Home > Other > STEPBROTHER COLLECTION - 7 FORBIDDEN ROMANCE SHORT STORIES: Stepbrother Romance Stories Bundle > Page 8

by Celia Styles

  Meena’s phone rang. She frantically fumbled around for it in her bag, finally pulling it out from the mess. She looked at the number. Jett!

  “Hello,” she tried to sound normal.

  “Yeah, Meena,” Jett’s voice cracked over the phone.


  “Meena, I have a problem. I don’t know how to explain it over the phone. I’m not sure about these paintings.”

  Meena bit her bottom lip hard. Just as she had thought. Jett’s voice continued over the phone,

  “Could you come down? It’s better if I explain what I mean, in person.”

  By the next hour Meena had hailed a cab, reached Jett’s place and was standing in his living room. The sun was setting outside and the evening light cast long shadows as Jett stood at the window, looking into the room at Meena. His face was dark, somewhat silhouetted by the twilight haze.

  “I’m just not feeling it. It’s all blank.” he said pointing at his temple.

  He puffed rapidly oh his cigarette.

  “See I just can’t paint you. The paintings have to mean something. And I just can’t come up with the right ideas. I don’t know how to go on.”

  Internally, Meena breathed a sigh of relief. So it didn’t have anything to do with her. It was some weird roadblock in her genius stepbrother’s mind. Or was it? She had to be sure.

  “Is it that I’m not being able to inspire any ideas in you?” Meena dreaded the question as soon as it came out of her mouth. What if he now suddenly realized that she was the problem? A stiff, uninspiring muse.

  “No it’s not that at all, Meena.” It was the first time he had called her by name. Maybe, this is what happens to geniuses when they realize they are also people, they turn soft, Meena smirked to herself. She walked closer to face Jett.

  “Is there anything I can do?” she asked. She didn’t want everything to end here. End like this.

  Jett was looking at the ceiling. He turned to Meena.

  “No. I doubt anybody can help me with this.”

  There’s that hard rude genius again. Let’s see how hard he can be. Meena moved in, walking in close to Jett. She reached out and put her hand on her stepbrother’s crotch. Over his loose trousers, she could feel his flaccid member inside. Jett tilted his head ever so slightly to one side and continued observing. A small lift in his eyebrows gave away whatever he was feeling inside at this unexpected move. It was unexpected even for Meena but now her urges overcame her and she didn’t stop herself. Meena circled her fingers around Jett’s limp meat and squeezed. She looked at him coyly and asked,

  “You’re sure you don’t need any motivation?” Jett didn’t answer. He just continued smoking his cigarette.

  Meena unzipped Jett’s trouser and reached inside. Her hand was greeted by warm skin. With her hand still inside, she looked up at him, directly and pulled his cock out. It was big even though it was just half-aroused. As Meena stroked Jett’s cock she felt it grow hard and expand in girth. She rubbed her thumb over the tip arousing him to rock hard strength. She continued stroking, now faster and harder than before. She looked up at him as he pulled on the last of his cigarette. There was a watery look in his eyes. Slowly, she knelt down on her knees and positioned herself in front of his shaft. She looked at it, still stroking it slowly and then tilting her head up asked Jett,

  “You do remember, don’t you?”

  “What?” asked Jett.

  She smiled at him mischievously, “That I am your stepsister.”

  And with those words she leaned in, stroking his cock back, flicking the tip of her tongue on his cock hole. She heard him let out a soft groan, as she toyed and teased him with her tongue, never fully committing, just implying what would come next. But, after a little play, Meena got up, leaving Jett in limbo. She stood up in front of him and took off her t-shirt. Her breast spilled out. She slowly undid the zipper on the side of her skirt and slipped it off. She only left her boots on, standing naked in front of Jett. She wanted him to see her. He stood there, his thick meat out, looking at her curvy body. He ran his eyes over Meena’s body starting from the top, along her tits down her belly to the ample curves of her fleshy love-handles on her hips that made her look so ripe. His eyes traveled over her bush and along the shapely curves of her thighs. Though her purpose was to titillate, Meena herself was aroused - she felt extremely horny at the thought of standing there with her nude femininity on full display. The precious womanhood that she was meant to keep hidden was now fully exposed. She felt like a pervert, standing there showing herself to her stepbrother. But in spite of all this he didn’t make a move. Meena shook her head.

  “Maybe you’re right. Nobody can help you.”

  She turned around and started walking away from him. The sight of her nude body in nothing but boots, as she took those steps, her ample hips and naked butt, her flesh jiggling, was probably too much for even Jett. He strode forward quickly and caught her by the hand. He pulled her hard, swiveling her around and drawing her close. He forced his mouth on hers and kissed her long and hard. Meena could feel his cock rubbing against her snatch as he did. She wanted him in her badly. She was already wet from all the teasing and the playing. Jett reached around and squeezed her ass while he tasted her mouth with his tongue. Meena tasted him too; the smell of smoke and his manly odor made her want him more. He lifted her up to his waist, cupping her meaty ass with his hands and positioned her cunt on his cock. She slid down on his shaft and his wide girth made her gasp for air as he filled her pussy up. Still standing, he started moving her up and down with ease. Thrusting his cock inside her, Meena was surprised by his strength. She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands on his naked chest and shoulders. She looked sideways and caught herself in a mirror on the wall. She loved the sight of her own naked body moving, heaving up and down on Jett. The fact that she had nothing on but her boots, and the way her ass arched out and her flesh rippled as he ploughed her over and over, turned her on even more. She loved the feel of his powerful hands squeezing and digging into the fleshy, naked mounds of her ass as their lovemaking became more frantic. In the mirror, she saw him clutch her tits and suck on her nipples. He sucked hard making them hard and raw. They hurt as he toyed with them with his tongue. She watched as her stepbrother drank her love. She welcomed him deeper and deeper with each push. She loved feeling his manly hardness against her womanly softness and even though his hard thrusts had made her sore between her legs, she wanted more from him. They were deliciously lewd together, stepbrother and stepsister, fucking. She looked back at Jett, taking his face in her hands, rubbing her palm lovingly on his cheek.

  “Tell me Jett…” she whispered as she moved up and down on him.

  Jett leaned and kissed her.

  “Tell you what?” he asked.

  “How do you like it inside your stepsister’s pussy?”

  Maybe it was this depraved thought which made Jett arch his head back and let out a deep groan. With a series of deep thrusts Meena could feel it as he emptied his seed inside her. The warmth overcame her whole body and a rush of blood traveled from her toes to her head, sending her head reeling. Completely spent, Jett walked with Meena, arms around her waist, still impaled, to another corner of the room with a divan. He lifted her by the waist and almost threw her on the divan. Meena landed with a bounce on the cushion. She lay there, her legs slightly open, her crotch glistening with Jett’s juices. Used. She loved it. She knew this was the exact kind of image, the vision that Jett had been looking for.

  Jett walked back, zipping up and buttoning up his shirt.

  “I was wrong, Meena. You did help me.”

  Meena smiled to herself in satisfaction. She had actually motivated this genius.

  But then, as he turned around in front of his easel, he spoke up again,

  “But I was right about one thing.”

  Meena propped her self up sideways on one arm and looked at Jett questioningly. Jett smirked,

  “What I told you earlier to
day about not having an idea. I knew that would work. I knew that would bring out who you really are. The true Meena lies before me now.”

  With that he dabbed the fresh canvas with paint.


  The next two days that Meena spent in Jett’s studio were not at all like the previous few days. From the time she walked in, the mood was different. It seemed to her that Jett had opened up a bit more – about his work. They spent time talking about art and their individual inspirations. He had asked Meena to bring in some of her own work, which Meena had thought was a horrible idea. They were not equals. It would be ridiculous to waste time showing him - a true legend - her paintings; mundane works of worthless art, as she thought of them. But he insisted and Meena was genuinely surprised at how much time he took discussing them. He seemed to love them, for some strange reason. Meena understood that, to Jett, art was just not about the beauty of the canvas. Rather, it was more about the beauty behind the idea – something Meena had slowly started to grasp. But even through their discussions, Meena’s mind could not help but dwell mostly on Jett. When he was not looking she would steal long glances, running her eyes over his features. She admired the way he was so passionate and true to whatever he did. It was the first time she was seeing a person to whom the outside world and its going-ons did not matter. She was floored. But she also longed for more of his attention, not only to their work, but to her as a person. He had seen her naked. He had explored her in all of her most private parts. They had made wild love. Was it all only for work? Didn’t the sight of her body, the feel of her naked skin on his mean anything to him? Didn’t it stir him in the least? Had this man no weakness?

  The day after, as Meena entered Jett’s lair she was quite surprised by his immediate action. As soon as he saw her, he left everything and strode up to her. Then taking her gently in his arms he kissed her deeply on the mouth. It was a loving, passionate kiss and Meena, though taken by surprise, enjoyed every bit of it. Wow, now that was great. He then held her looking at her with his eyes twinkling.

  “Toady, we are going to do something special.”

  He led her to the center of the room and calmly said,

  “Wait here.”

  Meena smiled to herself. She was sure by manner of the kiss, that today would be a more intimate day than before.

  Then walking to the chest of drawers in the far corner of the room, he took out a bundle of rope. It was cloth rope of the thick kind. He came back to face her, staring into her eyes intently for a while, and then in a serious voice spoke out,

  “Show me your wrists.”

  “My wrists?” questioned Meena holding them out.

  Without speaking Jett took Meena’s hands and tied a knot around her hands with one loose end of the rope, binding her together at the wrist. He made the knot tight and Meena felt it bite slightly into her skin.

  “Is it too tight?” asked Jett, looking up at her.

  Not wanting to sound childish, Meena shook her head.

  “Well, then that won’t do.” said Jett, pulling on the rope to make the knot even tighter as it sunk painfully into her skin. Meena let out a gasp. Wrong about that kiss in the beginning.

  He took Meena’s arms and raised them up over her head, tilted his head and looked upwards. Following his gaze, Meena did the same and for the first time noticed an iron loop on the ceiling, directly above where she was standing. Jett threw the rope up, deftly passing the free end through the loop. He then tied it back again on to Meena’s wrists, leaving no slack in the rope at all. The strain on the rope was strong and forced Meena to stand on her tiptoes. She was now completely bound and it was almost impossible for her to move about at all.

  She felt slightly intimidated, tied up, without any control over her movements. What was he up to? She had heard of this kind of stuff, but ….

  As if reading her mind, Jett looked up at her again and said,

  “I think you’ll enjoy this.” Then stepping back, and checking her up and down, he said,

  “And if you don’t - even better!”

  Meena was about to say something, but just as she started, Jett suddenly ripped open the front of her blouse. It gave way and her ample tits spilled out. With brute force he tore her blouse from her body, leaving her completely naked waist upwards. The sudden movement shocked Meena and she looked up questioningly at him. Toady we are going to do something special, he had said. Unfazed, Jett continued to unzip her skirt from the back and the slid it off her waist. He kicked them out from under her feet.

  She hadn’t worn anything underneath and Meena blushed as she stood there completely naked in front of Jett. She looked down at herself in shame. She was on her tiptoes, her hands pulled up over her head by the rope. Her big fleshy ass stood out in its usual manner and her thick curly bush of fur peeked out between her shapely thighs. Being on display like that, in front of Jett, she felt extremely vulnerable, especially since she couldn’t move an inch. But something in her wanted more. Something in her welcomed this feeling of being abused. She looked up, meeting Jett’s gaze, wishing to be shamed further. As she did, Jett slapped her hard across the cheek. Her face stung and turned red. A tear rolled down her cheek. Immediately Jett moved in; his eyes followed it as it rolled down her cheek and then he licked it with the tip of his tongue.

  “Your pain tastes delicious.” he said, whispering in her ear.

  With these words, Meena felt a charge, almost electric, rising up through her legs, traveling up her back, making her head reel. It was a different kind of pleasure she was feeling today. Jett took her nipples between his fingers and toyed with them, making Meena writhe inside with ecstasy. They turned hard for him, giving away the pleasure she was feeling inside. He pinched and pulled on them lightly. It hurt a little, but it was the good kind of hurt; the kind that made Meena want to be hurt a little more. As he teased her around her big sensitive areolas, Meena bit her lip, unable to tolerate the sensation. Taking his hands off her breast Jett circled them around her waist to the flesh off her butt and squeezed hard. Kissing her hard on her lips, he smiled naughtily,

  “You’ve got so much meat here, Meena!” He squeezed harder. This mischievous play of soft and hard made Meena wet between her legs. She felt loved and used - pain and pleasure, all at the same time. It was a heady mixture, something Meena had not felt before. It intoxicated her.

  Jett moved behind her and for a while just stood silent doing nothing. Meena could not see him as she was unable to turn her head, with the rope holding her tightly in place. She just heard his calm, measured breathing. Then out of the blue she felt a sudden sting on the flesh of her naked ass. Jett slapped her again hard on her other ass cheek. As she felt the bite her body twitched, the rope digging into her wrists. Jett moved in closer standing behind her. He continued slapping her protruding butt until her fleshy cheeks turned red. Suddenly he stopped. Moving in closer behind her, he kissed Meena softly on the nape of her neck. Using his mouth he toyed with her ears and kissed her on the cheek. With his hands he caressed and fondled Meena’s ass - not roughly this time, but gently. His soft touch felt soothing on her stinging skin. With one hand he caressed her breasts squeezing them softly, loving them. Meena loved being played with in this manner, not knowing what came next. She especially liked how he owned her - how he could do anything he pleased with her naked body. She didn’t have any choice. Her soft womanly body, which was meant to be caressed and nurtured, was being abused and toyed with. She loved the contradiction. Jett leaned in and murmured in her ear,

  “You look so beautiful!”

  Meena said nothing, waiting for his next move.

  “I’m going to love you down there baby,” continued Jett. Then with his two hands he parted Meena’s ass and she felt her body shudder when he slowly started rubbing his thumb over her forbidden hole. He wants that? Using his thumb Jett penetrated her, making her feel dirty and degraded. As he continued fucking her ass with his thumb, he asked her politely, in his ironic w

  “Will you let me? Will you let me love you, Meena?”

  She didn’t answer. She knew the he wasn’t looking for one. It was just his way of telling her that he was in control and he didn’t need her permission. Meena was glad he didn’t. She didn’t want him to take permission. She wanted him to have full control. She heard him unzip and take off his t-shirt. In his usual way, he didn’t move in too quickly, torturing her with the wait. Meena knew she had never experienced what was about to come. She didn’t know how much pain she could tolerate; Jett was big. But she wanted to know. She burnt up, not being able tolerate the anticipation and let out a moan,


  She soon felt the warmth of his full naked body brush up behind her. The feeling of that touch was electric. She could feel his cock resting on her ass. Her stepbrother’s big throbbing rod warm against the flesh of her fulsome butt. The thought made her feel perverted. She loved it. Using his hands as a guide, he positioned the tip of his cock against her hole and soon she could feel him slide in, opening her up. The sensations were all new, and she could feel his enormous size stretching her out. It started off as pain and she winced as her eyes watered up. But it soon gave way to yet another sensation that she had obviously never felt before. He started moving faster and what started as slow measured movements soon gave way to powerful thrusts. Meena threw her head back in a mixture of mild pain and sheer erotic rapture. It was a double dose of sexual delight - first the sheer physical ecstasy and second was the kinky thought of her stepbrother’s cock fucking her ass, she the stepsister allowing him to plunder her in the most forbidden of places. There could be nothing more degraded, more dirty – yet she felt so good. She wanted so much more of this debauchery. As Jett continued to take her wildly, he held her by the waist, his hands taking hold of the fleshy meat of her hips. Her voluptuous body heaved and rippled with his thrusts as he penetrated deeper and deeper. She stood bound, tears rolling down her cheek, held up by the rope, taking his hard meat in her butt. The thought that she was willing to bear pain in order to give him pleasure, in turn filled her with lust for him. She was almost at tipping point, and from the vigor of his motion, she felt that he too was about to climax. But instead he surprised her. He reached around in front between her legs. His fingers parted her furry gash and found her little mound of joy. He rubbed her hard and she squealed as he pleasured her relentlessly. It was too much for Meena to bear and she let out a cry of delight. It was at the same moment that she felt him erupt. She felt her stepbrother’s warm load shoot deep inside her. The sensation and the thought of it made her come hard, leaving her womanly moistness on his fingers.


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