Boss Empire

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Boss Empire Page 20

by Victoria Quinn

  Now we were back in New York, and I was sitting in my bathroom.

  Staring at the test that would change my life forever.

  It was positive.

  I was pregnant.

  I held the plastic stick in my hand and stared at the plus sign inside the indicator. Bright and blue, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I didn’t think it would be possible in such a short period of time. My IUD hadn’t been removed much before we started to try for a baby.

  But now I had a bun in the oven.

  Diesel would be happy.

  I finally left the bathroom and walked into the living room. Diesel was sitting on the couch with his laptop in front of him. He’d worked all day, but he was still catching up on everything he missed. He didn’t have someone to cover his stuff the way Thorn did for me. He was shirtless and barefoot, looking like the sexiest man in the world right in my living room. A cold beer sat on the table, and the game was on the TV.

  After spending two weeks together, it made sense that we would be sick of each other by now, but we certainly weren’t.

  I slowly walked behind the couch, unsure how I wanted to tell him the good news.

  He turned to me when he realized I was there. He must have noticed the expression on my face because he asked. “What is it, baby?”

  I sauntered toward him then moved into his lap. “I have good news.”


  I pulled the stick from behind my back and held it up for him to see.

  It took him a second to understand what he was looking at. He stared at the plus sign blankly before his hand reached out to grab it. He stared at it harder, and then suddenly, every hard line of his expression faded away into softness. He sat forward farther, gripping it with his other hand like it might tumble out of his fingertips. Then the biggest smile spread across his face, lighting up his eyes like the New York skyline. I’d never seen him so happy, not even the day he married me. “I can’t believe it…”

  “It didn’t take long, did it?”

  He chuckled. “No, it didn’t.”

  I rested my head on his shoulder and hooked my arm through his. “Little Hunt…”

  “Our little Hunt.”

  “I wonder if they’re going to be a boy or a girl.”

  “I don’t care.”

  I smiled.

  “My baby is on the way…” He took a deep breath then released. “I know it’s happening, but I still can’t believe it. With our love, we made something. It’s incredible.”

  “I’m going to get cranky and chunky, so it’s not going to be a fairy tale all the time.”

  “I’m looking forward to that. I want to take care of you.”

  “I know you will, Diesel.”

  He set down the stick and kissed me on the forehead. “I’m so happy, baby.”

  “Me too.”

  “Let’s keep this to ourselves for a little bit…enjoy it.”

  “Okay,” I whispered. “But not too long. I won’t be able to explain why I’m smiling all the time.”

  Thorn caught me up on what I’d missed. It took us two days to cover everything.

  “That’s it,” Thorn said. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stick around for a little longer?”

  “No. You have your own things to do, Thorn.”

  “Because I don’t mind.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You just want to see your girlfriend all the time.”

  “Pssh,” he said. “I see her every night in my bed.”

  Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. “Too much info.”

  “What about you? Is Diesel still hammering you every night?”


  Thorn caught the smile on my face. His eyes narrowed like a cat that just saw a bird out of the corner of his eye. “What’s that look for?”

  “What? I’m a newlywed.”

  “No, that’s a different smile. This smile means you’re hiding something.”

  Now I had two people who knew me better than I knew myself. It was frustrating sometimes.

  “What is it?” he pressed.


  “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”

  “What?” I asked incredulously. “What would make you think that?”

  “Because you aren’t going to smile just because you’re getting good sex. You’re going to smile for a different reason…and that’s the only one I can think of.”

  I couldn’t look him in the eye. It was too damn hard.

  “Holy shit, you are pregnant.”

  “Diesel and I wanted to keep it as a surprise a little longer…but that’s obviously not going to happen.”

  “Yes!” Thorn threw his fist in the air. “That’s so awesome. Congratulations.” He came around the desk and hugged me.

  I didn’t want to lie about it anymore, so I just embraced it. “Thank you.”

  “I can’t believe this, Hunt.”

  It was still taking time for me to get used to my new name. “I know…Diesel was really happy.”

  He pulled away and pressed his hand against my stomach. “Can you believe there’s a little person growing inside you?”

  I swatted his hand away. “There’s nothing to feel yet. But no, I can’t believe it either.”

  Thorn slid his hands into his pockets. “I’m really happy for you. Everything came together for you in the end, and you got everything you wanted. Imagine if you did marry me… You wouldn’t have any of this.”

  “I know…”

  “And I wouldn’t have Autumn…a very scary thought.”

  I smiled. “You’ve got it bad, Thorn.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck as he grinned. “I told her I loved her the other day.”

  “What?” I asked in shock. “Thorn Cutler told a woman he loved her?”

  “It just slipped out…but I’m glad I said it.”

  “Wow. We both have something to be happy about.”

  “Yeah, we do.”

  “I’m happy for you, Thorn. Now I’m really happy we never got married. Autumn is wonderful…perfect for you.”

  “Yeah, she is,” he said in agreement. “I’ll never let her go.”

  “Family for you anytime soon?”

  “I don’t know about that…I’ve gotta marry her first.”

  “And when is that happening?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure.”

  “You know, you don’t have to wait a year before you do it. If you know, you know.”

  “True…” He stepped away and dismissed the conversation. “Looks like everything worked out for both of us in the end.”

  “Of course it did. We both deserve it.”

  He smiled at me before he grabbed his satchel from the chair. “I guess I’ll head out, then.”

  “Thank you for everything, Thorn. I really appreciate it.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, Hunt. When I go on my honeymoon, I know you’ll cover for me.”

  “You’re right. I will.”

  Jessica spoke through the intercom. “Mrs. Hunt, there’s a Bridget Creed here to see you. She’s stopped by the office a few times while you’ve been away.”

  I raised an eyebrow, having no idea who that was. “Bridget Creed?”

  Thorn’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.

  It took me a second to realize where I’d heard that name before. Thorn had mentioned it over a month ago.

  The woman who could possibly be my mother.

  Thorn looked terrified.

  “Hold on, Jessica.” I turned to him. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Thorn didn’t hold his secret for long. He was backed up against a wall. “She’s stopped by a few other times to talk to you.”


  “That’s about it. She wants to see you.”


  He sighed before he spoke. “Diesel did some digging…and confirmed she’s your mother.”

  I didn’t react because n
ot a single emotion came to mind. I suspected this woman could be my mother, but whether she was or wasn’t, it didn’t make a difference to me. She’d walked out of my life. That door was shut, and she couldn’t walk back through it. “Of course, Diesel stuck his nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  “Good thing you married him,” he said sarcastically.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Does she want money?”

  “She claims she doesn’t. I told her she should just leave you alone. You’re a grown woman, and you don’t need her. But she wanted the chance to talk to you in person before she gave up.”

  “So maybe I should just have this conversation so I can get rid of her?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll stay if you want.”

  “No, I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure? If I thought she was dangerous, I would stick around.”

  “I can handle it, Thorn. I’m annoyed I have to spend time dealing with this, but ignoring her won’t do anything.”

  “Maybe you should tell Diesel.”

  I glared at him.

  “Look, you’re married and pregnant now. I’ll call him on my way out.”

  “Fine.” He probably would be ticked if I didn’t inform him what was going on.

  “Alright. Give me a five-minute head start.” He walked out and disappeared.

  I sat behind my desk and considered what I would say to this woman. If she really wanted a relationship with me, she wouldn’t have waited until I was turned thirty to start one. It didn’t make any sense. She didn’t care about me for the past twenty-five years, so why start now? She had her own kids, so it wasn’t like being a mother wasn’t in her plans. She had them later, but she still didn’t reach out to me when it mattered. Maybe when I was a teenager, it would have been different. But she’d waited too long.

  I told Jessica to usher her inside. She walked through the doors a moment later.

  I almost couldn’t believe what I was looking at.

  It was me in eighteen years.

  I remained behind my desk and didn’t stand up to greet her. I carefully hid my reaction behind a stoic mask and didn’t give her any insight into what I was thinking. Dressed in a black skirt with a white blouse, she even had similar taste in clothing.

  She didn’t try to shake my hand. Instead, she lowered herself into the chair, her purse over her shoulder. She didn’t possess the same confidence I had. She was timid, hardly making eye contact. She took a deep breath and then finally looked at me, really looked at me. She took in my features with a shifting gaze, looking at my eyes as well as my cheeks. She breathed deeply, her eyes watering slightly.

  I still didn’t show an ounce of emotion. “I know who you are.”

  “Yes…” Her voice broke, so she cleared it. “I assumed.”

  “I’m not trying to be cold or cruel, but whatever your intentions are, I’m not interested.”

  She lowered her gaze, taking my insult with obvious hurt.

  “I don’t judge you for leaving my father and me. Being a mother may have been too difficult for you. I understand you were young and afraid. You did what you had to do for yourself. You made the right decision for both of us. Staying would have just hurt all of us in the end. So, you don’t need my forgiveness because you don’t owe me an apology. However…you forfeited your right to contact me for any reason. For that, I don’t forgive you. I’m a very busy woman, and I don’t have time to sit here and listen to whatever you have to say.” My own words made me sound like a bitch, and I knew it. But I couldn’t change the way I felt. I couldn’t force myself to care when I didn’t. She abandoned me with a man who could barely keep a roof over our heads.

  “Tatum, I agree with everything you just said. However, I do owe you an apology. I never should have left you. I have two sons, and they’ve been the best things that ever happened to me. I shouldn’t have left you. I should have stayed.”

  I didn’t know what to say, so I continued to hold her gaze.

  “I wish I knew you, Tatum. You’ve grown into such an incredible woman, and I couldn’t be prouder of everything you’ve accomplished. I still can’t believe you’re my daughter… The way you’ve conquered the world and everyone that stood in your way. You’re an inspiration to women everywhere. I know I have no right to be proud of you because I have no connection to you…but I’m very proud.”

  I ended eye contact once the guilt washed over me. “Why now, Bridget? Why did you wait so long?”

  “It’s a very sad story. I’ll give you the short version of the long version. I was diagnosed with breast cancer eighteen months ago. Through treatment, I was able to defeat it. My doctors say the cancer is gone, and it’s unlikely to return. But having that experience…thinking about my death…made me realize all the things I didn’t do. I’ve been so afraid to contact you because I knew this would be your attitude, but I had to do it. I had to try. I had to at least apologize to you because you deserve to hear it. If you ever change your mind, ever want to know me or your half brothers, we would love to have the honor.”

  My heart slammed in my chest, and I felt the emotion creep into my veins. I shouldn’t care about any of that, and I was embarrassed I did.

  “I know you don’t have children yet. But when you do…you’ll understand. You’ll understand they become your entire life. You’ll love someone so much forever. I walked away from you when I shouldn’t have, but that didn’t mean I stopped loving you. I’ve always considered myself to be your mother even though I never earned the title.”

  The door opened, and Diesel stepped inside, a line of perspiration on his forehead because he must have run here. He adjusted his jacket and straightened his tie as he stepped into the room, casting a shadow over both of us. He unbuttoned his jacket and took a seat on the couch against the other wall.

  I only glanced at him.

  Bridget turned and looked at him. “Congratulations on your wedding. I saw pictures…you looked beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered. I was still thinking about her last comment, about having children. I had a baby growing inside me right then, and even though I’d only been pregnant for a few days, my life was totally different. I wasn’t the same person anymore. I was a mother even though my child wasn’t completely formed. It made me feel a new level of empathy, a new level of compassion. My child would be born and not have a grandmother. Diesel’s mother was gone, and my father was dead. All we had was Vincent. It seemed unfair to deny my baby the right to know where it came from.

  Bridget turned back to me, watching me with sad eyes. She’d aged well, and she looked wealthy, like she didn’t need money or help. Her pearls were real, her wedding ring was large, and her clothes looked like they were designer quality.

  Maybe she didn’t want me for money. “I’ll never give you a penny of my fortune. If that’s what this is about, you’re wasting your time. You can spend years trying to butter me up, but I’ll never change my mind.”

  Her eyes shut momentarily. “I’m not interested in that, Tatum. My husband is a wealthy man, and I have everything I need. I mean, he’s not wealthy like you and your husband…but we do just fine.”

  I loved hearing Diesel being referred to as my husband.

  “Your father was a good man. When I saw you on TV one day and realized it was you…I wasn’t the least bit surprised. Your father was always optimistic even in the worst circumstances. That kind of attitude must have carried on to you. You never give up, no matter what the odds are. That’s something you inherited from him.”

  “Along with a lot of other great things…”

  “Of course,” she whispered. She looked down at her fingers, her eyes cloudy with old thoughts. “I should let you get back to work. I’m sorry I’ve taken up so much of your time already. What I said still stands. If you ever change your mind…you’ll find me.” She rose to her feet and gripped her bag tightly. “I’m grateful you’ve given me the chance to apologize. That’s what I wanted more than an
ything else.” She turned to the door and slowly walked out.

  Diesel shifted his gaze to me, his arms crossed over his chest.

  Even on the other side of the room, I could tell what he was thinking.

  Bridget walked out and shut the door behind her.

  Diesel didn’t lower his gaze. “She seems sincere.”

  I turned away.

  “I forgave my father when I didn’t want to…and I’m glad I did.”

  “Diesel, let it go…”

  “Our baby could know their grandmother.”

  I sighed, my eyes on the desk.

  “I won’t say her behavior was justified. She made a huge mistake, and it shouldn’t be swept under the rug. But now you have an opportunity to connect with the only family you have left.”

  “You’re my family,” I whispered. “Thorn is my family.”

  “You know what I mean. There’s no harm in giving it a chance. You might like where it goes.”

  “Why are you saying this?” I turned back to him. “You’re the most protective and paranoid person I know.”

  “Because I know this is what you need,” he said firmly. “I read people very well, and Bridget seems sincere. Her husband is a millionaire, so she obviously doesn’t need money from you. And you have two half brothers.”

  I looked away.

  “What is the harm in trying?”

  “I don’t know this woman. She’s a total stranger.”

  “I saw the look in your eyes, baby. You can pretend they didn’t soften, but we both know they did. What if she dies tomorrow? Would you regret rejecting her?”

  I sat in silence.

  “You would, baby. Now give it a try. I know you’re afraid to get hurt, but at the end of the day, you always have me. You always have Little Hunt.”

  I stared at my hands.

  “Your father would want this.”

  I felt my body tense as I stared at my wedding ring. I felt the truth crash through me like a powerful wave. The vibration shifted up and down before it made its way directly to my heart. My father would have told me to leave the past where it belongs and embrace the present. He would tell me to extend forgiveness to everyone who asked for it. He would want me to have someone now that he was gone.


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