Time After Time

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Time After Time Page 1

by Melody Foster


  A Contemporary Romance

  by Melody Foster







































  Becca Lawson was living her dream. At least, she thought she was.

  The scent of the ocean, the sound of splashing water, and the warm spring breeze reminded her how perfect this moment was. Never in her life had she feel so proud, so satisfied with herself. The idea that her best friend Cadence was going to say, “I do!” to one of the Blackstone’s bachelors was astounding. The Blackstone men were known for their killer looks and deep pockets. As unreal as it was, here she was standing between the rows of chairs, prepared for todays’ wedding ceremony.

  Becca had been restless the past few hours. She’d tidied up the place before she decided to take her time just to relax in the spring sunshine. She could almost see her own wedding taking place here. She imagined herself in a gorgeous, floating, chiffon gown with her hair clipped to her nape by exotic flowers. The best she could do now was to preserve those images for later dreaming. She’d love to think of Villa Grande as her own. But, something this grand would never be hers. Still, she felt happy for Cadence.

  So far, Becca considered herself a very lucky woman. However, her heart never stopped questioning her mind: Was she really lucky? She hadn’t found that elusive love of her life just yet. She couldn’t afford her own piece of land even on an island as remote as this. Those were the two things she wished for. Becca sighed.

  Before she knew it, her thoughts were skidding off the happy road. At least she had played a crucial role in this love story with a happy ending for Cadence. It might have been smarter – if not easier – to just stop thinking about herself right now. She’d been too keyed up to let herself enjoy the happiness she felt for her best friend.

  She needed to concentrate on today and how to make Villa Grande look perfect for Cadence’s big day.

  Villa Grande, where Becca had worked as a live-in housekeeper for the past three years, used to belong to the groom’s aunt. This was also the place where Cadence and Roman Blackstone had first met and fallen fast and hard a little more than a year ago. She hoped that their feelings were genuine. She loved Cadence like a sister.

  In fact, Cadence was almost like Becca’s younger sister. With a five year age difference, they’d become real friends after a tragic event in Cadence’s life had bumped them together many years ago. At the time, Cadence had been a small, thirteen-year-old girl lost in a complicated, adult world. Becca had accidentally found her on a busy city street and, without over-thinking her reaction, she’d brought the girl home. As the years passed, Cadence became a beautiful and very smart young woman. Now, she was also living her dream.

  Becca smoothed the tablecloth with her palms. The dark silk felt warm and soothing on her skin. She wasn’t nervous, just a bit jittery. She wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for the wedding ceremony. She was not a professional wedding organizer. She did not feel exactly comfortable organizing her best friend’s wedding, but she was doing her best.

  Villa Grande was a very romantic place. It emitted vibes of old money, classy and quiet wealth. Everyone who visited Villa Grande was smitten by the place. Everyone wanted to return or never leave the island sanctuary, especially after having tasted the hospitality of old Eloise. She was an elegant and gracefully aging woman. Generous and lonely, her fortune was also her curse, as she used to tell Becca.

  The villa had been built by Eloise’s insanely rich father, more than a century ago for his young and beautiful lover, the woman he had spoiled to death. Literally. After her unexpected and mysterious disappearance, Eloise’s father had never really recovered. Later on, he married Eloise’s mother. But his new relationship could not banish the sadness over his lost lover. He committed suicide not long after Eloise’s birth.

  Villa Grande had a history full of romance and tragedy. Becca had heard some stories so often from Eloise that she knew them by heart. She hoped, one day, to retell those tales to Cadence’s children.

  Three years ago, Becca would never have dreamed of finding this kind of job. It sounded more like an extended holiday or an everlasting vacation. While visiting the island on a business trip, Becca had met Eloise. She was quickly charmed by the older lady and agreed to take the job. She’d never regretted it. A five-year contract for this amazing opportunity practically fell into Becca’s lap. This kind of luck never happened to her. It was exactly what Becca needed at that time. Even though very successful, she was exhausted from running the family travel business she’d inherited from her grandparents.

  Becca always trusted her gut when she needed to make spontaneous decisions. Eloise’s offer had been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. No one in her situation would have wanted to miss the chance.

  Becca was hired by Eloise as a live-in housekeeper for Villa Grande. In reality, she had served as the aging lady’s companion on this secluded tropical island. She was in charge of the small household staff, consisting of some kitchen and garden help, and a driver posing as a security guard. Eloise was in fragile health for a woman her age and not long after Becca took the job, Eloise died from kidney failure complications, leaving Villa Grande in trust to one of her favorite young nephews, Roman Blackstone.

  Roman was happy to “inherit” Becca as well. He kept her contract intact. In fact, he quickly realized that he could not run the villa without Becca, and doubled her pay just to make sure she didn’t leave.

  She loved everything about her new job. The paradise vacation would eventually end, like all vacations do. But her job wouldn’t. Becca felt very secure and content with her arrangements.

  She was about to go inside to get ready for the event, when a familiar voice called out from behind: “Hey! Nice to see you here, beautiful!”

  No! It can’t be. Can it?

  “Are you going to be one of the bridesmaids today?”

  Every cell in her body sounded an alarm at the low, lazy tone of the man’s voice.

  It is IMPOSSIBLE! It cannot be Austin Stevens!

  Her body froze, reacting with sudden chill even in the heat of the tropical morning sun. Her legs were trying to betray her will. Common sense told her it was not possible for him to be in this place on this day of all days.

  Austin Stevens, her high school crush, the very one who had stolen her heart almost seven years ago. The one she had not seen or heard from since that heartfelt summer in her grandparents’ cottage. The same guy who had disappeared from her life without a word of explanation. The one whom she’d sworn unsuccessfully to get out of her system. That Austin Stevens, right now, was standing a few steps behind her!

  “Why would you think so?” she retorted, hurrying inside, afraid to turn her head to look at him—as if he were a ghost from her past, that would dissolve like smoke in the air if she even glanced at him
. She forgot where she was for a second. Becca regarded his appearance as some sort of illusion that her restless mind had produced. She needed a moment to process it. The odds that Austin would show up for this wedding were low to none.

  “The awesome bo-ody of yours is crying out for se-exy bridesmaid dress, that’s why.” His drooling voice trailed after her, sultry and raw.

  Becca felt an unstoppable urge to turn around to face him, to devour every inch of him. She had craved this man’s arms and the searing heat coming from his body for so long! She hated herself for nurturing the memories of him, for protecting them from being erased by other men.

  That was why she had never wanted to be close to any other man.

  She was afraid to taint the mercilessly fading memory with bits of him. That eighteen-year-old girl had made him seem larger than life. She had loved him without reservation and he loved her with no restraints. But, then, on that perfect starry summer night when they had had each other for the first time…

  His wicked remark just now was so intimate, so well-known, that she almost gave in. Instead, she chose to run away from him, not trusting her self-control. Becca rushed through the villa’s labyrinthine hallways until she reached the very depths of the old building.

  Her mind was racing, her thoughts scrambled, and her head confused. Her body’s reaction to his unexpected presence was hard to control. Her remembered affection suddenly rekindled, radiating in gentle waves of warmth all over her body, making her knees shaky and unsteady.

  This cannot be possible! She’d gone over that guest list a hundred times. It did not contain his name.

  The island was small enough for everybody to know each other. Sand could not move from place to place without someone noticing and reporting it!

  Here on the island, Rebecca Lawson was known to everybody as Becca. level-headed and thoughtful Becca, the one who never jumped into action without thinking things through. But, with Austin around, she turned into her imaginary, reckless, twin sister. He’d called her Rebecca then. My and only my Rebecca…

  That Rebecca was capable of crazy things, of outbursts of passion and love. That Rebecca used to trust people. How could she not if her heart was overfilled with the pure joy of being with him? Her life was full of zest and vigor. He was her first love. And then, he’d disappeared without a word.

  Becca decided to put her best foot forward now and do everything possible to make tonight’s celebration perfect and as beautiful as her best friend, Cadence, herself. Rom and Cadence were like the family she’d never had. She was not about to spoil their wedding by getting all broken and mushy because of Austin. Becca was disappointed with herself for not being able to face Austin and clear the air before the ceremony started. She did not want any more surprises. For now, Austin still did not know that the shy woman running away from the terrace and him was his former love. His discovery of her identity could spell even more trouble.

  His sultry voice stuck in her head. Was he flirting with her in that casual manner? Not even realizing who she was? She felt a bit jealous.

  Becca was neither a virgin nor an easy lay, despite the misconception that people might have about the villa’s housekeeper.

  She had no family left after her grandfather passed away. She had lost contact with her mother at the age of sixteen. She’d been raised by her loving but very ill grandfather. It had been a real question who needed whom the most. She took care of him as much as she could.

  Becca walked hurriedly to the grand foyer and started mindlessly to readjust already perfectly placed furniture.

  “You’ve done an amazing job setting everything up, Bec. Relax! We are good!” Rom startled her, talking from the deep corner of the huge room. She had not noticed him there. He looked happy, but a bit nervous.

  He is so young, Becca thought. So is Cadence.

  They both were in their twenties and so much in love with each other that they seemed to be blind to everybody’s warnings about how unwise it was to marry this young. No one, not even Becca, could convince them to wait and just have fun being together. But again, even after seven years apart, she would have married Austin right there and then if he’d asked, even at eighteen!

  If only he had asked…

  She knew better than to let her feelings for Austin overshadow everything she needed to be concerned with right now. Austin was in her past. There was, presently, nobody to replace him. She had only herself to blame for this. He could be with anyone else right now. Not even once had she believed that he would be still dreaming about her, waiting for her, wanting her. Looking for her…

  Oh, God!

  Go back to reality. Take care of the people you love in the present, while it matters. Her inside voice was clear, smart, and commanding.

  “How is Cadence doing, Rom?” she tried to sound cheerful and not affected by the incident.

  “Oh, she seems overwhelmed with all the new family she’s been meeting. She worries that she might not be a very good fit for them. You understand her better than I, Bec. It kills me to know that she still thinks this way after all the convincing I’ve done! This “old money” issue’s hanging over her like an axe. Sometimes, I wish I were like everybody else. But, you cannot choose your family. Right?”

  “She’ll come around. Don’t worry. She needs more time, as I told you before. I’d better go check on her.”

  Becca started to leave. But, suddenly an idea jumped into her head. What if Rom knows Austin Stevens? There was zero chance of him knowing about the connection between her and Austin.

  The only person on earth who knew about her relationship with Austin was Becca’s grandfather. Becca had told him only because she had wanted him to know that there was someone special in her life before he’d died. Death didn’t play by any rules. It was not fair to lose the only loving person in your life at such an early age. Her heart was overfilled with unrequited love. Becca had directed it at the man she was crazy about: Austin Stevens.

  Her voice shaking, she asked Rom, “Is there an Austin Stevens among the guests?”

  “Do you know him?!” Rom was undeniably shocked. His face was growing hard and angular. Neither of them spoke for several moments.

  “I used to. But, not anymore.” She finally broke the silence.

  “He is my son-of-a-bitch half-brother from my father’s affair before he married my mom!” Rom’s frown was heavy and deep. “What business do you have with him, Becca?”

  “I knew him from when I was in a high school. He was a football star. It was impossible not to know him,” Becca replied. She wasn’t lying.

  “I wish he’d never shown up here,” Rom said. “But my mom got to ‘know him better.’” He made an air quotes with his fingers, “after my father passed away. She invited him to my wedding without even asking me.”

  “I see you are upset, Rom. This is not good. I don’t want anything to ruin this big day for you. What can I do to help?” Becca asked.

  “You’re a very good friend, Becca. There’s nothing you can do. Thanks for asking though.” After brief moment he added shyly, “If anything, can you please make sure he stays out of my sight? I am not sure I can control myself if he is not…” Clenching his fists, he added, “God forbid, if he decides to give a speech!”

  “I’ll do what I can,” Becca said, determined to follow through with her promise.


  “What the hell did I just hear? Austin muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. The sound of that woman’s voice seemed unreal.

  Austin Stevens knew how he was supposed to behave at his half-brother’s wedding: Distant and cool, and above all, disinterested in any woman.

  He was a stranger here on this paradise island, unknown to his own father’s extended family. His very existence was a shock to anyone, except of course, Lidia Blackstone, his father’s wife—widow now.

  Austin was not an out-of-wedlock son of the well-known PLM Oil &Gas Corp mogul, as anyone could assume. His mother never knew
the man. William Blackstone, Rom’s father, had been a mere sperm donor. In his student years at Princeton, despite his family’s being extremely rich, Blackstone struggled for money. His father was a very stingy and extremely strict, old-fashioned man. He’d valued education and wanted his children to become self-reliant before they inherited even a penny from him.

  So, William, needed money at that time. Donating sperm was an attractive option. He had nothing to lose. After asking him to answer a long list of preliminary questions, the institution had labeled him as a ‘high-profile’ genetic sperm donor and paid well. Of course, he’d signed a non-disclosure statement and never cared about Austin’s—or any other possible off-spring’s existence. That changed when he became mature and thought of what he’d once done as an irresponsible act of selfishness. After a certain age and some life-changing events, William Blackstone became a very religious man. This turn of events had changed Austin’s own future by default.

  His father was a very successful man and multiplied the fortune he inherited from his own father. His sense of righteousness grew stronger as he aged. He wanted to do good deeds with his own life. At that time, William thought of writing a letter to his possible biological children, giving the fertility agency the right to make his identity public, in case the children were interested in finding out who he was and wanted to connect with him.

  Austin’s mother had wanted to keep his biological father’s identity a secret from everyone. She revealed the truth to Austin only when he turned eighteen. He sometimes wished she had not done so! To add insult to injury, he was not only growing up with no father. He was also a miserable “dish” baby!

  After many years of hesitation and maturing, Austin was ready to seek his father out. Just before the man died of a heart attack three years ago, Austin had revealed himself to him. It was too late to build any meaningful relationships at that point. But, William accepted Austin with an open heart. He died in peace, leaving Austin an unexpected, generous inheritance.

  It was his father’s late wife, Lidia, who invited Austin here to the island for her only son’s wedding. She hoped that Austin and Roman would reconcile and overcome the mistrust and animosity between them.


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