eyond Desire Collection

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eyond Desire Collection Page 27

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  “I wanted to make sure you trusted me. Now touch me before I go insane,” he insisted, his dark eyes demanding.

  Kara looked at him, her breath catching as she drank in the sight of him, completely laid out for her pleasure. Simon was like a leashed tiger ready to pounce. Having him bound was heady, erotic. He was all rippling muscle and dark pleasure. And she was dying to touch him, and stroke that golden skin. “You are the sexiest man on the planet.” Her voice was husky, aching with desire.

  “I think you need your eyes examined. I’ve always thought so. I have scars, sweetheart. Ugly scars.”

  Yes. Simon had scars, a testament of his strength and courage. Kara would never find them unappealing or ugly. “Like a dark warrior, the hero of my dreams.”

  She reached out and ran her palm down his chest, tracing each scar with her finger and bending to lave them with her tongue.

  “You’re crazy,” he groaned, straining against the arm restraints.

  “You make me that way,” she retorted with a laugh, continuing to tongue his chest, nibbling lightly at one nipple, cupping his silk-clad cock with her other hand.

  Having Simon at her mercy was novel, and completely enticing. Coming to her knees, she shrugged out of her robe, nearly forgetting her hidden gift to Simon in her eagerness to touch him.

  “Holy shit. What are you wearing?” Simon’s voice was tortured, and she smiled at him, a naughty, seductive smile.

  “Another Valentine gift for you” It was the raciest item she had ever worn for Simon, and that was saying something, because he loved sexy lingerie. Simon usually appreciated it briefly before he tore it from her body. The red babydoll dress was nothing but wisps of fabric with spaghetti straps. The top barely covered her nipples and the tiny strips of fabric surrounding her belly were transparent. The panties were barely-there, leaving her ass exposed and her pussy only partially covered. “Of course, I had to shave. Completely. These panties don’t cover much.”

  Simon gulped, his eyes hot and wild as they raked her body possessively. “Completely…bare?” He choked out the last word, his voice hoarse. “You weren’t earlier.”

  Tossing the robe on the floor, she turned to him, running a finger over the outline of his engorged cock. “I had to do it when I put it on. Right before you took me upstairs to play my new game. It’s wonderful, Simon. I think you should release it.”

  “For Christ sake, release it. I’m ready to explode,” he grumbled, his breath becoming heavy.

  “I wasn’t talking about your cock, silly. I was referring to the game.” She chuckled as she liberated him, watching his length spring free as she lowered the elastic of the boxers.

  “Don’t give a shit about the game right now,” he huffed.

  The computer game left Kara’s mind completely as she touched him. Her hand wrapped around his silken member as she bent to kiss him, rubbing her sensitive breasts against his chest. His tongue thrust into her mouth as his hips lifted in response to her firm grip on his rod. Simon kissed her like a man possessed and she answered him with an equal passion, while her hand caressed the part of him that she was dying to have inside her. But that could wait. Simon had done this for her and she was determined to make it pleasurable for him. Extremely pleasurable. She meant to prod her caveman before she gave into her own urges.

  Releasing his mouth, she knelt beside him, still stroking his velvet cock, taking her time to run her hands over every inch of his body. She might never get this opportunity again and she wanted to touch. “I’m having a craving,” she told him in a sultry voice as she released him and slid from the bed.

  “Kara. Get back here.” His voice was both pleading and insistent.

  Kara dashed to the kitchen, returning with a can of whipped cream. Shaking it sensually, she tipped her head back and opened her lips, squirting a stream of sweet cream into her mouth. “Mmmm…delicious,” She licked her lips, swallowing the frothy confection. Simon’s dark, dangerous look as he watched her, mesmerized, nearly broke her. “There’s only one thing that would taste better exploding into my mouth right now. Something I crave.” She crawled across the bed, between Simon’s bound legs.

  “Kara.” His voice was a warning, one that she didn’t heed.

  She dabbed the white fluff onto his ripped abdomen, his thighs, and finally all over his bulging cock.

  She lapped at his abdomen first, enjoying the sweet taste of whipped cream, tracing every hard, vigorously contracting muscle.

  Simon jerked on his restraints, groaning, “Kara. I’ll make you pay for this.”

  She smiled as she licked his thigh. “I’m counting on it, big guy. And I do mean…big.” His cock was straining, pulsating.

  Moving to his other thigh, she nibbled and sucked, leaving a small mark with her teeth as she devoured the sweet treat.

  Her pussy contracted as she moved to his groin. The panties of her outrageous lingerie were already saturated.

  She purred softly as her tongue snaked over his groin, licking away the whipped cream softly, thoroughly.

  “Fuck. I won’t last. Goddamn it, Kara. Free me.” Simon’s voice was frustrated, and completely aroused.

  She looked up at him, met his liquid brown eyes filled with desire, searching for any sign that he was uncomfortable in any other way but passionately. He wasn’t. He was completely consumed with erotic pleasure, watching her, his only frustration the fact that he wasn’t pleasuring her in return. “I thought you wanted to satisfy all my cravings,” she whispered to him softly. “I crave tasting you.”

  Simon growled, his head dropping back onto the pillow as Kara took his cock into her mouth, her tongue circling the bulbous head.

  “You’re going to kill me,” he panted heavily as her mouth consumed him completely.

  Only with pleasure, big guy.

  She took as much of his substantial length as she possibly could, tightening her lips around him, sucking hard, her head bobbing as she devoured him.

  His hips rose, thrusting himself into her mouth as she came down for every stroke. Glancing up, she could see his muscles straining, his fists clenching the restraints. In that moment, Simon looked beautiful in his passion, his complete loss of control, his face harsh with ecstasy.

  “Fuck. Kara. Sweetheart. Ahhhh…God. Yessss.”

  He shouted incoherent words continuously as she moved faster, harder. He exploded, his body glistening with sweat, his hot release flowing into her mouth so satisfying that she moaned around his cock as she swallowed. After licking every drop, she crawled up his body and kissed him, letting him taste himself and a hint of sweet cream in her embrace.

  He tasted her mouth, finally ripping his lips from hers. “Bare pussy. Now.” He strained at his bindings, looking desperate to be released.

  Yep. It was time to release her caveman. “Help me.” She had no clue how to get him free.

  Simon gave her clipped instructions and she finally got his hands free. He sat up and deftly removed the restraints on his legs himself.

  He was on her in a heartbeat, his sweaty, still-panting self completely out of control. God, how she loved him. Alpha Simon was on the prowl and sexy as hell.

  He ripped her lingerie, shredding the top and bottom in a few hard tugs, completely destroying the ensemble. She sighed, admiring his brute strength, the ease with which he could get her naked. The desire to chastise him for shredding her lingerie had left her long ago. He would replace it later. And seeing him go completely insane with passion was well worth it. As usual, he was rough on the garment without hurting her.

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he breathed heavily as he uncovered her shaven pussy. “Time for revenge. You want to play, little girl, you have to pay up.”

  Kara was more than ready for Simon’s type of punishment, the type that would leave her breathless, begging and moaning. As his fingers traced her swollen, sensitive nipples, she moaned. She was so, so ready.

  “Please, Simon.”

  “Please, w
hat? What do you want?” he asked her harshly.

  “Fuck me. Please.”

  “I think not. I’m having a craving of my own. My mouth is watering for some cream. Are you wet for me, sweetheart?”

  Wet? Hell…she was beyond wet. “Yes.”

  She bucked her hips, but she couldn’t budge his rock solid body. His moist skin plastered against her, but he was keeping most of his weight from her with his arms. Looking up, she met his wild, intense dark eyes, her body clamoring for his possession. “You’re going to come for me while I taste you.” His voice was raspy, and he buried his face in her hair, biting gently at her neck, before he licked his way down to her breasts.

  She gasped as he tongued her breasts, moving from one to the other, as though he had all the time in the world to worship each sensitive nipple. Her core clenched as he moved to her belly, stopping to flick his tongue into her bellybutton, laying moist, hot kisses to her stomach.

  Finally, right before she was ready to scream with frustration, he spread her thighs. She shivered as he blew a warm breath on her naked pussy.

  “I can already smell your arousal, see how wet you are,” he growled, his fingers trailing over the bare flesh.

  She thrashed her head, needing desperately to feel his mouth on her. “Please, Simon. I need you.”

  His finger delved along her saturated folds, slowly meandering deeper. “Like this?” he asked, his tone demanding.

  “More,” she begged, ready to lose her mind if he didn’t make her come immediately.

  “Like this?” He circled her clit, his finger gliding through her slick flesh.

  “More. Damn it. More.” She was losing it, her body begging for him.

  “Like this?” His mouth closed over her tender flesh, his tongue lapping, licking her arousal, consuming her.

  Oh, God. Yes. Yes. Yes. Her hips lifted, trying to get his tongue deeper, faster. He parted her folds with his thumbs and buried his face in her pussy with a tortured reverberating sound, devouring her like a starving man, relentlessly flicking her clit as he completely consumed her.

  “Yes. Please, Simon. I need to come.” She grasped his head, threading her fingers into his hair, moaning as she pulled him against her, rocking her hips as he pleasured her with his scorching hot mouth.

  He groaned against her flesh, the vibrations pushing her slowly toward insanity. Her climax engulfed her, consumed her, her body catching fire as Simon laved her over the edge.

  Nearly ready to sob with relief, Kara cried his name as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her body.

  After he had wrung every ounce of pleasure from her that he could with his amazing mouth, Simon shed his boxers and crawled up her body. Kara opened her eyes, and saw the man she loved, raw and edgy, just the way she liked him. Just the way she loved him.

  Kara’s body was sated, but her need to have him join with her was almost unbearable. “Fuck me, Simon. Now.” His erection jutted against the still-quivering flesh of her core.

  “Mine,” he told her roughly. “You’ll always be mine.”

  “Yes. Always.”

  Simon positioned his hard cock at the entrance to Kara’s begging channel, entering her with one hard thrust, taking her breath away. He filled her, completed her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, wanting to be as close to him as she could get.

  Simon’s mouth covered hers, suffusing her entire body with heat, taking her away to a place where only she and Simon existed. His cock pummeled her, Simon pulling almost completely out before entering her again, and Kara embraced the volatile mating. He was claiming her, and she wanted to be claimed by him.

  Yanking his mouth from hers, he panted, “Tell me you’re mine. I need you. I love you. You’re never fucking leaving me.”

  “I’ll always be yours, Simon. Nothing will tear us apart. I love you.” Her gasping admission was barely out of her mouth before she felt her orgasm building. Wrapping her legs tighter around Simon’s waist, she met his powerful strokes, their sweat-soaked bodies melding together seamlessly.

  Kara flew apart, her body trembling and her channel contracting, nails biting into the skin of Simon’s back. She cried out his name, rocking her fiery body into his, milking his cock as her orgasm crested and then let her come back to earth slowly.

  “Fuck. Kara. Kara.” Simon came, his explosive orgasm flooding her womb.

  He rolled off her immediately, clutching her against him, pulling her into the protective shelter of his arms.

  His chest still heaving, he choked out, “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head, her body still quivering. “No,” she whispered, still short of breath. “You gave me exactly what I needed.”

  Her need satiated, Kara kissed his forehead before burying her face in his neck, still trying to recover.

  Somehow, Simon always seemed to know what she needed. Tonight, on their second Valentine’s Day together, he had given her his unbridled passion and his deep unconditional love. Certainly, he hadn’t needed to put himself in restraints to prove anything to her. But just the fact that he had been willing, had put himself completely at her mercy, humbled her beyond belief.

  Kara sighed, wondering how she had ever been so lucky, how she had ever stumbled across a man like Simon, a man to whom she could surrender everything, a man who would always hold her love, her trust and her soul safely in his care.

  “I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day,” she breathed softly against his neck.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart. I’ll love you forever,” Simon murmured against her shoulder, his arms tightening protectively, possessively around her.

  Whatever challenges she and Simon might face, they would deal with them together.

  “You’ll always have me,” she told him softly, sleepily.

  “I know, baby. I’m the luckiest bastard in the world,” he rumbled.

  Kara fell asleep with a smile on her lips, and the contentment of knowing that she had found a love that would last forever. For a woman who had once been so alone in the world, it was the best Valentine’s gift she could ever receive.


  Maddie turned the page of the book on her lap, wondering why she just didn’t give up and go to bed. It wasn’t like she was really absorbing any of the written words.

  “Damn it,” she whispered, slamming the book closed and dropping it on the table beside the sofa. Honestly, she didn’t want to go to bed. If she did, she would just keep remembering her encounter with Sam, torturing herself with memories of that scorching hot kiss earlier in the evening.

  Swiping the remote control from the table, she pushed the button to activate the television, hoping she could drown out her thoughts with the ten o’clock news.

  Her doorbell rang just as the news anchor starting recounting the top stories of the day.

  Who the hell could it be? She had no real family to speak of and none of her friends would come to her door at this time of night unless it was an emergency. She sprang to her feet and sprinted to the door, her heart racing. Looking through the peephole, she saw a man in uniform, a Hudson security uniform.

  “Who is it and what do you want?” she called loudly through the door.

  “Special Valentine’s Day delivery for Dr. Reynolds,” the man called back.

  “Leave it and go.” There was no way she was opening her door, even if the guy was apparently from Hudson.

  “I understand, ma’am. I’ll just leave it here on the doorstep.” The uniformed man bent over briefly, then straightened again and left.

  Maddie opened the door a crack, leaving the security chain in place. She watched the man get into his truck and drive away. Closing the door, she lifted the chain and opened the door, her eyes widening.

  On her doorstep was the most incredible bouquet of red roses she had ever seen. There were several dozen, too many for her to count in her stunned condition. Lifting the heavy, sturdy vase that appeared to be crystal, Maddie lugged
the roses to her dining room table. Placing them in the middle of the circular oak surface, she plucked the card from the middle of the arrangement.

  She sat, her shaky knees barely able to support her legs. The card was small, the outside of the tiny envelope decorated with hearts and a cute little Cupid in the corner. The only thing on the front was her name. She opened it with trembling fingers, yanking the cardboard notecard from its surrounding paper. There, in handwriting she still recognized, were only two words.

  I’m Sorry.

  There was no signature, no other identifying markings.

  Dropping both the envelope and card on the table, Maddie buried her face in her hands and wept.

  ~The End~

  Thank you for reading Simon’s story. Other books in this series:

  Heart Of The Billionaire (Sam & Maddie’s story)

  The Billionaire’s Salvation (Max & Mia’s story)

  The Billionaire’s Game (Kade & Asha’s story)

  The Billionaire’s Angel (available as a part of A Maine Christmas…Or Two)

  Coming Soon… Travis’s story

  For updates:

  Please visit me at: http://www.facebook.com/authorjsscott

  You can write to me at [email protected]

  You can also tweet @AuthorJSScott


  One More Day

  By M. Malone

  One More Day

  Copyright © October 2012 M. Malone

  One More Day

  When a friend is murdered and her apartment is trashed, Ridley Wells runs to the only person she trusts, her twin sister. No one will think to look for her in the rinky-dink Virginia town of New Haven.

  Of course, her luck lands her passed out in the grass in front of resident bad boy, music producer Jackson Alexander. Strike 1! Then she realizes Raina’s out of the country and she has nowhere else to go. Strike 2!


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