing. Lacey really liked that house, and you couldn’t take your eyes off it, either.”

  “Did you like it?” she asked. “I don’t want to buy a house you don’t like.”

  “Any house with my girls in it is the perfect house for me,” I said.

  I watched a small blush tint her cheeks while she took another sip of her juice, and all I could do was stare. She was radiant when she blushed, but knowing the way her pussy had tightened around me so many times the night before confirmed suspicions in my brain that had rattled around for days.

  She really did want me the way I wanted her, and I wondered if I could tell her about the truth I had realized this morning.

  “If you’d let me, I’d like to cover the down payment and the closing costs,” she said.

  “We can split that kind of stuff,” I said. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Well, I figured it would take a financial burden off you and sort of make me feel like I was contributing somehow.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “You know, to Lacey and her growing up,” she said. “It’s just been the two of you for so long, and I’m scared you might think I’m just here temporarily. I figured, maybe if I paid the down payment and the closing shit, you’d know I was serious.”

  “Bridget, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that you’re running off.”

  “And what makes you so sure of yourself?” she asked cheekily.

  “Because you’ve done it twice now.”

  I watched her face sink, and she pushed the tray from her lap. I slid myself up and slipped my arm around her, and I suddenly felt guilty for bringing it up when I saw tears crest her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “These past few weeks have just been tough.”

  “Bridget. I know you’re sorry, and I know, looking back, you wish none of that stuff would’ve happened. But I’m glad it did.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because it showed me two things. One, it gave me multiple opportunities to prove you were safe with me, and two, it gave me two very blatant instances where you pushed me away, but we ultimately found our way back to each other. It sets precedence, and a hell of a good one, too.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she said. “I love that house, and I love Lacey. She’s beautiful, and she’s just like you in all the right ways.”

  “And I love you,” I said. “In all the right ways.”

  “You do?” she asked. She whipped her gaze up to mine, and I could tell she was hanging onto my every word. Her eyes were wide, and her body was fully turned toward me, innately trusting me with what was about to leave my mouth, while simultaneously begging me to go easy on her.

  Go easy if the answer I gave wasn’t what she was looking for. But she didn’t have to worry. Not anymore.

  Not with me.

  “I do,” I said. “I love you, Bridget Meyers. More than I even realized until this morning when I woke up beside you.”

  “It doesn’t bother you that, you know?”

  I knew what she was trying to say. She was going to ask me if it bothered her that I never called her by her actual name. In the back of her mind, that truth was still lurking. That “Bridget Meyers” wasn’t her name and that she’d taken drastic measures to catapult her career. That somehow, me calling her “Bridget” meant I didn’t love her, but her job.

  Her prominence. Her fame.

  “Wasn’t it you who told me that you were still the same person?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said, nodding.

  “And wasn’t it you who told me that nothing with you had changed just because ‘Bridget Meyers’ wasn’t your real name?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said with a sigh.

  “If I’m being honest, it really doesn’t bother me. I met you as Bridget, I fucked you as Bridget, and I made love to you last night as Bridget. Even if you do come clean at some point in time with your name and what happened, I’m not so sure that I still wouldn’t call you Bridget.”

  “And it doesn’t bother you?” she asked.

  “No. Your name is
meaningless to me unless it’s attached to you. And honestly? Aren’t there plenty of people in Hollywood who use different names. What do they call them?”

  “‘Stage names’,” she said.

  “Yeah. If all else fails, it’s just your stage name,” I said.

  “It’s a bit more than that.”

  “I’m not downplaying what’s going on, and should something ever happen with this, understand I’ll always be by your side. What I’m trying to get you to understand is that the woman I’ve fallen in love with doesn’t have a name to me. You aren’t just your name. You could wake up tomorrow and tell me you wanted to change your name to ‘Homey G Wannabe’ and I’d still love you, because your name doesn’t dictate how I feel about you. Removing it and replacing it with another doesn’t take away the love I have for you.”

  “‘Homey G Wannabe’?” she asked. “Really?”

  “Really,” I said, grinning.

  She climbed onto my lap and graced me with the warmth of her body. Her knees planted onto each side of my hips while her trimmed pussy warmed my growing cock. She looked deep into my eyes while my arms slid around her, holding her steady while her palms cupped my cheeks. The smile she had, crinkled her eyes, causing them to twinkle with happiness before she pressed a small little kiss to my lips. She had me. All of me. And I knew within that very moment that I’d never let her go.

  “I love you, too, Thomas. More than I’ll ever be able to express,” she said.

  My heart thudded hard against my chest as each syllable left her lips. I pulled her close to my body, feeling her breasts swing against my skin as I peppered the crook of her neck with kisses. Her body wrapped around mine was something I wanted to wake up to every morning for the rest of my life, and my mind went blank while she continued to whisper in my ear.

  “I’m so lucky to have you and Lacey. I love that little girl so much, and I hope I can live up to everything she has ever wanted from a mother, if you’ll let me be one to her.”

  We tumbled to the bed and made love well into the afternoon. We kissed, we fucked, I watched her shake before I slathered her in my comeum, and we slept close against one another until it was about dinner time. My mother had been calling me relentlessly, no doubt trying to figure out when I was coming to get Lacey, but every time my eyes hooked onto Bridget’s, I’d get sucked back into her world, and I’d lose myself in her all over again.

  “Want to have dinner at my parents’ tonight?” I asked.

  “What, Not feeling like cooking?” she asked.

  “You wear me out,” I said breathlessly.

  “Then you know how I felt last night. Which was crazy, by the way.”

  The playful wink she gave me caused me to reach out for her. I pulled her into me while she giggled and thrashed around, and I peppered her back with kisses before I released her from my grasp. We both got up and got ready while I shot my mom a text message saying we were coming over for dinner, and just as we hopped into the car to head to her place, my phone rang.

  “Hey, Mom,” I said.

  “Daddy! Daddy! Is Bridget coming to dinner?”

  “Hey, Lacey!” Bridget called from the seat. “I’ll see you soon!”

  “Yesss,” Lacey said with a hiss. A smile cracked my face once again while Lacey fumbled to give Mom her phone back, and I could hear Lacey giggling with joy in the background just as my Mom’s voice trumpeted into the phone.

  “She kept asking, and I didn’t have an answer,” she said.

  “Not a problem, Mom. We’re about five minutes out.”

  “Well, dinner’s already on the table. You two just come on it and sit on down.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Jeffries!” Bridget called from the seat.

  “Tell that beautiful little woman I said hello. Oh, I can’t wait to hug her neck!”

  By the time we got to my parents’ house, Lacey was bouncing up and down at the window. I watched Bridget throw her door open before I could pull my car to a full stop, and the way she ran to my daughter before picking her up brought tears to my eyes. They twirled around on the porch before Bridget placed a kiss onto my daughter’s cheek, and for the first time in my life, I was looking at my family.

  My cohesive, healthy, beautiful family.

  Lacey’s face was red with happiness, and Bridget’s smile was so big it completely closed her eyes. I got out of the car and walked up to them before pressing kisses into the tops of both their heads, and I could see my father grinning from the kitchen table as we walked in.

  “Bridget’s here! Bridget’s here!” Lacey exclaimed.

  “Who’s hungry?” Bridget asked.

  “Me! Me! Me! I’m hungry!”

  “Well, then you better sit down so we can eat,” Bridget said.

  “Can I sit by you?”

  “But you always sit by me, sweetheart,” I said.

  “But, I wanna sit by Bridget this time,” she said.

  “Please?” Bridget said. “I promise we’ll be good.”

  “That’s a lie if I ever heard one,” I said.

  “Well, fine, but it’s happening anyway,” she said.

  Bridget plopped down beside Lacey, who couldn’t stop giggling at the fact that Bridget had just stolen my seat, and the only thing I could do was smile until my cheeks hurt. My life finally felt complete as I watched the two most important women in my life giggle together while dinner was being served. I looked over at my mother who had tears in her eyes, and that’s when I hooked eyes with my father.

  And he gave me the nod of approval I knew he would when he saw the two of them together.


  One Year Later


  Something was wrong.

  Thomas had been sneaking around and coming home late, and I knew something was up. He’d tell me he was going somewhere after work and to tuck Lacey in, but then he’d never slip into bed until well after eleven. I’d get up, go to work, and come home only to find that he’d dropped Lacey off with his parents so he could go spend time with the boys.

  But I knew his boys didn’t hang out at coffee shops and malls.

  He was cheating on me. I knew it. He was going out and seeing someone else, and he was leaving me at home to take care of Lacey. I was working my ass off while trying to keep my fame from disrupting their lives, and then I was coming home to an ungrateful man who smelled like burnt coffee beans and rainstorms.

  He was tromping around with some other bitch, dancing in the rain or some shit, and I was here lying in bed alone at night, pretending to be asleep just so I could figure out what time he actually crawled into bed after being with her.

  Fuck him.

  Tonight was the night I’d confront him about it. Mrs. Jeffries had called, and I told her to pick up Lacey. I took the time to really do myself up. I fucking slapped on some heels and shimmied into my most flattering dress. I curled my hair and tied part of it up into a bow and slapped the perfect amount of makeup on to make me look innocent.

  Just the way he liked it.

  I stood in the living room as the door flew open, and before Thomas could even get around the corner, I was on my feet and ready to wow his eyes before I dealt the blow to his stomach.

  And when he came around the corner and his eyes drank me in, I knew I had him right where I wanted him.

  “I know your secret,” I said.

  “You do, do you?” he asked.

  “I do, and we need to talk,” I said.

  It was then he brought a bouquet of beautiful flowers out from behind his back, no doubt attempting to get ahead of the fight that was about to ensue. But it wasn’t working. I wanted to know who this bitch was, and I wanted to scream in his face before I kicked him out and made him sleep in the guest bedroom.

  I was better than this, and I knew it.

  “Have dinner with me,” he said.

  “We really need to talk about you and your after-work activities,” I said. But all he did was smirk at me before handing me the flo
wers and taking my hand.

  “We can talk over dinner,” he said.

  His touch could always soften me, and the moment my nose hit those beautiful orchids and lilies, I let him take me out to his car. He opened the door for me, and I eyed him carefully, sizing him up before I stepped in and sat down.


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