eyond Desire Collection

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eyond Desire Collection Page 81

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  “Dinner?” Her voice was breathy and ragged, betraying the effect he’d had on her.

  “Definitely. I’m famished.” The way he looked at her, the way his gaze roamed over her body, settled on her lips for a moment and then shifted to her eyes, left her entire body tingling with a thrill she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  It made her want to drag him back to the inn and have her way with him until they lay there spent in a tangle of naked limbs. So it was a good thing he had enough willpower and sense to tuck her in at his side, his strong arm holding her close as he guided them down the road and towards town. “So, what do you recommend? It’s been so long since I was last here.”

  Just like that, he’d brought things back around to being a normal date—as if he hadn’t just scrambled her thoughts and left her body zinging like she’d been caught in a lightning storm. She did her best to turn her attention back to the mundane task of picking out a place to eat. “There’s a great fish and lobster restaurant, a cute little bistro that specializes in using only local and organic goods, a few funky sandwich shops and cafes, and a great brick oven pizza place.”

  “It’s been awhile since I had Maine lobster, but I could also go for a good pizza. Do you have any preference? I’m up for anything.” The way his gaze settled on her as he spoke those last words left her heartbeat tripping over itself.

  She tried to steady her voice and failed miserably. “No preference at all.”


  Riley grabbed another piece of pizza and bit into the crispy crust, loving how the tangy goat cheese and Kalamata olives mingled with the sweet caramelized onions, all of it accented by the smokiness of the wood fire oven. It may not be a traditional pie, but they had gotten one of those too, since it turned out Thorsen really was famished. And with a body as lean and muscular as his, she was sure he had the type of metabolism that demanded to be fed.

  “That was really good.” Thorsen finished off his crust and took a long sip of his beer, before settling his gaze on her. “Just one more reason to stay on the island, isn’t it?”

  Did he mean permanently? Nah…he couldn’t. Wouldn’t. Or would he? She felt like a teenager again, trying to decipher every nuance in a conversation. The wise thing to do would be to let it slide, and see if it came up again. Or…she could just be blunt and stick her foot in it, since the words were out of her mouth before she could think them through. “By ‘stay on the island.’ do you mean for vacation or longer than that?”

  “I meant what I said, Riley. I like this island—and I like you even more.” He leaned in and gave her a smile as he reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I know you have a lot going on right now, but I’m a patient man and I’m in no rush. Clearly, you hadn’t been expecting to run into me, and I’m fully aware that this must all seem a bit sudden.”

  “A bit?” She shook her head with a laugh. “You know, you’re damn charming. And I’m beyond flattered.”

  He twined his fingers with hers, his gaze soft and seductive. “But…it sounds like there’s a ‘but’ coming.”

  “But my life was just thrown into total chaos this morning, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to surface back to a normal life. And as sweet and romantic as it all sounds, what you’re proposing sounds more like a fairytale than reality.” She had to be realistic if she didn’t want to get her heart broken, because Thorsen sure as hell could break her heart, and unfortunately, she’d learned the hard way that most guys didn’t stick around much past the end of the summer. “I’ve just been burned one too many times. Even when people swear up and down that they’ll stay on the island, it doesn’t tend to be a reality.”

  “I’m not like other guys, Riley. And I’ve lived enough of my life to know what I want. And darling, that’s you.”


  Hand in hand, Riley and Thorsen wandered back towards the inn, the sprawling grounds and cliffside bathed in the light of a nearly full moon. Having him so close had Riley’s heart thundering against her ribs and her mind racing. Those mind-blowing kisses from earlier that night and that declaration of his were running on an endless loop in her head.

  Even after all those years apart, there was still something between them. Call it a spark or chemistry, or maybe it was their shared past, but having him back after so many years apart made her realize that few other guys had ever had this sort of effect on her.

  It would be so incredibly easy to let him into her life. Yet, she had a lot on her plate. With the sale of the inn pending and Anna snooping around, she wasn’t sure Thorsen was a distraction or complication she needed.

  Or…he could be exactly what she needed to keep her mind off her troubles. Having Thorsen to snuggle up against at the end of a long day of dealing with Anna might be just the thing to keep her sane.

  With her hand still in his, she looked up at him with a flirty smile, once again thinking that the man was striking. His hair was streaked with every color from flaxen to deep caramel while being just long enough to look casual, his eyes were intelligent and the brightest blue, while a few days’ worth of stubble rounded out his rugged good looks.

  She turned towards him and slipped her hands around his waist, the feel of him solid and the warmth of his body welcoming. The night air coming in off the ocean held a bite to it and there was no better way to ward off the chill than snuggling against a gorgeous man. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in hanging out by a fire? We stock the fire pits each night with supplies for making s’mores.”

  “Darling, I’m up for anything if it involves you.” He brushed her cheek with a gentle touch, his gaze holding hers as he leaned in and gave her a whisper of a kiss. “Though I should warn you that I might be tempted to collect on my debt.”

  Oh, boy. A molten heat coursed through her and headed south, making her blush like some damned school girl—yet again. It’d been over a year since her last serious relationship, and though she had no problem with the occasional romp or distraction, none had felt this intense. It left her feeling like she was back on that ledge, teetering above a raging sea.

  Part of her—the part that was throbbing with need and desperate for release—told her to stop overthinking things and just enjoy herself. Before long, Thorsen would be off stealing international secrets and chasing down spies—even if he thought he’d be sticking around. It didn’t have to be anything but a bit of fun. Just a few old friends getting together. Nothing more.

  And then there was the part of her—the part that had spent two summers crushing on a sweet and gangly boy—that told her she could fall for him hard and fast if she wasn’t careful. She could easily get her heart broken when reality got in the way and he left for foreign lands. But not just any broken heart, because Thorsen…Thorsen wasn’t just any guy.

  “Or we could just have dessert.” He must have seen the internal debate going on in her head, because he looked at her sheepishly with an apologetic grin, a glimmer of the young man she’d known peeking through the surface of the confident man he’d become. “I’m sorry, love. It’s just that seeing you again after all these years… I don’t mean to rush you into anything you’re not ready for.”

  “I don’t feel rushed, Thorsen. I like you—a lot.” With a reassuring smile, she pushed her worries and cursed thoughts aside before they ruined a perfectly wonderful date.

  There was no reason for her to sabotage the present by worrying about the future. So what if he came back to the island because of her. Hadn’t she done the same, coming back year after year because of her memories of so many perfect summers?

  “But…” She shook her head with a smile. “It’s not like a girl gets those sorts of declarations every day, and I’m warning you now—if the romance writers catch wind of it, you won’t get a second of peace. They live for that sort of thing.”

  He let out a hearty laugh and tightened his hold on her, leaning in to nuzzle her, his stubble tickling her skin and sending a ripple of goose bumps over her skin. “I can onl
y imagine. Maybe I should speak to them—pick up a few pointers to make sure the guy gets the girl.”

  “I somehow think you manage just fine on your own.” Which was why she wanted to melt into him. Wanted to take him back to her cottage and have her way with him—or even better, let him have his way with her.

  She led him towards the fire pit she used most often, her quaint cabin sitting just off in the distance. It was one of the perks given to the manager. It might be small—no more than a loft bedroom that opened to a living area and kitchenette below—but it was still home.

  The thought that there might soon be new management in place, and she may be forced to move, had her good mood waning. Looking for a bit of distraction, she started to build a fire, doing her best to ignore any thoughts of her impending doom, while making sure she didn’t flash Thorsen as she knelt down in her silky slip of a dress. Now that would be one hell of a way to jumpstart their evening—if she didn’t die of mortification first.

  “I can do that if you’d like.” Thorsen added another chunk of wood to the pile.

  She shrugged and managed a smile in his direction. “It’s okay. I’ve done this so many times, I could probably do it in my sleep. Though if you’d like to grab me the matches and the s’mores supplies from the small chest over there, that would be great.” The chest—metal in an attempt to keep the critters out—was stocked daily with everything they’d need for their campfire treats.

  Supplies in hand, he dropped them onto one of the wooden loungers, before striking one of the matches and setting it to the kindling. He blew on it until the fire caught, and then gave her a smile. “It’s been awhile since I last did this sort of thing.”

  “There’s nothing better than s’mores and campfires. Two of life’s little pleasures.” She liked how his presence, the solid feel of him by her side, gave her a sense of comfort and familiarity. The light from the small fire was just enough to highlight the planes of his face, casting the rest of him in shadow. And damn if he didn’t look like some ancient warrior sitting by a battle fire.

  With the flames dancing and the wood crackling, she perched herself on the edge of the lounger. He settled himself behind her and pulled her close against him, slipping an arm around her waist as he leaned forward enough to toast his marshmallow.

  Happy for the warmth his body was throwing off, she all but purred with contentment. Luckily she was able to keep her hands busy with assembling her treat, rather than giving in to desire and running them over his muscular body.

  With their completed s’mores in hand, Thorsen settled back in the lounger and tucked her in at his side, making it impossible for her to ignore the way his body felt when pressed against hers.

  He took a bite, and then another. “I’d forgotten how good these were.”

  “Good thing you’ll be here awhile. You can get your fill.” Catching a drip of sweet melty goodness with her tongue, she was suddenly all too aware of him watching her. Before it got too messy, she popped the last piece in her mouth.

  “I don’t know that I’ll ever get my fill, darling.”

  Chapter Four

  Thorsen worked to slow his breathing, still not quite believing Riley was in his arms, her body molded to his as they lay back in the lounger. So far, it had been one hell of a good night—just as he’d hoped it’d be.

  Obviously, she’d changed in the twelve years since he’d last seen her, and yet he found that so much about her had remained the same. The way every thought was telegraphed to that sweet face of hers. The way she always seemed to find a smile that made her eyes sparkle. And by the gods…the way she looked at him and how it made him feel. Like there was no one but the two of them.

  They said nothing for a long while. Just listened to the waves crash on the rocky shore and watched the flames dance in the night, spiraling towards the heavens. The heady scent of the sea mingled with the wood smoke, filling his head and soothing his soul, awakening something primal deep within him. There was nothing he loved more than a wood fire, and having Riley in his arms made it perfect.

  With their silence came a growing awareness of each touch, each caress, the way her curves pressed against the length of his body, the way her scent filled his head and stoked his need for her. When she pulled his arms tight around her and snuggled in close to ward off the cool breeze coming in off the ocean, he couldn’t help but go hard. “Are you cold, love?”

  “Not when I have you to keep me warm.” He swore her voice was thick with need—and then she pressed her soft lips against the hollow of his neck in a kiss, his self-control slipping further with each heartbeat.

  He wanted her—like he’d never wanted anyone or anything before. And yet his thoughts nagged at him. He knew he’d jumped the gun by coming to see her, and yet he’d been helpless to resist. There was no way he should let things get serious with Riley before finalizing the sale of the inn—not when he was with Holt, and definitely not when she was upset about the sale.

  What he needed to do is come clean and tell her of his role in the sale—and yet he couldn’t. Not when the board had made it clear that he was to stay away from the island until things had been finalized. He’d not only put his standing within Holt at risk, but also risk any influence he might wield to save Riley’s programs.

  Maybe if he told her they should take things slow, that they had plenty of time. It would have to do.

  And then Riley slipped a leg across his thighs and climbed into his lap. His head went dizzy with need, his hard length trapped between his body and her warmth, knowing that with her silky dress riding up her thighs, there wasn’t a whole lot more than the worn fabric of his jeans coming between them. His hands dropped to her hips and gripped her in a firm hold, though it was debatable whether that was to keep her hips from moving or to set them in motion.

  “Darling…” It was all he managed when she covered his mouth in a kiss and rocked her hips against him, her lips still sweet and tasting like chocolate. Desperate to have her, he could barely think past the way her body felt up against his. So how the hell he managed to do the sensible thing, he hadn’t a clue. “I want you, Riley. More than you’ll ever know. But we’ve got time. I want us to get to know each other again—to fall in love again. There’s no need to rush things. Because I don’t want you thinking that what’s between us is casual. ’Cause it’s not, Riley. The way I feel about you is far from casual.”

  She brushed his lips in a whisper of a kiss, so his desire for her blazed like a hot sun. “I think I can live with it, if you want to take things a bit slower. And so you know…this doesn’t feel casual to me either.”

  Cupping the back of her neck, he pulled her close and nipped at her lip before kissing her in a most thorough manner, loving how she melted against him. By the time he managed to pull himself away, he was surprised he hadn’t tried to take her then and there, any thoughts of slowing things down now a distant memory.

  She nipped at his lip and, as if reading his mind, said, “Are you sure?”

  “Aye, sweet Summer. It’s probably for the best.”

  She gave him a sultry smile. “Well, I guess I’ll let you set the pace then, since I’m not exactly known for my patience.”


  Thorsen wrapped an arm around Riley’s shoulder as she led the way to her cabin. He still couldn’t believe the night he’d had, and though his timing might be off because of Holt, he had few regrets since she’d been his only thought since leaving his old life behind.

  She led him up the steps to her cottage and unlocked her door before turning towards him and biting her bottom lip. “I had a really good time, Thorsen. Don’t suppose you want to come in?”

  He cupped her cheek and ran a thumb across her soft skin, letting his fingers tangle in her dark hair. “Believe me when I tell you, there’s nothing I’d like more. But I shouldn’t, Riley.”

  She gave him a small pout that made him want to ravage her then and there under the bright light of her porch. “Maybe I can
catch up with you tomorrow?”

  It would have to do, though how long he’d manage to keep his distance, he didn’t know. “I’d like that.”

  When she looked up at him, he couldn’t resist sliding an arm around her waist and closing the distance between them. His hand shifted down to the small of her back, the silk of her dress gliding over her curves as he leaned in and kissed her.

  His tongue slipped past her parted lips, the taste of her still sweet like chocolate and sunshine. Pulling her to him, their kiss deepened as the heat of her body radiated through the thin fabric. He tried to rein in his need, but the suppleness of her curves under the slippery silk left him dizzy with want, his breath catching when she ran her hands up his chest and fisted them in his shirt.

  Year after year, Riley had wandered through his thoughts, his memories of their time together precious. And now? He couldn’t quite believe she was back in his arms once more. He’d wondered if his imagination had built her up over time to someone who could never truly exist and no woman could ever live up to—and yet now that he was getting to know her once more, he was starting to suspect that he had not done her justice.

  And it was because she meant so much to him that he had to step away.

  Slowing his kisses, he nuzzled her close, his breath coming in heavy, his head spinning with his need for her. He stole one last kiss and then forced himself to put a little space between them. “I had a wonderful time, Riley. Don’t know if you’ll have any time off, but I’d love to take a day-trip somewhere if you’re up for it. Portland wouldn’t be far.”

  She pulled him close and gave him one last kiss before snuggling against him. “I think I’d like that.”


  The following day, Thorsen made his way down to the breakfast the inn offered its guests. There were quaint diners in town, but he was curious to see what the inn had to offer. As far as he was concerned, breakfast at a hotel, and especially at an inn, was something that could really enhance a guest’s stay—or ruin it completely. He’d stayed in too many places that had beautiful rooms, but then soured his visit by serving up food that was horrible or uninspired.


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