Home > Other > STEPBROTHER COLLECTION - 7 FORBIDDEN ROMANCE SHORT STORIES: Stepbrother Romance Stories Bundle > Page 18

by Celia Styles

  After school let out, Nikki met Tia at her locker, then walked together out to the truck where Nick was already standing their waiting for them. Nick opened the passenger door for the girls, then walked around and hopped in. The ride home wasn’t as awkward, in fact, Nick and Tia were talking back and forth the whole way. When they arrived at their house, Tim met them in the driveway, ready to go to work for the evening. Nick, Tia and Nikki walked into the house and went upstairs. Nick went into his room and shut the door. Tia and Nikki went into Tia’s room and shut the door. They crawled through the window with the pack of cigarettes and lit up.

  “So, you have to tell me more. Pleeaasse!” Nikki begged. Tia smiled as she looked downward, then said, “I am having a hard time resisting him. He’s just so damn hot and we get along so well. We can talk about anything and he gets me.” Nikki smiled and continued to listen for more. “We sat here the other day for almost an hour just talking and getting to know each other. I touched his abs,” she said with a chuckle, “and we,” Nikki interrupted, “What!” Tia looked at her and said, “We kissed. It was just briefly, but he just leaned into me and gave me a kiss.” Nikki was shocked about what she had just heard and couldn’t say much. “Wow, you’re joking?” she said with a smile. Tia shook her head side-to-side and Nikki just stared at her for a moment, unable to believe what she had just said. “Don’t make it obvious that I told you when we are around him, please. It’s weird enough already.” Tia said, laughing. Nikki laughed and agreed.

  Tia and Nikki walked down the rickety steps and sat down by Tia’s mom on the couch in the living room. “How was school today, girls?” Nikki and Tia both responded with, “Good.” Her mom stood up and walked out to the kitchen to stir the crock pot. Nikki and Tia followed. “Wow, that smells delicious, Cindy!” Nikki exclaimed. Tia took a deep sniff in and agreed, “Yes, mom, it smells awesome.” Cindy’s mom tried a bite of the chicken, which was covered with cream of mushroom, corn and green beans. “It’s definitely ready. Nick, it’s time to eat!” she yelled.

  After dinner, Nick, Tia and Nikki walked outside and down to the barn. Tia couldn’t wait to show Nikki the improvements at the barn. “Wow, this is amazing.” Nikki said as she walked around and looked at the newly fixed stalls. Nick followed her around and said, “My dad must have already done some work down here already.” Tia smiled with excitement. From the house, a voice was calling Nikki. “It’s your mom, Nikki. I’ll see you in the morning.” Tia said to her. Nikki walked out of the barn and climbed in her mom’s car. Nick walked over to Tia, still inside the barn, looked at her and grabbed her hand. Tia gazed back at him, then leaned into his chest, laying her head on it and said, “What the hell is wrong with us? Is this normal?”

  Nick responded, “We aren’t really related. When I’m with you, I feel happy and, I don’t know, I just feel right.” After a minute or so of Nick holding her close, they turned around and walked out the broken door.

  When they made it to the porch, Cindy was sitting on the porch swing. She greeted them and they continued walking by her and inside. They walked upstairs and went out through the window to smoke a cigarette. The sun was coming down and it was beginning to cool down a bit. The air was chilly. “I’m going to grab a sweatshirt. Will you hold this cig for me, Nick?” Tia crawled through the window, then shortly after crawled back out nice and cozy in her blue sweatpants and hoody. When she sat back down, she crunched close to Nick and grabbed the cigarette back from him. The sunset was beautiful, although it appeared storm clouds were making its way towards them again. Nick cuddled close to Tia with his arm around her, using his other hand to hold his cigarette. Tia put her hood on and embraced Nick’s close presence. She finished her cigarette and tossed it in the can, then leaned back into Nick, wrapping her arm around the front of him. He leaned forward and put his cigarette out, then did the same. They sat there holding each other, silent and quiet, roars of thunder in the distance. He looked at Tia with a slight smile and said, “You really are beautiful.” Tia smiled.

  Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door, “Tia?” and her mom waited on a response. They quickly jumped into the house and Nick slid under the bed. “Hang on, mom, I’m putting my pj’s on!” Tia replied, frantically trying to take her clothes off and slip her night clothes on. She opened the door. “Have you seen Nick? Tim’s home and said he’s not in his room.” Cindy asked. Tia shrugged her shoulders as if she had no idea and replied, “Maybe he went for a walk. I’m sure he’ll be back shortly. It’s getting dark. You know, I’ll sit on the porch and watch for him.”

  After Cindy left the room, Tia shut the door and told Nick the plan. “After I go outside to the porch, you need to quietly jump down from the roof. It’s not a very long fall if you hang first. I’ve done it a few times.” Nick agreed and they moved on the plan. After Tia made her way down the steps and out through the front door to the swing, Nick took a deep breath and feet first, he jumped, still hanging on for a moment, then dropped down. Just in time, Nick made his way to the front where Tim had just came outside to greet him. “Where have you been, son? I thought I told you not to wander off without letting someone know?” Nick apologized and said he was going to bed and walked upstairs to his bedroom. Tia followed shortly after, but instead of going to her bedroom, she walked into Nick’s. Nick was lying in his bed, arms behind his head, his legs still hanging down at the end of the bed. “What are you doing in here?” he asked, slightly leaning up. She shut the door and flicked the light switch off.


  T hey laid there on his bed, side by side, Tia’s head resting on Nick’s chest. Nick had already taken his shirt off, but still had his jeans on and black leather belt. The outside light that shined over the driveway let a dim of light through the window, just enough to see each other. They could hear the rain from outside and the wind was blowing against the house. Tia and Nick were relaxed. Tia turned to her stomach and stared Nick in the eyes, then leaned into him. When they locked lips, it was an immediate connection. They were deeply interested in one another. While they were kissing, Tia rubbed one hand through his hair, while the other hand creeped down his nice, muscular body. Nick slowly took his hands down her side to her hips. They sat up, still kissing, this time adjusted to a different position with Tia’s back to the headboard and Nick leaning into her. They stopped for a moment, hoping that nobody heard the slam of the headboard into the wall.

  Nick leaned into her and gave her another kiss, then sat back and stared at her for a moment, gazing up and down her body. She pulled her white tank top up over her head and he examined her breasts. They were little, but full and erect. “A perfect fit,” he said, as he groped her breasts with his hands. He pulled her legs until she was flat on the bed and he pressed himself on her while he kissed her neck. Tia lifted her arms and put them above her head, allowing him to take advantage of her. He kissed downward from her neck, to her shoulders, then to her right breast. Tia let him for a moment, then pushed him up. She reached to his belt and unbuckled it, then he stood up and pulled his jeans off. As she leaned back on the headboard, she pulled her pajama shorts off. Nick pulled her downwards again and she straddled him. He laid on top of her again for a moment, pressing himself down on her, his erection growing larger. She kissed him as she reached downwards and groped him, still outside of his boxer briefs.

  While they examined every inch of each other’s bodies, the sexual tension grew immensely. It was becoming hot in the room and they were slightly sweating. She guided his hand into her undies and for a moment laid there enjoying his gentle touch. “Are you,” Nick began to say and Tia quickly interrupted with, “a virgin? Yes.” Suddenly, Nick became a little uneasy. “What’s wrong?” Tia asked, as Nick sat up. “That’s supposed to be a special moment for you. I don’t know that I should be the one to…” Tia interrupted again to say, “We don’t have to, you know, right now, but I like your close presence and touch. Come on, it’s fine.” Nick leaned back into her and touched her leg
s, up to her thighs, then rubbed her undies and Tia relaxed herself on her back again.

  When Nick decided to lay beside Tia again, she looked at him and asked, “What’s wrong?” Nick gave her a kiss on the cheek, then stood up to put his jeans back on. Tia didn’t understand. “You were all for this until I told you my secret. What? Did you expect me to be a slut or something?” Nick sat down beside her on the bed as he buckled his belt and then put his arm around her. “I didn’t say I don’t want to. I just want you to be sure about it. Once it’s gone, you don’t get it back.” Nick stood up and walked out of his room to the bathroom. Tia sighed and went to her room. Upset and confused, she grabbed her pack of cigarettes, which only had three remaining and stepped out through the window. Everything was wet, but it wasn’t raining anymore. She really didn’t care. She was embarrassed. Why didn’t he like it when I told him I was still a virgin? Tia smoked her cigarette and watched the moon peaking from behind the dark clouds. She flinched. When she turned around, it was just Nick crawling through the window. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going to bed.” Tia asked, looking at the moon again. Nick sat down beside her, put his hand on her thigh and asked, “Why are you so upset?” Tia shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I just don’t understand why you just, well, stopped as soon as I told you.”

  “To be honest, I didn’t want to stop, but I care about you and I know your first time isn’t supposed to be with, um, your step-brother.” Nick took his hand off of her thigh and looked downward.

  “If I cared about any of that, I wouldn’t be doing ANYTHING with you! It’s not like we are blood related. It isn’t our fault we met out of the fate of our parents’ relationship,” Tia said. She took another puff of her cigarette, then Nick asked for a hit. He handed it back to Tia and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek while he stood up to go back inside and said, “Let’s finish this conversation tomorrow. It’s getting really late.” Tia stayed outside for a few minutes longer, then went inside.

  Tia took her pajama shorts off since they were wet and crawled into bed. She looked at the clock to see it was already 11:53 p.m. As soon as she turned to her side, she saw a shadow. “What the hell, Nick!” Nick was standing by her dresser. He walked over and laid beside her. “I’m sorry, Tia. The truth is, I don’t want to be away from you. There’s something about you and I want to,” he paused for a moment, then proceeded, “pick up where we left off. Is that alright with you?” Tia sat up and looked at Nick. “Not if you’re doing it out of pity. I don’t need…” Nick interrupted her with a tongue-locked kiss. Tia enjoyed the moment, but quickly stopped him. “I want to, but we can’t. It’s too late. I need to go to sleep.” Nick looked at her, sighed, picked up his clothes and walked across the hall to his room.

  The morning came very quickly and Tia was not excited to hear her alarm clock go off at 6:00 a.m. Tim was walking through the hall and into Nick’s room to wake him up. She heard him growling, “I’m up! Leave me alone!” When Tia walked to the bathroom for a shower, she peaked into the crack of Nick’s door to see him still laying down. She knocked on the door and said, “Rise and shine, sunshine.” Nick turned to look at her and gave her a smile. She walked to the bathroom, turned on the shower water and after five minutes, she turned the water off and stepped out. Her thoughts began to crowd her mind as she thought about how close they were. What’s going to happen here? Am I going to finally have sex?

  Tia was never really interested in men, in fact, she had quite a few interested in her as she made it through high school, but she knew they weren’t right for her, so she didn’t waste her time. She had morals. She wasn’t going to give something special away to just anyone. Tia was very beautiful and gave off a good girl reputation, although not many truly knew the real Tia. In fact, keeping hold of her virginity was probably one of the only things that was true about her reputation. Before she moved, she had a lot of friends and they partied. Her parents never really knew she did anything bad. In fact, she went to church with them every Sunday and when anyone looked at Tia, they saw a young and beautiful role model. Aside from drinking, smoking and popping pills, she was a normal, good girl.


  T he day seemed longer than usual to Tia. She was having trouble concentrating on her schoolwork, in fact, the English teacher asked if she was feeling ok because she was unable to complete her assignment. Nikki sat beside her at lunch, as usual, and as Tia was trying to start the conversation to fill her in, Nick came to sit beside her. “Hey ladies, what’s happening?” He acted as though nothing had happened at all, which cleared up any awkward feelings Nikki was having. They ate lunch and talked, laughing at jokes and cringing at Nick’s disgusting ones.

  After school, Nikki had to go straight home because she had plans with her mom. Nick and Tia dropped her off, then proceeded the long way on the back road. Tia slid close to him and Nick put his hand on her thigh. When Tia decided to do the same to him, she began to rub upwards, then back down his thigh and then up again. Nick began rubbing her in return. Nick was swerving all over the road as she teased him. He pulled over, threw the truck into park and quickly unbuckled his belt. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled his zipper down. Tia whispered, “I’m going to try something I’ve never done before.” When she reached inside his pants she noticed he was already well throbbed. As her mouth met it, Nick looked up to the ceiling of the truck and was breathing heavy. “Slow down,” Nick said, as he didn’t want it to end already. When she sat up again, Nick leaned her back with her head leaning against the passenger door of the truck. He pulled her pants down, followed by her yellow cotton string undies and she opened for him. It didn’t take long for his mouth to make her aroused.

  They realized after a car drove by that the truck needed be somewhere more private. He pulled up his pants and put the truck in gear. He drove about a half mile when he noticed a large field with trees surrounding it. The truck bounced with every bump until he finally came to an area completely out of view from the road. He looked at Tia and she smiled back at him. “Now, where were we?” she said, as she laid back again, still without pants on.

  The truck windows were fogging up with every heavy breath they made. He had taken her to a place she had never been before and she absolutely loved it. Nick was straddling Tia, but this time he was unclothed. She admired his arms, gripping them with every pressure he put on her. Nick, moving soft and slow, gave her passionate kisses as she tried to hold in moans of what started out as pain and was ending with satisfaction and desire for the both of them. Nick gave her a light kiss and sat up. Tia was flattered and happy of what she just experienced.

  Once they made it home, Cindy and Tim were sitting on the porch, but quickly came walking out to meet us. Tim yelled, “What took you kids so long to make it home?” Cindy interrupted, “We were so worried something happened to you.” Nick and Tia both apologized and Tia told a fibbing story, “We were at Nikki’s for a little bit and didn’t realize what time it was. Sorry.” They made their way to the house and Tim and Cindy sat back down on the porch. Cindy went back to crocheting and Tim leaned back in the rocker.

  “Do you want a cig? I think I only have one or two left,” she asked Nick, crawling through the window. He followed her and laid back, resting on his elbows. Tia gave him a cigarette and lit the last one for herself. “I am so glad that happened with you,” she told him after taking a puff of her cigarette. Nick looked at her with a grin and reached for her hand. He sat up beside her and gave her another kiss. “It’s a shame you’re technically my sister now,” she quickly corrected him, “Your STEP sister.” Nick and Tia laughed together for a moment, then everything went silent as they looked at each other again.

  Dinner came and gone, then it was soon bedtime. Nick stayed in his room until Cindy and his dad made it to bed, then he snuck over to Tia’s room. She was already expecting him, so she laid in her bed waiting. He crawled into her bed and laid beside her with her head resting on his chest. Nick whisper
ed in her ear. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. He actually loves me? He rubbed his hands through her hair and kissed her head. Tia asked him if he wanted to go outside. “We are out of cigs, aren’t we?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to smoke, I just want to lay beside you and watch the stars for a moment.”

  They both stood up. Tia grabbed her hoody and put it over her head. They stepped out through the window. It was a beautiful night. Stars filled the sky and the sound of grasshoppers filled the air. “Do you think anything will every come of this? Us?” Tia asked. Nick looked at her and said, “I don’t really care what people think. I have never felt so close to anyone. I really love you.” Tia smiled and laid her head back on his chest.

  Every day, they hid their affections towards one another from everyone. It was difficult, especially keeping Nikki in the fog, but it was for the best. At least for the time being. Tia didn’t want Nikki to feel like some guy took her place. She didn’t want to be judged. She didn’t want her to know that her step-brother was the one to take her virginity. Better yet, she didn’t want her to know that she was in love with him!

  The next month flew by and graduation quickly approached. Tia was putting on her graduation gown, staring at herself through the bathroom mirror. The whole day she kept thinking, I’m not feeling so good. Her face was paler than usual and she felt nauseous. She quickly took her gown off, knowing she needed to throw up. Nick heard her and quickly ran into the bathroom to check on her. When he saw her face in the toilet, he began to think about that day. “Tia, are you ok? Are you?”


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