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Bloodliner Page 20

by Robert T. Jeschonek

  "'Locker room?'" said Hercules. "Sounds like some kind of dungeon or torture chamber."

  "Close enough." Mavis turned to Stanza and Jonah. "What did we miss?"

  "Mavis." Stanza gestured at the red-robed man beside her. "Meet your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great uncle, Father Alexander."

  Alexander bowed. Up close, Mavis could see he was heavily muscled under the robes. He had thick, black hair and a black mustache and goatee.

  What really caught her eye, though, were the scars. He had a long one down the left side of his face, from temple to chin, and another on the right, from ear to nose. Another ran crosswise over his forehead, stopping just short of his eye socket. Then there was the scar across the bridge of his nose and the one through both his lips. His face was like one big scar.

  "Nice to meet you." Mavis bowed.

  "Father Alexander has some information to share with us," said Stanza.

  "Indeed." Alexander smiled. "I know where you can find Heaven."


  Chapter 64

  "Heaven?" said Jonah as he and the others followed Father Alexander down a long corridor. "What are you talking about, Father?"

  "Empyrea." Alexander looked surprised. "You mean you don't know of the lost paradise of the vampires? You don't know of your connection?"

  Jonah looked over at Stanza, watching her reaction intently. Would she finally explain Empyrea and what it meant to them? Would she let Alexander say anything else about it in front of them?

  This is it. The moment of truth.

  As if Stanza could read Jonah's mind, she met his gaze. She stared silently for a moment, her expression unreadable...and then, she smiled. "I've been waiting to tell them, Father. I've been keeping it a surprise."

  "I see." Alexander nodded.

  Jonah frowned. He couldn't believe Stanza was going to dodge the question again. "Now wait a minute!" As much as he loved her, he was sick of not being trusted with the truth. "Don't you think we deserve..."

  Stanza cut him off. "You and Mavis are the de facto prince and princess of the long-lost heavenly kingdom of Empyrea." Her smile widened. "How's that for a surprise?"

  "What did you just say?" said Mavis.

  "Seriously?" Jonah's frown deepened. "Prince and princess?"

  "Yes," said Stanza. "We've been looking for your kingdom all along."

  "We have?" said Jonah.

  "It's your inheritance," said Stanza. "When your parents hired me to trace your family history, what they really wanted was for me to help you find Empyrea."

  "If Cruentus Estus doesn't get there first," said Arthur.

  "Not counting our sect of Cruentus here in Kitezh," said Alexander. "We've been cut off from the rest of the church for centuries."

  Mavis looked thoughtful. "Why is Empyrea such a paradise? Why did Conrad say vampires crave it more than blood?"

  "Empyrea was lost ages ago," said Stanza, "during a war between two great vampire clans. According to legend, it will take two people, one descended from each clan, to open the door to Empyrea again...two people who aren't vampires."

  Suddenly, pieces fell into place in Jonah's mind. "You told me we were keys. Keys to the future. Did you mean keys to Empyrea?"

  "Yes," said Stanza.

  Mavis gasped. "Are you sure?"

  "You can see for yourselves soon enough," said Stanza. "Right, Father?"

  Alexander stopped at a huge arched doorway. "Follow me, please."

  Beyond the doorway, Jonah glimpsed swirling mists and flickering lights. "What is this place?"

  "The Brain of Kitezh." Alexander smiled. "Mind where you step."


  Chapter 65

  Jonah's skin tingled the moment he entered the Brain of Kitezh. Though he and the others stayed just inside the door, back from the thickest mists and lights, he still felt nervous and strange.

  He smelled water and tasted metal on his tongue. He heard a continuous buzz like the song of a power line. He glimpsed images and unfamiliar symbols rolling around in the misty swirls. As he watched, an image of him, Stanza, Mavis, Arthur, Hercules, and Father Alexander, standing by the door, rippled past in the mist like a kite.

  Just then, Alexander closed the door behind Jonah with an echoing boom. "In the thirteenth century," said Alexander, "a Mongol Khan and his horde marched on the holy city of Maly Kitezh."

  Alexander paced in front of Jonah and the others, hands clasped behind his back. "The people of the city had no defense save prayer, and they employed it. God rescued them by sinking Maly Kitezh beneath the lake, where the Khan could not reach it.

  "So the legend goes." Alexander unclasped his hands and raised an index finger. "Now here is the truth."

  Alexander smiled at Hercules. "In ancient times, a certain demigod visited this land, which was then known as Scythia."

  Hercules smacked his chest. "Me! I'm the demigod!"

  "Hercules defended the living city of Gelonus from an army of monsters, then concealed Gelonus in a chasm under the lake," said Alexander. "Her inhabitants were kept safe within her watertight shell.

  "Throughout the ages, Gelonus became a holy place called Kitezh...a safe haven for worshippers of many faiths. She rose above the waters on holy days, then submerged in the lake whenever a hostile force attacked.

  "One day," said Alexander, "a man who'd once conquered the known world came to Kitezh. He found true enlightenment here. This conqueror was over five hundred years old."

  "Let me guess," said Mavis. "He was a vampire."

  "Indeed." Alexander nodded. "The conqueror repented for his centuries of sin. For the endless blood he'd spilled in conquering the world from Greece to Persia. He swore to stay with Kitezh and serve as her high priest for all the rest of his days.

  "His name was Alexander." Alexander bowed his head. "You might know him as Alexander as Great."

  Jonah stared in amazement at the priest. "Are you...the same Alexander?"

  "I am." Alexander nodded. "Alexander the Great. Onetime king of the world. Conqueror, killer, and vampire." He shrugged. "And now, your humble servant."

  Jonah was dumbfounded as he considered the revelation. Every time he thought he'd seen it all, something else came along to blow his mind.

  "Father." Stanza stepped forward. "You said you know where we can find Empyrea."

  "She knows." Alexander gestured behind him at the flowing mists and lights and images. "Ask me your questions, and Kitezh will speak through me."

  "Okay." Stanza cleared her throat. "What is the location of the gate of Empyrea?"

  Alexander held up an index finger. "I'll be right back." Then, he turned and walked into the flickering mists.

  "I wonder if Alexander would wrestle me," said Hercules. "It sounds like he was a formidable warrior in his day."

  "You might say that," said Stanza.

  Hercules walked to the wall and patted it. "I wonder if Kitezh might fight me. Now she would be a worthy opponent."

  "Don't pick a fight with the cathedral," said Stanza.

  "Why must you be so combative, Hercules?" said Arthur.

  "This is what I call fun, bull." Hercules stomped over and took a swing at him. "You haven't seen me being combative yet!"

  As Hercules and Arthur tussled, something in the Brain of Kitezh drew Jonah's attention. It was one of the images, rippling through the mist just above eye level.

  The image showed two young boys, about ten years old, peeping through a small round window. The boys both had short blond hair and looked nearly identical...though one had tattoos on his face and neck.

  As Jonah stared at the image, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Could they be watching us right now?

  Jonah looked up, scanning the walls of the huge chamber. Just as he spotted a row of round windows high above the doorway, Alexander emerged from the mist.

  "Hello, everyone." Alexander's voice had changed, become higher and breathier. More like the voice of a woman. "I have the
answers you've been hunting." Jonah realized he was channeling the voice of the cathedral. Her female spirit was speaking through him.

  "Kitezh?" Hercules let go of Arthur and marched over to Alexander. "Is that you?"

  Alexander smiled. "I'm out of the monster-fighting business, I'm afraid."

  Hercules tousled Alexander's thick black hair. "You'll always be a savage warrior bitch to me, Gelonus."

  "That's sweet." Alexander shifted to a businesslike tone. "Now let's talk about Empyrea."


  Chapter 66

  Father Alexander/Kitezh pointed at Stanza. "Come forward," he said. "I'll tell you the secret."

  Mavis watched as Stanza walked over to join Alexander at the fringe of the misty Brain of Kitezh.

  I wish he'd just tell all of us.

  As Alexander whispered in Stanza's ear, Mavis strained to hear the slightest sound or see the slightest lip movement that would give her a clue. She couldn't make out a thing.

  Wish I had the power of super-hearing right now. I wonder if that's part of the package when you become a vampire.

  Mavis was just about to ask Arthur if he could hear what Alexander was saying when Stanza bowed to Alexander and walked back from the mist.

  "Ready, guys?" said Stanza.

  "For what?" said Mavis.

  Stanza walked between Mavis and Arthur, heading for the door. "Let's hit the road. Unless you're in no hurry to get to Heaven."

  Jonah darted in front of her. "So what did he say? Where is it?"

  "You'll see." Stanza smiled and flung open the door. "We'll get there soon enough."

  "Room for one more?"

  Mavis gasped and jumped. Her heart pounded when she saw the bat-winged, black-furred vampire standing on the other side of the door. "Why not make it a family vacation?"

  "Family?" said Mavis.

  "My name is Nicolo Borgia." The vampire flapped his wings and bowed to Mavis with a flourish. "At your service, great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter."


  Chapter 67

  Shakespeare turned around, and Genghis was gone.

  From a window on an upper level, they'd been watching Stanza and her group in the Brain of Kitezh. They'd seen Father Alexander whisper the location of Empyrea to Stanza. Just for an instant, Shakespeare had turned to check on the boys, James and Thomas, who were watching at another window. When he turned back, there was no sign of Genghis.

  He is gone, and I judge it will be for more than a moment. Parting now, at such a crucial time, he leaves no doubt.

  He has flown.

  It came as no surprise that Genghis had made his move. Shakespeare had always expected betrayal in the end and a fight to the death for the prize. What surprised him was the timing. Why had Genghis left before Empyrea was found and opened?

  And what does he plan to do next?

  "Master!" said James. "It's Nicolo Borgia!"

  Gazing from the window, Shakespeare confirmed it. Nicolo stood in the doorway of the Brain of Kitezh, bat-winged and laughing. Arthur and Hercules were ready to pounce, held back only by Stanza's palms on their chests.

  We knew he was here somewhere, picking his moment. It's no surprise that he stepped in right after Stanza learned the secret.

  "It's time, isn't it?" said James. "Time to move."

  You might be right, boy.

  Nicolo might just try to kill us all, and Kitezh in the bargain. Do away with all who know the secret. Steal Empyrea for the Scarlet Council of Cruentus Estus alone, circumvent the sects and orders.

  James is right.

  "It's time to move." Shakespeare nodded. "Dispatch Borgia and clear the way for Stanza to lead the rabbits onward. The two of you will have no trouble with this task."

  James raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Two of us?" He looked askance at Thomas.

  "Are you not both subject to the truce between our sects?" said Shakespeare. "Therefore rightly trusted to work side by side without fear of duplicity?"

  "Aye," said James.

  "Can't you speak English for a change?" said Thomas.

  "And," said Shakespeare, "are you not brothers? In spite of the gulf between you, have your hearts not spoken true and bound you at the blood? Can you do less than stand together now in time of trial and with knightly courage fight your way to paradise?"

  James and Thomas looked at each other for a moment...then grinned.

  "Absolutely, Master," said James.

  "Hell yeah," said Thomas.

  "Go then," said Shakespeare, "and forestall what dark deeds Nicolo plans to paint upon the canvas. Be on guard as well for other agents of the shadows. The prize is rich and may have drawn a host of swine, their filth and stench concealed barely from our notice."

  "No prob," said Thomas.

  "Once you've shown your faces, stay close to the rabbits," said Shakespeare. "I'll join you when the time is right and not a moment sooner. Till then, I will remain your secret weapon, held in reserve and free to act without attention."

  "What about Genghis?" Thomas nodded at the empty space where Genghis had sat moments earlier. "Who's the boss if he shows up and starts barking out orders?"

  "Follow your conscience," said Shakespeare. "I only ask that you bear this in mind: neither of you is a slave. As apprentices, you call us master, learn at our feet, seek our approval—but truly, your minds and actions are your own. You are free, and the future's in your hands."

  Thomas laughed. "Genghis wouldn't agree with you."

  Shakespeare smiled. "He could not turn you from a chosen path any more than he could spin the moon into the sea."

  "You'd be surprised what he can do," said Thomas.

  Then, he and James raced off without another word or backward glance.

  Shakespeare rubbed his beard as he watched them go. He'd done his best to show poise and no weakness, to weave pretty words to inspire the good and counteract whatever mischief Genghis was brewing.

  And yet, he wondered if he'd done right sending Thomas off with James.

  The wolf with the hound. Either greatness will this night spill from these brothers, or the blood that spills will not be from our foes.


  Chapter 68

  "Don't I get a hug?" Nicolo spoke with an Italian accent and a trace of a lisp. "It isn't every day you meet your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather." He took a step toward Mavis and reached for her.

  Mavis backed away. "Actually, that's pretty much exactly how it is."

  Nicolo laughed. "That's cute! That's very funny!"

  This guy's a psycho. Nicolo acted congenial, but Jonah saw the wild gleam of danger in his eyes. He also set off alarm bells for Arthur and Hercules. They leaned toward him with jaws clenched and muscles tensed. Stanza held them back, pressing the palms of her hands against their chests.

  "Now where's my hug?" Nicolo moved a step closer to Mavis.

  Mavis moved another step away from him. "I think you've got the wrong great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter."

  Nicolo laughed again. "Say, that's cute, too!"

  "Yeah?" said Stanza. "What about this?" With that, she let go of Arthur and Hercules.

  Jonah's heart pounded as they stormed toward Nicolo. Things were heating up fast.

  Nicolo leaped straight up before Arthur or Hercules could get a hand on him. "Not the hug I had in mind!" he said, flapping his wings overhead.

  Immediately, Arthur and Hercules followed his lead and shapeshifted, growing wings of their own.

  "Look," said Nicolo. "You've got it all wrong! I'm a friend of your parents, Jonah. I knew them well!"

  Arthur and Hercules flapped and rose from the floor. Nicolo gained altitude and backed away from them. "I'm with the church! I'm with Cruentus Estus," he said. "Just like your mother and father!"

  Jonah frowned and wondered if he'd heard correctly. Was Nicolo trying to tell him his parents had somehow been involved with the vampire church?


  "I come in peace!" said Nicolo. "I've been assigned to witness the reopening of Empyrea."

  Arthur drew his sword and flew up to face Nicolo. "Methinks you've come for more than witnessing."

  Hercules bounded up next and hauled back a fist like a sledgehammer. "This is nothing personal."

  Arthur swung his sword and Hercules swung his fist at the same time. Nicolo dove out of the way, leaving the two projectiles to collide with shuddering force.

  As Jonah watched the fight, the idea of his parents being involved with Cruentus Estus kept spinning around in his head, completely insane...yet utterly mesmerizing. Was there a chance, he wondered, that Nicolo did know something? Could Jonah forgive himself if he didn't at least try to find out what it was?

  Just as Arthur and Hercules cornered Nicolo, Jonah shouted up at them. "Wait!" I can't believe I'm doing this. "I want to hear what he knows about my parents."

  Instantly, Nicolo swooped toward him. Arthur and Hercules hesitated, looking to Stanza for guidance. She glared but didn't countermand Jonah.

  "So tell me," said Jonah. "What do my parents have to do with all this?"

  Nicolo landed in front of him. "You never knew they were members of Cruentus Estus, did you?"

  "No," said Jonah.

  Nicolo grinned. "Well, Isaac and Caroline weren't just members. They were part of the inner circle. They served on the Scarlet Council."

  "Wait a minute," said Mavis. "Does Cruentus Estus admit non-vampires?"

  "It does not," said Nicolo.

  "Then how did Jonah's parents join?" said Mavis. "Unless..."

  "Exactly." Nicolo looked at Jonah. "Did you not know this?"

  Jonah didn't like what he was hearing. He tried to tune it out, but it was the very thing he'd been trying not to think about since Nicolo had first mentioned his parents' link to Cruentus Estus. "Did I not know what?"


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