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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 5

by Owen Oakley

  A flash of hot air sears my skin, and I hear a loud huff. An eye and a head come into my side view. I turn around and gliding beside us is a royal blue dragon with baby blue scales.

  “Ahh!” I jumped back and collide with Roman, who secures me in place with his arms. From afar, they appear less intimidating, but up close, they are downright terrifying.

  The beast makes Demetri smile and a twinkle in his eyes appear that I’ve never seen before. He pets the beast’s head along with a kiss. The two bond as though they’ve been friends for years on end. So, he does have a soft side even if it is for a huge and scary dragon.

  “It’s okay Centuria, she’ll get used to you,” Demetri says, giving her another stroke. Oh, no, I won’t.

  “Shall we?” Roman asks with his arm extended. I freeze and stare at him.

  “I hope you don’t expect me to ride that thing.”

  “Yes!” Demetri says through gritted teeth.

  I glare at him and fold my arms across my chest, refusing to move an inch. Demetri doesn’t hesitate and hauls me over his shoulder. I yelp in surprise as he leaps onto the dragon’s back. Roman joins us, pressing me firmly in the middle of them. Not a bad place to be, and I fight the urge to lay my head against his back.

  Without warning, Centuria lunges forward flipping her massive wings. We jolt forward and I tighten my hold around Demetri’s waist and squeeze my legs tight against the dragon’s side. Once we’re away from the boat it disappears into thin air, as if it was never there.

  The wind blows fiercely as we go against its current, it stings my face and my eyes begins to water. Everything is a blur of motion.

  This must be how Harry Potter felt when he first discovered he was a wizard. Awestruck and a sense of belonging. Let’s be clear I may have led an ordinary life, but I’ve always known there was a missing link, given my circumstances.

  I smile because I’ve found the reason, but this will take some time to adjust to.

  Once we slow down, we make our way to a boulder that’s higher than the rest, with a beautiful manor carved into the rock itself. Floor to ceiling glass windows, a large gate around it; a place fit for a King and Queen.

  Roman and Demetri step down from the dragon, and I follow, slack jaw and all, trying to tell myself to keep breathing. I try to keep my eyes leveled with everything but due to the height I’m forced to look down to see the rest of the boulders. My throat bobs at the drop and I rein in my fear of heights.

  When I turn around, a short person, knee-high, with pointed ears and slight wrinkles; cute in its own way, takes my hand to greet me. It’s an elf!

  “Welcome home, my Lord,” The elf says to Demetri.

  I stand back and observe still in shock. Lord? Oh, no wonder he’s full of himself.

  Demetri nods to the tiny elf, and we walk towards the manor. I crane my neck back to see how far it goes, and I stop before my neck tenses. It’s many stories up, with a great deal of soldiers protecting it. They too look otherworldly and gorgeous. Perfection, each of them. I shake of the thoughts and try not to stare.

  “Sabine?” Roman calls to me. He nods his head towards the door. “This way.”

  I scurry over to him, and we join the others inside. My nerves getting the best of me. All this time worrying about where I was going and I’m in a mystical world, and I wonder what the people here will think of me.

  I’m the odd one out. This place is significant! What if Demetri and Roman have wives or girlfriends? Would they be okay with me being here? What kind of creature are they? The questions swirl around in my head until I’m lightheaded and need a distraction.

  Once inside, I melt. The place is something that fairytales would fume at, even mine, with the never-ending winding staircase, crystal chandeliers, paintings and artwork that museums should hold, and furniture that looks too expensive to sit on.

  But it’s not the place that has me awestruck. It’s Demetri’s staff.

  The elf was surprising, but any small person could undergo surgery for pointed ears, but I doubt if one could make themselves look like a troll. Or a man with ashen skin with fangs.

  Half afraid and half in awe, no one pays me any attention. However, they’re too busy taking orders from a barking Demetri. Their faces are frantic, and they’re moving things, cleaning left and right. A whirlwind of movements all centered on him.

  Roman steps to the side and says nothing, I’m not sure how he fits in with all of this, but I’m over being in the dark about everything. If I’m not human, then how in the world did I end up on Earth?

  “Hey!” I yell, making everyone freeze, even Demetri and he doesn’t look happy, but what else is new? I don’t give a shit. “Stop, no one move a muscle, and I mean it!”

  Roman tucks himself away in the corner, trying to control his laughter.

  “I’ve had a tiring twenty-four hours, you know the usual stuff; kidnapped, killer gators, fucked-up mist.” I shrug. “I think I deserve answers that were promised.”

  The poor souls may cower at their Lord’s feet, but they promised me an explanation, and I’m not afraid to ask questions. Now that I know he won’t kill me, I have the upper hand, and I plan to use the hell out of it.

  “As you were,” Demetri orders to the many magical creatures. Ugh, I hate that word creatures, sounds so alien. But they were another species; then again so was I.

  “No, stay where you are,” I say. Which was the dumbest thing ever, but he’s being a bully and I hate bullies. “Quit barking orders to these poor souls like they’re your slaves, workers sure, slaves?” I shake my head, “No!”

  Some look up at me with admiration and gratefulness, but fear for me. I’m assuming no one has ever spoken to Demetri in that manner.

  Roman was just as shocked and was no longer laughing. Demetri glared at me. Those lovely pale grey eyes were dark as voids, like storm clouds, with blue smoke whiffing from him. Oh, boy.

  I think I’m about to learn what kind of creature he is and if he is a Lord, I’m sure it’s badass.

  Okay, bad idea. Within seconds he disappears and reappears in front of me — Yeap, badass. I scream in surprise, not given a moment to admire his skills.

  He no longer looked the same. His form is more significant and that of his muscles. He’s down-right terrifying, and I see firsthand why his staff moved at the pace they did.

  With one of his hands pressed on the wall by my head and the other around my neck. He towered over me with our bodies pressed together, I can feel his warmth, and it’s like fire singed into my skin. He immobilizes me with his knee between my legs.

  When I’m granted a moment to look past him, I can see that I’m not the only one. The frozen staff avoid looking in our direction.

  Roman gets to us fast and places a hand to calm to Demetri, but I’m not sure even he can do that at this point.

  “You will not come into my home and order my workers about. The only reason you are here is because I allow it to be so.” I try to wiggle free, but he raises his knee further, and my feet dangle off the ground.

  “I will not tolerate Disrespect; it’s an infection; contagious if one person does it and I allow it, it’ll become a chain reaction.” He squeezes his hand tighter around my throat. “Learn your place. Otherwise, I’ll teach it to you.”

  “Dem! Stop you’re hurting her,” I hear Roman say, his voice soft. No, shit he’s hurting me!

  Demetri’s eyes turn back to the beautiful pale grey and release me from his grasp. I fall to my knees, gasping for air.

  “As you were!” Demetri growls. The workers didn’t have to be told twice they scramble over one another to get out of his way.

  I’m grateful for Roman, but I can’t believe he let him carry on for as long as he did. That’s why I jerk away after he offers me his hand. Demetri notices and disappears into thin air.

  “Let me show you to your room,” he says after a beat. He walks me over to a wall at least that’s what it looks to be, but as we move closer, an elev
ator appears.

  Roman ushers me inside, and the door disappears once again. It’s unnerving to say the least.

  There aren’t any floor buttons, and I’m confused. As if he can read my expression, he tells me, “Its voice-activated. Just say which or whose floor you want, and it will take you there. Watch.”

  I look all round like a kid searching for the quarter that disappeared. “Sabine’s floor.” We lurch into motion going up at neck breaking speed. I grip the railing and regain my balance.

  “Let me guess magic?”

  Roman grins and shrugs. “What else would there be?” I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Are you shocked yet?” He asks as he gazes at me.

  “Yes and no. It’s surprising to know that your kind exists but in some crazed way it feels so familiar and normal to me. I know that sounds crazy.”

  He smiles, and my knees almost weaken. The man is crazy gorgeous, and I’m living in this manor with him. Calm down, calm down. Change the subject, or you’ll succumb to whatever he’s offering, which seems like a hell of a lot.

  “That’s some temper your friend has,” I say, touching my neck. Demetri had a solid grip on me, and I pray it doesn’t leave finger marks around my neck. My skin is mocha, so marks and bruises stick.

  He blows out a long breath as if he was waiting for me to say something.

  “It’s complicated,” he says, leaning back and crossing his leg in front of the other. I press my back against the wall, meeting his gaze. I want to hear this. That man is dangerous, if he’s set off by words, okay, and the disrespectfulness that I gave didn’t help, but it’s still not an excuse.

  I had a foster dad like him. I can still remember his harsh words and the punishments that accompanied them. I shut my eyes tight to clear away the memories.

  “Dem has never gotten close to anyone except his parents and me. When you’ve lived that long and seen what he’s seen.” Roman shakes his head. “It changes a person.”

  “Bullshit. That was borderline psychotic back there, added to being an asshole,” I huff.

  “Lay off. That asshole and his family took me in when I had no one. My family decided they didn’t want a half-incubus half shifter in the family. Dem and his family took me in and treated me like a son and brother. That psycho is a good person and all I have.” He sighs. “He doesn’t trust and with understanding, just give him time.”

  Incubus? Well damn that explains a lot. No wonder the man is oozing with sex appeal, he feeds off sex, desire, and lust to sustain himself. That thought does something to my lady parts. I bet he’s amazing in bed with tricks and abilities that most human men know nothing about.

  I can also see what Demetri means to him, but once again, it doesn’t change the facts. It’s also not fair that I should give him a chance when from day one he’s been nothing but rude and inconsiderate. I didn’t ask to be here.

  “What is he? Demetri, I mean. Like a mage or something?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood. A mage is the most likely thing for him.

  I know he can’t be an incubus because I couldn’t picture him being as smooth and charismatic as Roman. But then again, Demetri is just as sexy as Roman. Never judge a book by its cover.

  “The mage,” he says with an emphasis on the words.

  I give him a blank stare like what’s the difference.

  “You’re pretty updated with our kind.”

  I nod. “I write fantasy for a living, but I never thought it was real, let alone to be living in it.”

  He considers me for a moment. “There are different types of mages. Blood, light, and dark. No difference because regardless, if a light mage wanted to be evil, he could, or if a blood and dark mage wanted to do good, they could. Fire mage fuels from fire and other things that cause the element, joy from joy, love from love, to name a few.”

  I don’t know if it’s weird or not that I’m following and understanding what he’s saying to me.

  “Sometimes those are hard to fuel from because not everyone feels those things,” he continues.


  He laughs as though I’m not getting it and I’m not.

  “Demetri is a dream mage. He’s being fueling his source ever since his existence. One reason he’s the strongest and powerful mage there is.”

  It clicks and well damn that’s impressive and powerful as hell.

  “Because everyone dreams even when we can’t remember them. It gives him an unlimited source.” Roman breaks into a wide grin. “Ever since his existence? How old is he? How old are you?” I fire off one question after the other, not even sure I’m ready for the answer.

  His eyes go towards the ceiling as he calculates the age, and it just further lets me know I’m not ready for it.

  “He’s right at ten thousand years old but don’t quote me on that,” he says. “I’m way younger than he is. I’ll be five thousand next year.” He says, throwing me a wink.

  My eyes go wide as saucers, and another thought comes to me.

  “You said you’re half incubus and half shifter. What are you then?”

  His smile only deepens, and he moves in closer to me, and I press further back into the wall. I can get used to having him this close, in the non-threatening way.

  His aura surrounds me, and my limbs go limp, and if he weren’t holding me up, I’d be on the floor already, and when his soft lips brush across my cheek, I grind my hips into him. He smells like cinnamon and spice, and I inhale, angry that I have to exhale and release him from my nostrils.

  God, this man will be the death of me, and I’d die without complaint. “What are you?” I ask again because he’s only increased my curiosity.

  He whispers in my ear; his breath was like a breeze on my earlobe. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Damn this will be an interesting stay.


  “T his entire floor is yours,” Roman tells me after we exit the elevator. It took us ten minutes before we got to “my floor.” I didn’t want to know how high up I was, so I didn’t bother asking. There’s only one room on the floor, and the elevator door faces the room, so we didn’t walk far.

  There’s a splash of beige on the walls. Along the wall was a sitting sofa with a mirror above it. I glimpse myself in the mirror, and I want to retreat under a rock. I look horrible.

  My lopsided ponytail was barely holding up. I have more bags than an airport underneath my eyes, and I’m dirty but expected it after the adventure I’ve had.

  “I’m below you and Dem is above you,” Roman continues. He waits while I tighten my hair into its scrunchy.

  “Why is that?” I ask, walking towards the door where he’s about to enter.

  “We place all our guests in the middle. To make sure nothing gets past us to get to them.” I nod and grin.

  “Or to make sure the guest doesn’t get past you either.”

  He gives me a shooting finger, classic.

  “Here we are.” He opens the door, and I freeze. Holy crap!

  It’s a huge as a penthouse. We enter through what I assume to be the living area. It has three couches, a coffee table with a bar area, and I bet it’s stocked. I plan to make use of it.

  Next Roman shows me the dining area, with a long mahogany table that seats eight people along with a gorgeous centerpiece of white roses.

  I can’t help it; I skip over to it and stroke them and take in their scent — a little comfort in this enormous place.

  Feeling like a kid on Christmas day, he takes me to my bedroom, and the king-sized bed with an ivory comforter and many pillows that look inviting. I run and dive in.

  Clouds, the mattress feels like damn clouds. It conforms to my body. I’ve never been in a bed this soft. I make a snow angel and Roman laughs so hard he doubles over. I can get used to the sound of him laughing.

  “Okay, Sabine one last thing and I’ll leave you to it.” He holds out his hand, and I grasp it. We go into the bathroom that’s a few feet away from my bed.

  I sque
al in excitement. A walk-in shower that’s large enough to accommodate a football team and a jacuzzi that resembles a swimming pool. White glittered marble counters catch my eye, and I let my hand fall across its surface. This is royal treatment.

  “The shower, and everything else in here, is voice-activated. We’re not that far behind Earth as you can see.” That’s an understatement, but I like the idea that technology has a place even in the magical realm.

  I gasp as Roman comes behind me and slip his arm around my waist. “If you need help with the jacuzzi, just call me and I can show you how to use it.” His voice is full of seduction and smooth like silk — pussy quivering sonofabitch.

  I walk out of his embrace and turn and say, “Nice try.” He grins, and I laugh because his vibe is contagious, just like the sex he exudes. God help me.

  “Can’t blame a guy for trying.” And you can’t blame a girl for wanting you to try. Down girl, you can’t have him. Get it together.

  “Dinner is at eight,” he points to the wall where a clock is hanging. “It chimes at dinner and breakfast. If you want to get up earlier just let it know.” I could get used to this. “You have a lot of time before then. Get some rest, shower or relax until then. I have to refuel,” he says with a cheeky grin.

  I tilt my head, and it hits me. “You mean to have sex.”

  “Yeah, I am an incubus. Unless you want to help me out in that area, I’m sure you could give me enough energy to last a week.”

  I blush, and I curse under my breath for having such light skin making it noticeable.

  “You have women on standby for just sex?” I ask, ignoring his comment.

  “Babe there’s no need everyone wants to be with an incubus it’s just the matter of getting word to them.”

  Okay, and his charm is gone, but when I glance over at him, I know he’s telling the truth, and I feel a butt load of jealousy.

  Roman wasted no time getting to his refueling appointment and left me alone, which feels weird now since I’ve been with the guys for twenty-four hours.

  The thing is now; I still have no answers. Demetri promised to give more information, but I’m not getting my hopes up.


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