Home > Other > STEPBROTHER COLLECTION - 7 FORBIDDEN ROMANCE SHORT STORIES: Stepbrother Romance Stories Bundle > Page 14

by Celia Styles

  He looked surprised. “What?”

  “How many?” She choked back tears.

  “No one. I’ve always wanted to. That’s what’s fun. What’s this about? I’m not asking you about your past.” He stood and scrutinized her.

  “It’s not the same!” She hung her head, miserable with confusion.

  “Well, I could ask you…” He paused and looked more closely at her discomfort. “Wait…are you…I mean, were you…?” He looked concerned.

  She nodded and dropping her skirt began to cry.

  “Juliette, I am so sorry! I had no idea. You just seemed…I mean you are so sexy, I just figured,” he floundered. “When you looked so upset, I thought it was because we hadn’t used protection and that’s why you wanted to leave. But, you…You thought I didn’t care!” He was speaking to himself, slowly figuring it out, as she stood there, clutching her sides, trying to understand what he was saying. “Juliette, only you. Only you could make me behave that way. You make me lose my mind. Don’t you understand that I have never had sex in my office before? Do you think that’s what I’m like?”

  She shrugged. He laughed. “I don’t know if I should be insulted, but Juliette, you have to believe me that every morning I walk out into the kitchen and I see you and wish that I could take you by the hand and walk you back to bed with me.”

  He walked over to her and put his arms around her. The electricity between them sparked. She leaned her cheek against his chest, but when he leaned down to kiss her, she was as ready as he was. Their tongues sought each other, trying to reach every part of the other, until their hands started roaming across each other’s bodies.

  “Wait, I’m desperate for you Juliette,” he finally said, raggedly. He put his hand through his hair to try to calm himself. “I want you, but I need to show you how tenderly I want you first. Juliette can you forgive me for this afternoon? You deserve to feel special and I want to do that for you. Come over tonight, will you come with me?” He smiled at her.

  “But our parents…” She reminded him, though a smile had returned at the thought that she would be in his arms again, that she had perhaps not ruined everything in an impetuous moment this afternoon.

  “I think the polite thing to do, Juliette, would be to sit through dinner, for their sake. They don’t need to know everything. We certainly didn’t. And then, I can take you home and show you how I want to touch you. Right now I just want to devour you. Sitting next to you, I don’t know how I will keep my hands out of your lap.” He stared at her hungrily. “But, we can be good, can’t we?”

  Her heart beat with excitement. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Before we go in, though…do you trust me?”

  She nodded.

  He commanded her again. “Raise your skirt.”

  She did. Hesitantly, but feeling herself flood at his presence, she wondered what he would do. A pulse beat between her legs. She saw his pants stiffen as she showed him the glistening moss that she had hid from so many before him.

  “Do you know what I want to do?” Louis asked.

  She shook her head.

  “I want to love you. I want to love you so often that you scream my name. I want to feel you come all over my shaft, over and over again, until you can’t again. Do you understand that?”

  She nodded.

  “This is going to be the most excruciating dinner,” he said, adjusting his pants. “I’m taking you home Juliette after this.”

  “Kiss me,” she said. He did and cupped one of her breasts, making her long for more. He stepped back, but her cleavage heaved through the low front of her wrap-around blouse. She had round full breasts, larger than he had realized when he first saw her. They fit his palm perfectly. She was still holding her skirt. They were supposed to walk inside, but he pulled her shirt apart and groaned at the delicate lace that just barely covered her heaving chest.

  Impulsively, she reached a finger down and touched herself. She had been wet all day. He moaned watching her. She used another finger to circle around her clit the way she had when she was lying on the bed.

  “If you start now, Juliette,” he warned. But, she continued. Her nipples were dark buds against the cream colored lace and with a light tug he released them to the air.

  “The breeze feels good,” she sighed, leaning against the building, touching herself, as her breasts tightened in response to the spring air. “I’ve been wet all day,” She said her eyes hooded and full of honest desire. “I’ve been vibrating, pulsing for more. I tried earlier to satisfy myself, but I can’t,” she complained, and stuck a finger inside herself.

  She saw his cock bulging against his pants. He gasped for breath and fidgeted with his zipper, trying to adjust and make room for his thickening cock.

  “Do you know, I’ve never had anyone kiss me here,” she said and spread her lips to show the rosy bud of her clit. He stared. “Do you know how many things I’ve always wanted to do, that I’ve wanted to feel?” She asked him, innocent of what her question meant to him. “I don’t even know what I want,” she said, gasping now as she rubbed herself, fingering herself with increasing urgency. He watched a trickle roll down her leg and fell to his knees before her. He kissed the spot above her knee, along the inside of her thigh, where a stream would flow. She felt her legs trembling and she didn’t know if she could stand. He sucked and licked his way to the warmth she was fingering, devouring her as she began to release control. He held her against the wall, his hands supporting the cheeks of her ass, as she let his tongue lick her into an ecstasy. Her moans leapt into cries and she throbbed to the pulse of his hunger for her. As his hands squeezed and released her ass, she let herself fall into the flow of her own yearning and when his tongue circled around her clit again, she cried out his name and flooded him with her desire.

  They didn’t go back to the table. Louis drove her to his apartment. He lowered the lights in his bedroom and lit a candle. With as much restraint as he could, he took the clothes from her body. He saw her looking around his room as she leaned back on her elbows on his bed and knew that he would do anything to make this night be magical for her. He had waited only a few months to share this with her, but she had waited a lifetime.

  He kissed her. She was more relaxed now, but also more excited. She whispered that she wanted him to squeeze her breasts. He did. She said she wanted him to kiss her body. So he pushed her gently down on the bed and climbed over her. Seeing his strong body and stiff cock above her made her breathe heavily and begin to writhe under him. He was careful with everything, kissing her, fingering her, bringing her to a peak and then calming her back down. He watched her moan as she released years of yearning to be touched, until he didn’t think he could restrain himself any longer. As he pulled back, she started pleading for more. He quieted her with a kiss and slowly leaned into her, inch by inch, pressing himself into her, holding her down so she couldn’t wrap her legs around him and make him move faster, until he was deep within her. She moaned in the stillness of the room, and he gasped as he felt her tighten around him. Then she was moving on him, pulling him closer and letting go as she learned her own rhythm. He could feel himself rise to climax and he pulled back one last time before driving into her with all his strength as she yelled, “more, more, more!” He gave her more through the night.

  When, she woke in the morning, he was watching her. He reached a finger out to touch her cheek, but she flipped on top of him. Feeling the wetness between her legs rubbing against him, with her breasts leaning into his face, he started to get hard again. “Like this now!” She said with delight. “I want to try it like this now!” She exclaimed coaxing his cock and then spreading her legs wider to engulf it.

  “Oh!” She cried as she felt how deep he went into her. Her head fell back as she got used to him inside her, but as she started to move, both groaned with ecstasy. He pinched her nipples and felt her tighten around him. She opened her eyes with surprise. “Again,” she said. He did it again. The walls that
were warmly wrapped around his shaft squeezed him again. “Again,” she ordered. Delighted, he did. Whatever she asked. Again, and again. More, and more.

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  Dark Devotions

  By Celia Styles

  Chapter One

  When I saw his shit-eating grin, I almost wanted to knock him straight in the nose. After stepping outside my car, I could see him peering from one of the windows like the little hawk he was. Heh. Perhaps he was contemplating how he could throw me under the bus again, or too busy trying to play multiple women at once like a douchebag puppeteer.

  Little does he know that he’s messing with a girl who has a couple years of college tucked under her belt, I thought as I went to the front door. I knocked a couple times, looking at the window next to me. Predictably, he had retreated just like the chicken hawk he was. Instead, my mom and my stepfather answered.

  As usual, they acted as if I came back from a war in which I almost died. They showered me with hugs, kisses, and questioning what I had been doing for the past few years. I tried brushing off their questions with a dismissive “I’ll tell you later,” but it only delayed it for so long.

  “Here, let me grab your bags!” my stepdad suggested. He was a fifty something who was quite built for age. My mother, still looking as fair as ever, offered to as well.

  “We have your old room prepared and everything, posters included!” my mom told me.

  I smiled, feeling some red coming to my cheeks. Most kids would be glad their parents kept their room intact, but some things I just didn’t want to remember. Like old emo bands I listened to.

  I allowed my parents to carry my luggage up to my room, and as I did, that little shit came to see me.

  “Hey, Squirt!” he greeted.

  My cheeks started glowing. He still remembered that?

  “Hello yourself… Banana,” I greeted.

  He started chuckling. “Heh. Is that all you got?” he replied.

  I put my hands on my hips, looking at him in his snooty face. “I had to pack my luggage and drive five hours, so I’m sorry if I’m not the master at calling people names based on embarrassing things in their past.”

  He snapped his fingers in dismissal. “Hey, I’ve had no hours of sleep and did yardwork, yet I tower over you.”

  He smirked as he said this, and I wanted to smack it right off his face. How did this guy get laid? Granted, he didn’t look half-bad. He had long, raven black hair that shined in even the darkest of places, he had a strong jawline, was fairly built, and his blue eyes looked cute by some girls’ standards, I suppose. But his attitude would turn off even the most superficial slut.

  “At least I’m going to college. You’ve been out of high school for years, and you still haven’t enrolled or anything,” I replied.

  “Hey, no rush,” he replied. “I actually want to enjoy my life for a bit before I have to grow up. Unlike you!”

  “Heh, if only you knew,” I replied. I walked past him and headed upstairs to my room. He tried following me, but I gave him the cold shoulder.

  “Katie, wait up!” he shouted.

  “Weren’t you just calling me Squirt a few minutes ago, Felix?” I retorted. We were halfway up the stairs, and I felt an urge to kick him off.

  “It was a joke. And hey, you have to admit that Squirt is funny, right?”

  Trying to save face as usual.

  “And so is Banana. Who the fuck shoves a banana up some dumb slut’s vagina, anyway?” I replied.

  “At least I not you, who squirted all over your ex,” he replied.

  “Great, bring him up,” I said, and then started walking. I remembered how convenient it was that Felix became all buddy-buddy with my ex after we broke up, and that asshole told the juiciest sex stories to him.

  “Don’t worry. He went off to college, so you won’t see him again and have awkward drunk sex with him like you did last time,” Felix told me.

  I turned around, blood vessels forming in my forehead. Felix started backing away, and my bitch face bought me enough time to run towards my room. Before he could follow, I safely locked myself in it.

  As I looked at the posters and decorations, however, it was a case of out of the douchey frying pan and into the tacky fire. All my old band posters were there, along with my diary that rested on my shelf, a thin layer of dust over it. At least the bed was comfy. As I looked up, the mirror I had hung on the ceiling revealed my reflection. I wasn’t quite the punk girl that I was three years ago, before I left for college. In those three years, my alternative neon hair changed to a more subdued jet black. Most of my piercings were gone save for a nose ring. But hey, at least I kept my figure. Most girls I knew gained twenty pounds during college, but the only thing I gained was a cup size. They were nearly spilling out my tank top at this point. I pulled them up, my cheeks flushing a bit at the fact that Felix probably got a show.

  Knock! Knock! Knock!

  “Who is it?” I asked.

  “It’s the man of your dreams,” Felix shouted from beyond the door.

  “If by dreams, you mean nightmares,” I replied. “Too bad, it’s locked.”

  “Let me in, or I’m going to knock your door down!” he threatened. I got up and went to the door. “Knowing you, you’re probably going to do just that,” I told him, and then opened it for him.

  Felix entered, the smile gone from his face.

  “Okay, enough kidding around. How have you been, sis?”

  “And now you’re suddenly interested. It’s been going all right. Getting close to my degree, finally,” I replied.

  “Are you still going for Art History?” he asked.

  “I changed that a long time ago. Now I’m going for psychiatry. Going to finally be able to diagnose nutcases such as you.”

  Felix smirked. “Good one. Any pretty ladies there?” he asked. “I do need a new playing field.”

  “How should I know?” I replied. “I mean, there are a lot of hot guys, believe me, but I don’t know your taste in women. Well, if ‘Fucks whatever that moves,’ is still your preference, then you’re all set.”

  “I’m more tasteful than that. Besides, you have very little room to talk,” he firmly stated.

  “As if,” I replied. “I may run into a few bad apples, but I actually choose great guys for the most part.”

  “I agree,” Felix replied. “Hey, I may have messed around with girls and left them, but I am looking to settle down. I was in a long-term relationship for about six months while you were gone.”

  “Well, that’s good,” I replied. To me, six months was still short, but to him, it was a lifetime of commitment.

  “So, why did it take you so long to come back home?” he asked.

  That was out of the blue, and as I looked at his face, I could tell that he had some concern. “Just look at our town. It’s a one-horse romp where everyone is either pregnant and on welfare, or slaving at a low-paying job. At college, I was able to be at a place with more opportunities and better people. I even found a great apartment, allowing me to move away from my dorm. But the bitch I lived with ended up breaking our lease to move in with her little sugar daddy, so I had to go back home for the summer until I can figure out how I will take on next semester.”

  Felix sighed. “I feel that. Every girl my age has a kid or is married. At this stage in my life, I’m not about to go after the low-hanging fruit.”

  “Is that all you ever think about? Girls?” I asked.

  Felix shook his head. “I do want to go to college for an education as well. I think I may start a business and move up north. I do need to spread my wings, and I think that I’ll be able to bring in the cash.”

  “I’ll help you out,” I replied. “We can set you up a dorm, or if you have cash, I ca
n get you a good apartment.”

  “That may work. Got a lot saved up from working at the lumber factory.” He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. “Let’s just say that ladies do love the lumberjacks.”

  “Anyway, I can help you sign up for it, if you’d like,” I said to him.

  “Maybe. I still need to consider all my options. I know I can kick its ass, but it still makes me a bit nervous,” he replied. His eye made a brief twitch, and I looked at him with a curious glance.

  “What’s wrong? I thought that you wanted to go?” I asked. “Like you said, there will be plenty of babes, and besides that, I know you’re a bright guy.”

  “I know I can pass the exams with ease. Anyway, I’m going to go now. See you.”

  Before I knew it, Felix left my room. As he did, I scratched my head. I could tell when that man was keeping secrets. He was about as subtle as a street preacher when it came to hiding them.

  “Oh well, he’ll crack soon enough,” I said, and I decided to make myself at home. I debated on whether or not to remove my posters, and I eventually decided that they would have to go down. As I stuffed them in the trash where they belonged, Felix kept permeating through my mind. I assumed that it was just him being as indecisive as always, but I had this feeling in the back of me that said that it was more than just Felix being Felix.

  When I cleaned the room, I spent the rest of my afternoon relaxing before my family called me for dinner. I spent the next hour having the awkward family conversation at the dinner table. My parents talked about how proud they were for me and how they wished they would have gone to college. Yeah, right. They still had a good job with no debt. I’d be in debt and looking for a job for the next few years. I internally laughed as I left the table. During the entire dinner, Felix didn’t say very much, and didn’t even eat his food. I know that Mom’s meatloaf was hit or miss, but even at its worst, he usually took a bite.

  I spent the next few hours watching some TV in my room, sipping a glass of some of the wine I brought. Because I’m classy like that. When the clock struck 11, I had planned on taking a relaxing back and then hitting the hay. But before I was able to, I heard the sound of footsteps passing up my room. They were firm, with no consideration for anyone who was potentially sleeping. Those footsteps belonged to Felix.


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