Prisoners of Halfmoon Key

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Prisoners of Halfmoon Key Page 2

by Matthew Lee

  I looked down at her face staring into the storm and saw the hard resolve etched there and it occurred to me in a way, this was Emma protecting her kids. No way would she allow our children to grow up poor as she had. The loss of her job had hit her much harder than I realized. I squeezed my arm tighter around her and she hugged it.

  The winds jumped up a level and now they carried ocean spray too. That was enough to drive us all back inside. Jared and Erin said they were going to risk it and head back to their cabana and Emma said we’d do the same. I didn’t protest. We made it back, water-logged and sand blasted.

  We took a hot shower and crawled onto the bed. She started the movie we hadn’t finished the night before and we cuddled, but something was different, something was off. I felt tension in the air and that’s not like us at all. Since the only things I could think to say were defensive, I said nothing.

  We finished the movie and started another and fell asleep with the television on. I awoke hours later, alone. The winds had died down to occasional gusts. I waited in the dark assuming Emma was in the bathroom but after some time left the bed to look for her. She was not in the bungalow.

  I checked outside and then wrapped a light robe around my naked body. Perhaps she’d gone down to the water’s edge to see the storm.

  I’d covered twenty feet when I saw a light on at the big house and corrected my course for it, approaching a bedroom window. Sheers covered the glass so visibility was poor but I glimpsed Debbie and Paul through a small gap. They were fucking with the light on and if I dated Debbie I’d fuck her that way too. Paul was medium build with average penis but Debbie was smoking hot. She rode him in a reverse cowgirl and holy fucking Christ, did she look amazing. I’d always imagined her big tits would look wonderful but I’d underestimated. Her tits looked fantastic. They heaved on her tight body and bounced every time she pushed her hips down. Her stomach was flat and her pussy smooth and bald. Emma keeps some hair and it bothers me when I go down on her.

  I watched as long as I dared but getting caught outside their window would be a disaster so I peeled away and continued around the house on the back side, away from the wind. Another light caught my eye, this time through large double windows. I had to deal with those goddamn sheers again. I think every window in the house had them. I searched for a gap but there were none so I tried to focus beyond the gauze. The room was huge and two people moved around in it. The bed was giant. Voice were muffled vibrations but I heard low speech and an occasional laugh. Eventually I saw the man take a seat and the woman kneel between his legs. My blood boiled wondering if this was Emma and Andrew. I couldn’t see enough to merit remaining at the window so I cussed a few times and continued around the house. Eventually I came back to our bungalow and went inside. I’d been gone about thirty minutes and Emma was still missing so I stripped and got back in bed, fuming.

  I laid there for an hour and then heard the front door open and close. Light feet hurried to the bed, the soft thump of clothing hit the ground, the covers lifted, and Emma slipped carefully back into bed. When I didn’t move, she sighed.

  I had no idea what to do. I was worked up by our previous conversations but I had zero evidence and honestly, the very idea that Emma would cheat on me was preposterous and insane. I rolled over, faking sleep, and reached up to kiss her. I tasted the minty freshness of toothpaste and mouthwash.

  “Where were you?” I heard my mouth say.

  “Hungry. I went to the mansion and had the cook make me something and then used the guest bathroom to brush my teeth. Go to sleep, Honey.”

  Well, fuck. That made sense. I pulled her close and to my surprise, fell asleep.

  In the morning, the storm had backed off but Andrew said don’t be fooled; we were in the center. More winds would hit tonight. Emma and I used the break to get away from everyone and explore the island again. I led us back towards the strange little inlet we’d found and after two hours we found it again. The water was much deeper here and I kicked off my sandals and pulled off my shirt.

  “What are you doing?” Emma asked.

  “I want to see how deep it is.”

  “Sam, that’s crazy. You have no idea what’s down there and the wind has churned the sand. You won’t see a thing. Let’s come back with fins and masks. You’re not eighteen.”

  She was right but I was already down to my shorts and feeling stupid.

  “Just a quick look to test visibility,” I said, jumping in feet-first. The water was warm so I floated for a second to fill my lungs and then plunged under. I kicked a few times and opened my eyes. I could see about ten feet, losing light fast, but the grit in the water was too much. I shot down about twenty feet and the pressure popped my ears. I looked towards the bottom and held myself still. I thought I saw the vague outline of a ship, like a small galleon, darker on dark, far below. I turned for the surface. When I broke water, Emma yelled at me.

  “Goddamn it, Sam!”

  I swam for the shore.

  “I saw something,” I said. “Let’s come back with gear. I’m too out of shape to hold my breath that deep.”

  She helped me out of the water and we sat under a short tree. I put my sandals back on and started on my shirt. We hiked some more until the bank of clouds headed for us got too close.

  Back at the mansion lunch was ready and we ate like starving lions. Andrew and the staff had prepared Monte Carlo night and blackjack and poker tables were waiting. We all played for hours with the fake chips we were given. I excused myself to use the restroom and on the way passed Paul and Debbie’s room. On impulse, I darted in and moved the curtain slightly, just enough to give me a bigger gap than I had last night. I did the same in Andrew’s room. When I got back to the blackjack table nobody said a word about how long I was gone.

  We played until sleep overtook us and our eyes began to shut. The money just circled the table as each of us got hot for a time but then we’d cool off and give all the chips back. None of us could put the others away. We laughed and had a really good time.

  The last hour saw a tempest grow outside and Emma asked if we could sleep in the mansion tonight and not walk back in it. The butler arranged a room for us upstairs. I slept like a baby though the night.

  By the time I got moving the next morning I learned almost everyone had gone out on a quick fishing trip during a lull. Only Emma, Kim, the staff, and myself remained. I thought Emma would be angry we missed it but she laughed.

  “No way. Even in these lower winds the boat will rise and fall like crazy. No thanks. I don’t even like fish.”

  We puttered around, went for a short walk, and returned to an amazing lunch. We were shooting a game of pool downstairs when the crew got back from the fishing trip. Most of them looked sick and Emma laughed at Paul. His face was sour. After that the winds picked up again.

  At dinner Paul stayed in his room. The girls gathered in the den, including several women I’d seen around the office but didn’t know, so I joined the men at the other end of the house playing poker and smoking cigars. Again, we all stayed up way too late.

  Emma and I spent another night in the room upstairs and around four in the morning I woke up to use the restroom. Emma was gone. Again. I padded downstairs and checked the kitchen, which was dark, and prowled up the long hallway of bedrooms. Only Andrew’s had light under the door.

  What to do? There was a door leading outside at the end of the hall but then a long loop around to Andrew’s window. My risk of getting caught was higher because of the time to get outside and then all the way back.

  Curiosity got the better of me. Telling myself I’d just run around for a quick look and then dart back, I tugged my sandals on and zipped down the hallway.

  I looked through Andrew’s window, happy the little gap I’d created remained. Emma sat on her calves at the foot of his bed. Andrew sat at the end, knees spread wide, leaning back on one hand while the other rested on my wife’s head, guiding her mouth up and down his nearly erect penis.

  In stressful times the mind does strange things and at this particular juncture I noted with admiration Andrew had incredible abs. I shook my head. He also had a remarkably large dick, and all at once I understood his supreme confidence in all situations. I’d always marveled how composed the man was and who wouldn’t be, sporting a cock like that?

  Emma clearly loved it. He wasn’t fully erect and with a sick feeling I realized that was possibly because he’d either already cum, which meant most likely my wife carried him in her belly, or she was getting him hard, which meant I’d only arrived for an emotionally fraught situation which was sure to last a while longer. He was nude but Emma still wore what she’d worn to bed with me, baggy T-shirt and baggy shorts.

  She held him at the base with one hand and hefted his scrotum with the other. Her full lips slathered the plump circumcised head, sucking quickly as she licked all around the crown. Her cheeks pushed out as she nudged several vein-covered inches towards her tonsils. She moaned.

  The sound snapped me out of my trance. What the fuck? Why was I still standing here? Why hadn’t I raced down the hall and kicked the bedroom door open? Why wasn’t I losing my mind right now?

  Because the entire surreal scene looked unimaginably lewd, obscene, and sensual, and every time I thought about barging in on them, I decided I wanted to stay and watch a little more.

  My wife lifted one of his fat testicles with her spread tongue and delicately sucked the nut into her mouth and then I saw her eyes rise to meet his and my sexy wife smiled.

  Ice-knives stabbed my heart from every direction. My guts twisted like a snake that’s been run over. My stomach filled with acidic foam. My world tilted and my head grew dizzy. But I stayed at that goddamn window and watched.

  She looked astonishing.

  Her eyes sparkled. Her lips were full and her hard nipples poked through the cotton of her T-shirt. Her tongue was a little serpent, slithering all up and down his veiny shaft, from balls to the tiny slit at the tip. Andrew soaked up her attention and let the woman work. He looked like a fucking conquering hero.

  I know my sense of time was screwy but it seemed she sucked his cock like that for an hour. Soon she wrapped both fists around his fully erect shaft and covered the head with her mouth and began to double-jack him into her vacuuming maw. I held my breath. Andrew began to lift his hips in time as she took an extra inch each trip down and then his head fell back. Was I about to watch another man ejaculate into my wife’s mouth? I was.

  She moved faster and faster and I saw his big nuts lift. She sucked harder and he leaned back onto the bed, both hands tweaking his own nipples, and my sweet Emma took half his big cock on every thrust. Her stretched lips circled his tube and I knew the head had to be touching her tonsils and then he grabbed the duvet with both hands and lifted his hips, arching his back and curling his toes. I heard nothing, but I saw Andrew feed my wife his sperm one hot and copious blast after another. Emma gulped and swallowed and sucked like every drop was precious. This was no job to her. This was no strategic maneuvering.

  Tension wracked my body. I felt weighed down, crushed by an invisible object. She held him as he deflated until she let him slip from her mouth. He looked dead to the world. She leaned over the bed to kiss his forehead and I suddenly realized she was leaving his room. I double-timed it around the other way, running quietly up the north staircase to beat her back to the bedroom. She must have given him more than one kiss because my breathing was back to normal and the sweat almost dry when I heard our bedroom door slowly open and close and Emma slip into bed again.

  She leaned over to kiss my cheek and I smelled mouthwash.

  She faced the ceiling and closed her eyes and I soon heard her sleeping deep and peaceful.

  I, was not.

  I lay on my side staring at the wall. Of course I was jealous and of course I was hurt and of course I was angry, but I had no time for all that right now. Right now, all my attention was on the fact that I’d just watched my wife orally please another man, and I’d liked it. No, let’s keep things honest; I’d loved it.

  She looked so sexy. I’d never imagined her like that. Twenty minutes ago, I moved have confidently bet a million dollars she was incapable of such a thing, did not have such behavior in her. No way.

  My rational brain tried to tell me she did it for me, she did it for our kids, and if I’d only found out about it, if some friend had broken the bad news and I’d not ever seen her in action, I would have completely believed that was why. But I had seen her. I’d watched everything. There was no faking what she did; she loved sucking Andrew’s big cock.

  Logic told me this was at least the second time. Were there others? Had she been doing it all along? They first met years ago. How many times had she sucked him off?

  I calmed down some. My gut told me this was a recent change. I was almost certain that she had only done it twice.

  So, what the fuck do I do now?

  I was thinking the same thing when Emma woke me just before dawn. Her lips pressed against mine and my morning wood slid smoothly into her hot wet pussy. Part of me wanted to push her off and crawl away but a larger part felt a powerful need to reassert myself as her man. I was only half awake when I flipped her onto her back and started fucking her hard. I surprised her but she welcomed it, tangling her legs around mine and squeezing my biceps.

  “Yeah, do it, Honey. Fuck me.”

  I did. She came hard for cumming so fast but I did too.

  After a few minutes, she asked what brought my attack on.

  “I can ask you the same thing.”

  “I woke up horny,” she teased.

  I thought of a million responses. I said nothing.

  We showered and dressed for breakfast and made our way to the big house. When I first saw Andrew on the front porch, my face flushed red and I gasped. Emma turned to look at me.

  “Are you alright, Honey?”

  I pointed to a large tree that the storm had toppled and continued moving, but I must have stolen a hundred glances at the man. Now I’d seen him naked and hard and fucking my wife’s pretty face, and while he was still just my boss, he seemed so much more. He seemed like a tribal leader or a king. He was definitely one up on me and unless I wanted to make a huge ugly scene, I had to just take it.

  I was shaken to my foundation, make no mistake about that, but the problem was I found the whole sordid affair oddly exciting. I’d heard of men that share their wives and everyone has heard of swingers and I’ve never considered myself one of them. I’m a pretty-face and big-boobs kind of guy.

  But last night I saw the reality, and that is vastly different than thinking about the topic in the abstract. I never thought I’d like to see such a thing, but once I did, I did. I liked watching her.

  If I saw Andrew in a new way, I looked at Emma differently too. I understood what drove her, at least at first, but there was no hiding how much she loved that big dick in her mouth. She sucked Andrew like she was making a movie. Even after subtracting the fact she was doing her best to please him, I still saw plenty of lust and passion that was all her own. She’d never been a bad girl in her life and I think she loved it. I wondered if she’d confess and my gut told me not until we left the island and then yes, certainly. Do I confront her or wait for her to admit everything? What do I want to happen next? An apology? So what?

  My mind raced as I pulled her chair out and seated her. Kim handed me a plate stacked with bacon and I asked how she slept. Small talk circled the table.

  I could not take my eyes off Andrew. No one caught me but I simply could not get over what I’d seen. He sat there, laughing and chatting, a huge snake coiled in his shorts and his semen in my wife’s stomach. I forced myself to eat.

  After breakfast, we played some cards again and then charades. Emma and I won and even I was surprised how good we were. We were on the backside of the storm now and although the winds still whipped around, Emma suggested a walk along the beach. It was warm and humid and
we set off headed east. I lasted twenty minutes before I decided I must tell her what I’d seen. Emma noticed my thoughtful silence and asked me what was on my mind.

  “Mouthwash,” I replied.

  She forced a giggle. “That’s a funny thing to think about.”

  “Normally, yes, but I was trying to remember how many times you’ve returned to bed smelling like mouthwash because that’s how many times you’ve slipped away to suck Andrew’s dick.”

  Guilt flashed in her eyes before she scrambled to cover it. “What the hell are you talking about, Sam? Is this a joke?”

  “No, Honey, and I’m not even mad. I’m hurt and jealous, but I’m not angry.”

  I saw her mental gears whirring as she searched my eyes. Whatever she saw there made her stop and give up on her cover story.

  “How did you find out?” she said.

  “Before I answer, tell me truthfully; how many times?”


  “Okay. That’s what I thought. I woke up both times and went looking for you. I went outside and looked in windows. The first time I couldn’t see through the sheers but I secretly adjusted them and the next time I saw you clearly. You came to bed smelling like mouthwash both times. Would you have told me? Once we were home?”

  “I don’t know. Probably. Honestly, I can’t say. If my guilt had receded enough, maybe not. Are we getting a divorce? I’ll never forgive myself if by trying to save what we have I’ve destroyed it. You know exactly why I did it. Please believe me when I say I’m sorry.”

  “I do.”

  “Why aren’t you angry, Sam? Wait a minute. You say you saw me clearly? You mean you watched me?”

  She was nervous and talking fast. I decided to answer her last question first. “Yes, I watched you. I am angry, some, but not nearly as much I expected to be. I don’t want a divorce but this is serious. Why wouldn’t you tell me?”

  “Better left unsaid? It was emotionally meaningless but I doubted my ability to convince you of that. I saw it as the lesser of two evils so I did it.”


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