eyond Desire Collection

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eyond Desire Collection Page 5

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  Squinting, she asked quietly, “Hey. Is that Myth World?”

  His head popped up and he met her eyes with a surprised look. “Yeah! You know the game?”

  “Know it? I’m at expert level,” she answered, slightly insulted that he thought she wouldn’t be familiar with such a popular game. “Lydia had it and I was hooked after trying it the first time.”

  She loved the game and always got some time in whenever she could on Lydia’s computer, even if it was late at night. It was her one indulgence. She couldn’t resist letting the computer take her to a whole new world when she played the game, challenging her to find out its secrets and battle mythological figures.

  Simon’s lips started to curl and kept going until he was wearing a shit-eating grin that made her heart skip a beat. It was the first honest, completely brilliant smile that she had ever seen from Simon. He rolled his chair over to the computer screen with the familiar figures as he answered, “It’s my game. This is Myth World II.”

  “Oh, my God. Let me see.” She pushed in front of him in her excitement. She hadn’t seen the original game in a week, and here was the newest addition. Right here in the home she lived in. “Is it done? Can I play it? I really miss that little bit of escapism.”

  “I just have the demo. It’s not on the market yet. You can try it if you like,” Simon answered in an indulgent and boyish voice. He went through the controls and stood, allowing her to plop her rear in the available chair and focus on the new game.

  It was similar, yet completely different, and Kara worried her bottom lip as she tried to figure out all of the intricate details of the game. “You made it harder,” she accused in a laughing voice.

  “Was the original version easy?” he asked her with a smile in his voice.

  “No. But it wasn’t this hard,” she answered, her eyes concentrating on the busy screen.

  “It was. You just aren’t used to this one yet.” His eyes scanning her face, he asked, “What do you like about the game?”

  “The strategy, the challenge of figuring out secrets, the make-believe world. It’s like being catapulted into another dimension for a short time.” She tipped her eyes to his as she got completely destroyed on screen. “You are a genius, Simon,” she told him with complete honesty. “I never realized that this was a Hudson game.”

  Kara could almost swear he was blushing as he turned his head, replying diffidently, “It’s just computer stuff. Nothing exciting.”

  She pulled her hands from the desk and folded them neatly on her lap as she told him emphatically, “It’s incredibly creative, Simon. It takes more than programming to come up with something like this.”

  “I’ll put them on your laptop,” he told her quietly.

  “Oh, Lord, no. I’d never get my studying done.” Her eyes laughed up into his, her tone playful.

  “I think you can control yourself,” he returned, sounding disappointed.

  “Absolutely not. I have no control when it comes to Myth World. Do you have other games that you’ve designed?”

  “Of course, dozens of them.”

  “Would you mind putting them on the PC in the den?” she asked hesitantly.

  “You can come up here. Play on the usage computer.” He pointed to a large computer and chair in the corner. “All of my games are on it. Actually, just about any game you can think of is on there.”

  She put her hand to her heart in mock astonishment. “Oh, horrors! You actually have other people’s games on that computer?”

  He moved closer to her, towering over her with a mischievous grin. “Sometimes I find it necessary to…check out the competition.”

  “And are they good?” She looked up at him, loving this boyish side of Simon.

  “Nah…but I have to keep up with what’s selling,” he told her, his tone impertinent.

  God, the man was so hot when he was joking around. Oh shit, he was always hot. She could smell his masculine scent with a hint of sandalwood. It was a warm, rich aroma that made her squirm and her body tingle. “If you don’t mind, I’ll take you up on that offer. I’m used to being busy and I’m not up on all the recent television shows. I get a little lonely sometimes. This place is so big.” Why had she admitted that? “Just don’t be upset when I don’t get dinner ready on time. I get lost in your games,” she told him in a mock warning voice, an attempt at levity.

  He came down on one knee, his eyes level with hers. “Are you lonely here, Kara?” His tone sounded concerned, dumbfounded, as his dark eyes met hers. “You don’t like it here?”

  “No. Oh, no. Simon, it’s lovely here. How could I not be happy?” She sighed, trying to explain. “I’m just so used to not having much time to think, much time to myself. It takes getting used to after the crazy pace I had before.”

  “Suicidal, you mean,” he said, his tone edgy. “That lifestyle was draining you dry, Kara.”

  “I know. And I’m grateful. Really, I am. This is just different,” she assured him, not wanting him to think she was ungrateful. Shit, she’d be on the streets if not for his generosity, but still… “I’ll be happier up here with you.”

  “You want my company?” He searched her face, sounding baffled.

  “Of course. But I know you’re busy. And I thought maybe you were avoiding me after...well, after…”

  “After I told you that I wanted to fuck you?” he asked bluntly, his eyes holding hers prisoner.

  “Yes,” she breathed softly, startled by his brusque statement, but glad that it was out in the open. It had been simmering, making her anxious.

  “I wasn’t avoiding you, Kara. I want to see you, be with you, whether you want to fuck me or not,” he stated, his voice adamant.

  “You do?” she asked with a hint of wonder. “Why?”

  “I get lonely sometimes, too. I enjoy your company.”

  She took a deep breath, willing her racing heart to slow.

  I want you to fuck me. I want you to take me a hundred different ways and then do it again.

  The breath left her body as her eyes roamed over him. Just thinking about that large, solid, dominant body over her, in her, made her fidget in her chair. Her fingers itched to touch the face so close to her own, to stroke the sexy, rough jaw with the sensual five o’clock shadow that made his scars nearly invisible. Strangely, those small scars added to his sex appeal, making him more masculine, more irresistible.

  No, Kara. Don’t think about it. Dinner. You came to ask him about dinner. Simon Hudson is way out of your league.

  “I-I actually came to ask you what you wanted for dinner.” Her voice was unsteady and she was practically stumbling over her words. Simon’s close proximity was getting to her, making her want much more than just his company. She scooted her chair back and stood, nervously wiping her sweaty palms on her jeans.

  It didn’t help. Simon towered over her as he rose to his feet. “I’ll help you. I’m done here for now.”

  Kara gulped, wondering if the massive kitchen was big enough for both of them. She wanted to be near him, but not so close that the longing that she felt overwhelmed her. “Okay. Let’s go see what we can round up.” Her strides were long and quick as she led the way to the kitchen, happy that she would have Simon’s company, but not quite sure how to deal with her treacherous body and its reaction to him.

  Total surrender.

  What exactly had he meant by that…and did she really want to find out?

  Chapter Six

  Simon knew he was slowly, silently becoming completely unglued. His mind was wandering to places it shouldn’t go, and he’d had to work extra hours the last several days just because he couldn’t think of anything except the fact that Kara was here, in his home, driving him closer and closer to insanity.

  If I don’t fuck her soon, I’m going to become unhinged.

  Glad he was following behind her so that she couldn’t see his obvious erection, he watched her hips sway in a pair of ass-hugging jeans as he followed her to the kitchen
. Her fresh, alluring scent wafted from her body and he breathed it in like a man deprived of oxygen, hungry for her fragrance. He smelled her everywhere, even his bedroom. Her aroma seemed to cling to every portion of his house, reminding him of her presence. Like he could forget it?

  What was it about her that fascinated him so much? It wasn’t as if she tried to make herself irresistible. She wore very little make-up and he had yet to see her in anything except jeans-minus the heart-stopping night that she had appeared in that tight mini and sweater-but he was completely enthralled.

  “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” he asked curiously. “Wouldn’t it have been easier to go to school if you had a man in your life?”

  They had reached the kitchen and Kara was pulling lettuce, peppers, and other vegetables from the refrigerator. “Do you want to help cut the vegetables for a salad? I’ll put in some steaks.” She pulled meat from the refrigerator before adding, “Why would I want a boyfriend when I’m going to school?” Giving him a perplexed look, she pulled out a cutting board and handed him a knife from the block.

  “Someone to help. Wouldn’t it be easier?” he replied as he washed the vegetables and started cutting awkwardly. Cooking was not one of his best skills.

  He almost sliced through his finger as she burst out laughing before answering, “In my experience, boyfriends aren’t exactly helpful.”

  She was amused, but Simon could hear a touch of hurt in her voice. “Bad experience?”


  “What happened?”

  She put the steaks in the broiler and bumped him out of the way. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a beer. Twisting the top off, she handed it to him and shooed him away to the island sitting area. “I’ll cut. You’re likely to amputate a digit or two.”

  Simon frowned as he took a seat and watched her profile as she sliced and diced like a professional. “So, what happened?”

  She sighed. “I dated Chris for five years. I thought we would end up married. Unfortunately, I came home from work early one day and caught him in bed with the person I thought was my best friend.”

  Was the guy totally insane? He had Kara in his bed every night and he wanted someone else? “He was an idiot.”

  “It wasn’t meant to be. I’m actually thankful that I wasn’t married to him.”

  “It still hurt you.”

  She shrugged. “It was a long time ago.”

  “Bastard.” Simon couldn’t help himself. He wanted to hurt the asshole.

  “What about you?” She glanced toward him as she scraped sliced green peppers into the salad bowl.

  “What about me?”

  “Girlfriend? I feel like I might be cramping your style. Me living here, I mean.” She didn’t look at him as she started on the tomatoes.

  He shrugged. “I’ve never had one.”

  She stopped slicing and gaped at him with a look of astonishment. “Seriously?”

  Simon didn’t include the one woman who had changed his life forever, at the age of sixteen. He hadn’t spoken her name or talked about her in years. Not to anyone.

  “Nope. I’m not exactly a social kind of guy. Sam is the compulsive dater. He’s got the looks for it,” he replied dryly, taking a swig of his beer.

  She mumbled something that Simon didn’t quite catch.

  “What was that?” he asked, wondering why her face was turning beet red.

  “I said that you’re better looking.”

  Simon almost dropped his beer, barely catching it before it fell into his lap. “Have you seen Sam?”

  She breezed out to the dining room to put the salad on the table, calling out behind her. “Sure. You have pictures of him and Helen everywhere.”

  His jaw dropped and he waited until she came back to check the steaks before replying roughly, “Then you know that’s not true.”

  “In my opinion, it is,” she told him stubbornly. “Just don’t get a fat head over it.”

  Simon grinned. Only Kara could throw out a compliment and then immediately deflate him. Still, he couldn’t believe she actually found him attractive. “What about my scars? Sam is a movie-star-handsome blond with green eyes. Women seem to love that.” Women loved Sam…and Sam loved women. All of them! He charmed women of all ages. Too bad that he couldn’t seem to keep that adoration after they started dating him.

  “I guess I prefer my men tall, dark, and grouchy,” she told him lightly as she pulled the steaks from the oven.

  He grabbed a potholder, his grin broadening as he took the sizzling steaks from her, dropping one on each of the two plates that she had set out. He watched her from hooded eyes, trying to figure out if she was actually flirting with him. He didn’t have a clue. Maybe she was just being nice. After all, she didn’t know Sam and she was living in his house. Still, her comment warmed him, made him feel special. No one had ever considered him handsome when compared to Sam, except possibly his mother. The women who had sex with him did so for financial gain. A mutual agreement that had suited him just fine…with those women!

  Kara was an altogether different story. Instinctively, Simon knew an arrangement with Kara that was similar to his previous ones would destroy him.

  As they settled at the dining room table, Simon suddenly remembered what he had managed to obtain for her earlier. “I have something for you.”

  He nearly laughed as she frowned at him, shaking her head as she said, “Simon, I’m not taking one more thing. You’ve done enough. Way too much.”

  He didn’t think he had done nearly enough, but he replied, “You’ll take this.”

  “No…I won’t.”

  God, he loved that stubborn look on her face. He tipped the dining room chair back and reached into the front pocket of his jeans. He held out his hand, but Kara was still shaking her head tenaciously, so he dropped the object on the table.

  “Oh, my God,” Kara breathed softly, her voice filled with awe and delight. She reached for the ring with trembling fingers, sliding it on her finger slowly. “My mother’s ring. I didn’t think I would ever see it again. How did you find it?”

  “Pawn shop,” he replied, glad that he had made some of his employees troll all of the area stores for the ring. “I knew it was the one thing that you were sad to lose.”

  “It’s not expensive, but it means a great deal to me. It’s the only thing I have left that belonged to my mom,” she choked, her voice wobbling with emotion.

  Simon would never tell her that her roommate only got a few dollars for the piece of jewelry on her finger. It was an inexpensive ring shaped like a butterfly with a tiny amethyst chip in the center, but Simon had seen Kara’s sorrow over losing it.

  “I’m glad we could find it.”

  Simon never saw her coming. She flew from her chair, her delicious ass landing in his lap and her arms flung around his neck. His arms tightened around her waist to keep her from sliding as she peppered him with kisses. On his face, on his hair, everywhere that she could reach. He could feel the excitement radiating from her body, joy oozing from every pore. “Thank you, Simon. You’re the most wonderful man on earth.”

  Oh, Christ! As much as he loved her enthusiasm and treasured her happiness, if she didn’t stop bouncing that luscious rear end against him, he was going to come in his pants. Her ample breasts were rubbing against his chest and her scent was making him want to devour her. Every delightful inch of her. “I think I deserve a real kiss. I told you that you would accept it,” he mentioned softly, his voice sultry.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair and their eyes collided as she tipped his head back. Simon’s heart stuttered as he saw the hungry, passionate glow of her gaze.

  Her lids lowered slowly as her mouth descended to his. Simon closed his eyes and moved one hand up to the back of her head, sighing as his fingers sifted through her silky mass of dark hair. She tasted like woman and need, and he responded with an uncontrolled desire that nearly pushed him over the edge. Her tongue teased his between lit
tle nibbles on his lips and it made him want more, need more. Putting pressure to the back of her head, he crushed her mouth to his, wanting to plunder and explore every inch of the sweet cavern. The hand on her waist slid to her ass, bringing her almost fully against him, making him groan into her mouth as their tongues dueled and tasted.

  She was so responsive, so eager, that Simon lost himself to her in that moment, not caring if he was ever found. Kara. Kara. Her name pounded against his brain as he tried to consume her, own her. Feral possessiveness drove him as his marauding tongue swept into her mouth, over and over, sliding sensuously against hers.

  She pulled her mouth away, panting as she buried her face in his neck. Simon could feel her hot breath against his ear as she delivered small licks and nips down the side of his neck.

  “Kara, I’m not a saint.” Jesus Christ, he couldn’t take much more of this. His cock was hard enough to pound nails and every instinct was screaming at him to take her.

  “I want you, Simon. Desperately.” Her fuck-me-breathless voice saying those particular words made Simon groan, desperate to be inside her. Still…

  “Don’t do this out of gratitude,” he growled.

  She pulled back to look at him, her eyes shining with need. “I would never do this out of gratitude. I’m tired of trying to fight this attraction between us, Simon. I want my one night. The one that you offered.”

  One night. Simon’s heart was thundering. “Total surrender?”

  “I’m not sure what that means…but yes…total surrender. I know you would never hurt me.”

  Her trust and faith in him nearly brought him to his knees. She had no idea what lie ahead, but she wanted him enough to agree to his request. He nuzzled her ear as he whispered harshly, “It means that I need control. I want to tie you to my bed, blindfold you, and fuck you until neither of us is able to move.”


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