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eyond Desire Collection Page 94

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

“And you think he’ll agree to give you his vote?” Riley was doubtful.

  “No. He won’t—not to let me run the inn. But that’s not the offer I’ll be making—and the one I will be making, he won’t be able to resist.” He started packing, but she was now even more worried about what Thorsen was putting on the line.

  “Tell me you’re not going to sell him your share of Holt. It’s not worth it, Thorsen.” She couldn’t quite believe she was getting ready to sacrifice the inn, but she couldn’t let him give up his father’s legacy and what must be a healthy income.

  “I won’t give up all of it.” He stopped packing and sighed. “Just enough to give Mark controlling interest. It’s what he’s wanted from the start, which means that I can leverage those stocks for more than what they’d be worth if I sold them outright—and more importantly, force him to vote in my favor. It would guarantee me the sale of the inn when the board goes to vote on it, since my percentage coupled with Mark’s gives us enough to override the other members. Without Mark’s vote, I could have the money, and the board might still vote against selling the Siren.”

  She just wasn’t sure. It was such a big sacrifice. “I don’t know, Thorsen. It’s too big a risk. Even if you buy the Siren, it may not work out and you’ll have sacrificed everything, and…I don’t want you hating me if it all goes to hell.”

  He pulled her to him and cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “Och, love, you know that could never happen, and you need to stop worrying. Truth is, I don’t want the Siren or the island to change, and this is the only way I can guarantee that. We’ll make sound business decisions to make sure we won’t fail.”

  Leaning her head on his chest, she slipped her arms around his waist. “Do you think Mark will agree to your plan?”

  “One way to find out, darling.”

  The sun was just starting to set by the time they got to Mermaid Isle and Riley’s cabin. She was a jittery mess of nerves, worry, and exhaustion, but knew she’d not be able to relax until Thorsen’s negotiations were completed. “Will you go and speak to Mark now or wait until morning?”

  “Ethan’s already here and ready to go, and I want to get this out of the way so it’s not hanging over our heads. You’ve been on edge all day.” Cupping the back of her neck, he pulled her close and gave her a sweet lingering kiss. “Are you going to go see Logan?”

  “Yeah…I think I will.” She needed to see him. Needed to explain everything that had happened. It’s not that she needed his approval, but she didn’t want things to be awkward between them—not when he was one of her best friends. “It’s a quick walk. I should be back by the time you’re done with your cousin.”

  “Let me walk you there.” He nuzzled her and nipped at her ear.

  “Don’t worry about it—he’s literally five minutes from here and it’s not like the island is a hotbed of criminal activity.” Other than the occasional call of someone having too much to drink or shoplifting at one of the local shops, Riley doubted the cops had a whole lot more to deal with.

  “Then let me see you to the main road, at least.” They headed out, hand in hand, leaving Riley to wonder if this was a glimpse of what her future would be with Thorsen at her side.

  “Don’t forget that you’re now the new owner of a big ole farmhouse and barn. Maybe we can check it out tomorrow. It’s been awhile since I last saw the place, but it was in decent shape, though it’ll probably need to be updated.”

  She couldn’t believe Thorsen would now be living next door to her. After a decade of thinking about him, and after all their recent problems, things were once again good between them. If they could just keep the inn safe, then all would be well.

  “Maybe once I have the place fixed up, I don’t suppose…” He brought her hand to his lips as they wandered down the path. “It’s just that it’s going to feel awfully empty if it’s just me rattling around the place.”

  “What are you saying, Thorsen?” Excitement bubbled in her chest, even as her head told her it was too soon to be contemplating anything other than taking things slow.

  “I want you to move in with me, Riley.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, slowing their progress down the path. “Besides, if you don’t, I’ll just end up hanging out at your cabin twenty-four-seven and eating you out of house and home. Please, tell me you’ll at least consider it.”

  She wanted to say yes—and she wanted to leave their problems behind. He’d more than made up for his mistakes. “You know that I love you, right?”

  “And I love you, which is why I’m hoping you’ll agree to move in with me.” He brushed her cheek, his touch lingering. “I know I could make you happy, Riley.”

  Her heart pounded and raced and tripped over itself, even if her thoughts were a muddled mess. So instead of trying to think, she let her heart decide. “I think I’d like that.”


  Riley told Logan everything. And then she waited, knowing that he’d focus on the last bit about her moving in with Thorsen.

  “Riley…” He paced the floor some more, his muscular form tense. “Don’t you think this is all happening rather fast? And though I appreciate everything he’s done, he still lied to you—and we wouldn’t be dealing with any of this if he hadn’t gotten Holt to buy the Siren in the first place.”

  “That’s not fair, now is it? You know Jack and Ava would have to sell the inn before long, and at least this way we have someone who cares about it.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the sofa to sit beside her. “You and Lucy are my best friends, and I need you guys to be happy for me. Logan, I love him.”

  He gave her hand a squeeze. “I guess it’s hard for me to see you with him, Ry. I think I’ve always held out hope that we’d eventually get back together. But I suppose I never stood a chance—not when he’d won your heart years before we even met.”

  It was true, and for that she was sorry. “I don’t think I realized it at the time. And I’m so sorry for that. I wish it could have been different between us.”

  “I’m sorry too.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help, and you know I’m here if you need me, yeah? But…I think I might need some time alone, if that’s okay.”

  It killed her that he was upset because of her, but she didn’t want to make things worse, so she got up to go. He walked her to the door and she stepped out into the cool night air before turning to give Logan a hug, more for her than for him. “It changes nothing between us, Logan.”

  He tipped her chin up and brushed her lips in a whisper of a kiss, and she knew it would likely be their last. “I wish that were true, cupcake.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “This is the only chance you’ll ever get to gain controlling interest in Holt. Once this deal is off the table, I won’t think about selling again.” And that was the truth. The only reason Thorsen was even considering this deal was because of the inn.

  “It’s ten percent, Eirik.” Mark shook his head and pushed away the contract Ethan had drafted. “Hardly a massive amount—and look at all the good your shares have done you. You can’t even get the board to hand you over a measly inn.”

  Thorsen shrugged, trying not to look concerned. “It’s enough to give you controlling interest of Holt—and don’t act as if it’s not what you’ve wanted all along.”

  “I’ve worked my ass off for Holt. For you to just waltz in and have control of it when you haven’t lifted a finger is grossly unfair.” Mark’s eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched, making it clear how bad things had gotten between them, their years of dislike deepening into something far worse. “I want more than controlling interest—I want you gone.”

  “I’m not selling the rest of my shares. Not when my father helped start this company and made it what it is.” He couldn’t even imagine what his mother would think, though he knew her well enough to know she would support whatever decision he made.

  “I want fifteen
percent total interest and I don’t want you to have any role in the running of Holt. You’ll still get your share of profits each quarter, but you’ll be nothing more than a shareholder—not unlike your role before you quit Interpol.” Mark glared at Thorsen, as if daring him to accept the deal.

  Ethan, who’d been silent through most of this, put a hand on Thorsen’s arm, knowing that they’d already discussed what he’d be willing to give up. “Eirik will give you twelve percent of the company from his shares, and will agree to be nothing more than a shareholder—but only if he’s given the inn outright so that he becomes the sole owner and Holt has nothing more to do with the inn.”

  “That’s ridiculous, especially since I don’t own the inn—just a share of it.” Mark shook his head and pushed his seat away from the table.

  Thorsen knew it was a good deal. He just had to get Mark to agree to it. “My shares combined with yours give us enough power to approve the sale. From there, all you need to do is come up with enough money to buy out the rest of the board’s holdings in the inn. It’s a good deal, cousin, since you’d be getting my shares for a lot less than if you’d purchased them outright.”

  Ethan sat forward, his poker face on, though Thorsen could see the sparkle in his eyes. “The deal can’t get voted down, since the two of you easily carry the majority vote, and you know that Eirik will make your life miserable if you don’t agree to it. You think he’s a pain in the ass now? Just you wait. This way? Other than having Holt’s accountants cut him a quarterly check, you won’t have to give him a second thought.”

  Mark just sat there fuming, his jaw clenched tightly enough that he’d probably need dental work by the end of it. And yet, he hadn’t walked away. Not yet anyway.

  “Thirteen percent. If you agree to thirteen, then the inn’s yours and you can write up the deal.”


  Once back at Riley’s cottage, Thorsen told her everything and then caught her as she leapt into his arms. “I can’t believe it. You mean the Siren is really yours?”

  “That it is, darling. And I’ll still get a steady income coming in from Holt.” It sure as hell could have gone a lot worse.

  “But you’re giving up a lot, Thorsen.” Her brow furrowed with worry. “Are you sure you want to do that?”

  “I now know that I don’t have any real interest in being actively involved with Holt and their dealings. There are other things I’d much rather be doing.” He cupped her cheek and gave her a kiss, the feel of her in his arms all he ever really needed. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in helping me run the inn so that I don’t muck things up?”

  Her smile kicked up another notch as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. “There’s nothing I’d like more.”


  Thorsen stood by Riley’s side as she got ready to address the employees of the inn. With the Siren Song Inn now legally in his name, and Mark and Anna gone, he’d finally made things right for her, and he couldn’t be any more relieved.

  “I won’t keep you long, but wanted to give everyone an update on what’s been happening here at the Siren. I know there have been a lot of changes around here as of late, but I’m absolutely ecstatic to announce that the Siren Song Inn officially has a new owner, Mr. Thorsen Black.” Riley gestured to him with a beaming smile, her eyes sparkling in the sun. By the gods, she looked happy.

  Thorsen gave the group a quick wave and let Riley continue with her announcement. “There will be some changes made, but I’m hoping those will all be for the better. As for those who received their two weeks’ notice from Holt, I’m happy to say that your jobs are safe. There will be more details to come as we iron things out, but for now, I think that’s it.”

  The Siren employees clapped and cheered, chatting as they slowly dispersed. Riley turned to him and slipped her arms around his waist, going up onto the tips of her toes to kiss him. “I can’t thank you enough, Thorsen.”

  He brushed the hair from her eyes and stole another kiss, when Logan approached. Thorsen let go of Riley, to give them some time alone, knowing that things had been a bit strained between them. “I’m going to head to the cottage. Leave you two to talk.”

  “Actually, I was hoping you’d have a minute.” Logan looked at Thorsen, though his eyes darted to Riley for just a moment. “I just wanted to thank you. I’m sure you put a lot on the line personally to make this happen and I appreciate it. And you’ve made Riley happy. That goes a long way in my book.”

  “I appreciate you saying so.” Thorsen didn’t want things to be uncomfortable between them, especially when Logan and Riley were still such good friends. “Are we good then?”

  Logan put out his hand and Thorsen shook it. “Yeah. We’re good. Just take good care of her for me.”

  Thorsen reached out and took Riley’s hand in his. “You have my word.”

  With an arm around Riley’s shoulder, Thorsen led them towards the path when they passed the group of romance writers, all of them wearing mischievous smiles. He couldn’t help but smile back. “Ladies.”

  “Look at the two of you.” Pat clasped her hands. “That’s what we like to see.”

  Riley snuggled against Thorsen with a smile. “And what would that be?”

  “Oh, honey…” Pat gave them an utterly blissful smile. “A happy ending, of course. The guy’s gotten the girl, they’re madly in love, and all is well. Doesn’t get any better than this, now does it?”

  Riley looked up at him with a sparkle in her eyes that made his heart catch. “No…I don’t think it could be any more perfect.”


  Thorsen stoked the fire as the blizzard raged outside, whipping the snow against the windows of his farmhouse. They were expecting several feet of snow, which would all but guarantee them a white Christmas—his first in his new home, but more importantly, his first with Riley.

  Structurally, the home had been in good shape, though nearly everything had needed updating. Luckily, they were able to get most of the renovations done before Riley moved in, making use of the contractors who were updating the inn a section at a time. With luck, the Siren would be fully functioning and ready for guests in time for the May Day celebrations, which would kick off the summer season.

  The lights flickered but stayed on as Riley walked into the living room with a few more candles and set them on the rough-hewn fireplace mantel. “I’ll be amazed if we don’t lose power.”

  He finished with the fire and sat back on the thick shaggy rug, his back propped against the sofa, as his heart and mind raced. “Don’t worry, darling. I promise I’ll keep you warm.”

  “You know you don’t need any excuses to get me naked, Thorsen.” She sat down by his side and nestled against him, the fire casting her in golden shadows. He couldn’t think of a time when she was more beautiful.

  “I know we’ve had our difficulties, but I love you, darling. More than life itself.” He let out a ragged sigh and then took a deep breath to try to slow his pounding heart as it thudded against his chest. “And it’s why I’m hoping you’ll forgive me for being such an impatient pain in the arse.”

  She shifted so she could look at him, confusion tainting her eyes—when she saw the ring he was holding. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. “Thorsen…”

  “My life is nothing without you in it, Riley, and I don’t want to ever be without you again. Please, darling…will you marry me?”

  “There’s never been anyone but you. Yes, I’ll marry you.” Her hands shook as he slid the ring onto her finger, his heart overjoyed when she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, his world complete.

  “And I know the perfect place to have the wedding—a cute little inn on the coast of a quaint Maine island.” He smiled and kissed her again, wondering if he’d ever get his fill.

  “I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

  The End

  Lucy’s story, For Love or Treasure, the second book in the Mermaid Isle Seri
es, is now available for purchase through all major venues, like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.

  For Love or Treasure

  From USA Today Bestselling Author, Cali MacKay...

  Lucy’s been scouring through her ancestor’s journal in the hope of finding the long lost pirate treasure of Mermaid Isle. But when a sexy stranger walks into her bookstore looking like the very pirates she’s been reading about, she can’t ignore their immediate attraction and soon finds herself throwing caution to the wind and falling for Niall.

  Niall’s one goal is to find the treasure his ancestors buried, but he only has one half of the puzzle and he’s convinced that Lucy Nordson holds the other half. If he had to charm someone, then he could do a hell of a lot worse than the gorgeous and talented redhead, but he soon finds himself torn when his hunt for the treasure and the lies he’s told to find it, get in the way of what his heart truly wants.

  With the stakes high and their deceptions getting in the way, can they find the treasure and true love or will they risk it all in the end?

  Now available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes. For more of Cali’s about Cali’s books or to sign up for Cali’s updates, please check out http://calimackay.com. Cali can also be reached on Facebook.

  More books by Cali MacKay…

  The Mermaid Isle Series (One Sweet Summer, For Love or Treasure, Sweet Danger)

  The Billionaire’s Temptation Series (Seduction and Surrender *with more books to be added*)

  The Highland Heart Series (The Highlander’s Hope, A Highland Home, A Highland Heist)

  The Pirate and the Feisty Maid Series (Parts One, Two, and Three)

  Jack—A Grim Reaper Romance

  Defining Destiny

  By Deanna Chase



  Chapter One


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