eyond Desire Collection

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eyond Desire Collection Page 158

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  “Richard,” I softly spoke his name. “I don’t want you to go out of business. I don’t want the people who work at your firm to lose their jobs, either. You have to remember that I’m not the one who started this fight. You sued me.” Dashing a bit more salt on that wound, I added, “I warned you against hiring Trevor. I called you and emailed you, and I tried to tell you that he was a liability.”

  The older man glanced away from me. His eyes shone with such hardness, but I sensed his regret at the way things went down between us. Once, he’d thought he could push me over. He seemed to realize I’d finally grown a backbone.

  Digging my phone out of my backpack, I scrolled through my contacts and found Ty’s private number. He answered on the third ring. “Oh, sugar, wait until I tell you what I found out today!”

  Hating to rain on his parade, I said, “I already know, Ty. I’m talking to Richard Hawkins right now.”

  He dramatically hissed. “Ooh, the enemy. Should we slay him now?”

  “No, we’re not going to slay him. We’re going to bury the Trevor connection, and Richard is going to withdraw his lawsuit against me.”

  “My, my, my, sweet Bee, did we finally locate our spine?”

  “It seems so.”

  “That big, sexy Russian of Lena’s is going to be so proud of you.” Sighing loudly, he said, “All right. I’ll call off the hounds—but you better make sure Mr. Hawkins knows I won’t hesitate to jerk off their leashes at the first hint of reneging on this deal.”

  Holding Richard’s grateful gaze, I murmured, “He knows.”

  After ending the call and pocketing my phone, I stared at Richard. He finally nodded and reached for his cell. I waited while he contacted his lawyer and got the ball rolling. When he was finished, he asked, “Satisfied?”

  “I will be when my lawyer confirms the suit has been pulled.” Before Richard could escape, I asked, “Where is Trevor?”

  “I don’t know. That’s the truth,” he added, eying Kelly warily. “If I knew, I would have had him arrested already for that stunt he pulled.”

  “I believe you.”

  With a stiff nod, Richard extricated himself from the tense situation. Kelly’s strong hand settled against my nape. He gave the back of my neck a reassuring squeeze and drew my gaze. One corner of his mouth lifted with a smile. “Well played, Bee.”

  Indulging myself with a pleased grin, I admitted, “I bluffed my way through that. I kept thinking of everything Yuri taught me about business, about being strong and taking risks.”

  “We’re taking a risk out here now,” Winn interjected, his demeanor uneasy. “I suggest we get moving.”

  We quickly bid farewell to Jack and Finn. While Winn slipped behind the wheel of the SUV that belonged to LSG’s fleet, Kelly helped me into the front seat of his truck and shut the door. After climbing in on his side, he leaned over and brushed his lips against my temple. “That was pretty amazing, Bee. You should be proud of yourself.”

  “For basically blackmailing Richard?” I wasn’t so sure that what I’d just done was right.

  “You used leverage to save your company. You protected the jobs of everyone who works for you. You’re taking care of your people and everything you’ve built. That’s what a good businesswoman does.” He examined me more carefully. “What did you think owning a multi-billion dollar corporation would entail?”

  Heaving a sigh, I admitted, “None of this. I suppose I was naïve to think it would be easier and cleaner. I just—I wanted to design cool things that other people find useful. The business stuff? It’s not easy for me.”

  “Is that why you’re thinking of selling LookIt to Insight?”

  “Yes. I would retain some control over LookIt, and that would give me time and money to develop new products.”

  Kelly mulled it over. “Would it make you happier? Less stressed?”


  “You’re getting a good deal? I mean, they’re not trying to cheat you or take money away from you?”

  “I’ve had the tentative offer vetted by my legal team, and I ran it by Yuri. I counter-offered with my lines drawn in the sand. Once they’re done crunching the numbers, they’ll either make another offer or withdraw.” I gripped his hand. “What do you think I should do?”

  “I think you should do what’s best for you, Bee. You’re a brilliant woman. Deep down inside, you know what’s right for you and your company.” He kissed me so tenderly. “I believe in you.”

  Still reeling from his sweet encouragement, I held tightly to his hand while he drove us back to the penthouse. It felt so good to be able to talk to someone who didn’t have a vested interest in my business decisions. Kelly truly only wanted me to be happy. He didn’t have his hand in my pocket or a paycheck coming out of my coffers, or even an investment waiting to reap profits. The advice he gave came from a place of wanting to support me.

  Once safely inside the penthouse, we separated. Kelly took my two guards into the kitchen to discuss the run-in with Richard and finding Trevor while I made my way to the master suite for a shower.

  Like everything else in Yuri’s penthouse, the master bathroom offered a sumptuous experience with the strikingly beautiful glass tile mosaics on the walls. I stripped down and stepped into the walk-in shower. The showerheads mounted flush with the ceiling provided a rainfall of warm water that spilled down my shoulders.

  My ears perked to the whine of the door opening. Tensing, I glanced over my shoulder but instantly relaxed at the sight of Kelly. He leaned back against the door and watched me through the glass partition that separated the shower from the rest of the bathroom. “Mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all.” My cool answer in no way reflected the quake of anticipation rocking my belly. While the warm water pelted my skin, I watched Kelly shed his clothing. His sculpted, muscular body adorned with tattoos stole my breath. The memories of our unconventional tryst last night sent shivering rivers of white-hot delight through me. I still couldn’t quite believe I’d done that with him—but it seemed there was nothing I could deny this man.

  When Kelly entered the walk-in shower, I backed up until my back hit the wall. His wolfish grin warned me that this was going to be a shower—and a night—I would never forget.

  Chapter Ten

  Without saying a word, Kelly reached for my body wash and squirted a dollop into his hand. He worked the cream into a foamy lather before placing his big hands on my naked body. Taking a page out of his playbook, I reached for the bar of soap he preferred and slicked up my hands.

  Using our foamy fingers, we explored each other’s bodies. Kelly lowered his head and captured my lips in a sensual kiss. My toes curled against the tile as his tongue delved into my mouth and tangled with mine. He backed me up against the wall and cupped my bottom before sucking gently on the tip of my tongue.

  Shivering with pure, erotic delight, I surrendered to the gentle coaxing pressure of his seeking hand between my thighs. A freaking master of seduction, Kelly knew exactly how I wanted to be touched. His feather-light strokes primed me for the slow, easy swirl of his fingertips around my inflamed clit.

  Wanting to make him feel just as good, I grasped his rock-hard cock with my soapy hands and stroked up and down his shaft. Kelly groaned against my mouth, the vibrations rattling down my throat and into my chest. As our tongues danced, we filled the shower with our soft sighs and low groans.

  Just as I started to get close, Kelly stopped strumming my clit and cupped my pussy in his big hand. “Let’s move this into the bedroom.” His eyebrows arched in question. “If you’re ready for that, I mean.”

  “Are you serious? If I wasn’t afraid one of us would slip and end up in the emergency room, I would make you take me right here in the shower.”

  Kelly chuckled at my enthusiasm and nipped at my lower lip before giving my bottom a playful but stinging swat. “There are ways to make love here without slipping—but not for your first time.” His expression turned more serio
us. “I’ll make it special for you, Bee. I promise.”

  Hating that he had this added pressure on his performance, I caressed his face and lifted up on tiptoes to kiss him. “My expectations aren’t that high. Please don’t feel like you have to meet some crazy romance novel expectation of mine, okay?”

  Narrowing his eyes, Kelly said, “Well, you’ve done it now, Bee.”

  “Done what?”

  “Dared me to blow every romance novel sex scene right out of the damn water,” he said matter-of-factly.

  Thinking of some of the really smutty books I’d read, I playfully replied, “Well, maybe not every romance novel sex scene. Hot wax and anal beads might be a bit too much for this girl’s first time.”

  “Jesus, Bee!” Kelly shot me a comical look. “What the hell kinds of books are you reading?” Leaning down to kiss me, he asked, “And where can I get my hands on copies of them?”

  Giggling, I let him tug me under the closest water spray. He used his big mitts to rinse the suds from my body and then his. Out of the shower, we hastily toweled off and hurried into the bedroom. Kelly swept me up and deposited me on the bed.

  Crawling over me, he kissed and nibbled his way from the very tips of my toes to my mouth. Stabbing his tongue against mine, Kelly caressed my bare breasts and petted my belly. On a similarly slow trek, he worked his way back down my body until he was flat on his stomach between my thighs.

  Picking up my ankles, he draped my legs over his shoulders and nuzzled his face against my pussy. Remembering how amazing he made me feel last night, I clutched the sheet beneath me in both hands and held on for dear life as Kelly’s tongue probed my pussy.

  He made the naughtiest groaning noise as he traced my labia and dipped his tongue just inside my slick entrance. Already I was soaking wet for him and vibrating with desire. His tongue traveled right back to my clit and started swiping it with long, easy flicks.

  One of his thick fingers carefully breached my virgin passage. The sensation of his thrusting finger and his fluttering tongue drove me higher and higher. That coil of bliss in my belly was already so damn tight. When Kelly gingerly worked a second finger into me and suckled my clit with slow tugs, I nearly passed out.

  Digging my toes into his back, I squeezed my thighs and reveled in the dueling sensations of his stimulating tongue and probing fingers. Hovering right there on the edge of climax, I rose up on my elbows for a better view. The sight of Kelly between my thighs unleashed a torrid orgasm.

  “Kelly!” I dropped back to the bed as wave after powerful wave of bliss burst inside me like fireworks. He didn’t let up one bit. Flicking and fluttering that wicked tongue of his, Kelly forced one climax into another. I cried out his name again and again as my body was wracked by the most intense spasms of ecstasy.

  Letting me down easy, Kelly carefully removed his fingers and noisily kissed my clit. He dotted loud smooches along the curve of my hip and around my navel before concentrating on my breasts. He licked the buzzing peaks of my nipples and tweaked them between his fingertips until my hips were bucking off the bed.

  Nipping at my neck, Kelly reached for the condom he had left on the bed before joining me in the shower. His heavy erection draped across my thigh, leaving a wet trail of pre-cum. The evidence of his excitement filled me with the most amazing sense of power. I’d never felt more desirable than in that moment.

  When Kelly rolled onto his back, I thought he wanted me to go down on him. I started to move into position, but he grasped my hips and hauled me into a sitting position. “Not tonight, Bee.”


  “If you put your mouth on me, I’m going to come. That was amazing last night, but right now I want to come inside you.” Tangling his fingers in my hair, he dragged me down for a kiss, sharing the erotic musk of my own arousal with me. “I want to feel this tight cunt of yours milking me.”

  Gulping at the dirty word he had used to describe my pussy, I nevertheless found it incredibly exciting. Kelly pushed the condom into my hand. “Get me ready.”

  With trembling fingers, I ripped open the condom wrapper and carefully rolled the latex barrier down his steely shaft. I didn’t miss that the brand was one designed for bigger men. I couldn’t imagine the smaller condoms I’d used in my sex ed course fitting on Kelly’s big cock.

  Straddling his thighs, I stared at his erection with some concern. Last night, his penis had stretched my lips to their limit. I hadn’t been able to take very much of his length into my mouth either. How the hell was I supposed to get his massive tool inside me?

  As if reading my mind, Kelly said, “You’ll be in charge tonight. I’m afraid that I’ll lose control if I’m on top and go too hard or too deep. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You would never hurt me.”

  “Not on purpose, Bee,” he agreed. “But you’re so small.”

  Worried he was about to change his mind, I hurriedly assured him, “I can take you.”

  “Sweetheart, I have no doubt of that.” He ran a loving hand down my back. “If this position doesn’t work, we’ll try something else. You let me know what feels good and what doesn’t, okay?”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  Grasping my hips, Kelly lifted me higher on his lap. My knees fell on either side of his hips and I braced my hands on his chest. Remembering that I was in control, I lifted my bottom and reached between my thighs to grasp his cock. I guided him into place, pulling him through the slippery folds of my pussy, and seating him right at the entrance of my passage.

  Paralyzed by the discomfort I knew awaited me, I pleadingly gazed at Kelly. He understood my silent plea and gripped my hips. Planting his feet on the bed and curling his knees behind my backside, Kelly gave me only a fraction of a second’s warning before he thrust up inside me.

  I gasped as the thick crown of his cock entered me. The quicksilver bite of pain knocked the air right out of my lungs. He didn’t go any deeper than burying just the top of him inside my channel. Biting his lower lip, he held perfectly still, immobile like granite beneath me.

  Inhaling a shuddery breath, I pressed down on his shaft. Aided by gravity and the slickness of my wet pussy, I managed to take him inch by deliciously slow inch. Yes, there was some continued discomfort, but it was nothing like I had been led to believe.

  In fact, once I was fully seated and our bodies flush, I realized how fucking good it felt to have Kelly’s huge cock buried inside me. My clitoris throbbed incessantly. Stretched and aware of every single nerve ending in my pussy, I rocked against Kelly in an experimental manner.

  We both moaned loudly.

  Gripping my hands, Kelly entwined our fingers and let me test a few different rhythms until I found one that worked for both of us. “There,” I gasped. “Oh God! Right there!”

  Kelly thrust up into me, and I cried out with sheer joy. Still holding one of my hands, he used the other to caress my front. He palmed my breast as I started to ride him and brushed his thumb across my nipple.

  I had never felt so alive. A passionate fire engulfed me as I discovered all the wonders of womanhood. Rocking and swiveling my hips, I awakened that primal, sensual side of myself that had been waiting for this moment to be unleashed.

  Kelly’s thumb stopped stimulating my nipple and moved to another, even more tender, part of me. He rubbed my clitoris as I swayed back and forth atop him. My thighs started to shake as I grew wetter and wetter, and that vibrating ball of bliss began to throb in my core.

  Throwing back my head, I shrieked his name. His cock twitched inside me as my vaginal walls gripped his shaft. I lost myself in the throes of wild passion. The blazing streaks of ecstasy burned through me as I undulated atop Kelly, wringing every last ounce of joy from that orgasm.

  When I sagged forward against him, Kelly gathered me in his brawny arms and gently flipped our position. Kneeling between my thighs, he slid home. Fingers interlaced with mine again, Kelly made love to me with wickedly deep and so very languid thrusts. Ther
e was no rush to completion. We had the whole night to enjoy and explore each other’s bodies.

  Kelly coaxed another orgasm from my body before finally succumbing to his own climax. He buried himself to the hilt before shuddering in my arms and jerking hard. Some primitive part of me was saddened to have that latex barrier between us. I wanted to feel all of him.

  Forehead to forehead, we breathed each other’s air and exchanged loving kisses. Kelly retreated from me with such gentleness. Reluctantly, he left my side to deal with the necessities but returned with a warm, damp cloth that he used to clean away the evidence of my lost virginity.

  Climbing back into bed with me, Kelly hovered over me and peered down into my eyes. Staring up into his handsome face, I ran my fingertips along his strong jaw and chiseled nose. There was no stopping the hot tears that spilled onto my cheeks after sharing something so powerful with him.

  “I need you to know this wasn’t just sex to me, Bee.” He wiped the tears from my face.

  “I know.”

  “Do you know why it wasn’t just sex?” He waited for me to answer, and when I didn’t, he said the one thing I had always wanted to hear from him. “I love you, Bee.”

  “I love you,” I murmured happily. “I have for so long.”

  “Probably not as long as I’ve loved you,” he said with a teasing smile.

  “I doubt that very much.”

  Sliding down next to me, Kelly cradled me against his chest. “Did I hurt you badly?”

  “No.” I kissed his jaw. “It was perfect, Kelly.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Playfully tugging my hair, he said, “We’ll get better with practice.”


  “Yes. In fact,” he reached over and killed the lamp, “you should get some rest. I intend to wake you up, bright and early, for another round of practice.”

  Snuggling close to Kelly, I decided that was one wake-up call I wouldn’t mind. Of course, when the alarm went off just after three, I was less than thrilled. Apparently, I actually did mind that wake-up call.


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