Julia Jones' Diary - Boxed Set - Books 2 to 6

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Julia Jones' Diary - Boxed Set - Books 2 to 6 Page 9

by Kahler, Katrina

  “Julia, will you please forgive me?” Millie begged. “You’re my best friend and you always will be! I’m really sorry that I was so mean to you. I don’t deserve to have you as my friend, but please say you’ll forgive me!”

  All the terrible memories and hurtful moments thinking I had lost my closest friend, disappeared in an instant. And within minutes, Millie and I were back to being best friends again.

  Just like that, out of the blue, another of my dreams had come true.

  I had my best friend back. And as well, it had seemed that over the past week my parents were getting on better than ever. What more could I ask for!

  A guitar…

  Millie ended up sleeping over at my house. We spent hours in my room, painting our fingernails and toenails, listening to music and making up new dance moves. Millie braided my hair; she’s so good at braiding. I don’t know how she does it. And we chatted and laughed so much that Mom came in to find out what was so amusing. It was like old times and I was absolutely overjoyed to have Millie back in my life as my best friend.

  The next day, we decided to head over to her house as I was so desperate to have another turn of her beautiful guitar. However, when we arrived, she told me to go on up to her room because she needed a few minutes to talk with her mother.

  I didn’t think anything of it, just raced up to her room and carefully took her guitar from its case. Sitting on her bed, her guitar in my hands, I didn’t feel I could possibly be any happier.

  About 20 minutes passed and then Millie and her mom walked in; the looks on their faces so serious that I started to panic, thinking something must be terribly wrong.

  “Julia,” Millie said in a grave tone. “We have something to tell you!”

  My stomach turned in knots. I had no idea what to expect. “What’s wrong?” I exclaimed.

  Then Millie laughed out loud, “Absolutely nothing; I actually have some really good news.”

  “Don’t scare me like that!” I replied. “I thought something really bad had happened!” I had no idea what she was going to say, but the anxiety in the pit of my stomach quickly turned to excited anticipation.

  In a rush, her words spilled out, “I checked with Mom and she said that it’s fine for you to borrow my guitar. You can use it for as long as you like!” The grin on Millie’s face could not have been any wider if she had tried.

  I looked at her in total disbelief. Then I looked at her mom and back at Millie again. “What do you mean?” I asked. “It’s your brand new guitar. I don’t understand.”

  “Millie really isn’t interested in learning how to play the guitar, Julia. She’s had it a few weeks now and hasn’t practiced once,” Mrs. Spencer explained gently. “I had a feeling that this would happen but she insisted that she wanted to learn how to play. I’d rather see it being used than put away in a cupboard. And I know that you’ll look after it.”

  “But I couldn’t possibly,” I stammered.

  “It’s obvious to me, that you’re very keen to learn,” she continued, “We’d love you to have the opportunity. You’ve been such a good friend to Millie and it’s something she would like to do for you. And you never know, watching you learn might inspire her to take it up again. In the meantime, it’s yours to borrow.”

  I looked from Mrs. Spencer back to Millie once more.

  “You have a natural gift, Julia. Everyone can see that.” Millie was talking excitedly and it was clear that this was what she wanted. “You’re the one who should definitely be learning how to play, not me. I don’t have a musical bone in my body.”

  Mrs. Spencer left us to talk alone. Millie sat down on her bed next to me and continued sincerely, “I only wanted it so I could fit in with those kids at school. But I don’t want to have anything to do with them anymore. And who knows? Your birthday is coming up. When your parents see how keen you are, they might even buy you a guitar of your own.”

  I was speechless. I did not know what to say. The tears that rolled down my cheeks right then, were not from sadness. They were tears of joy. I had my best friend back. My best friend who was the most generous person in the entire world and she was giving me the most wonderful gift that I could ever imagine. Right then, I knew that it wasn’t the guitar that I was so grateful for, but Millie’s friendship. I truly did have a best friend and felt that I was the luckiest girl on the planet!

  Back in my own bedroom that night, I sat with the beautiful, shiny, pink, electric guitar in my hands, strumming some new chords that I had been practicing all afternoon. Thank goodness for YouTube and the beginner lessons that I had found. And thank goodness for my friend Millie!

  Mom simply smiled at me, a knowing look in her eyes when she heard what Millie and Mrs. Spencer had said. Yes, my dreams were coming true. It was like a miracle and I felt more grateful than ever.

  I could hear Mom and Dad downstairs laughing together. That alone was music to my ears. It was a sound that I hadn’t heard coming from them in such a long time.

  For the first time in weeks, I really looked forward to going to school the following day. I wondered what wonderful things lay ahead.

  It’s all happening…

  Millie and I spent our lunch breaks with the lovely group of girls who I had been hanging out with over the previous couple of weeks. It was fun being part of a big group and especially because they were such genuinely nice girls.

  On several occasions, I noticed Sara, Harry and their friends looking in our direction and laughing, obviously about us. But we just chose to ignore them and focus on the friends we wanted to be with. This proved to work because after a while the group who we didn’t think of as “cool” anymore seemed to lose interest in us and not bother us whatsoever, which was great. Once more, school was a fun place to be.

  Then without warning, one afternoon just after we had come back from our lunch break, Mr. Casey the guitar teacher arrived at our classroom door. Totally unexpectedly, he asked Mrs. Jackson if he could speak with me.

  I made my way to the doorway where he was standing, wondering what on earth he could want. The words that came out of his mouth caught me completely by surprise.

  “Julia, I’ve heard that you’re very keen to learn how to play the guitar,” he queried.

  “Um, yes,” I replied hesitatingly. “I’d love to learn but my parents really can’t afford lessons right now. So I’ve just been trying to teach myself by watching YouTube videos.”

  “Well, Blake Jansen’s dad is a friend of mine. He’s a very good musician and I respect his opinion. When I was speaking to him on the phone last night, he mentioned that you have a natural gift for guitar. He thinks you’re very talented! So I’d like to offer you a scholarship and that way you can have free lessons for the rest of the year.”

  I looked at him confused. I wasn’t sure that I fully grasped what he was saying.

  “This is something that I’ve decided to introduce to the school music program this year,” he continued. “I have a couple of other kids who have already started on a scholarship program with me.” He looked at me expectantly, waiting for my reply.

  “Oh my gosh!” as the full meaning of what he was saying started to sink in, I could barely contain my excitement. “That would be so awesome!” The delight I felt at that moment was indescribable. I felt like jumping up and down with joy.

  “Well you’ll have to get your parents’ permission first,” he explained. “Go home and talk to them about it tonight and if it’s okay with them, bring this completed permission note back to me tomorrow. Then we can arrange a suitable time for your lessons.”

  He handed me the note as I stood there, desperately wanting to run inside and tell Millie the exciting news.

  “But there’s one condition,” he stated firmly.

  “Okay,” I replied warily. “What’s that?”

  “To be eligible for a scholarship, you must commit to regular practice. It’s all written in the note. It’s kind of like a contract that you actually need
to sign as well as your parents. I only offer scholarships to students who are willing to be committed; only those who agree to regular attendance and at least 5 hours of practice each week.”

  “Oh, that’s fine!” I replied, feeling relieved, “That won’t be a problem at all. Do you think I could start lessons tomorrow?”

  He smiled widely, obviously pleased with my eager response. “Get the permission note signed first and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “This is so exciting, Mr. Casey. Thank you so much!” I was bouncing up and down on the spot, overcome with joy. Finally he left and I was able to race back to my desk, glad that the bell was almost due to ring so I could share my incredible news with Millie.

  I also couldn’t wait to get on the bus and speak with Blake. I had so much to thank him and his dad for.

  This was totally amazing. As I boarded the bus that afternoon, the thought occurred to me that my dreams were actually all coming true. I had so much to be grateful for. I remembered that was one of the main principles explained in the dream book…by being grateful for all the wonderful things that you already have in your life, so much more will come to you that you can also be grateful for.

  Yes, gratitude was a huge part of making your dreams a reality. And at that moment, I felt as though I would have to be the most grateful girl alive.


  My first lesson with Mr. Casey was unbelievable. I did not want it to end! And as soon as I walked into the house that afternoon, I headed straight up to my room to practice.

  “The only problem I can see here,” said Mom, a slight frown appearing on her face, “is that you’ll spend so much time playing guitar, you’ll have no time for your homework.”

  “Mom!” I said, smiling broadly, “I promise that I’ll stay on top of my school work.” And as an afterthought, I jumped up from where I had been sitting, guitar still in my hands, and gave her a big hug. “Thank you so much for letting me learn how to play! I just love it!”

  “I can see that,” she replied with a grin. “And I’m very impressed to see you learning so fast!”

  “So am I!” exclaimed Matt, as he walked past my bedroom door. “I hate to say this, but sis, you’re actually pretty good!”

  Coming from my brother, that was the compliment of the century.

  I felt so happy. It was amazing how much things in our household had changed. Matt was even on his way out to meet his girlfriend Lily, with the approval of Mom and Dad. Now that was definitely a miracle!

  Completely content, I adjusted the volume on my amplifier slightly, and continued playing the latest new song that I had learnt. I have so much to be grateful for I thought to myself as I eventually put the guitar carefully back in its case, deciding that it was time to get stuck into my homework.

  I sat down at my desk, school books in front of me, and considered the events that had taken place over the past few weeks. Life had completely turned around for my entire family and all because of a very special book that had been left for us to read.

  “Thank goodness I decided to pick that book up,” I smiled contentedly to myself as I concentrated happily on my Math.

  My dream came true…

  “Julia, how would you like to be in a band?” Mr. Casey asked one afternoon at the end of my lesson. The answer to that question was completely obvious by the look on my face.

  “I’m organizing a couple of bands for kids who are interested and I thought that you’d be great as one of the guitarists.”

  “That would be the most amazing thing ever!” I exclaimed. And then a moment later I asked, “Do you have any drummers in mind?”

  With a smile, he replied, “I thought that Blake Jansen would be a good choice.”

  As I boarded the bus that afternoon, I was unable to remove the beaming smile that was spread across my face. Flopping down in the seat that Blake always saved for me, I said with a grin, “Mr. Casey is forming a band. And guess who he has asked to be the guitarist!”

  “Julia!” he exclaimed. “It’s you, isn’t it?” His beautiful smiling face made my heart melt.

  “And guess who he would like to have as the drummer?” I stared directly at him.

  “Me?” he questioned hopefully.

  “Well who else would it be?” I teased.

  “Oh, that is sooo cool!”

  “I know,” I replied. “It’s a dream come true!”

  When he held my hand right then, the flutter that ran down my spine made me completely breathless.

  “Julia,” he said, “Do you want to go out with me? I mean, really go out – like on a date?”

  With absolutely no hesitation at all, I replied, “I’d love to Blake. That would be awesome!”

  Then we sat silently side by side, hands locked together wishing that our bus ride home would last forever.


  Book 4 - My First Boyfriend

  Standing tall…

  Her blazing eyes glared in my direction. I could feel the intense hatred as she stared at me. What was going on? What had I done to deserve this? I thought the stupid bullying stuff was behind us.

  In that moment, I knew that we would never be friends and I was better off without her. There was no way that she was ever going to let this go. But what was I going to do? Just let her walk all over me. Let her win out, yet again?

  No! I decided right then. It was not going to happen. I knew how to deal with people like her. I had done it before and I could do it again.

  “Stand tall, Julia!” I said to myself. “She is not better than you! Show her that! Let her know that you believe in yourself!”

  Taking a deep breath, I repeated in my mind once more, “I can do this! I am a confident person. I deserve respect!” And with a self-assured toss of my head, I threw my shoulders back and strode confidently past her.

  The look of disgust on her face did nothing to sway my resolve. I ignored her evil stare and continued on, an image of confidence.

  “No one is going to bully me!” That is the message I wanted to convey and even though I was shaking inside, I felt good. I felt proud. And I continued on my way.

  “If this is a contest, then I am the winner,” I thought firmly to myself.

  With a smile on my face, I walked towards the most amazing person in my life right then and added my name to the list.

  One month earlier…

  “Do you want to go out with me, Julia?”

  Blake’s sweet smile made my heart melt and hearing those words caused my own smile to become wider than ever. The fluttery feeling in my stomach sent tingles down my spine and I pictured the look on Millie’s face when I told her the news.

  Blake Jansen wanted me to go out with him. Not just once to the movies, but really go out, as in hanging out together at school every day and maybe even on the weekends. It was another dream come true and I clasped my hands together in delight as I pictured all the wonderful times we would share. I could see him carrying my books into class and reserving a seat for me in the lunch area. I could also see the look of envy on all the other girls’ faces.

  As he reached over to hold my hand, I felt my stomach drop. I looked into his eyes and held his gaze, smiling shyly. Then, beaming with pride, I opened my mouth to respond to the question I had been longing to hear.

  “Yes, Blake. I would love to!” The words were just about to come spilling out when the wonderful image I had created was suddenly and unexpectedly wiped clear from my mind.

  “Julia! What is wrong with you? Are you going deaf or something? I called you about five times. Why didn’t you answer me?” The look of annoyance on my brother’s face along with his angry tone, snapped my mind back to reality.

  “What are you doing in here anyway? I need you to come downstairs and help me clean up the mess in the kitchen. Mom will be home soon and she’ll freak out if those dirty dishes are still piled up in the sink.”

  “Alright, I’m coming!” I replied with frustration. Matt’s timing was unbelievable
. Right in the middle of the best daydream I have ever had and he comes barging into my room to get me to help clean up the kitchen.

  “Can’t you just clean it up?” I snapped. “Do I have to help you do everything?”

  “I did it last time and besides, I’ve been invited to Jack’s party tonight and I don’t want to give Mom any excuses to stop me from going. You promised me that you’d help!”

  I rolled my eyes at him as I reluctantly hopped off my bed where I’d been laying blissfully only moments before. Trudging down the stairs, I followed him towards the kitchen. He had been giving Mom and Dad a lot of attitude recently and so they’d decided to ground him for two weeks to try and teach him a lesson. However, as the two weeks were almost up and he had been doing his best to behave himself, Mom promised that he could go to the party if all the chores were done when she got home from work. And typical of my brother, Matt, he had left the kitchen until the last minute and was now panicking that it wouldn’t be cleaned up in time.

  As I wiped down the bench top, fleeting thoughts of the wonderful daydream I had been having, appeared once more in my mind.

  It had been the best day dream ever and I still couldn’t believe that it had been interrupted by Matt, just so I could help him clean up the kitchen!

  Sighing, I put the last dirty plate in the dishwasher and turned it on.


  Blake and I have been hanging out a bit over the summer break and I have the feeling that he really likes me. I know with certainty that I definitely like him! We did go out to the movies one night on a kind of date but since then, he hasn’t mentioned that “date” word again. I think it’s probably because he’s too shy.


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