Naughty Nights House Parties - The Beginning (Erotic Romance)

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Naughty Nights House Parties - The Beginning (Erotic Romance) Page 2

by Sophie Shearer

  “Get on top of me, please,” Pete begged.

  Her pussy was on fire so she was happy to oblige. She crawled up a little higher and kneeling over him, positioned her body above him. His hands grabbed onto her ass and guided the tip of his prick between her wet, vaginal lips.

  “Oh yes, right there,” Jenny whispered. The tip had found her warm, moist opening so she hastily lowered the weight of her body down onto it until his cock was fully encased in her hot and deliciously wet pussy. They paused a second to enjoy the overwhelming pleasure of the moment of having all of him buried all the way up inside of her.

  As Jenny rested her hands against his smooth chest she used her hips to slowly and deliberately rise and fall onto his rock solid erection. At first, she went really slowly, savoring every inch of movement, both in and out of her. Pete’s cock was huge and every bit of it touched her in ways that drove her wild with desire. They had only been fucking for a few minutes, but they were both covered in sweat in the steamy August night.

  Pete grabbed on tightly to her hips and began pulling down with each thrust, making their bodies slap together. Jenny knew that he was getting closer and closer to his orgasm.

  Then, without warning, he swung his legs off the side edge of the mattress and in a lightning quick move went from a sitting position to standing upright, with his cock still buried deep inside her. He is so strong, thought Jenny, as she hooked her arms around his neck. He positioned his arms under her legs and onto her ass. Thankfully this allowed her legs to rest their weight on his arms. He walked effortlessly across to the wall with Jenny still impaled on his cock.

  Leaning against the rough wall, Pete used his hands to lift and drop her ass on his rigid rod. The fast and furious speed of his pounding pushed Jenny forward to her own climax. His loud grunts told her that he was getting very close too. His cock seemed to fill all of her, and each time he slid all of it inside, a new flood of pleasure raced through her body.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said through clenched teeth. “”I'm going to come, I can’t stop it now.” He had a pained looked on his face, but she knew it was all pleasure. Jenny squeezed on her vaginal muscles, adding greater friction around his shaft.

  “Me too, baby!” she said in a high yelp as she began to feel the waves of ecstasy starting to pulse through her body. “Go for it, fuck me harder.”

  Pete seemed to sense that she had gone over the edge as he slammed her ass down against him with unbelievable force. Jenny began to whimper as wave after wave of warm orgasm began to overwhelm her. Pete's body suddenly tensed up and all of his massive muscles seemed to turn to steel. While still holding her body up in the air with his strength, he cried out and began to jerk his hips powerfully back and forth, pumping out all his seed into her whilst she relished the last moments of her own climax.

  When they were done, he tenderly carried her back to the lounger and putting the mattress back on, sat her down carefully.

  “Wow, thank you, you are amazing” he said breathlessly smiling down at her, “I’m so glad you were my first introduction to the party circle, I’m already looking forward to when I can afford to do it again.”

  Jenny smiled up at him as she slipped her dress over her head to cover her nakedness.

  “Me too, I’ll definitely be coming again,” she said laughing, “if you pardon the pun. Do you know where the bathroom is?”

  “It’s just down the corridor on the right,” he said, pointing in the general direction of the door.

  She picked up her panties and put them in her bag, then slipped her feet into her shoes and unlocked the door.

  “Oh by the way, thank you for making my inaugural party fuck a memorable one,” she said with a grin as she opened the door, “I hope to see you again; and soon…”

  Jenny left him in the moonlit orangery searching for a missing sock and went to the bathroom to clean herself up.

  Chapter 4

  After she’d had a quick wash, redone her hair and repaired her makeup, Jenny went back into the sitting room to see if Bob was about. He was nowhere to be seen so she picked up a drink from the tray on the small table and sat down at the dining table to wait.

  As she waited, thoughts were racing through her mind about how she could build herself a business providing house parties for people who enjoyed spending a lot of money to achieve their secret desires.

  I’m certain I could do better than this, she thought; I would provide a classy service with everything the hedonist could possibly want; and all in a beautiful, luxurious setting.

  Not only would she buy a house to provide her own luxury venue but she would also rent castles, large houses and secluded holiday homes by the weekend to provide the Naughty Nights House Party experience all over the country; providing they matched up to the high standards she would require. Maybe she could also arrange House Parties for other people if they wanted to host their own event, there could be ‘same sex’ parties, masked parties, themed parties; the possibilities were endless.

  Jenny’s mind was racing with so many ideas that she wanted to get it all down on paper before she forgot anything in her enthusiasm, so she asked the host for a pen and paper and started writing.

  That was how Bob found her an hour later; deep in thought and making notes on a large sheet of paper.

  “What are you doing?” he asked flattening down an errant lock of damp hair.

  “Just mapping out my future,” she replied, “I’m going into the party business and I will do it better than anyone has done it before - ever. I am going to organise exclusive house parties just oozing with class and you can be my very first lifetime member”

  Chapter 5

  Jenny knew she would have to do more research before committing herself to spending any money. She needed to check out the opposition to see how she could offer a better service. She also needed to know if the market was big enough to support another party business; it was no good spending a lot of money if she was not going to see a return on her investment.

  So, with market research in mind, she had spoken to the organisers of the party she had attended with Bob and asked if she could come to the next one on her own. They were more than happy to oblige but they probably wouldn’t have been so keen if they had known she was considering becoming one of their rivals. The next party was to be in three weeks and she would be there. Maybe Pete would be there too, she thought, I can live in hope…

  She had also looked on the internet and found a hotel in the West Midlands whose owners held monthly party weekends. The next one was to be held the following week so she booked herself into the hotel for the Saturday night; she was only going to stay for one night.

  When she arrived at the hotel she checked in, took her bag to her room then went downstairs to the bar for a drink and to find out how things worked. Surprisingly the hotel owners simply told her that ‘anything goes’ and left her to her own devices; she had expected a bit more detail.

  Sitting at the bar with a large glass of red wine feeling vulnerable and wondering what to do next, Jenny was not too impressed with other people scattered about the room. There were couples, groups of loud men, groups of laughing women and single people like herself. It only took her a few minutes to realise this was not her type of event; she quickly decided that there would definitely be no sex for her tonight.

  Just as Jenny was about to order another drink from the barman she was approached by a small creepy looking man with slicked back greying hair, crooked teeth and a single large earring.

  “Come on darlin’, you’re tonight’s lucky lady”, he said winking at her and grabbing her hand, “you have won a night with me and my mates and we’re all going to shag you ‘til you can’t walk”

  Shocked, but not quite into silence, Jenny spat out the first thing that came into her head.

  “You think so, do you? Well, you and your friends can fuck right off. I am not and never will be that desperate, you slimy little toad. Now fuck off!” she said with ve
nom dripping from every word.

  With a look of disbelief on his face he did exactly as Jenny had requested, and fucked off back to his friends who were falling about laughing at his epic failure.

  “Your loss,” he said over his shoulder whilst beating a hasty retreat.

  She had even shocked herself a little because she had always prided herself on being able to remain calm and dignified in any situation; but that was just too much.

  She went straight back to her room, threw everything back into her overnight bag and did the same as the greasy man; beat a hasty retreat! This weekend party had shown her another side of the business, the seedy side, but she had learned two things from it; how NOT to treat your clients and to carefully screen the people who wanted to attend.

  She was aiming to host high class parties not a lad’s night out.

  Chapter 6

  A couple of weeks later Jenny dressed carefully for her next market research assignment at the house she and Bob had gone to. She wore a figure hugging black dress with a lacy, almost sheer top covered in sequins. As she was leaving the flat she threw a sky blue jacket around her shoulders. She had a small black evening bag into which she had slipped her phone and a small notebook and pen – she wasn’t going to be caught out again.

  As it turned out the notebook stayed in her bag all evening because it was at this party she had met Padraig, an Irish property developer who was fast becoming the love of her life – against her better judgement. Surely it was not a good idea to get involved with her business partner. He had come over from Dublin to sign the contracts to seal a deal on one of the largest plots of land available for sale near Manchester city centre.

  He had apparently used his considerable charm and paid a very large premium to be admitted to the party event at short notice.

  Jenny was very pleased he had, otherwise she would never have met him.

  They had arrived at the door at the same time; both without a companion. It was the same unshaven man from her previous visit who opened the door, invited them in and checked their invitations against his list.

  In the sitting room Jenny introduced herself to Padraig who was not handsome in the traditional sense but he was certainly very attractive. Jenny imagined that he could have had roots in the gypsy community with his jet black unruly hair and sparkling dark eyes. A romantic image was forming in her mind of this intriguing man.

  Padraig picked up a drink for each of them from the table just inside the door.

  “Here you go,” he said in his sexy Irish accent as he handed her the drink. “I am very pleased to meet you; talk about the luck of the Irish…”

  They didn’t look at anyone else all evening. People drifted in and out of the room over the next hour but Jenny and Padraig were just enjoying each other’s company; the reason each had come to the party totally forgotten.

  After a while Padraig suggested leaving and going somewhere for dinner. With her market research pushed to the back of her mind, Jenny quickly agreed.

  As it was still early and they both had cars, they decided to drive back to Manchester and meet up in the bar of the hotel where Padraig was staying.

  True to the Irish stereotype, Padraig was a master at telling a story and spent the evening making Jenny laugh over a fabulous meal.

  He told her tales about his early life being brought up in a traditional Irish Catholic family in the West of Ireland. There was his ‘Mammy’ and Daddy along with four older brothers and his baby sister.

  Stories like the time his father, Mikey, was brought home from the pub in the bucket of the neighbours tractor, both of them very drunk after drinking copious amounts of ‘the black stuff’ - Guinness. The neighbour didn’t get off his tractor to help his passenger out of the bucket but used the lever inside the tractor cab to tip him unceremoniously onto the gravel outside their house. Apparently his father had a huge gash on his cheek from the fall but still didn’t wake up until he was found the following morning, fast asleep on the drive. He still bears the scar of that night.

  Or the time his younger sister had run away from home when the priest was coming round. A few days earlier she had been giving cheek to her Mammy who told her that she would go directly to hell if she kept it up. When his sister heard the priest was coming one afternoon she thought he was coming to take her to the place her Mammy had said she would be going to – hell! So she left home. It was six hours later they found her hiding up a tree in the field next to the house with a packet of biscuits and a bottle of water. She refused to come down until they promised she wouldn’t have to go with the priest to hell.

  There were lots more; Padraig’s repertoire was extensive and Jenny would have been happy to listen to his tales all night but the waiters were hovering, waiting to close the restaurant.

  “Would you like to come to my room for a nightcap?” he asked.

  Jenny was not sure if he really was asking if she wanted a nightcap or if it was a euphemism for sex, but she didn’t care either way so she agreed.

  Chapter 7

  As soon as the door of the room was closed Padraig gathered her into his arms.

  “I have been waiting to hold you since I saw you on the doorstep of that house,” he whispered burying his face in her hair.

  Jenny didn’t know what to say, so she did what anyone would do under those circumstances and said nothing. But she did wrap her arms round his neck and pulled him closer. He kissed her neck with butterfly gentle kisses before moving up to kiss her lips, gently at first then with increasing urgency. She melted into his embrace and opened her lips to explore his mouth with her tongue.

  Still kissing him, Jenny slipped her jacket off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor then kicked off her shoes before moving her attention to unfastening his trousers. Not caring that this was a first date and she never slept with anyone on a first date, she unfastened his belt, slipped it from its loops and threw it on the bed. Next she undid the zip and slid his trousers down to his knees. Padraig stood as still as a rock but was unable to hide his desire as his huge cock jutted forward, straining for release from his underwear.

  He quickly took off his own shoes then kicked off his trousers to be left standing in just his underwear and shirt. Jenny deftly unfastened the buttons and slid the shirt from his muscular brown shoulders. She looked at him standing, vulnerable, in just his boxer shorts and thought how beautiful he was.

  Is beautiful a word to use for a man, she wondered. But whatever the right word was, he was a very fine specimen of a man and Jenny was glad she had met him.

  Padraig pulled her to him and in one movement he unzipped her dress and slipped the dress down to land in a black sparkly heap at her feet. When he removed her bra he couldn’t take his eyes off her magnificent breasts.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said almost reverently.

  He sat her down on the edge of the bed, leaned her back and smoothly removed her panties. Looking up at him, Jenny couldn’t wait to get her hands on him.

  But Padraig had other ideas and kneeled down before her, gently parting her legs to reveal her glistening pussy. He began to very gently kiss her thighs and the newly waxed area where her pubic hair should be.

  “I didn’t expect bare back,” he said quietly, “but it looks amazing!”

  His probing tongue found her clitoris making Jenny squirm with delight.

  “Oh yes, yes, just there,” she pleaded.

  But Padraig was not in any rush and licked and gently pulled at her clit with his teeth until Jenny thought she would explode. Just when she thought she was about to come, he moved to her thighs still licking and nibbling. Jenny grabbed handfuls of his dark hair and pulled him closer, trying to move his mouth back to her hot pussy.

  “All in good time,” he said pulling back, “I want you to remember this fuck for a very long time.”

  He crawled up onto the bed beside her and ran his fingers down her smooth stomach to her wet and throbbing pussy and began to rub her clit. But
as before, he moved his hand away just as Jenny began to feel the waves of ecstasy begin deep in her body.

  As he nibbled and sucked her nipples Jenny took his rock hard cock in her hand. It was smooth as silk with a drop of his come dribbling from the tip. She really wanted to lick it away and taste his saltiness but he wouldn’t release her from his hold.

  “This is all about you,” he whispered seductively into her ear. “So please, let me do this. After you have had the best orgasm of your life, I’m going to fuck you long and hard ‘til you come again; and with a bit of luck – again!”

  The kissing, licking and nibbling continued as her moved down her squirming body back to her smooth mound. Then he was between her legs again licking her clit in long firm, smooth strokes then pulling it gently with his teeth until she could take no more.

  “Please, please don’t stop now,” she begged.

  He didn’t stop but continued to work her clit until she could feel the beautiful pulsing begin deep in her body. She thrust her hips to meet his tongue wanting the feeling to last forever.

  Then her body exploded; she couldn’t contain, or believe, the noises coming out of her mouth. She was engulfed in the feeling of her orgasm and didn’t ever want it to stop.

  “Oh my god, I’m coming, I’m coming now, please don’t stop,” she begged as she moaned with absolute and total pleasure.


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