Julia Jones' Diary - Boxed Set - Books 2 to 6

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Julia Jones' Diary - Boxed Set - Books 2 to 6 Page 1

by Kahler, Katrina

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  Julia Jones’


  Boxed Set

  Books 2 to 6

  (Book 1 My Worst Day Ever is Free on Amazon)

  Katrina Kahler

  Copyright © KC Global Enterprises

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents

  Book 2 - My Secret Bully

  Book 3 - My Secret Dream

  Book 4 - My First Boyfriend

  Book 5 - My life is Great!

  Book 6 - Changes


  This book is dedicated to all the nice girls out there who have to deal with mean girls.

  Be confident and stand tall...nobody is better than you!

  Book 2 - My Secret Bully



  I could hear a piercing scream but the scene was so surreal that I felt almost sure the sound was coming from someone else and not me. The terror I felt in that moment was like nothing I’d ever experienced before and seemed to engulf me in a fear so suffocating that I found it difficult to breathe.

  “How can this be happening?” I thought. “How can Sara have done this to me?” The vision of her face flashed quickly through my mind and even then, I could feel the evil that seemed to pour from every part of her.

  Blood oozed from a deep gash on my hand and my pulse was racing so wildly I thought my heart would explode. “What if I bleed to death?” was all I could think as I banged harder on the tightly closed shed door. “LET ME OUT!” I screamed for what seemed like the millionth time and my voice grew croaky and hoarse. So much so that I was convinced this was the end. No one was coming to save me.

  With a last ditch attempt, I shoved once more on the wooden door and to my utter surprise, it abruptly flew open. As I regained my balance, I stood still for a moment, in shock that I had managed to escape. And then I started to run.

  Blindly, I raced through the dense bush land and felt so grateful at least, for the moon that shone down giving me the light I needed to find my way. Not that I had a clue in which direction I should be heading, but I knew I had to keep moving. The cut on my hand was bad and the faster I ran, the faster the blood seemed to flow.

  I’d felt so claustrophobic back in that shed. As soon as I’d realized I had been locked in and that no one would be nearby to hear my screams for help, I just had to get out by any means possible. Even though I knew in my heart, there would be no way I’d fit through the tiny window, I had to try anyway. But removing the thick glass louvers was a big mistake and the broken pane sliced deeply into my skin. By the sliver of moonlight that shone through the remaining glass, I had seen that the gash was serious. Then within seconds, my hand was covered in pools of blood. The realization that more than ever, I desperately needed to escape, gave me the adrenalin I needed to break the door open.

  As I scanned the forest surrounding me, trying to decide which direction to take, I wondered if I would actually make it back to the campsite. Then staggering, I took another step forward and collapsed heavily onto the ground.

  My last thoughts as I slipped into unconsciousness were of Sara and how this whole disastrous problem had begun so many months ago. I’d been so happy back then and thoughts of the nightmare that was ahead were nonexistent in my mind.

  Five months earlier…

  I did not want to go to school! I absolutely dreaded the thought of walking into that classroom and facing her again. As I rolled over in bed, I hoped that Mom just might let me have the day off but it was not to be. “Hurry up, Julia! You need to get out of bed right now, or you’re going to miss the bus!” Mom was calling to me from downstairs and I could tell by her tone that if I didn’t show my face at the breakfast table within the next 60 seconds, I’d be in serious trouble.

  “Why the sad face?” she asked me as I sat down to my bowl of cereal with a huge sigh. “I’m just tired,” was all I replied. “Early to bed tonight,” she said. “You’ve been having way too many late nights!”

  “Yeah, whatever,” I mumbled under my breath, so that she couldn’t hear me. She really didn’t have a clue what was going on at school. She thought that everything was just fine! Mrs. Jackson had given her rave reviews about my behavior and progress at the parent – teacher interview last month, so Mom just assumed that I was having another great year.

  But the truth of the matter is that I hate going to school. It’s the last place I want to be each day and the thought of going, just makes me feel sick.

  It never used to be like this. I used to love school. I’ve always been an A student and there’s never really been any problems before. But this year is different – totally different and school is the last place I want to be!

  It all changed a few months ago, when Sara Hamilton came to our school. All the girls were really excited to have someone new join our class and Mrs. Jackson asked me to look after Sara and show her around. “That’s fine,” I had said. I was more than happy to be given this job – I actually felt honored to be chosen. But looking back now, I totally regret that day and my willingness to be Sara’s friend.

  At first, she was very nice – really friendly and outgoing and I could see all the girls were desperate to spend time with her. She wore the coolest clothes and was so pretty. The other girls soon started arguing about who was going to sit next to her during lunch breaks. Of course she was happy to be getting so much attention. I mean who wouldn’t be? Starting at a new school can be a kid’s worst nightmare, but not for Sara. Everything seemed to work out for her and within a matter of days, she was constantly surrounded by the other girls in the class, including all my friends. And then all of a sudden, no one even knew that I existed any more.

  I can cope with Sara being popular. I think she’d be popular wherever she went. She’s so pretty and chatty and everyone thinks she’s really cool – including the boys. But for some reason, she hates me! And she has made sure everyone else knows it.

  The minute I walk into the room now, I see the girls whispering and then start giggling. It’s so obvious that they’re talking about me. “Where did you get your shoes, Julia?” Sara asked me the other day. “Did they have a sale on at the cheap shop?”

  I couldn’t help turning bright red, and the snickering I heard coming from the other girls only added to my embarrassment. These girls used to be my best friends. I can’t believe that they can be so mean! Just because they think Sara is cool and they want her to like them. How can they be so horrible?

  If only she had never come to our school and especially not my class, this would never have happened!

  A disappearing act…

  “Hurry up and sit down,” Mrs. Jackson called out to our class as we noisily entered the room after lunch one Monday afternoon. “I have something important to tell you all!” For your technology project this term, you’re going to design and construct a lunar lander. This is part of our unit of work on Space exploration and you’ll be testing your constructions by launching them off the railing of the classroom veranda onto the concrete 30 feet below us.

  “Awesome!” pretty much everyone in the class was calling out and getting really excited about the thought of this project. This was going to be something fu
n for a change. And it got even better because Mrs. Jackson told us that our astronauts would consist of a raw egg in a shell that we could decorate and protect in any way we wanted. But the main aim was to ensure a safe landing so that they actually survived and didn’t end up splattered all over the concrete.

  Everyone was excited and I could hear people coming up with ideas already. Alexander, who’s the class genius especially when it comes to science, started listing all the detailed and technical stuff that he was going to attach. This included a jet propelled engine and a heap of scientific terminology that I’d never even heard of before.

  Now technology isn’t my best subject by any means but this sounded like a fun project and I am pretty creative. So I was hoping I could come up with something really good and get an A. In our science test last week, I scored a B+ which Sara scoffed at when she saw my mark.

  “Only a B?” she asked me, with that mocking tone of hers. “It’s a B+, actually!” I thought to myself, but I kept my mouth shut before saying something I knew I’d regret.

  “Never mind,” she said to me, “we can’t all get A’s!” and walked off with a huge smirk.

  After that incident I felt more determined than ever to get a better mark for my project than she did and when I went home that night, I searched on the internet for as many ideas as I could possibly find.

  That weekend, I looked around the house and in the garage for materials that would be suitable for my project. Mrs. Jackson had told us to bring everything to school on Monday so we could get started as soon as possible. In the end, I had so many bits and pieces that Mom had to drive me to school because I couldn’t carry it all.

  I’d designed and tested a really effective parachute on the weekend by dropping it off the family room balcony, complete with a raw egg in a basket. I was so happy to see that my little astronaut had survived – even though it did have a soft landing as the wind had blown it into our swimming pool and I then had to race to the rescue before it got sucked into the filter system. However, my parachute had obviously worked and I planned to make a much better and more detailed design at school.

  Unfortunately though, during morning recess I started to feel quite ill and when Mrs. Jackson saw how deathly white my face was, she decided to call my mom to come and get me and take me home.

  After a visit to the doctor, I spent the next 24 hours in bed. He said I had a flu bug that was going around and bed rest was what I needed. I didn’t mind too much because it meant that I wouldn’t have to go to school and face Sara, for a day at least.

  I was glad to go back on Wednesday though, as that was the day we were going to begin our project and I had so many great ideas for mine. I couldn’t wait to get started.

  But then, as everyone was sorting through all the materials that they’d brought to school, I was left searching for the overstuffed bag that I’d brought in on Monday. It had been full to the brim and I was sure that I’d left it in the corner at the back of the room but it was nowhere to be seen. Mrs. Jackson helped me to search but neither of us could find it anywhere! My heart began to sink as I watched all the other kids engrossed in their designs which were quickly coming together. Then all of a sudden, one of the boys called out, “Is this Julia’s bag?”

  He was holding up a large green bag that certainly looked like mine except that it was empty. “I found it stuck behind the cupboard at the back,” he said. “A corner of it was poking out and that’s how I spotted it.”

  The look of horror on my face when I saw that empty bag must have been completely obvious because Mrs. Jackson asked, “Does anyone know what has happened to all the materials that Julia brought in on Monday?”

  I instantly looked towards Sara and our eyes met. She had this kind of half grin attached to her face as she answered, “No, Mrs. Jackson, I have no idea!”

  I just couldn’t believe it! I was completely convinced that Sara was somehow to blame but I had no proof. How could someone stoop so low? And what was I going to do? I had no materials whatsoever and the project had to be finished by the end of the week. This was a disaster!

  Then to my huge surprise, Blake Jansen, the cutest boy in our class and the boy I’ve had a crush on since the fourth grade, suddenly offered to share his materials with me. I always knew that he was nice. He’s nice to everyone and that’s why he’s so popular. And he’s so good looking!

  He was in my dance troupe for the school musical earlier in the year but that musical ended in my worst day ever, a day so bad that I will never forget it! Since then, Sara has taken up all his time and attention and I didn’t think he even knew I existed anymore.

  So I could not believe that he was actually offering to share with me. One minute I was absolutely devastated and the next I felt I was the luckiest girl on the planet. I shyly accepted and sat down next to him to start work. When I looked in Sara’s direction though, the look of disgust in her eyes was like a red hot poker burning right through me and I knew instantly that she was not happy. This had definitely not worked out the way she had planned.

  I smiled briefly in her direction and then turned my back towards her while continuing to work on my project, alongside Blake. He had brought a heap of really cool stuff to school and there were lots of bits that he didn’t need, which was very lucky for me. I also knew that I could probably find more things at home that night and bring them the next day, which is what I did. When I gave Blake some really thick foam padding so he could also add it to his construction, he looked at me, smiled and said, “Thanks Julia!” In that moment my heart skipped a beat and I thought to myself, “Maybe school isn’t so bad after all!”


  Friday afternoon finally came and the whole class was so excited. We were going to test our lunar landers and everyone was lined up along the balcony ready for the launch. Mrs. Jackson had handed us a raw egg each which we’d been allowed to decorate and then place in the capsules that we’d constructed. Already there had been a few accidents with astronauts not even surviving the preparation stage and the remains of broken egg shell and gooey egg were scattered across the classroom floor. Luckily though, Mrs. Jackson had some spare eggs that she was able to hand out.

  One at a time, we tested our designs. Most of the landings were actually successful, although there were a few astronauts that didn’t survive and met their death on the concrete 30 feet below us. I was the last person to launch mine and everyone waited with anticipation as they’d all agreed that my design was actually the best. I’d spent so much time working on it and had come up with some really creative ideas. I did feel really proud and it was nice to be the one getting some attention for a change. Although it was clearly obvious from the way that Sara was staring at me that she was not impressed.

  During the testing of the landers, I’d been sent to the administration office to collect some notes that were due to go home that afternoon. But I’d quickly rushed back so that I could finally test my creation. When I carefully picked it up, it seemed that the parachute strings had become tangled somehow and it actually felt heavier than what I’d originally thought.

  Mrs. Jackson was telling me to hurry up as it was almost home time and I needed to be quick. So I had no time to check what was causing the problem. With eager anticipation, I released my lander over the balcony railing edge but to my sheer horror, it literally dive bombed to the ground.

  “Aa Haah!” I heard someone laugh almost hysterically. “It’s committed suicide!” And the whole class cracked up with amusement at the sight of yellow egg yolk splattered all over the concrete below.

  “So much for your creative design, Julia Jones!” sniggered Sara as she walked past with that familiar smirk which I’d come to know so well. And off she ran with her entourage of friends, all laughing at me and shouting, “Did you see Julia’s? What a crack up!” And I was left trying to clean up the mess off the concrete while everyone else headed home for the weekend.

  As I inspected my lander, I was shocked to see tha
t some small weights from the classroom math kit had been placed into the basket area and hidden under the egg. This was what had created so much weight in my design and caused the dive bomb that we had all witnessed. Along with that, the strings were all tangled which made the parachute completely ineffective, regardless of the extra weight.

  I knew straight away, that this was Sara’s handiwork. But what could I do? There was no way that she’d own up to it and who would believe me anyway? So much for hoping for a good mark - I’d be lucky to get a C for this project.

  On the bus ride home, I miserably wondered if there was any way I’d be allowed to change schools. I didn’t want to go back there on Monday or ever again.

  Dancing mishap…

  With sheer dread, I forced myself to go to school the following week but the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach would not go away. Every chance she got, I saw Sara watching me and as soon as she had my attention, she would whisper to one of the other girls. Then they’d both start giggling at some joke that she had made, all the while staring in my direction just to make sure I was aware they were talking about me.

  I was miserable! I spent every lunch break in the library, too scared to go out to the playground for fear of facing Sara. I felt sure that she was making it her life mission to focus on me and humiliate me as often as possible.

  When Friday came I was so relieved as the weekend ahead gave me two days where I wouldn’t have to face her. Fridays are my favorite school day anyway because in the afternoons, we have dance class which is the lesson that I look forward to most. Dancing is something I really enjoy and I’m pretty good at it. Every few weeks we work on a different style and this particular week, it was going to be hip hop. I couldn’t wait because this is the style that I like best.


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