Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1 Page 14

by Owen Oakley

  “We must draw a little blood. Just a small incision on your chest.” She continues. But she was still withdrawn and everything in her face screamed there was more to be told. “You’ll be naked.”

  “What!” I screech. “Naked? In front of everyone?” I pull away from her and take a step back careful not to trip over a huge root running in the middle of the floor.

  Heat rush to my face and I need space and a lot of air. I’m far from being ashamed of my body but really? Realms only know who she invited!

  She nods. “It’s not that bad. Oh, and no makeup or anytime deemed not natural, and the gloves,” she says looking down at my hands. “You can’t wear them.”

  Shit! That’s so not an option! I have to tell her.

  Yes, you do.

  I jump at the voice of my familiar, forgetting that he was even there.

  “Can I trust her is the question? She seems to be on Demetri’s side. The moment I tell her, my life is over.”

  Stop being so dramatic. You have to unless you want to harm anyone who gets close to you. Not to mention the awakening won’t take.

  I sigh. “Okay, you’re right.”

  My eyes search for something small and alive I can use for a demonstration. The thought of harming a plant makes my stomach flop.

  I pluck a small leaf from a rose stem and remove my glove. Just as my bare finger was about to graze it Traci catches my wrist and removes the leaf from my possession.

  “Stop!” Her grip tighten, and I try to jerk away but couldn’t free myself. We stare at each other and I recognized she knew who I was and what I’m capable of. “I know you’re the Nymph with dark powers Sabine. There’s no need to show me.”

  Even as the words come out of her mouth, it doesn’t make it any easier to hear. Reality slaps me in the face. I have a daily reminder of who I am, but it’s different when someone else says it.

  She drops my hand and I slip it back into its glove. “I’ve known since the moment you stepped into my shop. You’re the daughter of goddess Mona, you’ve displayed powers like none other and haven’t yet awakened.”

  “Why?” Is the only thing I can ask.

  “Why didn’t I tell the Lord? I will always put my kind above everything. I respect our Lord and am grateful for the things he does for us, but we are sisters and after your ceremony we will have an unbreakable bond. Who cares about a prophecy?”

  I snort and chuckle a bit. “Demetri seems to care. As soon as he finds out it’s me, he’ll stop at nothing to protect his people.”

  Traci holds up her hand, stopping me from going any further. “We will deal with it. However, I’m happy to say after your awakening you won’t need gloves anymore.” My brows shoot up. “The death touch is one of your gifts. I expect to see a poison ivy mark upon your arm. Something must have happened during your birth that caused that specific power to manifest early. I don’t know why but it did. But after this you’ll be able to call it forth at will and also suppress it.”

  Despite myself I smile. After twenty-five years of distancing myself from everyone else, I’ll have the ability to feel in both ways.

  I latch onto Traci with a hug. “Thank you.” I whisper.

  “One more thing,” she interrupts.

  I’m filled with so much joy nothing can bring me down. A stray tear falls from my cheek. Orchids have blossomed everywhere on my body and I know I’ve released a school of butterflies.

  “What is it?” I say laughing.

  “How attached are you to your body?”

  Wait, what?


  I pace back and forward in a white silk robe — befitting I know — on the wood forest under the high sun Demetri created. He spared no energy or magic for it. Color me impressed by the forest with evergreen trees, scattered logs with moss and small animals and insects everywhere.

  Foxtrot was having the time of his life chasing other foxes and squirrels. He was stand offish but right now he’s in his natural element.

  I fidget with my belt robe and lick my lips as they become dry in the forest’s humidity.

  Traci invited the entire realm. Many are here without an invitation either to experience a Nymph ceremony or to gawk at the new Nymph that found her way into the realm of Ardam. Let Aiden tell it I’ve been the talk of every household. Everyone wants to see the beautiful Nymph that is housed in “The Lord’s” manor. If they only knew The Lord hated me.

  I cringe at the thought and continue wearing a grove unto the ground.

  I stop short and squint at the man walking towards me. My breath catches in my throat and I’m happy I fought Traci with all my might to wear my robe, otherwise, this would be rather embarrassing.

  He look different, but I’d recognize that tall, broad frame anywhere, along with his hazel brown eyes, and thick dark hair. I close off the distance between us and he flash me a smile full of white teeth. Cairo.

  “Goodness Cairo I didn’t recognize you.”

  He holds up a necklace from around his neck. “A concealment charm.”

  “You look great. Not that you didn’t before in your other form.” God, I’m rambling. I purse my lips together, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. I’d be content looking at him all day. But I soon miss his centaur form and I hope he didn’t change on my account. He’s beautiful either way. A face that’s so angelic it’d make angels envious but all masculinity. Full pink lips making my eyes drop to them.

  “And you’re beautiful.” I don’t know how much of that is true. My hair is fizzy from the humidity, no makeup on just plain Jane. Regardless, his compliment makes me blush and boost my confidence.

  Before I could say ‘thank you’ movement from my peripheral draw my attention. Roman strolls up to us with the last person I’d like to see in tow. Demetri.

  I sigh, but Cairo doesn’t seem put off or intimidated at all. Interesting, let’s see how this will plays out.

  Cairo bow before Demetri and nods to Roman. “My Lord.”

  Neither man respond to his greeting. Oh, hell, bring out the testosterone and Alpha male bullshit.

  “Well then. Alpha Cairo I’m happy you could make it. It’s always good to see a friendly face.” My eyes widen as I look at Cairo. Alpha? Well, hell no wonder he didn’t seem phased by Demetri’s presence! He was that guy and held power of his own. But the daggers they’re throwing at each other makes me feel as though I’m in a testosterone overload.

  “Sabine. I think you should head over to Traci.” Demetri says, with his eyes locked on Cairo.

  Oh, no! I glance over their shoulders to see people still flying in and Traci running around, directing Nymphs to various positions. She already told me she’d come get me when they were ready. I clear my throat and ignore the grumpy mage.

  “I got you a gift and I hope it’s not too forward. I hope you like it,” Cairo says as he produces a royal blue box. I accept it careful not to touch him with my gloveless hand.

  I gasp as he opens the box. It was a beautiful gold necklace attached to a tree pendant outlined with opal black stones.

  “Oh my God Cairo thank you so much it’s beautiful.”

  “Just like you.” The sparkle in his eyes makes it hard to focus on anything else. A low growl permeates beside us, not sure from which guy but we ignore it. I, however, couldn’t ignore the clench fists beside both their sides.

  “Hold on to it for me. I can’t wear anything during the ceremony.”

  “So, I’ve heard,” Cairo says in a dreamy tone, as his eyes trail down my body. I feel as naked as I would be in a few moments, and I was all for it until Mr. Cockblocker clears his throat. Can I not have a moment to myself?

  Now this was getting ridiculous.

  “I have to get going but I’ll talk to you guys afterwards.” They each nod before I turn to walk away.

  “Sabine,” Demetri call. I take a deep breath in and pivot on my foot to turn back.

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  Demetri whispers a word and waves his hand
in the air, producing a blue shimmer that shoots from his hand and into the air. I crane my neck along with Cairo and Roman to see what will happen. For a moment nothing seems to happen but just as I’m about to look away the sun dips and a bright and full moon replaces it.

  Torches of decorative fire light up around the perimeter, bringing in extra light. Cheers and whoops sound out in the night air followed by a breeze.

  My jaw falls open, and I choke back words in awe, moving closer to them. I hadn’t seen the moon and darken skies since they took me from NOLA. My heart swelled with appreciation.

  “Thank you,” I tell him breathless. This time with real gratitude.

  Cairo cocks his head at Demetri with narrow eyes. “I for one never understood why our Lord took our moon away from us. Shifters have missed it, and it has caused most to suppress their shifting.”

  “I can ensure you that everything I’ve done has been for our safety. But you’ll be pleased to know it’s back to stay,” Demetri says with an authoritative tone.

  My eyes lit up at those words and I smile at all three men, but they miss it because they were too busy in a silent standoff with each other.

  Again. Alpha male bullshit.

  I walk away unnoticed.

  It was Deja vu except instead of a life-sized photo of me I’m nude in front of hundreds upon hundreds of strangers. I don’t know what’s worse, being exposed or the feeling that I’m in my natural element. Either way, these people are getting a show no wonder it was the place to be on a Friday night.

  The Nymph dancers were nude as they circled around me in a choreographed dance to a wind singsong fill with grace and elegance. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them.

  They wore either long earth tone or nude skirts or bikini styled material. But nothing up top to restrict their arms from flowing in every direction. I take note as they move in sync with each other. The only thing that can tell them apart is their different skin complexions. Some were olive green like Traci, some mint, and others a bronze color. It was all fascinating.

  Traci tore my attention away from my fellow sisters with a brief introduction to our elder nymphs from the magical realm of Ergon. All three were beautiful variations of bronze and olive-green complexion and look as young as me although their eyes betrayed their age. Each held so much wisdom of century old experiences.

  Traci explained, although we aren’t immortal, we age slower and we can live forever if someone doesn’t kill us. I don’t know if I’m ready for that part, but now that I’ll be able to interact with someone it won’t be so bad.

  An elder catches my eye. She’s the only one with olive green complexion and short wavy hair. Until now all the nymphs I’ve seen have long hair. I guess when you’re an elder you can do what you want.

  “Sabine this is the blood of your sisters.” Traci begins, holding up a bowl. “We’ll make an incision by your collarbone, let your blood flow in the bowl, and then mix it with my and the elders’ blood and then you’ll drink.” I nod and brace myself for the quick incision with the dagger.

  The elder does it quickly. I don’t register what was done. Blood trickle down my chest and then is caught by the bowl.

  While the women huddle together, I scan the audience and see Roman, Demetri and Aiden standing to the side watching. I try to find Cairo among the crowd, but he appears hidden.

  The nymphs make it back to me chanting ancient words into the bowl and right before my very eyes the mingled blood goes from dark red to forest green with a sweet aroma.

  Still chanting they nudge the bowl to my lips, and I’m determined to swallow in one setting.

  If there was a taste, I don’t hesitate to savor it.

  Traci gives me a tight lip smile. Now, I guess we wait.

  After more than a few passing minutes I worry if this won’t work. What if I’m not who they think I am? Even though I can’t fake this place, it’s very real, but I’d hate to think this wasn’t meant for me, and they ruin my life.

  The elders and Traci huddle together, exchanging whispers. I worry at this point. However, the crowd doesn’t seem bored. The half-naked Nymphs are keeping them entertained.

  Beyond my gyrating sisters I search the crowd for comfort, any of the guys will do, even the sight of Demetri would give me a little peace.

  First, I spot Cairo, a moment later Aiden, and Roman who was right beside Demetri. I swallow down the huge lump in my throat, they each wear the same confused and concerned expression. That can’t be good.

  My legs buckle. I know I’ve been standing a while but not long enough for that reaction.

  A prickly fire sensation begin in my toes and carries past my knees and shoots into my chest. I double over in agonizing pain.

  Fire and ice lace my veins. A moment later the sensation intensifies not just inside but across my skin. Had I not been wearing clothes I would’ve torn them off. That doesn’t stop me from clawing at myself, leaving scratches so deep the blood ran from the cuts.

  The elders and Traci run to my side as I drop to both my knees.

  The nymphs never stop dancing. In fact, the harder they moved the more my pain came. I can’t take it any longer, a piercing scream rips from my throat.

  “Make them stop.” Traci stroke my hair to ebb the pain away, but it doesn’t help.

  “We can’t,” she whispers. “It’s a part of the ceremony.” For heaven’s sake! I’ve never felt this much pain before in my life. It was like an experimentation gone wrong.

  “Why is she reacting like this?” I hear Traci ask someone, one of the elders I presume. I can’t hear anyone’s response because in that moment brand marks surface underneath the skin of the inner side of my left bicep. A siring pain. One, two, three, when I think it had stopped four more appear.

  “She has seven gifts,” one elder screams over the wind music and Nymph chants. My sisters celebrate as they continue to dance. Gasps fill the surrounding air.

  I continue to lie on the ground, panting and grateful the pain subsides. They walk towards me to inspect my marks. I let them extend my arm for a better view.

  “The Vine. She has plant communication abilities. The Bear. The gift to speak and hear animals. Elemental. The ability to control air, water, fire, and earth.” That earns a lot of whispers. My elders block my view to see everyone’s expressions. But somehow, the feeling I have, I didn’t want to see them. “The Crown. She is of royal blood.” Well, if I needed any more proof of whether my mother was a demigoddess, there it was. “An Orb. A gift of spell casting. Dagger. She has the warrior’s gift. And last.” The elder freeze in place as she viewed the last symbol.

  Traci and I wasn’t surprised at the poison ivy leaf, but I was concerned this supposed elder of mine would give me away. Traci exchange looks with the three women, something silent passes between the four and all three nod.

  “The Leaf. The ability to heal,” Traci finish. Her voice booms out, and the crowd goes wild with cheers.

  My body was weak, and my breaths came out slow and Traci could see it in my eyes. The look on her face told me this was not how the ritual was supposed to go, but what’s done is done.

  I roll to my knees taking a minute, when the same pain comes back to my body with a vengeance and I was back on my side convulsing.

  Everything happen so fast. Traci yell for Aiden and he doesn’t hesitate, waving his hand in the air. Silver puffs shoot in the crowd like lightning. Whatever he did, did nothing, everyone was still cheering and being merry.

  “Keep them back!” An elder yells out. In between jerks and shakes I spot Aiden trying to restrain Roman who was bucking to get to me. Demetri and Cairo were exchanging words and by the hand gestures and proximity it wasn’t friendly quips.

  I focus long enough to see Cairo yank his concealment necklace away and rear up at Demetri in his Centaur form. Wow, he’s magnificent.

  The last thing I remember was my eyes rolling to the back of my head and being lifted into strong arms and my body press against a
hard chest.

  “I got you,” Roman whispers against my ear before I stop fighting and slip into darkness.


  V oices surround me and two hard bodies were tightly tucked under me. My nose tingle with a mixture of spice and smoothness. Roman and Aiden. I could sense Demetri somewhere in the room, I only sense them with ease because they’re the ones pressed against me.

  I suppress a moan that threatens to escape my lips. I would be excited but, I feel strange as hell. I’m me but I’m not. My body feels foreign. I know I’m me, but I’m fatigue but powerful. In an immense amount of power course through me.

  “Why hasn’t she woken up yet?” Aiden asks, drawing my attention away from my evolved body. How long have I been out? The night of my awakening flash in head. Pain followed by branding and convulsions.

  “I don’t know,” Roman says. I feel him shrug, pulling me tighter into him. “Did you not see what happened to her?”

  Aiden sighs behind me his breath tickling the back of my neck.

  “Yes, Roman I was there, remember?” He shakes his head. “Demetri any insight?”

  I can’t tell what he’s doing because my eyes are still closed and because I want to know how much they know. For one Traci and the elders proved that what she said about being my sisters was true.

  Things could have gone differently had they not covered for me. As much as I appreciate it, the more people know the harder it will be to maintain the secret. Nothing ever stays hidden especially the truth.

  Glad to see you’re not dead. You scared me to death Sabine. They carried your limp body in, and we’ve all been by your side ever since. He rubbed against my leg to let me know where he was in the room.

  It was so good to hear my spunky familiar’s voice.

  “How long have I been out?”

  Give or take a week.

  Holy shit, a week? Now I know that’s not normal.

  You’re very powerful Sabine.

  I almost snort at Foxtrot. “What gave it away my seven abilities?”


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