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Whirlwind Page 11

by Reese Morrison

  He traced his way up Micah’s back until he cupped the back of his skull with both hands. Then he crashed their lips together, his fingers tangling and tugging in Micah’s soft hair.

  Micah’s lips were already parted, and their tongues together sent a flood crashing through Eric.

  He ate at Micah’s mouth greedily, wanting to absorb every whimper and feeling. He suckled at Micah’s tongue, bit at his lips, and sent his own tongue thrusting into Micah’s mouth in a mimicry of sex.

  Micah moaned and wiggled, thrusting unthinkingly against Eric’s hard length. But he kept his hands behind his back. Such a good boy. So eager to please. Eager to be owned.

  Eric devoured him with his kiss, drinking him in like sweet nectar. His boy was panting now like he could come at any second, and even Eric was becoming light headed.

  He finally tore his mouth away, reluctant to stop but aware that if they were to have any sort of scene he would need to stop and get back under control.

  He pressed Micah’s head into his shoulder, holding him nestled to his chest. His intent had been to give both of them a little break, but now Micah was flicking out his tongue against Eric’s neck. The soft licks sent sparks racing through his body.

  What was it about this sub that was both so sweet and arousing?

  “Micah?” He didn’t want to force this or make it a command. Fantasies were one thing, but following through on them was another.

  Micah looked up. They were still pressed so closely together that it was almost difficult to focus on Micah’s face. Difficult to even think. The sub’s arms were still firmly locked behind his back. “Yes, Sir?”

  Eric ran his hands down Micah’s arms, then pulled them gently apart. Micah followed his wordless command. He massaged Micah’s hands, holding them between their bodies. He basked in Micah’s look of adoration and desire.

  “Would you like to live that fantasy? It’s entirely up to you. But if you want to, I have a few good friends who would love to get a taste of you. I would control the scene, but they would all take their turns with you. I trust them all, and I’ve known them for a long time both inside and outside the club. Everyone would be safe and respectful. If you don’t want to, there are plenty of other things we can do together. It’s up to you, sweet boy.”

  When he wasn’t setting up a scene, he would need to do some thinking about this. He was pretty sure he’d never called anyone else sweet boy on the night they met.

  He’d need to reign it in. Especially when he was about to share the boy with four of his best friends.

  Micah searched his face. “You would control the scene, Sir?”

  Eric nodded, feeling a rush of power and desire. “I would control the scene. I would decide who could touch you, and how and when. I would tie you down, if you still want that, and I would be there when they’re done. You would have a safe word, and if you used it, I would make sure that everyone stopped immediately.”

  “Can I meet them first, Sir?”

  “Of course, sweet boy. They’ll be here in an hour or two and you can get to know them first.”

  Dammit, he’d said it again. At least Micah didn’t know how weird the affection was for him. His friends would be all over him in a second, though.

  “Let’s get a few other things straightened out first, though.” He let his hands roam over Micah’s chest, tugging at the leather. “You need a safe word.”

  “Um, I read that some people use red and green. Like traffic lights.”

  “That’s right. And yellow means slow down and check in. Can you remember that?”

  “Yes, Sir.” It really did something to Eric inside when Micah called him Sir.

  He wasn’t consistent with it yet, but he was so eager to use it. The consistency would come in time. There he was, thinking about the future again.

  “Now it sounds to me like you were down for oral sex. That right?” Micah was already nodding, but he continued. “You like a fat cock in your mouth, pushing down your throat?”

  Micah groaned. He seemed to enjoy dirty talk, a fact which Eric would take full advantage of. “Yes, Sir.” His voice was breathy again.

  Eric traced down Micah’s chest, then ran them gently over the bulge in his shorts. He’d touched a lot of cocks, and a lot of dildos, in his time. He was pretty sure this was the latter. “Does this stay on, boy, or do you want to feel things more directly?”

  Micah’s eyes darted around.

  “This is your body, boy. You make the decisions. I just want you to know that I want any piece of you that you want to share.”

  “What about your friends?”

  “Well, Parker is actually trans, too. And Ben is usually following him around like he wants to tear his clothes off, so I know he won’t have a problem with it. It’s too bad they’re both Doms. As for Julio and Taylor, well, they both seem to enjoy Taylor in lingerie. It’s not the same thing at all, but I can’t imagine that they’d be bothered by anyone else’s gender expression.”

  Micah didn’t answer for a minute and Eric waited. “I’ll take it off, then. Sir.”

  “Good boy.” He stroked his fingers up and down the hard ridge a few more times, watching Micah shiver in his arms. The mind was a powerful thing. He circled his finger around the crown, reveling in Micah’s groan.

  Then, he ran his hands around to cup his ass. “Last question. And again, this is your choice, no judgment. You’ve got two tight, tasty holes down here. What do you think about us playing with both of them?”

  Micah scrunched his eyes shut, weighing his thoughts. Well, that definitely wasn’t a no.

  “Look at me, boy.” His eyes flew open. “I want to make it clear that I am very, very gay. I’m attracted to men. I’m attracted to you because you’re a man.

  “What you’ve got in your sexy little shorts doesn’t change that for me, and it won’t change that for any of my friends. I just want to know about all of the ways that we can fuck you.”

  Micah looked at him in wonder. “Am I just imagining all this? I mean, I should probably pinch myself or something.”

  That shook a deep belly laugh out of Eric, and Micah joined in. Eric loved listening to his laugh. If his night kept going like it was now, he’d definitely want to spend some time with this boy outside the club.

  “Oh, if you need to be pinched, I can arrange that.” He pressed Micah’s arms down against his sides, with an extra push as a silent command to keep them there. Then, he grabbed both of Micah’s nipples and pinched, hard.

  “Oh! Oh, Sir!” Micah squirmed and whimpered, but didn’t move his arms.

  Eric leaned forward to lick one small nub and then another. “Does that mean both holes? Only say it if you actually want it.”

  “Uh, uh, if it would please you... Sir.”

  Eric grinned against Micah’s chest. This boy was truly a treasure, his unsure practice of words he’d only read about or watched in porn colliding so visibly with his deepest fantasies.

  “It would please me very much to have every part of your body at my disposal, ready for me.”

  He gripped Micah’s hard length and stroked it. Micah’s eyes followed his hand, eyes lidded with desire. Eric made sure to add enough pressure that the silicone would rub against the flesh beneath.

  As much as he wanted to sit here and tease his boy like this all night, he knew it wasn’t actually a good plan. The scene itself was firming up in his mind, but for the long stretch of time before then, he still had to make some decisions.

  He pulled Micah forward to relax on his chest while he thought.

  He could introduce Micah to some of the other subs and help him get to know people at the club. It’s what he would have done with another sub, but for some reason, that didn’t appeal at all.

  He could also walk him around, observing other scenes together and revving him up that way. It was a great way to get to know a new sub and help them feel more comfortable with the club.

  But Micah had already told him that he had m
ore trouble controlling his legs when he keyed up, and he didn’t want to inadvertently have the boy hurt himself or feel embarrassed.

  He debated just taking the boy into a room right now for a shorter scene, but the rest of the night was already going to be intense and probably pretty long. He wanted the boy ready for it, but still fresh.

  Which really left… getting to know him. Talking.

  He sighed internally. This was where it was probably all going to fall apart. Micah was sexy, eager, and submissive, but the chances were that they’d have nothing in common. Or he’d have some terrible personality flaw.

  If they chatted and it went badly enough, Eric might not even want to do the scene, though he didn’t think that was likely.

  More likely, they’d chat socially, have some good chemistry for the scene, and then never see each other again.

  He felt frustrated and exhausted just thinking about it.

  The chemistry he had with Micah almost made it worse. He was just so perfect as an alluring mystery that it would be a shame to tear that down.

  Suddenly, Micah pulled away from his chest, breaking him out of his morose thoughts.

  “Is everything alright… sir?”

  How had he figured out that something was wrong when he couldn’t even see because his head was buried in Eric’s neck?

  “Everything’s fine, baby. I was just planning our scene.” He lowered his voice. “I’ve got big plans for this sexy body.”

  Micah squirmed against him, pleased.

  Alright, it was time to bite the bullet. “But before we can enact those plans, we’ve got a couple hours to get to know each other. You sit right here,” he dropped a kiss on Micah’s forehead, something else he never did, “and I’ll grab my jacket and our lemonades and be right back.”

  Gripping Micah to his chest, he stood from the chair, turned, and then nestled Micah back in it.

  The trip to collect the things he’d mentioned wasn’t nearly long enough. What were they going to talk about?

  As a Dom, he found it easy to step into a role of command, easily barking out orders, checking in, and supplying ready praise.

  In everyday situations, he was just a bit… quieter. He hoped that wasn’t a turn-off for Micah. He hoped even more that the conversation wouldn’t falter.

  When he returned to the chair, he settled Micah into his lap, but sideways this time. It would give him a bit of emotional and physical space, even though he wanted to stay close.

  He wanted to torment his boy, too. Maybe he thought of this as a little lead-in scene...

  He ran his fingers down Micah’s chest, brushing lightly over his nipple and the leather straps, then continuing down to just below his shorts.

  “So, Micah, tell me what you do all day.”

  What followed was a scintillating conversation that left Eric re-thinking all his assumptions. Micah was a database administrator, so he understood immediately when Eric talked about his work as a software engineer. He asked interesting questions about things that would have bored anyone else to tears.

  While Eric usually found user mistakes and complaints annoying, Micah found them hilarious, and had an endless stream of funny stories to recount.

  Micah started talking about politics—something that Eric tried to avoid unless he was pretty close to someone. But Micah put his views out there without fear and with great conviction.

  He saw a better world and spoke passionately about rights for oppressed groups. Moreover, he believed that somewhere amidst the corruption, voters and protesters could fight for changes that would make a difference.

  He was refreshing.

  He shared stories about his friends, the men that would hopefully be scening with them tonight. He’d planned to do that, but he’d surprised himself by also talking about his family. He didn’t have anything to hide, nothing traumatic or difficult, but it was rare that he shared that much of his private life.

  Their conversation segued into music and movies, where Micah shared insightful and nuanced opinions about a number of titles that they both enjoyed. They got into little squabbles about silly things, and Eric realized that he was enjoying himself greatly.

  If Micah weren’t dressed provocatively in leather straps and bare skin, it would almost feel like he was hanging out with a good friend over coffee.

  Micah was bubbly and outgoing, nimbly guiding the conversation, but also paying close attention whenever Eric spoke.

  For perhaps the first time in his life, sharing things about himself with someone new felt easy.

  Long after their lemonades had turned to tepid water from the melted ice, he realized that he hadn’t even followed through on his plan to tease the boy while they chatted.

  He’d been gently stoking the boy’s body and cuddling him close, but not particularly trying to be sexual about it. He just enjoyed his presence.

  He was so screwed.

  He could only imagine the I told you so from Charlie. He didn’t want to know how much his friends might have riding on a bet that might be about to pay off…

  But he was getting ahead of himself.

  With a will, Eric diverted his attention to the club. He swept the room and realized that Ben, Parker, Julio, and Tayler were already there, sharing a table. They’d probably come in a while ago, seen him engaged with someone, and decided not to bother him.

  He paused for a moment, wondering if he still wanted to include them. He felt closer to Micah than anyone else he’d met in a long time, and he didn’t want to lose that.

  He pulled Micah to his chest and pressed a finger to his lips. He needed to think. Micah acquiesced without hesitation.

  He pondered for a moment and realized that he still wanted the scene. He wanted to give Micah the first experience that he’d fantasized about.

  He knew that orchestrating a group scene could still be intensely intimate, and he intended to control every moment of it. It would be an incredible show of trust, and he knew that he could take good care of his boy.

  Not to mention, these were his closest friends, and he trusted them implicitly. Even with a treasure such as Micah.

  He made eye contact with Ben, then jerked his head back to indicate coming over to join him.

  Ben’s eyes widened in confusion, then narrowed in understanding. He quirked an eyebrow to clarify: you want me to come over there?

  Eric nodded and stroked Micah’s back, looking down at his soft hair meaningfully. Then he jerked his chin toward Parker and Julio. Including Julio, of course, meant including his sub Taylor as well.

  Ben grinned. This wasn’t the first time that they’d shared a sub, and Eric felt confident that he understood the invitation for what it was.

  Ben started to stand up, but Eric held up a hand, fingers spread. Five minutes.

  Ben nodded and turned to talk to Parker and Julio.

  “Micah, baby?”

  Micah looked up at him.

  “Are you still interested in the scene we talked about?”

  Micah looked shy, a sudden change from his confident and bubbly personality while they’d chatted.

  “I… yes?”

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, sir.” He sounded more confident this time.

  Eric switched to his Dom voice, slightly menacing and in control, easing them into the scene. “Good. Because my friends just got here and they’re going to want a piece of that sexy ass.”

  Eric turned Micah to face him again, kissing and touching him with increasing intention. Maneuvering him was a little awkward, with Micah’s legs not always doing what he intended them to do. But Micah gave himself to being manhandled and Eric loved it.

  He pinned Micah’s hands behind his back with one hand, then command him to keep them there.

  He began his assault. Nails scratched down Micah’s back. A sharp nip to his ear soothed by his tongue. A harsh twist to his nipple, which he licked and suckled afterwards.

  While he was teasing his boy’s body, he went o
ver their plans again, his voice dirty and rough. He could see that the rough questions and commands were turning Micah on. It also gave him a chance to confirm his limits, desires, and safe words.

  Micah was losing himself to the pleasure, and Eric was getting sucked under, too.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Eric saw his friends coming up to stand in front of them, but he continued the onslaught. He wanted his boy absolutely desperate and ready before he made introductions.

  He slid one hand into the back of the boy’s shorts, circling and then tapping at his puckered entrance. Micah was squirming and bucking wildly now, only his trapped legs and his rigid arms keeping somewhat still. Without a single rope or strap, he had the boy bound before him.

  He knew that his friends would be enjoying the show too, which made it even hotter.

  He nuzzled up the boy’s neck, then moved to his ear. “You’re so good for me, boy. Taking everything that I give you. Letting me know how you feel with all of those noises you make.” He moved one hand up to pinch at the boy’s nipples, while he kept the other one circling his hole.

  Then he gripped his hair to keep his head still while he whispered against his ear. “It looks like my friends have arrived. They’re looking at you. Watching you. Wanting you.”

  He felt the boy try to turn and look before realizing he was trapped. His breathing sped up. Fear or arousal?

  “Should I give them a taste? Let them fuck those thirsty holes?” Micah moaned into his neck with what could only be desire. He kept up the dirty talk. “Their thick, hard cocks are going to fill you up. One after another. You’ll be tied down, just taking it, taking everything they give you.”

  “Y-y-yes, Sir.” The boy could barely get the words out.

  “Or should we give them a little show first? Let them see how ready you are?”

  “Whatever you want, Sir.” It came out as a breath, dancing along the shell of Eric’s ear. He wanted to just rip off the boy’s shorts and fuck him now, and only the promise of better things kept him from it.

  “Turn around, boy.”


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