Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!)

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Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!) Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  Bowie removed his hands from her erogenous zones and gathered her close. “It’s okay, baby. Just think how far we came.”

  “But what if…” she began. “I want to so much and I want to do things to you.” Her voice sounded strained.

  “Shhhh.” He kissed the corner of her eye. “It’s been a long stressful day. And we have all the time in the world.”

  “But what if I can’t ever?” She repeated, finally getting the whole sentence out.

  “You can, and you will,” he assured her. “You have sensation. Just let me worry about the rest.”

  Just like that, the burden lifted. Bowie was assuming responsibility for her pleasure and there were no better hands to be in than his.

  He shifted underneath her, so she asked, “Are you getting up? Are you leaving?” She wasn’t ready to see him go.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  Huge question. What was the proper etiquette in cases such as this? After her less than stellar performance in the climax department, maybe he needed some space. “I understand if you need to go, Bowie.”

  He eased out from under her. “That’s not what I asked.” He was persistent. “The animals will have to be tended to in the morning, but I’d rather you sleep in my arms tonight.”

  Okay, if you put it that way. Her inner self squealed and bounced. “Stay.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.” Without waiting for any further instructions, Bowie picked her up and headed for her bedroom. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, but I just can’t let you go. Not yet.”

  Cassie didn’t want to be let go. He took her to the bathroom and sat her down on the vanity stool. “Now what? I guess you need your chair.”

  “No.” She waved her hand. “The pole is here and the bathroom is tiny. I can do this.” Cassie motioned. “If you’ll just go, I can do it if you don’t watch.” She wasn’t ready for him to see her struggle awkwardly from stool to toilet to shower.

  “Will you call me when you finish?” Bowie had his fists clenched. He wanted to help.

  “Yes.” She nodded. “If you’ll look in my top drawer in the dresser and hand me a gown, that would help.” He went to find one. “Get the pink one,” she called loudly. It was the prettiest lingerie she owned. She waited until he came back before closing the door, leaving him standing on the other side like an oversized sentry.

  Bowie didn’t like it. He didn’t like a lot of things. How small her bathroom was and how absent it and the rest of the house was of things specifically designed to help people in Cassie’s condition. Her whole house needed to be revamped to accommodate her needs. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he thought of all the ways her home and his could be renovated to make life easier for her.

  His mind was whirling with information. Bowie couldn’t help but smile. He felt like he had been granted a boon, given a gift—she could feel! Cassie had sensation in her pussy. They would be able to have sex, he was almost sure of it. Again, he thought of all the articles he’d read on sex lives of challenged individuals. Hell, he’d even called Dr. Wagner like Jacob had suggested. He’d been nice, offered to make Cassie an appointment, but Bowie had explained he had called without Cassie’s knowledge. So, Lucas had given him some pointers and a few websites to check out. What he’d learned was that every individual is different, of course, but that many paraplegic women had completely functioning and enjoyable sex lives. And now—Bowie smiled—he’d found out that Cassie wasn’t a complete paraplegic, she was mobile to a small degree. That had to be good.

  He had sat down on the bed and was thinking when he heard a muffled cry. She was in pain. “Cassie!” He jumped up and ran to the door. “Are you okay?”

  Cassie steadied herself. All in all, she’d done pretty well. Brushed her teeth, took a quick shower, went to the bathroom and now she was trying to shave her dang legs. “Good grief,” she mumbled. “Not what you think, Bowie. I nicked myself shaving my legs.”

  “Oh, okay,” he answered on the other side of the door. “Need any help?”

  “No!” She laughed, amused. “I’ll be out in just a second and you can have your turn.”

  Bowie waited impatiently until she called his name and opened the door. He went into the slightly foggy room and picked up a warm, sweet-smelling woman who was soft and smooth and totally fuckable. “You don’t know what you do to me,” Bowie admitted as he sat her on the bed. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay. Not much problem of that,” she mumbled, then noticed he’d brought her chair in and it sat very near the bed. “God, he’s sweet.” For a few seconds she examined everything that had gone on. Was she dreaming? From the moment they’d met, she’d known Bowie was different. But he had seen something in her, a value that no man had ever seen before. Cassie only hoped she could live up to his expectations.

  She ran her hand over the bedspread. Bowie would be the first man to share her bed. What did he expect? Would they sleep or would they fool around a little bit? She shivered with anticipation. Fully making love seemed impossible. She didn’t know what she was waiting on, but Cassie felt like they would have to take this physical side of their relationship in increments. Regardless, she was ready, she only prayed she didn’t make an absolute fool of herself.

  Bowie stood under the spray in Cassie’s small shower, using her soap and her shampoo. His erection was huge, but he wasn’t about to jack-off. Not when he had something so sweet waiting on him in the next room. Could they make love? Would they? He didn’t know, but she was going to have an orgasm or his name wasn’t Bowie Travis Malone.

  Turning off the water, he toweled dry, slipped on just his jeans and went to find Cassie.

  When the door opened, she jumped a little. Her room was dark so Bowie’s frame in the light from the bathroom made him look even bigger and more overwhelming. Did she know what she was doing? Obviously not. Little by little she had scooted back in the bed and climbed under the covers and in a move totally unlike her, she had stripped off the pink gown and was now lying under her sheet—naked. “Feel better?” she asked.

  “Yea, how about you?” He pulled the door closed, enough to leave a sliver of light shining in the bedroom. He wanted to be able to see her.

  “I feel good. Nervous.”

  “Me too,” he told her. “This is important, Cassie. Nothing to worry about, I don’t mean that. But this isn’t casual for me. That’s why I’m nervous. How about you?”

  Wow, talk about putting on the pressure? The man didn’t pull any punches. If he could lay it on the line, so could she. “It never has been casual for me. Even when I was insisting we only be friends, I felt something for you.”

  “Good.” Holding her gaze, he shucked his jeans.

  Cassie stared. She had been about to say something about making sure the doors were locked until she saw what was between his legs. “My goodness.”

  “It’s just me.” Bowie tried to reassure her. He knew he was big, but he could be oh so gentle.

  “There’s an awful lot of you.” Cassie held her hand out, inviting him closer.

  That was when Bowie realized she had shed her nightgown. “Are you in a state of dishabille, sweet Cassie?”

  “Complete,” she replied with more bravado than she felt.

  Not hesitating, Bowie joined her, throwing back the cover and groaning at the sight of her naked body. “God, you are delectable.” Coming to her, he stretched out, trying to make sure that he was as close to her as he could get, most of his body touching some part of hers but not in any way that could cause her pain. With an impatient growl, he sought out her lips and began to kiss her, a ravishing kiss of passion. As he devoured her mouth, he ran his hand all over her body—long, smooth strokes, acquainting himself with her curves. When his palm found her breast, he rose up to look at her. “Cassie, my God, baby. I want you so much.” He plumped her breast and licked the nipple, causing her to gasp. “Like that?”

  “God, yes,
” she moaned. “More!” Cassie demanded.

  Bowie smiled at her breast. “Yes, ma’am.” Swirling his tongue around her nipple, he did everything but suck it. But when she placed her hands on his head and pushed down, giving him a clear signal, he opened his mouth wide and began to suckle. God, this was heaven. His hips began to buck as he pushed his cock against Cassie’s thigh. Not hard, but, Lord he needed the friction. But now wasn’t for him, it was for her. For a few more minutes, he ate at her breast, one and then the other until the nipples were red, wet and swollen from his lips. “Did you enjoy that?”

  “What do you think?” She panted.

  “I think you did.” Bowie seemed self-confident. “Now prepare to have your mind blown, baby.” Throwing back the covers, he moved down to her feet. “Okay, you’ll have to help me now. I don’t want to mess this up.”

  “What?” Cassie was in a sensual haze.

  “I want between your legs.”

  God, they were about to make love. Cassie began to tremble. She moved her legs apart, partly with her muscles and partly with her help and Bowie’s. She showed him how far she could bend her knees and be free of pain. He learned quickly. It wasn’t nearly as awkward as she’d been afraid it would be. Mainly because Bowie refused to allow it to be. He was not only attentive, he was obviously attracted to her and had no qualms about letting her know how much. Cassie was amazed.

  “You do realize, I don’t have to tell you…” she began.

  “That you’re innocent. No, you don’t have to tell me. I’m honored. But we’ve got some business to attend to before I sink myself into your sweet warmth.”

  Cassie looked confused. And then he went down…

  On her.

  The sight of Bowie stretching out to kiss her between the thighs set her to shivering. Please God, let me feel every bit of this. I don’t want to miss a thing.

  And she didn’t miss anything, or if she did, she didn’t know it. Because what she experienced was out of this world. He licked and kissed her from top to bottom. And when he speared his tongue deep within her sheathe, thrusting in and out, she clawed at the bed sheet, crying out his name. “Bowie!” He stopped to smile, blow on her and lick her into a frenzy. But when he took her clit between his lips and began to suck, she knew there wasn’t a damn thing wrong with the nerve endings there, because every cell in her body sizzled and an all-consuming wave of ecstasy began to crest, rising and building until it crashed, drawing her almost out of herself, sweeping her along on a surge of pure unadulterated bliss. Cassie almost blacked out, and when she came to herself, her fingers were clutching Bowie’s hair and pressing his face as deep into her pussy as she could get it. Panting, she tossed her head from side to side as he licked her up and down, coaxing tiny aftershocks from her quivering sex.

  “Bowie, please.” She sighed.

  “You came for me,” he spoke the words as if in a prayer. “You came for me.” He sank down and laid his head on her belly. “You’ll never know how scared I was that I wouldn’t be able to bring you pleasure.”

  “Oh, Bowie.” She stroked his hair. “I’m glad too, but I’m still worried about my ability to please you.”

  “You’ve already pleased me.” Bowie kissed the smooth skin of her abdomen. “Just hearing you cum, hearing you call my name, watching your face—it was perfect.” He sounded satisfied, but in reality he was about to explode. Bowie needed to cum too. But he wouldn’t rush her, not if it killed him.

  “I never knew what I was missing.” She tried to pull him up to her. “What can I do…” she was trying to ask how to pleasure him. “Do you want to?”

  “Make love to you?”

  She nodded. “If you want to try.” Try—that’s all it would be. Honestly, she didn’t know how her body would react to the presence of Bowie inside of her. She just prayed she could do it and he could enjoy being with her despite her limitations.

  “I’m about to burst.” He sat up on his knees and fisted his cock. “I don’t know if I have a condom. God, I hope so.” He reached for his pants.

  “No need,” she caught his arm. “I’m on the pill.”

  Pregnancy wasn’t his concern. He was clean, but Bowie wanted her to feel safe. The sad fact was that he couldn’t get her pregnant if he tried.

  “That is, if you want to do it that way.” Her voice was small and hesitant.

  “God, yes.” He didn’t ask why, his mind wasn’t functioning well enough to command those types of thoughts. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Not about the pill,” he clarified. “But that you want me?”

  “More than I’ve ever wanted anything else.” She held up both hands and he came down to her. “Don’t worry, I’m not that fragile. Take me.”

  He was careful, though. She might not be fragile, but she was precious. “I don’t want to hurt you in any way.” He kissed her as he rubbed his fingers through her pussy, pushing a finger up inside up her. “You are so tight. I’m going to cum just from pushing into you.”

  Cassie felt completely small and overshadowed as Bowie covered her. He was so careful, arranging her thighs over his, stopping every few moments to make sure she was comfortable. All the time he was caressing her, readying her, reaching up to massage her breasts and then down to rub the pad of his thumb over her clitoris. She had never known a man could be so loving, caring, committed to making her feel good. Bowie had told her all of this was his responsibility and Cassie could definitely say he took his responsibilities seriously. “Ready for me?” he finally asked.

  “I want you, Bowie Malone. Now.” With that invitation, Bowie placed the tip of his cock to her pussy, rubbing the tip up and down, allowing Cassie’s juices to coat the head. When he nudged her small bundle of nerves, she jumped.


  “Happy,” she ground out the word. “I feel like I’m missing you, like I know how you’re going to feel inside of me and I want it. I feel empty and needy.” She reached down between her own thighs and touched herself and him too.

  “Damn,” Bowie breathed as he saw those delicate fingers playing with her clit. “Let me see if I can fill you up.”

  “Kiss me, kiss me,” she begged. Cassie wanted him so much. Bowie leaned over, supporting himself, his hand returning to her breast as if he couldn’t stay away. And as he inhaled her kiss, she felt the broad head of his cock begin to work its way inside of her opening. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Cassie’s breath caught, her body surprised by his girth, length and unmistakable hardness. She tensed, expecting pain.

  “Hold on, baby. I’ll be gentle.”

  She did hold on, to him.

  There wasn’t pain, but there was an uncomfortable pressure. Maybe it was because this was new, God she hoped so. She had used tampons, so she didn’t expect him to find an intact hymen. She just knew how much standing up hurt and if she couldn’t stand to have Bowie inside of her, that would break her heart.

  So, she steeled herself to endure what should have been enjoyable.

  With a groan of pure satisfaction, he began to sink into her soft, welcoming heat. Slowly, he became aware of something other than how he felt. Bowie could feel her body tensing. “Am I hurting you?” He held himself up and off of her, only connected to her body by the one inch of his cock that was buried in the hottest, tightest little pussy he’d ever dreamed of. But she wasn’t as wet as she needed to be and he was afraid it was because he was making her hurt. “Be honest with me.”

  Shit. She clutched his shoulders and raised her head to bury it in the safety of his chest. “It doesn’t feel bad.”

  Bowie let out an exasperated laugh. Just what a man wanted to hear. His cock was aching, his body was screaming for release, but there was no way in hell he was going to cause her one moment of discomfort. It took everything within him, but Bowie pulled out and went on his side next to her.

  “What? Wait? No!” Cassie grabbed his arm. “I didn’t want you to stop!” God, why had she said that? “It felt good, I
promise it did.” Sorrow lanced through Cassie’s heart. This was exactly what she was afraid of.

  Bowie could tell she was upset. “Shhhhh, it doesn’t matter. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “Yes it does.” How could he say that? “It’s supposed to hurt, isn’t it? I’m a virgin.” She turned to face him, or as much as she could, hesitantly running her hand down his beautiful chest and abs. But when she came to his cock, she found it softening.

  “Oh.” Cassie dropped her hand, her eyes and her head. He didn’t want her.

  Cassie’s head was spinning. One of two things was possible and both of them were bad. First, her hesitancy could have turned him off. Or the reality of her useless lower body could have dawned on him and he used the possibility of causing her pain as a good excuse to get out of the act without hurting her or causing hard feelings.

  Well, it had hurt her.

  “Cassie, no!” Bowie could read her, she was totally transparent. He grabbed her hand and put it back on his package. “Touch me. I want you to touch me.”

  “But you couldn’t keep it…up.” She struggled for words, embarrassed to have to say it.

  Bowie dipped his head and groaned. “Oh, Cassie, don’t say it that way.” He laughed.

  Cassie flushed anew. “I didn’t mean it like that, I meant I didn’t inspire you.”

  Bowie scooted down in the bed so they were looking at each other face to face. “You more than inspire me. I want you.” He nudged her leg. “Can you feel that?”

  “A little,” she confessed.

  “Put your hand down and find me.” She did and as she did, he leaned in to kiss her, not breaking eye contact for a second.

  Cassie eased her hand down between them until she found him. He was harder than before and as she touched him, he grew in her hand. Bowie groaned and Cassie bit her lower lip, hiding a smile. “You like me.”

  He snorted. “Yea, I like you. Before, I was just scared to death I was going to hurt you and that fear just stole my erection.”


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