Sand and Sin

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Sand and Sin Page 15

by Dani Jace

  When he reached her feet, she moaned.

  “Ahh, I should have known.”

  Her reply came through the comforter, sounding muffled. “I’m a runner.”

  “And a bartender who’s always on her feet.” SEAL training number one, find the target’s weakness. Use their flaw against them or to woo them.

  She turned over as his thumbs worked the slender arch of one foot and then the other. He slid off the foot of the four-poster bed and shed his jeans and boxer briefs.

  Propping up on her elbows, she studied his nudity as her pale green gaze darkened.

  What she did to him. He grasped his throbbing cock and stroked.

  “You gonna keep me waiting?” She licked her lips.

  His balls tightened. He wanted her hard and fast, but she deserved to be worshipped before he fed his need. Palming her thighs apart, he bent and drew his tongue along her folds for a delicate taste. Oh, yes. Tangy sweet. Wet and ready for him.

  Jax ached to be inside her tight channel. He grasped her hips and tugged her to the end of the mattress. Her pussy glistened in the low light as he smoothed a hand over her flat belly.

  Would she grow round with his child? Boy or girl?

  She clasped his hand.

  Still standing, he inched closer and guided his weeping head to her entrance. “Angel.”

  “Please.” She surrounded him with those long legs.

  With a rock of his hips, he buried himself deep. If he were to drown, this was definitely the way he wanted go.

  * * * *

  Before dawn, Peri slipped from the sheets and into the bathroom without disturbing Jax. Her first feat. It’d been over fifteen years since she’d taken a pregnancy test. After following the directions, she waited.

  While he seemed okay about the possibility, at nearly thirty-four she remained pensive. Hell, she owned a bar. She’d have to work lunch shift indefinitely.

  Holding her breath, she studied the digital display of the test. With a long exhale, she glanced at the box again. Ninety-nine percent accurate.

  She quietly opened the door.

  Jax leaned against the dresser with arms folded and a cocky tilt to his head.

  How stupid of her to believe she could sneak around on a master of stealth. She showed him the test and offered an apologetic smile. “Looks like we’ll have to keep trying.”

  “I’m up for that.” With a wink, he pulled her into his arms and seized her mouth.

  A vibration on the nightstand broke their kiss. “You need to answer it?”

  He loosened his hold and grimaced. “Probably.”

  As he retrieved his phone, Peri headed to the kitchen and tossed some coffee beans in the grinder. She should be relieved about the test being negative. Instead, she felt lost. Plus, he’d leave soon.

  The aroma of hazelnut reminded her of the morning after she’d brought Jax home. He’d come down from the room over the garage looking sexily disheveled and surprised to see her. His instant hard-on had her shocked almost to the point of laughter.

  Near giggling at the memory, she poured fresh grounds into the coffee maker. Last night’s pleasure nearly made her forget the torturous hours spent in worry over Haley, which seemed like only a nightmare after waking in Jax’s arms.

  How much longer would she have to wait to have him in her life full-time, or as full-time at the Navy would allow? Hours with him meant more to her than days had with her husband or even her first love. Fortune had smiled upon her for having known him.

  Peri opened the fridge and stared at the contents.

  “Let me make breakfast.” Jax came up behind her.

  Her last meal before he jetted west? “Sure, tell me what you need.”

  He poured her a cup of coffee and shooed her to the table before scavenging the refrigerator. A carton of eggs, sausage, and some cheese landed on the counter. “Looks like I’ve got a few more hours. My flight’s been delayed until this evening,” he said and disappeared into the pantry.

  More time than she’d anticipated. Time to make minutes count. He’d taken care of her last night. This morning, she wanted to give him something he’d remember.

  His low-slung shorts revealed the sexy line of hair below his stomach. She wanted to taste him. After breakfast, while in the shower, she planned to bring him to his knees while on hers. Then again, why wait?

  “I’ll make sure you’re not bored.”

  He glanced up from breaking an egg, wearing a dimpled smile. “Never happen with you, Angel.”

  She let him to finish his casserole creation and place it in oven before she wandered over.

  As he set the timer, she caught the waistband of his shorts and turned him to face her. “I need an appetizer.” She licked her lower lip.

  His nostrils flared as his bare chest rose with a short breath.

  Patting the counter, she urged him to sit.

  She broke into a grin at the arch of his brow.

  His shorts tented.

  She gripped his solid bulge and grew wet. His groan only heighted her urge to play bad girl. Even after twice last night and once earlier this morning, he was ready again.

  What could she do to make him always remember this morning with her? Whip cream had been overdone. What about chocolate syrup? Issuing an order not to move, she reached into the pantry and found an unopened bottle of caramel. Even better.

  He stared as she freed his cock, which jerked to attention like a well-trained warrior. And oh, hadn’t it been. Now she’d train his willing beast to be loyal to her.

  His tip wept in anticipation.

  She bent and circled his ridged head with her warm tongue, building pressure on each revolution

  “Good God, baby.” His eyelids drooped as he rocked his hips.

  With a swift pull, she removed his shorts and boxers. Spreading his legs wide, she wet her lips and sank to the root of him. He hardened even more. He tasted like her mixed with his male essence. The wild and heady combo had her pussy tightening.

  His balls clenched tight in her grasp. “Fuck,” he rasped. “Kill me now.”

  She slid to his tip and used her tongue to toy. “Torture is more fun.”

  “Here’s what I know.” He grabbed the bottle of caramel, slid off the counter, and scooped her into his arms. Placing her gently on the sofa in the den, he said, “You interrupted the chef and now there will be no fruit salad to go with the casserole.” He made a tsk-tsk sound. “So, if it’s torture you want…”

  He peeled off her panties and drew off his T-shirt that she wore. After popping the top of the caramel, he drew a circle around each of her nipples.

  They puckered against the warm, creamy sensation. Each flick of his tongue licking the sweet substance from her flesh left her trembling.

  By God, the man knew her erogenous zones. She arched her butt off the sofa as he took a nipple between his teeth. A slight sting on her ass made her gasp. Desire shot like a current to her wet crease.

  He caught and turned her. With her face against the sofa cushion and her knees on the floor, his sturdy hands tugged at her hips. Snugged her throbbing entrance against his slick head. The ache to have him deep had her widening her stance.

  “So pretty.” He drizzled syrup over her cheeks. Using long licks, his warm breath fanned over her. Heated her to flashover.

  Peri let out an impatient moan.

  Another sharp slap stung her rump. Aghast, she grumbled.

  His palm burned her other ass cheek. Hot need engulfed her trembling slit. She glanced over her shoulder and met his hardened features. “Am I being punished?”

  A corner of his mouth curled as he stood behind her, stroking his cock. He scolded her. “Angel, I’m reminding you not to keep secrets from me.”

  Her insides went soft. This fierce warrior, so primal, made her shiver.

  He rammed deep, touching her core and capturing her soul. She bucked and cried out, losing herself to
his love.

  Chapter 25

  Jax sat the casserole on the table as Peri finished squeezing orange juice over the fruit salad. He rubbed her bottom in apology. He never planned to spank her, but her beckoning cheeks had been ripe for the taking and he was a bit aggravated with her for not mentioning she might be pregnant. “Sorry, if I was too rough.”

  She shot him a glare, then smiled as she pulled out a chair. “Did I sound like I was complaining?”

  Geez, the woman knew how to fire his jets. He cut her a piece of casserole and placed it on her plate. “Maybe I’ll get some handcuffs.”

  “I’ll get a silk blindfold for you.” She winked.

  “My Angel is devious.”

  “Only if crossed.” She took a bite of his creation. “Yum. Many talents you have Master Chief.”

  He laughed and fed her a piece of apple from the fruit salad. “You can call me Sir.”

  “No, you can call me Mistress.” She squinted.

  “We’ll flip coins on who gets to wear the blindfold and cuffs.”

  Beneath the table, she rubbed her bare foot over his. “Don’t think that’s how it works.”

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “We’ll make our own rules.”

  That earned him a smile. Hadn’t they been doing it from day one?

  “Yum, sounds fun. By the way, Sean is bringing Haley later this morning. She wants to see you.” Peri glanced at the clock.

  Jax’s heart warmed. It’d been hard to see the girl swept away from him after the recon. Seeing her again would give him some closure.

  While Peri cleaned breakfast dishes, he stepped outside into the front yard. He needed to mow the lawn before he left. The windswept live oaks populating the neighborhood gave the place a Southern quality. He’d played groundskeeper for his Angel last spring and would enjoy making the job permanent.

  A nondescript white sedan approached and parked in front of the house. The passenger door flew open and Haley bound toward him with her dark hair flying. There was a maturity to her face that wasn’t there the night he and the team had rescued her. In a few years she’d be a beautiful as her mother. And if he happened to be here, he’d be asking the boys a whole lot of questions.

  “Jax!” She bear hugged him.

  “Hey, sweetheart. How are you?” He kissed the top of her head.



  She maintained eye contact and appeared relaxed.

  A good sign for a former captive.

  Sean waited until his daughter let go and stepped forward with an extended hand. “Thanks, again, Chief.”

  “Just doing my job, Commander.” Jax clasped his palm.

  He nodded to Haley. “Give us a minute, honey.”

  “I’ll be there in a few.” He smiled at her as she headed inside. He met Halstead’s gaze head on.

  “I understand you’re trying to get East Coast?” He inclined his head.

  Great. Would he screw with his assignment? He was certainly high enough up the food chain to fuck Jax if he wanted. “I was injured on an assignment earlier this year. I’ve been subbing as trainer until reassigned.”

  Which seemed to lag for some reason.

  “Yeah. Sorry, it’s partly my fault.” He motioned in an apologetic manner.

  Jax straightened to his full height. “Because I chased you down and tackled you?’

  Halstead didn’t flinch, keeping eye contact like a true leader. “No.”

  He tapped a foot. “Where are you leading with this?

  “I’ve been in the Navy a long time. Knew the pilot who would have probably left Peri a single mom. I loved her and accepted the fact Haley might not be mine. Not even she knows.”

  Sweat rolled down Jax’s temples in the August morning humidity. No wonder Peri was scared about being pregnant. “That explains a lot.”

  “Thought I was the better man. I guess I started to resent her in some way for a decision I made. I cheated on her a few times before she found out. Then she started bartending at the Trident and found something besides being a wife and mom.”

  “She grew up.”

  “And dumped my ass just as I was falling back in love with her.” He frowned.

  Men were such fucked-up creatures. Always wanting what they couldn’t have. “Why are you telling me this and fucking with my job, Commander?”

  “When I first met you, you reminded me of the pilot. Cocky and full of himself.”

  Jax tensed. Never good enough. A player. No different than his mother. He fisted his hands. The man far outranked him. He’d risk being court marshaled if he punched. It wasn’t like the night he found him stalking Peri’s house like an intruder. He’d definitely get brig time if he lay a hurting on him now.

  “Takes big ones to become a SEAL,” Jax reminded the grown-soft older man. He was a highly trained killer.

  “You certainly proved it.” Halstead’s face relaxed as he released a sigh. “By saving my daughter and me.” He gripped Jax’s shoulder. “Peri is happy again, and I know it’s because of you.”

  Damn, the man could be a politician the way he played spin doctor. Jax scratched his head and frowned. “You got a point to this conversation besides pissing me off while thanking me?”

  Halstead laughed. “Christ, you are direct.”

  Jax leveled his hands to his to hips and nearly burned a hole in the guy with a pinpoint glare.

  “I made a few calls after getting back from Egypt. You’ll have new orders by the time you reach San Diego.”

  “Where? Antarctica?”

  “On your buddy’s team. TJ, isn’t it?” He smiled.

  The adrenaline pumping through Jax’s veins for a fight switched to exhilaration. He must have looked dumbfounded as he studied a nearby tree.

  “You’ll be here in Little Creek. Honestly, I think you’d be good on Team Six, and you’d be here in Virginia Beach.”

  “And gone more time than I am now.”


  “Thanks, Commander.” He accepted the man’s handshake.

  “It’s the least I could do. Thought it would be easier on you knowing it before you left." Sean nodded and turned for his car.

  He didn’t trust the Commander enough to tell Peri. Even if Halstead was legit, favors often fell through.

  He’d love to let her spank his ass later for this secret. It’d be worth it, maybe even fun.

  * * * *

  Checking her phone every five seconds wouldn’t make the damn thing ring. Peri huffed and sat at the computer to finish the produce order before opening for lunch. In the two weeks since Jax left, she’d spoken to him every day. She wished she was as content as he sounded on the phone or appeared when they video chatted. Today, she really needed to hear his encouraging voice.

  He assured her they’d work things out somehow. She wouldn’t sell the Trident, but she could hire someone to take her shifts for a couple of weeks so she could visit on occasion, now that Haley had proven she could make mature decisions without the help of her father.

  A buzz broke her concentration and she picked up her phone with her heart in her throat. “Hey.”


  Her pet name set her at ease. “Any word?”

  “I’m officially an East Coast SEAL.”

  She’d believe it when he walked through her door. “And when can you leave?”

  “Soon, baby. I’ll talk to you a in a bit. I’ve got to make a delivery.”

  The call disconnected. She frowned. A delivery?

  * * * *

  Jax rang the bell on the Trident’s back door. Well, he was sorta a delivery. A better package than she expected, he hoped.

  She opened the door looking dejected. “Holy sh―” Her face brightened like the noonday sun.

  His heart nearly burst in joy. “Can you sign for this?” With a grin, he held up a copy of his transfer.
r />   She jumped into his arms.

  Where he wanted to keep her.

  “Now who’s keeping secrets?” She squeezed him tight.

  He set her down and shut the door behind him. God, she glowed with sensuality in her jean shorts and cropped tank. She certainly didn’t look like the mother of a soon to be sixteen-year-old. “Wanted to surprise you.” Should he tell her? “You can thank Sean.”

  She stumbled back a step. “My ex?”

  “He called in a favor.”

  “Oh, so that’s what you two were talking about before you left.”

  “I didn’t want to tell you in case something went south.”

  Tears brimmed darkening her eyes. “I understand.”

  “Don’t cry, Angel.” He slid his arms around her waist. Something was off. She seemed upset. His gut twisted. “Everything okay?”

  “Sorry, the last few weeks have been overwhelming, with Haley and everything.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t be here for you when you needed me.”

  “You rescued my daughter, Jax.” She sniffed.

  “I know but you needed me here too.”

  “Actually you were.” She placed his hand on her belly. “The test was wrong.” She studied him for a reaction.

  His heart skipped several beats. He cupped her chin. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She trembled. With her mouth set tight, her expression bordered on apprehensive. “Same as you. I was scared I’d jinx your transfer.”


  “And I didn’t want to worry you, especially if they shipped you out. I wouldn’t risk distracting you.”

  He debated his words carefully. “You’re okay with this? I want you to be happy. Either way, I’m here for you.”

  “I’m ecstatic.” She circled her stomach.

  He hoped his grin said more than any words.

  “So, I’m thinking we should seal this deal, Chief. And there’s still the matter of the Trident’s virgin pool table.”

  “Not for long.” He picked her up, carried her to the table, and peeled her shorts off. After a quick kiss to her belly, he unzipped and joined her on the felt.

  He sank into her heated softness and started a slow rhythm. “Wow, I must have some pretty good swimmers.”


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