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Whirlwind Page 7

by Reese Morrison

  He used his other hand to stroke Taylor’s cheek and gave him a chaste kiss. “I don’t want to pull out either, baby boy. When we do this without a condom, I won’t have to.”

  Something about what he said made Taylor grin like he’d been given a delightful surprise. Julio added STI testing to his weekend plans.

  He withdrew and tossed the tied condom over the edge of the bed where he was pretty sure the trash can was. Then, he snagged the pack of wipes from the drawer. “Do you want a shower, pretty one, or do you want me to clean you up on the bed? Your choice.”

  Taylor’s eyes darted around the room, like he was nervous about something.

  Julio cut off his thoughts with a kiss. “What’s bothering you? Tell me. This is a partnership and being submissive doesn’t mean being silent. I want to hear what you’re thinking.”

  Taylor’s shoulders inched up toward his ears, like he was trying to make himself smaller. “Should I go back home now?”

  Julio launched himself at him, covering his face with kisses. “No, love. You’re staying right here. I wasn’t kidding about chaining you to my bed, either. No sneaking off in the middle of the night.” This time he said it with mock seriousness and a glint in his eye.

  Taylor relaxed. “Is this like some kind of escape and evade mission?”

  Julio laughed. When they first met, back in high school, they’d played a lot of role-playing games with a few other friends. It had been awhile.

  “You’re in an impenetrable fortress, with no one to aid you. You’ll never escape.”

  “In that case,” Taylor launched himself off the bed, “I get first dibs at the shower.”

  Julio smiled indulgently as he climbed out of bed himself. If Taylor thought he was showering alone, he was sadly mistaken.

  Chapter 7


  Taylor glanced up, and then quickly glanced down again. Julio was still watching him.

  He looked like some sort of predator, waiting to eat him up. And he’d been doing it all day, except during his oddly long lunch break where’d he’d disappeared for over an hour and then given Taylor a wink when he returned.

  All of the attention made Taylor incredibly nervous, and he’d been making stupid mistakes. Right now, he was standing in front of the wall of tools where he needed to get something, but he couldn’t remember for the life of him what it was.

  Julio stalked over and handed him a vice grip and a hammer, trailing his other hand along his ass. Then, he went back to what he was working on, like he wasn’t affected at all.

  Somehow, that made it even hotter. It played into some weird narrative in his head, where Julio was the big boss, going about his business, and Taylor was just there to please him.

  The fact that Taylor technically owned the business and Julio was his employee was irrelevant. He was beginning to realize that what he had thought of as little kinks were just the tip of the iceberg. Now he was wondering if Julio was into role play. He was pretty sure the answer would be yes.

  He blinked at the car in front of him and began loosening bolts from the rusty battery.

  Needless to say, he’d also been incredibly horny all day. When they’d woken up and driven back to the garage together, Julio had instructed him to go upstairs to his apartment to change his clothes.

  He’d been very specific that Taylor was supposed to wear something pretty for him, that only the two of them would know about.

  So, now he was wearing his pale pink satin panties and matching top under his dungarees. He’d worn these panties to work before, but he hadn’t counted on how different they’d feel with the looser fabric of his overalls. Or how much Julio’s gaze would affect him.

  He felt naughty and special. And very much owned.

  If only this could continue. It was clear that Julio was interested now. But was he like this with other guys? Would it last?

  Taylor catalogued in his mind everything that Julio had said last night. He’d been over this list several times now.

  First, he said he was open to anything that Taylor wanted, and he put a relationship in that list.

  Second, he said, “you’re it for me.” That had to mean something, right?

  Third, he’d said a few times that he’d been waiting to touch him, which implied that he’d been thinking about this for longer than, say, a day.

  Fourth, he talked about things they were going to do later, which kind of implied it wasn’t a one-night stand. Or a two-date stand, if that was a thing.

  And fifth, maybe most importantly, he said he wanted to do it without condoms.

  It wasn’t quite a declaration of love, but it sounded suspiciously like monogamy. Julio might play the field, but Taylor knew that he was honest and safe with his partners. He wouldn’t go bare if there was a chance that either of them would catch something.

  When Taylor finished replacing the car battery, he stepped back to figure out his next task. Only Julio was behind him. Like, right behind him and holding him possessively by the hips.

  “Do you know what time it is, baby?” Julio’s voice in his ear sent shivers down his spine. “The shop closed three minutes ago.”

  Taylor glanced up at the clock and hid a grin. They usually didn’t pay much attention to the clock, heading out anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30 depending on the day.

  But if Julio had decided that they were suddenly going to pay attention to the 6:00 listed on the sign, he wasn’t going to complain.

  Julio’s hands slid under the bib of his overalls, touching bare skin as they travelled past his shirt down to his thighs.

  Oh, god. He hadn’t thought of this either when he put the overalls on this morning. Julio’s hands could just slip in between the layers and touch any part of him without having to open a single fastening.

  Now they were running over the smooth satin along his waist.

  “So good for me, love. I think you’re going to have to wear this particular combination more often.” He chuckled. “Easy access.”

  He nuzzled against the back of Taylor’s neck. “I like these rough dungarees with a little present for me underneath. No one else would ever know.”

  He traced the waist of the panties around the sides of Taylor’s hips and back.

  “I, um… there’s a top, too.” Was that too forward? Should he have waited for Julio to figure it out on his own? He was so excited about wearing it, though, and he didn’t want to wait.

  Julio rewarded him with growl and a bite to his shoulder. In a moment, he had opened the clasps of the overalls, pulled off the plain, green t-shirt that hid the lingerie, and fastened one of the overall straps again.

  With one shoulder bared, suddenly the dungarees were seductive instead of just functional.

  He’d seen girls do that, but never thought of trying it himself.

  Somehow, Julio seemed to know what he wanted before he even knew himself. But did Julio like it as much as he did?

  Julio kissed along the line of the thin, pink strap. He pulled it back to kiss beneath it, then let it fall back with a snap. The sting was delicious. It sure sounded like he appreciated it.

  Julio came to stand in front of him, caressing the smooth, stretchy fabric along his ribs. “Baby, you look good enough to eat.” He bent forward to lick the nipple that the open bib revealed.

  His tongue soaked through the thin, stretchy fabric, so that when he moved away it felt cold and tingly. “I would almost think you were trying to distract me from our date.”

  That hadn’t been his intention at all, but right now he would gladly forsake any other plans to let Julio keep touching him this way. “Where are we going?”

  Julio nipped along his chin. “I want to take you somewhere you’ll enjoy. How are you feeling tonight? Fancy? Casual?”

  Taylor really didn’t want to choose. He was already feeling too nervous and overwhelmed. Weren’t Doms supposed to take care of all that? “I don’t care where we go,” he finally breathed out.

  “So, McD
onalds, then?”

  Taylor slapped his arm. “We’re not going to McDonalds!”

  Julio threw his head back and laughed. God, he was sexy. “But you like McDonalds!”

  He did, but he’d been trying to cut back, lose a little weight.

  And it totally wasn’t appropriate. “We are not going to McDonalds for our date.” He actually stamped his foot.

  Julio always brought out this playful side of him, and now it seemed that even the barriers of adulthood and manliness that he’d put up were crumbling.

  Julio pulled both of Taylor’s hands to his chest and held them there. “We’re not going to McDonalds on our date, princess.”

  Taylor rolled his eyes at the nickname, but he actually sort of liked it.

  “Now let’s go upstairs and get you dressed.”

  Julio was going to dress him now? What did that mean?

  He would have dawdled going up the stairs to give himself a moment to think, but Julio was climbing up right behind him, touching and pinching his ass. He felt a little shy because his butt, like everything else, was big and saggy. Not the type of thing that anyone would want to see in his cute pink panties.

  Julio pulled him into his bedroom, and again it just felt different. He and Julio hung out in his apartment, even in his bedroom, all the time. Julio even dug through his drawers sometimes, which is why he’d always kept his lingerie stash well-hidden at the back of his closet.

  This was totally new.

  “Alright, babe.” Julio reached up and kissed him, smoothing his hands down Taylor’s meaty sides. “I’m going to unwrap my present now.”

  Could Julio really think of him that way? Like a gift? Something special?

  But Julio was already on his knees, loosening the laces of Taylor’s heavy work boots. He lifted Taylor’s feet, one at a time, to slip off his socks and shoes. He left little kisses on Taylor’s knees, his belly, his shoulders, as he stood up.

  Once he released the shoulder clasp, the overalls fell to the ground. The top he was wearing had a triangle of lace down the middle where his chest hairs poked through. And there was a big gap between the top and the panties where his sloppy, hairy belly stuck out.

  Taylor wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to go. He watched Julio nervously.

  Julio’s eyes were eating him up. But that just couldn’t be right.

  “I’m fat,” he blurted out.

  He wasn’t sure how he expected Julio to respond. Agree with him and walk away? Deny it with one of those little white lies that neither of them believed?

  But Julio didn’t do either. He slowly traced a lascivious gaze up Taylor’s body, from head to toe. Then, he gripped Taylor’s shoulders with each hand, looking deep into his eyes. “Do you know what I love about your body?”

  It seemed to be a rhetorical question, so Taylor didn’t answer.

  “I love the contrasts. Your body’s so thick and strong, but you choose clothes that make you look dainty and sweet. That really,” he ran a hand down the lace at Taylor’s chest, “turns me on.”

  Julio looked Taylor over again, but now he was thoughtful instead of flirty. “I also have to be honest and say that when I see you so nervous, and you’re willing to share it with me… that’s a huge rush.

  “I don’t know how to explain it better, but being a Dom, I just… I want to push you just a little bit out of your comfort zone and then be the one to guard you and keep you safe while you’re there.

  “I want to help you be your best, most true self, but I’m selfish about it, too. I want to be the one who leads you there. I want to be the one who sees you when you’re vulnerable and helps you turn it around into something sexy and brave. Does that make any sense?”

  Taylor nodded, but he still wasn’t sure he understood everything. It sounded fucking amazing.

  Like he could do anything, and Julio would be there to support him. Like Julio actually wanted to deal with all of his little insecurities and crazy desires.

  But he was still worried about something. “Does this mean that you want me to be weak?”

  Julio shook his head. “No, baby. It’s just the opposite. You’re the strong one. You’re the one who has so much strength that you can let me open you up like this and see what’s inside. That’s fucking brave. It’s beautiful. It makes you beautiful.”

  Taylor tried to make it look like he agreed, but Julio seemed to catch him faking it. Julio always did. He kind of loved it that Julio wouldn’t let him get away with anything.

  “I will tell you as many times as you need to hear it, love. You are beautiful. And I am so lucky to have you.

  “We still need to do a lot of talking about what we each want, and what this is going to look like. But I promise you that whatever you want, whatever you need from me, I want that, too. Every bit of control that you’re willing to gift me with… I will grab it with both hands and then keep it safe for you.”

  “You mean like… dressing me?” Somehow, that idea was just as intimate as sex. Especially if Julio wanted to choose his clothing every day.

  Julio’s eyes burned. “Will you give me that gift?”

  Taylor nodded. He felt like every nerve in his body was poised for something exhilarating, but incredibly relaxed, too.

  “So good for me, love. Let’s get you ready for our date, then.”

  The actual clothes that Julio picked out weren’t that surprising. A pair of dark jeans, a deep purple collared shirt, and a pair of black shoes.

  But he slipped them on to Taylor’s body with reverence.

  Taylor’s cock had been half-hard the whole day, but Julio just zipped the jeans over it with a little pat—possessive, but not sexual. Neither of them said a word, which made it feel like an intimate dance, with meanings that only the two of them could know.

  Taylor’s heart leapt when Julio chose the purple shirt. Taylor had bought it because he was in love with the color, but it was just masculine enough that he hoped no one would question it. He didn’t wear it very often, but Julio had pulled it from his closet without hesitation.

  Now, with a gentle hand at his back, Julio led him across the hall to the bathroom. Placing one hand on his shoulder, he urged Taylor to sit down on the closed toilet lid. Taylor complied like he was in a trance.

  Julio wet his hands, and then ran them through his hair. He followed it up with a comb. It felt heavenly. Every muscle in his body was relaxed.

  “Can I cut your hair, sweetheart?”

  So, that was a bit of an odd request. But Taylor didn’t really give a damn about his nondescript, worthless hair. It was always messy and unpredictable, no matter what he did to it, so he usually just let it grow until he got sick of it and hacked it all off. “Sure.”

  Julio left for a moment and Taylor could hear him digging around in the kitchen. It was so weird, realizing they were on their second date but Julio knew where he kept the good scissors.

  In a moment, Julio was back with the scissors, a folding chair, and a hand broom. Julio wrapped a towel around Taylor’s back, another around his front, a third on his lap, then pulled over the trash can. He had clearly thought this through.

  When Taylor cut his own hair, there was always a mess everywhere, and he had to wash all his clothes to get the hair out.

  “Do you know what you’re doing?” Taylor didn’t really care, since it couldn’t get much worse than it already was. But he was kind of curious.

  Julio’s mother worked in a hair salon, but that didn’t mean anything, necessarily.

  “I do, actually. I’ve volunteered to cut your hair before, but you never let me.”

  That was true. It had felt a little too… intimate, before. He wasn’t ready to admit that, though.

  The only sounds in the bathroom were the soft snick of the scissors and the softer whisper of the comb. Taylor relaxed into the soothing sensations of Julio’s fingers in his hair.

  All too quickly it was over. Julio gathered up the towel, used yet another towel to remo
ve any stray hairs that were left, and then quickly swept up the floor.

  Taylor started to stand, but Julio stilled him with a hand. He grabbed a bottle off the shelf, and Taylor had another odd moment of realization.

  Julio always kept hair gel at his house. They spent enough time together that Julio took showers at his place from time to time, and before he’d just seen it as a matter of convenience. After all, his house was in the same building where Julio worked.

  Now it felt like his… boyfriend? was starting to move in with him. Totally crazy.

  Julio massaged and shaped his hair, and Taylor was starting to get curious. He’d never used hair gel before. It smelled like Julio on the nights that he went out to a club, which gave him another little burst of delight. Now he would smell like Julio, too.

  Julio washed his hands, but Taylor remained seated. He was starting to sink into this space where he waited for instructions because he knew Julio would want him to. It felt right.

  He’d thought they were done, but Julio set something else on the counter. It was one of those toiletry bags that people used when they were travelling. This one was pink, though, and definitely hadn’t been in his bathroom this morning.

  Julio unzipped the bag and pulled something out. It was a flat, rectangular case that opened to reveal… makeup.

  Taylor shook his head. “I can’t wear that outside. No, Julio. Don’t make me do it.” That was way, way too scary.

  Julio kissed his forehead. “You can always say no, love. Would you let me talk with you about it before you make your decision, though?”

  Taylor had a heavy feeling in his gut, but he nodded anyway. He’d tried to put on makeup before, and he always came out looking like a garish clown. With a beard.

  “You absolutely don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I can put it away now, or we could try it out and you could wash it off if you don’t like it.

  “The way this works is that you choose to give me control. I don’t take it. I may push you to try something that you’re already interested in, but I won’t force you to do anything that doesn’t feel right.”


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