eyond Desire Collection

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eyond Desire Collection Page 86

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  They decided to get a room at a local inn right in the center of the pretty little town so it’d be easy to go exploring. Thorsen took her hand in his as they crossed the road and wandered down a pedestrian-only pathway surrounded by shops, tall shady trees, wooden benches, and a stone fountain in the center of it all.

  Her hand felt small in Thorsen’s as he brought it to his lips, the gesture feeling at once new and just a bit old-fashioned. It left her stomach fluttering and all her senses heightened, aware of his every touch, every nuance. “Have you been here before? It reminds me a bit of Europe.”

  “I used to come here with my parents, though it’s changed over the years. For the better. It was always pretty nice, but now? It’s gorgeous. They’ve done a good job with it all—perfect for drawing in tourists, even if it’s just for a day-trip. And it’s only an hour north of Boston.” Already, Riley was thinking of small changes she could propose to the Mermaid Isle Chamber of Commerce.

  “You’re thinking of the inn and the island, aren’t you?” He gave her a sideways glance and a smile, so his eyes sparkled like magic in the light of the setting sun. The mere sight of him stirred her senses and her desire for him, so she was forced to concentrate on what he was asking her. And damn…the way his smile kicked up meant he knew exactly the sort of effect he was having on her.

  “Yeah…the island and the Siren.” She forced herself to take a deep breath and calm the hell down. She was acting like a horny teenager—or worse, some love-sick girl totally crushing on the guy of her dreams. And she wasn’t. He wasn’t.

  Except that he totally was. He was the guy of her dreams, which was probably why no one else had ever quite measured up.


  Her life was in a total upheaval, and Thorsen was supposed to be nothing but a pleasant distraction while her life went down the toilet. Nothing more than her catching up with an old friend and childhood crush.

  Nothing more.

  “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, sweet Summer?” Thorsen stopped walking and slowly slipped a strong arm around her waist, pulling her close and holding her firm against his hard muscular form.

  Her breath immediately hitched at the nearness of him, and sent her heart racing. Images of him naked, of him taking her, of her on her knees before him, flooded her head as her need for him unfurled in her stomach and slipped south.


  She did her best to wrangle her thoughts back to what they’d been discussing—or attempting to discuss before her hormones hijacked her brain. “I’m thinking of the inn. Hard not to with all that’s going on.”

  He ran the back of his hand down her cheek. “Is that why you’re blushing?”

  When he bent his head to hers and nuzzled her with a teasing brush of his lips, her eyelids fluttered closed and she couldn’t manage anything but quick shallow breaths. She wanted to tell him that she wasn’t blushing, but she could already feel the burning heat dance across her cheeks. It was only made worse by the knowledge that he could likely read her thoughts and knew exactly where they’d strayed to.

  “I swear, Thorsen…I’m not normally like this.” Not even close. She liked sex, but Thorsen kicked her need into overdrive.

  He tilted her chin up and looked at her, his gaze intense as he took her in. “Good. Because I don’t want to be just another guy, Riley. I don’t want to be your norm. ’Cause you sure as hell aren’t just another woman or lover. Do you understand what I’m telling you, darling?”

  She nodded, and leaned against him, their lips barely touching in a whisper of a kiss. “I think I do.”

  And she did. Every cell in her body, every fiber of her being told her this was different—and she supposed it always had been. Thorsen was unlike any man she’d ever met, and certainly unlike any lover she’d ever had. She’d had good lovers before—great lovers. But Thorsen left her feeling at once satiated and needy, like she would never get her fill of him. He made her feel beautiful, empowered…special. Like there was no one in the world who mattered more.

  And now that she’d been with him, now that she’d had him once more, had a taste for him, knew what it was like to have him hold her in his gaze, in his arms…she didn’t think any other man would do.

  “I know I walked into your life unexpectedly, and this has been intense—but there’s nothing I can do about it, Riley. I keep telling myself to take a step back and slow the hell down, if for no other reason than to not spook you, but I can’t seem to manage it, love. And frankly, I’m not really sure I want it to be any different.” Thorsen brushed his thumb across her cheek, his eyes still locked on hers, though there was a hint of uncertainty there, as if he was waiting to see how she’d react to his words.

  If it had been any other guy coming on this strong, she had no doubt she’d be strapping on her running shoes and bolting. But with Thorsen? Everything about it felt so right.

  “I keep telling myself that there’s no rush. That we have time, especially if you’re going to be staying on the island. It’s been mere days, right?” She ran her hands up his chest as the solid feel of him under her palms sent her pulse tripping. She felt as if she were on the uphill climb of a rollercoaster, anticipating an exhilarating ride. “Days. And yet I can’t manage to stay sane or logical around you. You have my head spinning, Thorsen. I’m falling for you all over again. Hard and fast, and…crap. It scares me.”

  “Och, love…” With his brows drawn in worry, he cupped her face, his touch so incredibly gentle. “I’d do anything to make you happy, Riley. Anything. The last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable or have you second-guessing what you’re feeling. It’s never been my intention.”

  She clasped his wrists, anchoring herself to him. “I know. And the truth of the matter is I like what’s between us, even if it’s crazy and scary and intense.”

  He let out a sigh, and the lines between his brows eased just enough to keep him from looking worried, though his gaze was no less intense. “I’m relieved to hear that, darling.”

  He leaned in and brushed her lips with his, as his fingers slipped into her hair and pulled her close. As his kiss deepened, her body went soft against his hard form and she lost herself in him, in his kiss, so that nothing else mattered.

  His kisses slowed, though he still kept his head bent to hers as he spoke. “Are we okay, then?”

  She stole a quick kiss and gave him a smile, excitement racing through her. “Yeah. We’re okay.”

  He trailed a finger from her cheek down her neck and between her breasts, making her breath catch and her skin ripple with goose bumps. “Good. ’Cause once we’re done wandering through this pretty little town and we’ve finished grabbing something to eat, I’m taking you back to our room, Riley. And then I’m going to ravage you. I’m going to take you time and again. And I’m going to make you scream my name. I want you…heart and soul…and every way imaginable. Do you have a problem with any of that?”

  She could barely take in enough air to get her words out. “No, I think that sounds…perfect.”


  The anticipation of what would come at the end of the evening had Riley’s stomach knotted with a delicious tension. It also left her with a heightened awareness, not only of how her own body reacted to Thorsen, but also of Thorsen himself. The way his hair was a blend of gold and cognac, but his stubble also held a hint of red. How his skin was dusted in a layer of pale freckles. How the corners of his eyes were creased with lines from smiling and how his eyes lit up when he looked at her. How his hands felt so large and capable when he touched her, and that he seemed to always do so, even if it was nothing more than the lightest touch.

  Having already slept with Thorsen, she knew the night’s activities would be damn fun, and yet, something about his words left her thinking tonight would be different, especially now that they’d discussed the speed at which their relationship was moving.

  She no longer had any doubts about what they had between them or where th
ings were going. She could thoroughly enjoy herself—other than worrying about the inn. And in the good mood she was in, she was even feeling optimistic about that whole mess.

  Nestled up against Thorsen’s side, they wandered down the long wooden wharf that overlooked the Merrimac River as it spilled into the Atlantic, the air laden with the smell of the salty ocean. It was crowded with couples and families, dogs and strollers in tow, as they enjoyed the summer evening and the breeze that came in off the ocean. Boats dotted the water as the sun slipped away, leaving the sky painted in coral as the dark of night slowly washed towards the horizon.

  Thorsen gave her a sideways glance and a smile that made her heart flutter. “You look happy, darling. I like it. A lot.”

  She had to laugh, thinking of what the past few days had been like. “I like it too—especially since you caught me just as everything was going to hell with the inn. I’d hate for you to think that I’m always such a basket case.”

  He looked away from her and settled his gaze on the water, looking suddenly serious and, for just a moment, troubled, his brow drawn. But when he turned back to her again, whatever she’d seen—or thought she’d seen—was gone, his eyes sparkling with good humor once more. “I’m relieved that you’re no longer worrying over the inn. It’ll all work out. You have to believe that.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Riley pushed away all thoughts of the inn, refusing to waste any more time dwelling on it when it’d do no good.

  Instead, she slipped her arms around Thorsen’s waist, more concerned about him. She searched his face, his eyes, looking for any sign that something was wrong. Whatever had been on his mind seemed to have gone. Or maybe she was being paranoid—because that would never happen.

  He leaned in and kissed her, nipped at her lip and then kissed her again before pulling away, her head spinning as she gripped his shirt and held on. “Are you ready to head back, love? ’Cause I don’t know how much longer I can keep my hands off you.”

  She felt her cheeks flame, knowing full well what he was capable of, and suspecting that was just the tip of the iceberg.

  “I’m ready.” Her voice was thick and husky and she wanted him so bad she could barely think straight. She went on her tippy toes and kissed his neck before dragging her teeth across his skin and biting him just hard enough to have him sucking in a breath.

  “Keep that up, love, and I’m liable to carry you off into the bushes and scare the wildlife.” He all but growled with need when she bit him again, this time on the sweet slope where his neck joined his shoulder. His strong hands gripped her hips and pulled her to him, pressing her against him so it was impossible to ignore the hard length straining against his jeans.

  She nuzzled him and whispered in his ear, her head spinning as she tried to wrangle in the effect he was having on her body. “I’d rather not get poison ivy or arrested for indecent exposure, but I’ll do what it takes to get you naked, Thorsen.”

  He laughed and kissed her quickly, already moving her away from the waterfront and back up the road towards the inn where they were staying. “You won’t hear any complaints from me, darling. I’m plenty happy with the pace you’re setting, especially when it means I’ll soon have you naked.”

  The moment Thorsen shut and locked the door to their room, Riley couldn’t get him out of his clothes fast enough, his lips hard on hers. She slipped her hands under the edge of his t-shirt so she could run her fingers up the hard ridges of his abs, his skin soft and warm to the touch as the fabric gathered at her wrists. When she went to pull it off him, he was forced to help her, since she was way too short to get it up and over his head. “You’re so tall—and so totally hot. And that accent of yours? It makes my insides go all tingly.”

  He laughed while kissing her, the sound and feel of it making her smile against his lips. It didn’t take long for him to rid her of her top and flick her bra undone to free her breasts, tossing the delicate lace aside, while her fingers made quick work of the button and zipper of his jeans—when his pocket buzzed.

  She flicked her eyebrows up, her lips curling into a smile. “Is that your pocket vibrating or are you just really happy to see me?”

  “Ignore it.” His words were a growl as he kissed her and his large hand cupped her breast. He ran circles over her nipple with his thumb so it tightened in response and then pinched it so she felt a tug of need between her legs.

  Doing her best to ignore his vibrating phone, she slipped her hand in past his waistband to stroke his hard length, the head of it already peeking past the fabric, ready to come out and play. She loved the way he pulsed in her hand, the skin so incredibly soft and smooth, a delicious contrast to the steeliness hidden just under the surface. He hooked his jeans and briefs at the waist and yanked them past his hips, stepping out of them and kicking them to the side as she ran her hand up his shaft with a slight twisting motion before reversing it for the descent.

  He let out a deep groan and took her mouth in a hard kiss, pinning her to the door with his body, his tongue bullying hers as he yanked her jeans and panties down far enough for her to shimmy out of them the rest of the way. Rough kisses mingled with bites as he trailed down her neck to her shoulder, pain and pleasure melting into one as she sucked in a breath to steady her racing heart.

  And then he dropped to his knees, her heart nearly sputtering to a stop, especially when he grabbed her ass in a firm hold, his fingers digging in and layering her need with yet another sensation. He ran his teeth over the curve of her belly, nipping and kissing as her legs went soft and threatened to land her on the floor.

  His grip tightened as he held her upright, and his mouth made its way over her hipbone, pulling her to him so she was forced to lean back against the door with a hand splayed against the wall for support. Slowly running one hand down the back of her thigh with a feather touch that sent goose bumps over her skin, his kisses slipped to her upper thigh as he hooked her leg over his shoulder. He opened her up to him, leaving her teetering and depending solely on him to keep her upright.

  She’d never felt more vulnerable—and yet she trusted him. Utterly and completely, the thought of it making her heart swell.

  He nipped at her inner thigh, and when she gasped, his tongue pressed against her clit, leaving her breathless. Her free hand tangled in his hair as his tongue worked its magic, every sensation heightened from being so precariously propped between him and the door. Slick as she was, he slipped two fingers deep inside her with ease, while at the same time he sucked her clit into his mouth. Her eyes slipped shut as her breathing became ragged and shallow, tilting her hips towards him to increase the delicious pressure and friction that would bring her one step closer to coming.

  “You’re so wet, sweet Summer.” His fingers curled deep inside her, pressing and stroking that fleshy bundle of nerves. White spots danced behind her closed eyelids, while he lapped lazy circles around that pulsing point now aching for release.

  “Thorsen…” She bit her lip, trying to find the breath and words to tell him she was going to come, when he slipped a third finger inside her and thrust upwards, while his teeth gently clamped on her clit.

  She cried out as her orgasm tore through her and her legs melted out from under her, her head spinning. Thorsen’s arms were there to catch her, pulling her into his embrace and cradling her close against his chest. She started to say something, but he kissed her into silence.

  He got to his feet with an ease she hadn’t expected, especially when he was still holding her in his arms. His words were nothing but a whisper against her hair, soft enough to have her doubting whether she’d actually heard them, or if it was nothing more than her imagination.

  And yet those words, heard or imagined, were enough to have her racing heart nearly sputter to a stop.

  “Riley…I love you.”

  Chapter Ten

  Thorsen silently cursed himself. What the hell had he been thinking? He should have kept his mouth shut. Should have kept his goddamne
d fucking mouth shut.

  He lowered her onto the bed and covered her body with his, all the while hoping she hadn’t heard him. Yet when she reached down and stroked his hard length, a sound tore free from deep within him, his worries pushed aside on a tidal wave of need. He kissed her again, his tongue pushing past her lips—taking, tasting—as his hand slipped over her curves to cup her breast and pinch her nipple.

  Shifting, she let her knees fall to the side so she could take him in and wrapped her legs around his to pull him close. And damn if it didn’t take all he had not to sink himself deep inside her, skin to skin. “Darling…”

  “I’m okay with it if you are.” She bit his neck, her words spoken on a hurried breath against his skin, while his need for her unfurled and grew inside him, taking on a life all its own. “It’s safe on my end.”

  “Aye, on my end too. But are you sure? It’s a big step.” He held himself back, the tip of him nudging the inside of her thigh, though how he managed any semblance of self-control, he hadn’t a clue.

  Her legs tightened around him and her hips shifted, searching him out. “I’m sure.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. With a single thrust, he buried himself deep inside her, his head swimming with the trust she’d just shown him and the intimacy of taking her unsheathed. Her body tightened around his hard length as he covered her mouth with his in a greedy kiss.

  He swallowed the moan that escaped her as he thrust into her again, his rhythm slow and purposeful as his hips shifted to hit that sweet spot. Nuzzling the crook of her shoulder, his pace quickened as he breathed in her scent, already so familiar. He nipped at the length of her neck and grabbed her arse as she raked her nails down his back, pain mingling with pleasure and eliciting a moan from deep within. “Keep that up, darling, and I’ll not last much longer.”


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