Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!)

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Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!) Page 22

by Sable Hunter

Michael washed the grease off his hands. “What do you want to do?”

  “Go back over there, I guess. We didn’t really look around good outside. I’ve got a funny feeling. Do you remember hearing that little wiener dog bark? That dog rarely left her side.”

  “I agree, come on.” Michael started off, but he didn’t get three steps before his cell rang. “Bowie?”

  “No, sir. This is Copeland. McCoy told me Bowie called this number earlier. Are you the next of kin?”

  Next of kin? Michael almost stumbled. He had to grab ahold of his truck for support. “I’m his Uncle.”

  “Well, I have to inform you that Bowie Malone didn’t come up from his cave dive. Joseph McCoy surfaced and has gone back down to find him. But we thought you ought to know.”

  “What’s wrong?” George yelled. He could read Michael’s face like a book.

  “Bowie’s lost down in the caves. Joseph has gone back down after him.”

  “God, we need to go over there.” George stopped and looked around, unsure of what to do. “No, we need to see to Cassie first.”

  “I agree, but let’s hurry.”

  This time when they went back to the small white house, they decided to take a different approach. “I’ll run inside and look one more time,” George offered. “And you find that dog.”

  * * *

  Bowie thought of Cassie. He could see her beautiful face. In the black dark of the cave, she was the only light he could see.

  How in the hell had everything gone so wrong? He and Joseph had found the bodies, they had taken off their tanks in a narrow passageway and had lost them in the dark. Joseph had begun making his way out with one man, while Bowie was following with the other. It was a slow, painstaking process. All had been well until they had gotten halfway through the third chamber. Joseph was well ahead of him when a weight belt had slipped from the body and thrown up a massive cloud of silt, effectively blinding Bowie.

  He had fought the panic. Unable to tell up from down, Bowie had no choice but to drop the body and begin trying to find his way out. It was like swimming through smoke, he could see nothing. Finally, he touched the side of the cave and he began following it. He couldn’t tell if he was going up and down, but he when he reached a dead-end, he knew it was over.

  All he could think of was that he’d never told Cassie he loved her.

  * * *

  “Cassie! Cassie!” George and Michael began tromping through the brush behind her house. A few guineas ran around frantically, spooked by the heavy footfalls and loud voices.

  “Stop!” Michael held up his hand and George came to a halt beside him. “Listen.”

  They could hear a dog barking some distance away. “Let’s go. Down by the creek.” George took off at a run.

  “Oh, God.” Michael huffed as he followed his friend. They ran a few hundred more yards. “Cassie!”

  “I’m here.” Came a weak voice.

  Breaking through the underbrush, they saw Cassie on the ground. “Are you all right?” George exclaimed as they ran to her.

  “Yea, I think so.” She began to sob. “My chair got hung on a root and I turned over.”

  “What are you doing down here, little girl?” Michael asked as he picked her up.

  “I just needed to think,” she cried. “It was a mistake.”

  “I should say so,” George said and Michael whacked him. “I mean, I’m just glad we found you.”

  “Why did you leave the house? Bowie tried to reach you several times.”

  “I turned off my phone,” Cassie admitted.

  “Why? Did you two have a fight?” George asked.

  Michael didn’t say anything because he figured he knew what the trouble was about and it wasn’t his cat to let out of the bag.

  “No, not really,” Cassie said softly.

  “Well, now’s not the time to worry about things like that,” Michael said. “Bowie’s in trouble.”

  “In trouble!” Cassie’s concerns for herself flew right out of her mind. “Where is he?”

  “Come on, let’s go to him. We’ll explain on the way.”

  Michael and George took her in and she changed clothes quickly, shaking from worry. “Where is he?” she called out, unwilling to wait to know more.

  “Hurry, Cassie!” George said.

  “He got called away on a dive to Jacob’s Well.”

  Michael didn’t think Cassie would know what that was, but she was a native Texan. “No, no,” she whispered. “That’s a death trap.”

  “Exactly and he’s been trapped down there before. If Bowie had a phobia about a place, this was it.”

  Cassie wanted to scream and yell, but right now that wouldn’t do any good. She needed to get to Bowie. “We’ll leave the animals inside. I’m ready.”

  A short time later, they were on their way.

  * * *

  Joseph McCoy wasn’t about to give up. This time he had brought a guideline and he was going to find his friend or…well, there just wasn’t an ‘or’ he would consider. Making his way back through the first chamber, he came to the smaller opening leading to the next chamber. Every moment he thought of Cady and his unborn children. Cave diving wasn’t new to him, but the other times had been for sport or exploration, once even to set a record. But saving a life, this was completely different. He was a born risk taker, but that was before he had a family. Now, he just intended to go down, get Bowie, and get the hell out of this fuckin’ hole.

  Up ahead he could see a silt cloud. No wonder. God, he hoped Bowie was all right. If he had been down too long, even with the air, he could start to get nitrogen narcosis poisoning and then he wouldn’t be thinking clearly—that was the most dangerous possibility of all. Keeping his focus and fighting to remain calm, Joseph continued on into the funnel shaped opening. This chamber was narrow and about fifty-five feet long. Some places were so tight, he was touching he bottom with his body and scraping his air tank on the top. Shit.

  Joseph began to pray. Bowie was family. Jacob thought more of Bowie than he did anyone but Jessie and BT, Joseph supposed. He couldn’t let anything happen to their friend. Suddenly, he saw something move. Bowie! Increasing his speed, he reached out to touch the figure and Bowie jerked. When their eyes met behind the masks, they needed no words to communicate. It was time to go home.

  Up on the surface, an even bigger crowd had gathered. Everyone was saddened at the deaths and horrified that Jacob’s Well might claim yet another victim the same day. Michael, George and Cassie hovered near Bowie’s truck, waiting.

  Cassie put her hands together and rocked in her chair. She was so worried. More than anything she wished she could have told him she loved him. Why did she hold back? It didn’t really matter about their past and she didn’t know what the future held, but she didn’t want to live in a world without Bowie Travis Malone.

  “Look! There they are!” Shouts and movement obscured Cassie’s view until she saw him. God she saw him! Trying to move toward him, she kept running into obstacle after obstacle. “Bowie!

  From across the way, Bowie heard her. “Cassie!” he answered.

  “Hold on,” a medic cautioned as Bowie started to rise. “You’re not going anywhere until I say so.”

  Bowie grimaced but he sat still. Looking up, he saw George and Michael bringing Cassie toward him. God, she’d been crying. “Hold on, I’ll be right there,” he said despite the warning look he got from the EMT. Shit, he was weak. Despite his urgency to get out of the well, Joseph had forced him to take it slow and at the right pace to avoid a problem like he’d experienced before.

  “Am I gonna live?” he asked.

  “Yea, I think so.”

  “Good.” Then he pushed up and away and walked the few steps to where she was sitting, looking like a golden-haired angel.

  “Bowie, I was so scared,” she cried and held up her arms. George and his uncle stepped away and created a bit of a barrier for them. Bowie sank to his knees and laid his head in her lap.
br />   “I was scared too. Why couldn’t I get you on the phone?”

  “I’m sorry. I ran away.”

  “Ran away?” He looked up. “Why?” Seeing the tears, he took her in his arms and kissed her over and over again. “Are you okay?”

  She hiccupped a soft sob. “I got hung on a stump.”

  Bowie snorted. “What the hell were you doing on a stump?”

  “I went down to the creek behind my house.”

  “What for?” She just shook her head. Hugging her close, he whispered, “See, you need me.”

  “Can we go somewhere and be alone? I have something to tell you and talk to you about.”

  Her voice and her face were serious and Bowie felt a chill go over his body. “Yes, ma’am, just let me talk to a few guys first. It won’t take but a minute.”

  With a little effort, he rose and was gone only a short time, speaking to Joseph, George, Michael and some man Cassie didn’t know. A reporter tried to come over to talk to her, but Michael wouldn’t let him close. Cassie was grateful.

  Soon, he was on his way back. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He was so beloved. The idea of something happening to him was completely unacceptable.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Okay.” He took her to his truck and in a minute they were loaded up and pulling out of the park. “I don’t want to wait. Let’s park.” He pulled down a side road and pushed his seat all the way back. “Can I hold you?”

  Cassie hesitated. Could she say what she needed to say in his arms? “Yes.” She decided she could. The truth might not set them free but it would open up the gates of communication.

  “Now why did you go down back to your house? Did you go over to feed the guineas? I put out enough food a couple of days ago to last a week and if you want to we can bring those buzzards over to my house,”

  “No, I think the guineas should stay where they are. Maybe I need to stay there with them.” God, this was hard. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but it wasn’t the way he responded.

  “Not coming back to me? Why? What do you mean…?” He searched her eyes, looking for answers.

  Nervous and shaken, her words came out choppy. “I know who you are. I know you’re the one who…”

  She didn’t have to be eloquent for Bowie to understand her. Massive spears of guilt pierced his heart and soul. Tears began to roll down his face. “God, Cassie. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, forgive me. I wouldn’t have done it for anything in the world. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would. Please don’t leave me because of that…” He pulled her close and buried his face in her neck. “Forgive me, please.”

  She caressed his head, stroking his hair. “It’s okay, Bowie. I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago before I ever knew it was you. I’m not leaving your home because I’m angry or upset about the accident.”

  “Then, why? Why?” he implored, framing her face. “If you can forgive me, then why can’t we be together?”

  Once more she tried to form the words. “I’m leaving because…”

  Not understanding, he asked with desperation. “Don’t you love me?”

  Cassie started crying anew, holding him tight. “Yes, that’s why I can’t be with you.”

  “Baby, that don’t make a damn bit of sense. Try again.” He kissed her reverently. “I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Suddenly the dam broke and the words came spilling out. “I need to go because I love you and you’re only with me because you feel responsible. You found out who I am and you’re trying to make it up to me. You’re sacrificing your life to try to pay me back and I won’t have it! I can’t stand it. That’s why I have to go home.”

  “No, no.” Bowie protested. “You don’t understand. You think I’m with you because I feel sorry for you? I fuckin’ adore you, I would give my life for you, I want you, just you. I don’t care if you can walk, run, jump or just let me carry you the rest of your days. I love you, Cassie Cartwright. I wish I could erase the hours and not have pulled that trigger, I’d trade places with you in a heartbeat, but I’m not with you because I feel responsible, I’m with you because I will die apart from you.”

  Cassie’s heart almost stopped beating. “You mean it.”

  What Cassie said wasn’t a question, it was a declaration. But Bowie didn’t understand.

  “I don’t know how to convince you, Cassie. I don’t know what words to say.”

  Gently, she kissed the tears from his cheeks. “You don’t need words, I believe you. You love me, I can see it written all over your face.”

  “Can we go home now?” he whispered.

  “Yes, let’s go home.”


  Bowie paced the hospital corridor. He had help. Destry, Jacob, George and Michael paced with him. “Why don’t they come tell me something?”

  “Soon, buddy, soon.”

  It had taken some doing, but Bowie had convinced Cassie to have the operation. If she could be pain free, he was willing to give up anything he owned.

  “Mr. Malone?” A doctor’s voice caused him to whip around.

  “She’s in recovery.”

  “How is she?”

  He walked up to the group of men. “Well, it was a delicate procedure and we can’t be absolutely sure, but I think I got the bullet fragment without doing more damage to the spinal cord.”

  Bowie almost went to his knees with relief. “Can I see her?”

  “Just a minute, let me explain.” The doctor had more to say. Jacob touched his friend’s shoulder, giving him support.

  “Go ahead.”

  “I’m not saying she’s going to walk again. I can’t even begin to promise something like that. But with rehab, there could be some improvement.”

  “As long as she’s not hurting, that’s all I ask.”

  “Good.” The doctor held out his hand to shake Bowie’s. “I think we accomplished that goal.”

  “Can I see her?”

  “Yes, you can go in the recovery room. It might be a while before she wakes up.”

  “I want to be there with her.”

  “We’ll head to the waiting room,” Michael called, but Bowie didn’t even look back.

  When he entered the room, she was asleep, her golden hair spread out on the pillow. He walked up to her and knelt by the bed, putting his face as close to hers as he could. “Cassie, my Cassie. I’m here.”

  She didn’t move, so he just knelt by her bed and covered her hand with his own, laying his head on the bed. He needed some time to catch up on his thanks giving prayers anyway. Bowie didn’t know how long he stayed there on his knees. It didn’t really matter, he was close to her. But when he felt a soft hand on his hair, he almost wept with relief.


  He shot to his feet and put his arms gently around her. “Baby, oh, baby. I’m so relieved.”

  “Am I?” Cassie didn’t know what to ask. She was groggy.

  “The doctor thinks it worked. He removed the bullet.” A bullet he’d put into her. As long as he lived, he’d never forget. Knowing she’d forgiven him was worth the world, but it would take much, much longer for him to forgive himself.

  “I’ll never be perfect,” she whispered.

  “You’re already perfect,” was his simple response. “If you’re pain free, that’s enough of a miracle for me.”

  “Are you sure?” She so wanted to be just what he needed.

  “Cassie, I want you in my home, in my bed and in my heart. I want you to step into my life and leave your cares behind.” Taking her hand, he kissed the palm and slipped a ring on her finger. “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, I love you, Bowie.” She threw her arms around his neck. “I don’t want you to ever let me go.”

  Slowly and gently, he kissed her.

  “Welcome to my world, Cassie.”


  Sable’s hometown will always be New Orleans. She loves the culture of Lo
uisiana and it permeates everything she does. Now, she lives in the big state of Texas and like most southern women, she loves to cook southern food - especially Cajun and Tex-Mex. She also loves to research the supernatural, but shhhh don’t tell anyone.

  Sable writes romance novels. She lives in New Orleans. She believes that her goal as a writer is to make her readers laugh with joy, cry in sympathy and fan themselves when they read the hot parts - ha!

  The worlds she creates in her books are ones where right prevails, love conquers all and holding out for a hero is not an impossible dream.

  Visit Sable:

  Website: http://www.sablehunter.com

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsablehunter

  Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/author/sablehunter

  Beau Coup Publishing: http://beaucoupllc.com

  Hell Yeah! Series Reading Order

  Cowboy Heat http://amzn.to/WhY6dw

  Cowboy Heat Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/11fiBVQ

  Hot on Her Trail http://amzn.to/U3zpT1

  Hot on Her Trail Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/19m1WHf

  Her Magic Touch http://amzn.to/11b1aw6

  Her Magic Touch Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/1byKNL0

  A Brown Eyed Handsome Man http://amzn.to/17zmNpY

  A Brown Eyed Handsome Man Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/15oW1k9

  Badass http://amzn.to/UsrJJ4

  Badass Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/16TqDNX

  Burning Love http://amzn.to/15Z4Lyi

  Burning Love Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/1iEzOV0

  Forget Me Never http://amzn.to/U3PjwK

  Forget Me Never Sweeter Version

  I’ll See You in My Dreams http://amzn.to/11nsvpg

  I’ll See You in My Dreams Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/1fo0SDI


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