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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 11

by Owen Oakley

  He’d be there for a while, unless the book was on the outer surface.

  I must have been right because when I look up a second time and he’s thumbing through an old, dusty maroon book that look as though it weighed ten pounds.

  Whatever he was reading made his expression go from one of curiosity to that of disbelief. He looks over at me and I was at his side within a matter of seconds.

  He says nothing as he let his finger point to one full name with two words beside it.

  The air in my lungs deflate. I try to refocus as the tears swell in my eyes blocking the view of those words.

  I read the name over and over and tell the pieces form.

  “Christopher Amotte. Sorcerer. Keeper.” My dad. I train my eyes towards Demetri for understanding but he stands there blank face. “Why do you have this? What is this book?” I yank the book free from his hand, flipping through it. There were hundreds of names of different powerful supes with even more important jobs assigned to them. This book in the wrong hands was dangerous. “Keeper of what?” I ask.

  He meet my gaze thinking the same thing, but not wanting to say anything. If Tor has taken over the realms how long would it be before he finds my dad? I couldn’t process any of this right now.

  Tears slide down my cheek. There’s no sense of direction one clue yields another that yields an entire entourage of things.

  Demetri does the least suspecting thing. He rested his hand on my shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze.

  “Sabine we’ll find your father and figure this out together and what your father is keeping.” I let out a bitter chuckle. Find him? We don’t know if Mona is still alive or not. I couldn’t bring myself to pull away from him even though his goals were unrealistic.

  “Thanks,” I mumble instead. Still looking at my father’s name along with the realms’ name swirling around in my head. My frustration morphs into anger.

  “What’s wrong?” He asks, looking down at me.

  One word was making me see red. “Aiden.”

  I was thinking giving him the benefit of the doubt was my mistake. He was my best friend and “protector,” how could he have read my books with these names and descriptions of the realms and not told them or seen the connections?

  Realization set in with Demetri as well because his molten eyes were back, and a low rumble permeated within his chest.

  I cling to the book before handing it back to Demetri. I was at my allotted limit for bombs today, so he escorted me to the elevator.

  We walk both lost in our own thoughts. I feel a little closer to him than I did before. However, I doubt the hot and cold would end. Guilt surrounds me. Despite the things that were discovered it doesn’t change the fact that I’m carrying one whooper of a secret and if Demetri finds out? I shudder at the thought.

  He press a button on the wall and waits for the elevator to arrive, which makes me do a double take. The rest didn’t have buttons. He is certainly a man of old ways.

  His focus was straight ahead with his hands behind his back. Forever the protector even though it was clear he didn’t want to be.

  I take a chance and slip my hand into his before I think better of it. He was reluctant at first but unclench them and welcome mine into his. I could feel his light finger strokes over my gloved hand.

  He looks over at me with a small smile, not enough to display his dimples but enough to make my heart flutter. His long black bangs fall into a controlled swoop. He was a living Greek statue. Chiseled to perfection. His bronze skin glowed beneath the light that makes him look like a fallen angel.

  For that one moment I feel the walls within him he guards so well, shatter. Lost in his grey eyes twinkling like a star in the night I don’t hear the ding of the elevator, but Demetri does.

  After following his gaze to what he was gawking at, my body stills, and I release his hand.

  Hoo boy, this wasn’t good.

  Roman looked murderous and he swayed from side to side. I was wrapped up into what Demetri and I found out I forgot about Roman and his refueling party downstairs.

  “Brother, we have—” I’d never heard Demetri use the word brother with Roman. The words sounds unnatural mingled with the nervousness in his voice. It was also strange seeing Demetri nervous at all. The elevator door was about to close and Roman sticks his hand to stop it and makes his way out.

  “Save it brother,” he spits the last word out like it was poisonous to his tongue.

  Jesus! We don’t need this right now.

  Roman takes in my appearance; harden nipples with flushed skin and his face scrunches into a scowl. “Oh, so this is how it is?” Demetri and I exchange glances. “While I’m downstairs you woo her and tell her what a disgrace I am. How I feed off lust and sex. Hmm? What happened to, don’t get close to her? We can’t trust her?” He staggers back and Demetri grab his arm before he could fall. It was no use, Roman push him off.

  “You fucked her, didn’t you?” He slurred the question out. My brows shot up so quick that I didn’t realize I had done it. He knew I couldn’t, and it was a jab meant more for me than Demetri.

  “Roman!” Demetri’s bark had enough bite to make me jump. “We were discussing some new developments. Things that you need to be brought up to speed on,” He said looking Roman up and down. “Preferably sober,” he adds.

  This was a disaster. I remain quiet, my presence was enough, adding words would be like poking a hornet’s nest.

  But it killed me to see him in such a vulnerable place.

  Demetri offers me an apologetic look before dragging Roman into his room and I hop on the elevator, watching the door close behind.

  Well good to know I’m not the only one fighting demons.



  still don’t understand. If Sabine created the first realm starting five years ago and the most recent one was Ardam. Did she create at us?” Roman ask.

  He, Aiden and I look at Demetri who look just as thoughtful as the rest of us.

  “No.” I answer before Demetri could. “The plot in which I created was set centuries ago. You all populated these realms. My characters don’t come close to resembling anything like you all.” I sigh, rubbing my eyes. Exhaustion had settled in staying up late thinking about the awakening. “My theory is Earth and magical realms times are different. A day on earth could be equivalent to,” I shrug trying to choose something realistic. “a month or two here. I don’t know there’s no way to be sure.”

  I hated not knowing for sure. Everything about this is Twilight Zone and Outer Limits territory. We continue to dig through the many books lying on the floor and table.

  I stretch out on the floor to my full length my mesh crop top rises up my back and my boy shorts get tangled into a wedgie. When I look up Roman is fixated on me with a wide grin. I roll my eyes and continue to read the book in hand.

  I can always count on Roman to act his normal flirty self while I’m half covering my body parts or nude. Demetri and Aiden steal glances but they are inconspicuous with theirs, Roman just doesn’t care.

  “You who!” A woman’s unfamiliar voice drifts into the room, followed by heels clicking against the marble.

  Everyone’s head jerks toward the voice. All the guys groan and Roman throws his head back.

  “Aiden, where are you?” I glance over at Aiden who was beet red and shaking his head.

  “Did anyone hear the doorbell or a knock?” I whisper to them.

  “She rarely knocks,” Roman says with an eye roll.

  “Who?” Before I could get the word out of my mouth a beautiful woman with black wavy hair rounds the column to the living room.

  She steps short of the room when she sees me. With one look at her I know who she is, and I don’t think I’m up for the drama right now.

  “Oh,” she squeaks out. “You have company.” I pull myself up into a sitting position to get a better look at Aiden’s fiancé. He did well for himself.

  Not the woman I would
picture him with although that was when he was African American and my best friend. But he’s Fae so I get it.

  “My Lord,” she says as she gives a small courtesy. Demetri gives her a curt nod and continues to watch. I sigh and remember my manners and cross over with an extended hand. “I’m Sabine it’s nice to meet you.”

  She surveys me up and down with furrowed brows and a wrinkled nose. “I’m sure. I’m Aiden’s fiancé Yasmine. You’re a Nymph,” she says with disgust more of a statement than a question.

  I rarely dislike people before getting to know them, but I don’t like her. I let my hand drop and we stare at each other for a moment.

  “Congratulations on the engagement,” the only thing I could think of that would break the intensity in the room. “I’ve known Aiden for a long time, and I’m thrilled for you both.”

  Her face crumples so tightly, I thought her high porcelain cheekbones would crack. “Aiden what is she talking about?”

  Yikes! She didn’t know. Good Job Sabine. I turn to Aiden and give him a remorseful expression. Well, seems like I wasn’t the only one he was lying to.

  He gets to his feet and grab her hands. “Sabine was my special assignment for those eight years.”

  She rips her hands from his and place them on her hips. Ever the agitator, Roman makes side commentary. I sit this one out, only because there’s work to do and I don’t have time for the drama. My life had enough of that on it’s on.

  The craziness of meeting Aiden’s fiancé was short lived. Ever the one to think quick on his feet explained everything. The most horrible part was hearing him tell her he never had feelings for me and that she was the only he could love. I was hurt but whatever it seemed to satisfy her and put an end to the tension. Although, it didn’t stop her from staring daggers at me during dinner, which was long and very awkward.

  I have bigger problems as I stare at myself in the mirror, feeling overwhelm by my wedding attire. Sure, I’ve gotten used to wearing next to nothing but wearing this to a wedding for Realm’s sake.

  But Dem and Rome reminded me that otherworld rules and regulations differ from my former world. No shit.

  And Rome was so helpful to reiterate the fact Nymphs were natural creatures and that I shouldn’t be wearing anything at all. Keep dreaming.

  I take one last spin around in the sheer formal gold mermaid skirt with splits up to my crouch, with diamonds alone the long back train. I wonder if they’re real, they look expensive.

  The bottom although exposing is least of my worry it’s the upper half of me, I’m afraid will draw in distasteful looks from the entire realm. Even Traci would think this is too much!

  I’m bear with only green peacock feathers covering both my breasts and the feathers flare out in a beautiful design.

  It would be the last time I let Rome go shopping for me. I had been so involved in my training that I didn’t have the time to go, but I should have known it would turn out bad when he volunteered himself for the task.

  But at least he bought beautiful gold satin gloves for me. I’m stuck with three men who have a fantastic fashion sense.

  Aiden is about all things designer, hence the three pair of red bottoms each year I received over eight years of our friendship.

  Dem is more reserved, elegant, and sometimes downright old fashioned, but the things he chooses are timeless and classy.

  Then there’s Rome, I’m staring at his handiwork now, so no need to go back into it. Another round of thunderclap sound out on the door.

  “Sabine! We’re going to be late!” Dem shouts.

  I expect no one other than him banging at the door like a lunatic. That man is still a complete psychopath with mood swings.

  “You always say that, and we never are.” I hear Rome tell him. Demetri must’ve said something to him because a second later I hear Rome ask, “What?”

  Well, no sense and putting off the inevitable. I stride to the door barefoot per Rome’s assembly instructions, and fling open the door, with my hands on both hips wearing a matching scowl.

  Dem was about to make a smart retort to Rome before his eyes settle on me, taking in the view. He and Rome stay quiet so long the silence becomes unnerving. I shift from one foot to the other, hugging my arms around my core.

  “Well, are we ready to go or not?” I ask, self-conscious about my attire.

  Both the men swallow hard, and Rome readjusts himself with no shame and an outright smirk on his face.

  “Wow!” His genuine awe of me, like he’s only seeing me for the first time make me blush and bite down on my lower lip but knowing Rome it has more to do with his cock than anything.

  I wait for a beat hoping that Dem would say something, anything.

  He clears his throat, my eyes twinkle in anticipation, but the once lustful look turns into a scowl. “I thought you would wear your hair up. This is a formal event, not one of Roman’s parties.” Rome palm his shaking head.

  I throw up both my hands and walk off towards the elevator, swaying just enough that my waist long hair swishes back and forth in the center of my back.

  I can only hope that he gets a good view of everything he’s fighting against.

  They both fall in line behind me. Their heat and desire rolling off them making my entire body tingle with want and need.

  Once we’re all in the elevator, no one says anything. I find distractions of the smallest things like the cracks that are so small I have to squint to see; anything that will keep my mind occupied from the sexy men I’m standing in between.

  But when his scent hits my nose and makes them flare; that cinnamon and spicy smell makes my body do involuntary things and my mouth water like a Nigeria Falls, it’s enough to send me over the edge.

  My head tips back, and my legs slip apart, and I look up, seeing them both for the first time, and the sight makes my heart skip a full beat.

  Rome was wearing an all-black suit that stress every muscle in his body with a silk shirt that’s unbuttoned down to the mid of his chest. And his hair is in a tight man bun no loose strands today.

  Dem is holding his own in a midnight blue suit and white shirt and vest underneath. If we didn’t have any other place to be, I’d attempt to jump both their bones, well maybe not Demetri because he’s still a prune.

  “Rome,” I say with seduction taking over my voice.

  My eyelids hooded and whatever he’s putting into the air is a hundred times more potent than what I’ve experienced from him before.

  “Roman.” Demetri’s voice is cold with a hint of jealousy.

  Just like that, he takes away his scent, that leaves me in need and wants for more. Good thing he didn’t use his magic because there’s no telling what I’d have to force myself to stop doing.

  “Chill. Just wanted to let her know she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen before.” He says, shooting me a wink, and God help me if my heart doesn’t swoon, and the puddle between my thighs doesn’t drip. Because per attire instructions I wasn’t to wear any panties either.

  I inhale and exhale to get myself together. One thing is for sure neither of them can take their eyes off me, and for that, I lift my chin and thrust my chest a little higher.

  When we arrive, guests are already trickling in, each going to their assigned seats. Dem and Rome stop to socialize with others who look of great importance, and it wouldn’t be Rome not to entertain a flock of beautiful women that surround and fawn all over him upon his entry.

  I can’t shake the jealousy that hits me each time I see it. He’s an incubus, I get it, and nothing will change that, it’s how he refuels and survives, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  It’s one reason I haven’t accepted an invitation to any of his parties he has, I’m sure those women are regular attendants.

  I know I wouldn’t be pressured into taking part, but I’ve never considered myself a voyager either. Porn? Yes, but watching live sex acts?

  I can’t bring myself to watch him become arous
ed by another woman, let alone him having sex with her, hell I can barely keep my composure now.

  He’s not yours Sabine, what could you offer him?

  A few people shoot me curious glances. No doubt wanting to know more about the mysterious woman the Lord is hosting.

  Dem offers me his arm, forcing me out of my head, and Rome finds his way back over. “Shall we get to our seats?” I nod, and we find our names in the plush seats reserved for us. Well, Rome’s and Dem’s were there, they labeled my seat a ‘plus one.’ I sigh, determine not to let it bother me.

  The venue is exquisite. This wedding must have cost them a small fortune, but now that I know Aiden is a Fae Prince there’s nothing he can’t afford.

  It’s something out of a fairytale, and I’m not just saying that either. Yasmine wanted a winter themed wedding.

  Since Ardam has nothing other than perfect weather, I don’t blame her. Some days even I miss the rain, mist, and gloomy weather that Earth offers.

  Ardam puts the definition in always sunny.

  They enchanted the building with falling snowflakes that never reaches the ground. It reminds me of Harry Potter and makes me roll my eyes, very original.

  Frost and ice intertwine into a tree arch filled with engraved roses and leaves. I step through in awe, tilting my head back, taking in the details.

  All the decorations were frosted or actual ice, but the temperature remained pleasant and not like an igloo. My bare feet glided over the ice floor. I slow Demetri’s and my pace to enjoy the smoothness of it. When he realize what I’m doing a small smile creeps up one side.

  Even the colored flowers have dusted frost that gives them an even more mystical appearance. I can’t help but wonder if they are real.

  I stop asking how things are done because each of the guys never answer; only stare, because I should know by now that it’s magic or some spell, but I still do it occasionally to annoy them.

  “This is beautiful,” I admit, looking around discovering new things throughout the room.


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