Acting Married (The Married Series Book 5)

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Acting Married (The Married Series Book 5) Page 7

by Victorine E. Lieske

  Rick made a calculated effort not to walk away from the guy. “Is that so?”

  “Yep.” Bobby leaned onto the wooden rail. “And I also know you and Tara here want a nice wedding with nothing getting in the way.”

  Tara’s cheeks flamed red. “Bobby, just stop it.”

  Bobby put his hands up in a surrender motion. “Hey, I want that, too. Wouldn’t want to see anything hold you two love birds up.”

  Rick clenched his hand into a fist but held it by his side. “Are you threatening us?”

  Bobby’s eyes widened. “Threatening? I think you misunderstood me.” He smiled, and an intimidating gleam came into his eyes. “I just want what’s best for the two of you.” He looked over at his daughter. “And Kylee.”

  The way he said Kylee’s name, with menace, made Rick’s stomach flip. Tara’s eyes grew fierce. “You stay away from Kylee,” she hissed, her voice low.

  Bobby’s smile took on an evil glint. “Now, how can I do that when she’s my daughter? I have a right to see my own daughter.”

  Tara’s hands shook and Rick pulled her close to his side.

  “But, like I said, I only want what’s best for her.” Bobby shoved his hands in his pockets. “And I hope you want what’s best for her, too.” He shot a meaningful glance at Rick before turning and walking away.

  Tara’s face drained of color and she looked up at Rick. “What’s he going to do?”

  Rick had no idea, but he wasn’t about to let anyone mess with Kylee. “Nothing. He’s not going to do a thing, because I’m getting a restraining order.”

  Chapter 10


  ara held Kylee close and eased herself down on the pillows. She came upstairs to put her daughter to bed, but couldn’t let her go just yet. Bobby had really shaken her up and caused Kylee a lot of distress.

  Why had he left like that? She could have punched him in the throat. Didn’t he realize what he was doing to his daughter? When Kylee noticed her father was gone, she started wailing. Huge tears rolled down her cheeks, and Tara had thought they would have to leave the museum because nothing would settle her down.

  It was Rick who got Kylee to stop crying. He simply picked her up and patted her back. The gentle touch worked a miracle. Kylee’s cry turned into a hiccup, and then she snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes.

  After that, he distracted her by asking her to show him the rest of the museum. He was such a sport. He let Kylee drag him all over the place, and acted interested in everything she showed him. When they went into the miniature grocery store, he helped her fill her cart and check out. He made her laugh when he tried to climb into the small airplane, obviously made for kids. She was delighted when he danced to her “music” that she played on the instruments. Tara had to admit she giggled along with Kylee at his crazy antics.

  When they were done at the museum, he’d taken them out to eat, and then they’d gone to the park. He’d pushed Kylee on the swings and ran around the playground with her. She loved watching them together. Kylee looked at Rick with such adoring eyes. Having a male role model around for her daughter was wonderful.

  How was she ever going to thank him for what he did for Kylee? She kissed the top of her daughter’s head and slid her under the covers. Kylee stretched and curled up to the pillow.

  Tara put her hand on Kylee’s back, not quite ready to leave her. Whatever Bobby had in mind, she couldn’t let him use Kylee as a weapon. She worshiped her father. He could leave a permanent scar on her soul.

  Rick stuck his head in the door. “You okay?” he asked, his voice quiet.

  She nodded, even though that wasn’t true. She wasn’t okay. She was worried about Kylee and what her wretched ex-husband was going to do if he didn’t get his way.

  “Want to watch a movie or something?”

  She smiled and nodded again. That was a good idea. It might take her mind off Bobby for a while. She rubbed Kylee’s back one last time and then clicked off the light and followed Rick out into the hall.

  “Want to see what’s playing at the theater? Or stream something?”

  She appreciated him giving her the choice. “I’d rather stay here, if you don’t mind.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll have Eliza . . . I mean . . . I’ll make some popcorn.”

  Tara laughed. “Sounds good. I’ll find us some sodas.”

  Once they were settled on the couch in his theater room, snacks in hand, Tara let the tension release from her shoulders. Rick scrolled through the movie choices.

  “We should watch one of yours,” Tara said. She’d been half-joking, but after the words came out, she realized she hadn’t seen one of his more recent movies, and it might be fun.

  His eyebrows rose, and she couldn’t tell if he was flattered or if the suggestion made him feel awkward. “Really?”

  “Yes. I haven’t seen Living Dangerously. Looked like a funny one.”

  He smiled, and it wasn’t his fake one. This one made his eyes crinkle, like he held a secret and couldn’t wait to share it with her. “Okay.”

  He started the film and she leaned closer to him to grab a handful of popcorn. Maybe that wasn’t the smartest decision, because she caught a whiff of his musky cologne and nearly melted in a puddle. She stuffed the popcorn into her mouth so she could distract herself.

  The film was one of those silly yet suspenseful stories about a regular Joe who got caught up in a conspiracy by accident. There were quite a few laugh-out-loud moments, and Tara found herself sucked into the story. In the middle of the movie his arm slipped down from on the back of the couch to over her shoulders. She should have protested, but it felt nice being close to Rick, so she left it alone.

  It was a little surreal watching Rick on the big screen. He was a good actor. It was easy to get lost in the plot of the movie and forget she was watching the man sitting next to her.

  After the movie, he clicked off the screen. “What did you think?”

  She looked up at him. He had a vulnerability in his eyes, one she hadn’t ever seen before. Was he nervous about her reaction to his film? “I liked it.”

  Another genuine smile formed on his face. “Yeah?”

  “You’re good at what you do.”

  He sobered. “People tell me that all the time.”

  “It’s true.”

  He fiddled with a strand of her hair. “Usually they say it when they want something from me.” His gaze met hers. “But with you, I know you mean it.”

  Tara blinked. She’d never thought about what it must be like to have everyone saying whatever they think you want to hear, just to get something from you. How would you know who to trust? She stared into his crystal blue eyes. How many times had he been hurt by people taking advantage of him? She let her gaze fall. “I do.”

  He leaned over and kissed the top of her head, then hopped off the couch. The gesture was sweet, but his immediate withdrawal from her made her think he hadn’t meant to do it. “It’s late,” he said, not meeting her gaze. “I should let you get some sleep.”

  Her shoulders grew cold without his arm there. “Yes. I’m tired.” She got up and picked up the empty soda bottles.

  Rick grabbed the popcorn bowl and followed her up the stairs. “I’ll call my lawyer tomorrow and get the paperwork started for the restraining order.”

  “Okay.” It made her feel better knowing Rick was protecting her and Kylee. She fell asleep quickly, no longer worried about Bobby.


  Rick paced his office as he clutched his phone to his ear. “What do I need to do to file a restraining order?”

  His attorney’s low voice came over the line. “Tell me exactly what happened. How did he threaten you?”

  “He threatened to hold up the wedding, and he implied he might do something to Kylee.” When Mike didn’t answer, he added, “Tara’s daughter.”

  “What were his exact words? And did anyone else hear this?”

  “Tara heard everything. And he said, ‘I wouldn
’t want anything to hold you up.’ And, ‘I just want what’s best for the two of you, and Kylee.’” Saying it out loud to Mike made him feel foolish. It didn’t sound threatening at all, so he added, “And the way he said it implied he’d do something.”

  Mike blew out a breath. “Is that it? Did he come at you or anything?”

  Oh, this wasn’t good. “No,” he said, wishing the threats had been more . . . threatening.

  “I’m sorry Rick; no judge is going to issue a protection order based on that. Maybe if the guy socks you one, or says he’s coming after you with a gun, you can try for one. But what you have isn’t really a threat. And the court is going to want proof.”

  Disappointment filled Rick. “What else can I do?”

  “Keep records. Write down everything he said to you, and if you hear from him again, keep track of everything that happens. If he does something the judge can see as threatening, you’ll want proof. If he hurts anyone, call the police and press charges. Things like that will help you get a protection order.”

  He had to let the guy harm Kylee before anything could be done about it? That was messed up. “Can I stop him from seeing Kylee?”

  “You can send me the court-ordered parental plan, but from what you’ve said it sounds like you can’t stop him from seeing his own daughter. Not unless he harms her and there’s enough evidence to prove he did it.”

  “Alright. Thanks, Mike.”

  “Call me if anything else happens.”

  Rick agreed and hung up. Pent-up energy surged in him and he left his office and stalked down the hall. Maybe he was making this into a bigger deal than it was. Maybe Bobby was a jerk, but not capable of doing anything horrible. Tara had said he’d never hit Kylee or anything like that.

  The thought that Bobby was all talk and no action gave him little comfort as he entered his workout room and hopped up on the treadmill. Setting the speed high, he started running. Bobby’s face came into his mind. If there wasn’t anything legal he could do to keep Bobby away, maybe he should just give in and have his agent call him. Throw him a bone. If that was all he wanted, maybe Rick would be better off to comply.

  The idea made him angry, but he wanted Bobby to leave them alone. After he hit five miles, he slowed the treadmill down to a walk. The workout felt good, and he grabbed a towel to mop the sweat off his face. After his shower he’d call his agent and give Bobby what he wanted. Then he would tell Tara he’d taken care of things and maybe he could get another smile out of her.

  Armed with a new plan, he hopped into the shower and allowed his tension to go down the drain. Once he was dressed, he called his agent and left a message, telling him to call Bobby. He felt a little slimy after hanging up, but he brushed it off. He then set out to find Tara. He didn’t have to search long. The sound of a child playing the piano led him down the hall to the drawing room.

  Kylee was sitting on the bench, gleefully pounding on the keys. Tara shot him an apologetic look. “Sorry, I hope it’s okay if Kylee plays on your piano.”

  He smiled and slid onto the bench next to Kylee. “I don’t mind.”

  The little girl stopped playing and threw her arms around his neck. “You’re here!”

  “She’s been asking for you all morning,” Tara said.

  “She has?” Why would Kylee want him?

  Tara nodded and Kylee sat back down beside him. “Listen to my song, Rick.” She began pounding on the keys again. After a few moments, she stopped and looked up at him.

  “Very nice, Ladybug,” he said, ruffling her hair and still wondering why the girl would be asking for him.

  Kylee started back up, and he sent a questioning glance at Tara, who just shrugged. When Kylee tired of playing the piano, she slid off the bench and grabbed Rick’s hand. “Come play with me.”

  Tara protested. “I’m sure Rick has lots to do—”

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” The last thing he wanted to do was brush off Kylee like Bobby had done. He allowed the girl to pull him out of the room and up the stairs.

  Tara’s bedroom floor was littered with plastic pieces to some kind of pipe system. Kylee pulled him to the carpet. “Let’s play marbles!”

  He wasn’t sure what she meant, but when he looked at the pipes and ramps he realized they created a system for the marbles to fall through and run along. He helped her fit some pieces together, and soon they were building a grand structure.

  Tara sat on the bed watching them. “How did it go with your attorney?”

  “There’s a slight snag. We can’t get a restraining order. But I think I’ve taken care of things.”

  She lifted one eyebrow but didn’t ask him about it further, which was good. He didn’t want to tell her he’d pretty much given in to Bobby.

  Chapter 11


  ara could tell Rick was hiding something by the way he sidestepped her question. But she didn’t want to pry. There wasn’t much they could do, anyway. If Bobby wanted to make trouble, he would. A restraining order wouldn’t stop Bobby from messing with their lives—especially since he was due three weeks with Kylee, and he could take her back to court if she didn’t give it to him. She didn’t need any more court costs piling up.

  She watched Rick build the marble maze structure with Kylee, her heart going out to him. He made Kylee giggle, endured her hugs, and let her climb all over him. It was endearing how he patiently helped her put the pieces together. He probably had no idea what he was doing for her. She needed male bonding, especially after her father withheld that from her for so long.

  But what would happen when she and Rick went their separate ways? The thought made her stomach sour. Maybe it wasn’t smart to let her daughter bond with Rick. Was she just setting her up for more heartbreak later? Tara pushed the thought out of her head. She couldn’t dwell on that. Kylee needed Rick right now.

  Rick’s phone played the Star Wars Darth Vader tune. She gave him a quizzical look, and he just shrugged and answered it. “What’s up, Phil?”

  His mouth pulled down into a frown. “Which website?” Rick stood and paced the room.

  Tara’s throat tightened. What was wrong? She watched the tense expression on Rick’s face.

  “Alright, alright. We’ll take care of it. Issue a statement or something.” He paused. “Why wouldn’t that work?”

  A sinking feeling started in Tara’s stomach. Whatever happened wasn’t good. Rick spoke to Phil for another minute before hanging up and letting out a frustrated grunt. “We’ve got to go make another appearance tonight.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “Someone snapped a photo of us yesterday at the museum. I’m glaring at you, and Bobby is behind me grinning. It looks like we’re having a fight. A website ran a story about how we’re breaking up and you’re going back to Bobby.”

  Tara snorted. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Well, I know that, and you know that, but people believe what they read online. Even if it’s a stupid celebrity site. Two other sites already repeated the story.”

  “What did Phil say about issuing a statement?”

  Rick frowned and scrubbed his hand over his stubble. “Statements don’t mean anything. The damage is done. The only way to combat the rumors is to go out and be seen together.” He gave her an apologetic look. “Guess we’re going out tonight.”

  Tara sat down next to Kylee. “Alright.” If she had to leave Kylee with Amanda again, she’d spend as much time as she could with her during the day. Kylee climbed up on her lap and chattered about the marbles.

  Rick hesitated, a look on his face telling her there was something else.

  “What?” she asked him.

  “Phil thinks we should go to the screening for the new Bradly Cooper film, then be seen together at the celebrity bash afterward.”

  She still didn’t understand the look on his face. “Okay.”

  “It’s in Las Vegas.”

  Nice. Just what she wanted to do. Run off to Vegas and lea
ve Kylee with the sitter for who knows how long. “When do we need to leave, and when will we be back?”

  “We’ll take my jet. We’ll probably need to get ready to go now. The party will last well after midnight. We’ll get a hotel so we can get some sleep and fly back tomorrow.”

  Tara stroked Kylee’s hair. She’d never been away from Kylee overnight before. Would she have trouble falling asleep? Would she cry? Tara steeled herself and slowly nodded. “Alright. I’ll get ready.”


  Tara’s heels clicked on the concrete as she walked with Rick toward his plane. Heat rose off the pavement and stung her eyes, blurring her vision. Or maybe it wasn’t the heat. Maybe it was the fact that she was leaving Kylee with a babysitter she barely knew for an overnight excursion. Whatever the cause, she blinked the moisture back.

  Rick glanced at her. “You okay?”

  “Fine.” She ran a hand down her little black dress. It was one she’d bought back before Bobby had made it big. They hadn’t had a lot of money, but she’d splurged so she could look nice for the shindigs Bobby wanted to take her to.

  The closet in Rick’s guest room had magically been filled with designer outfits. Some of them came from the photo shoot. Others Rick had his assistant pick up. She swallowed her annoyance and just wore what she was comfortable in. Rick was only trying to be helpful. He couldn’t understand that she didn’t want anything to do with the lifestyle Bobby left her for.

  Rick slid his hand down her back, sending involuntary shivers through her. “Kylee will be fine.”

  How did he know what she was thinking? She nodded and took a calming breath. “I’m sure you’re right.”

  He stopped at the steps and held out his hand. She grasped it and he helped her up the stairs. The plane looked small on the outside, but she was amazed at how much room there was when she boarded. Two leather couches faced each other along the sides, a coffee table in the middle. A bar with three mounted barstools took up the back wall, and a small hallway lead further back, where she supposed the bathroom was situated. Rick motioned to a couch. “Have a seat.”


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