Dragon Kin Captive Heart

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Dragon Kin Captive Heart Page 2

by Anne Kane

  His heart leapt at her admission, even as it ached for her pain. “He may have been a dragon, but he was nothing like me. To bind a human against her will is the action of a beast. I would take you and cherish you as you deserve.” He lifted a finger to trace the path of a single tear that escaped from her eye. “I would let you lead, let you do as you would with my body. Give me a chance.”

  Catching her hand in his, he laid it over his heart. “Give us a chance.” He saw the uncertainty in her expression and pressed home his advantage. She felt safe here, he realized. She knew she had only to cry out and Mireya would come to her rescue. “Feel how my body reacts to your touch.” He took her hand and placed it over the aching bulge at his groin.

  The sound of a metal door slamming jarred Haydn back to reality. They were in a public building, a coffee shop. Someone could walk in at any moment. He needed to take her somewhere more private to continue wooing her.

  He dismissed his apartment. She’d feel trapped within four walls, afraid of what he could do to her, alone and at his mercy. Her past would work against him. It needed to be somewhere open, somewhere she’d feel safe.

  The meadow. “Let me take you to a place I discovered last spring, one of the alpine meadows. It’s beautiful, a fitting place for a beauty like you.”

  She tilted her head, curiosity in her eyes. “Where is it?”

  “Up higher, in the interior of the island. The grass grows tall and lush, and the fragrance of the wild orchids’ blooms is amazing. A perfect setting for your beauty.”

  “Sounds lovely, but how would we get there?”

  “Have you ever ridden on a dragon?”

  Cassie shuddered. “No, unless you count being clutched in his claws and dangling helplessly while he flew. Maudred liked to feed off the psychic fumes of my terror. Once, he dropped me in mid-flight and swooped down to catch me just before I splattered all over the ground. He said the rush was better than any drug invented.”

  “Maudred was the dragon who bound you? I’d like to meet him sometime. The bastard needs to learn some manners.” He kept his voice mild, not letting her see the rage he felt at the thought of someone deliberately terrifying his fire companion. “You can ride on my back. If you sit forward, just behind my neck, you can hook your feet under the overlapping neck scales. There are lots of bony ridges to hold on to, and you’ll be perfectly safe.” And in control. After her experiences with Maudred, she would need to feel that control.

  She cocked her head, and he could see interest warring with the caution in her eyes. “Give it a try.” He reached out to grasp her hand. “I won’t let you be hurt. I promise.”

  She chewed on her lower lip as she studied him. “Okay. I’ll give it a try.”

  Haydn leaned forward to place a kiss on her mouth. “Let’s go then. I have a sudden urge to breathe some pure mountain air.”

  “Thanks, Mireya!” he hollered, hoping she could hear him. After throwing a couple of bills on the table to pay for the coffee, he led Cassie out into the parking lot. He could feel his cock hardening in anticipation of her touch. The thought of soaring through the air with his fire companion perched astride his back sent tingles of lust racing through him. Cassie might not know it yet, but he didn’t plan to let her out of his sight until they’d made love three full times, sealing the mate-bond. The meadow would be the ideal setting for seduction number one.

  Standing in the middle of the pavement, he ignored her gasp as he stripped off his clothing and folded it into an efficient bundle that he could carry in one claw while they flew. His cock hardened under her gaze and it took all of his self-control not to take her right there. He wanted their first time to be perfect.

  He called his magic, closing his eyes as the familiar tingling swept through him. His body elongated, scales erupting from beneath his skin while his neck lengthened and his legs thickened to become muscular limbs capable of supporting his dragon’s body. His tail grew long and scaled, lashing back and forth to work out the stiffness of the change. His spirit merged with that of the dragon dwelling within his soul, and he felt complete.

  “You don’t look anything like the dragon who bound me. You’re gorgeous!” She reached out to stroke the scales on his side. “The way the different colors of greens and blues blend into each other is amazing. They shimmer in the moonlight, changing hues every time you move.”

  He knelt at Cassie’s feet, being careful not to knock her hand away. He reveled in the feel of his fire companion’s touch. Glad you like my dragon. Climb up on my back and get yourself settled in comfortably. You can hook your feet beneath the scales along my neck and find a solid handhold.

  Cassie’s jaw dropped. “I can hear you, but you’re not speaking. You can’t be. You’re a dragon.”

  Dragons have the gift of telepathy, and as my souler, my soul mate, you can hear thoughts that I project to you.

  “That is so cool. Does it work the other way too? Can you read my thoughts?”

  Haydn loved the wonder in her expression. Being bound had taken its toll, but she was recovering already. If you project them to me, then yes. I can’t actually read your mind.

  Like this? A cute frown wrinkled her brow. Can you hear me now?

  Exactly like that! You catch on fast.

  Cassie ran her hand over his side, feeling the bony scale plates. It won’t hurt you when I climb up?

  Nope. Won’t even tickle. Up you go.

  She found a handhold and clambered awkwardly up his side using the bony ridges of his scales to steady herself. When she reached the top, she straddled his neck, and he could feel her toes as she poked her feet under the overlapping scales to find a comfortable seat.

  Ready? He felt her tighten the grip with her knees.

  “I think so.” Her voice quavered, and he could tell she was having second thoughts. “Fly carefully. I don’t want to fall off.”

  I’d never do anything to put you in danger. He sent a warm rush of reassuring love through their bond-link and felt her relax. Crouching down, he grasped his clothing in one claw before he leapt skyward, his powerful wings stroking through the cool air as night gave way to morning. They quickly gained altitude, and he made sure to keep the ride smooth so as not to upset his passenger.

  This is amazing. I can see the whole town, and the beach and the roof of my house, and yet I feel as safe as if I were sitting in my old easy chair. The wonder in her voice sent a satisfied thrill through Haydn. Already she sensed the difference between him and the rogue who’d bound her.

  We’re going to circle around that peak up ahead and land in a meadow on the far side. You should get a good view of the mainland before we swing back.

  He pulled the tips of his wings in a bit, slowing their forward momentum. If she was enjoying the view and the ride, he could afford to wait a few more minutes before seducing her. He angled into the breeze and drifted around the mountain peak, taking a wide swing out over the ocean. The water shimmered below them, an alluring shade of azure blue. Cool morning air feathered across his muzzle before hitting his wings. For the first time in ages he felt at peace with himself and the world. He’d found his soul mate, his souler.

  Is that the meadow?

  Haydn looked down. A riotous mix of colors met his gaze. The meadow, alive with the first flowers of spring. Yes. Beautiful, isn’t it? He tilted his wings back and circled, coming in to land from the west. He could feel Cassie gripping harder as the air buffeted her on landing. He knelt down to allow her to dismount.

  “That was wonderful!” She slid off his back with the grace of one born to ride, laughing with delight. “It felt like I owned the world!”

  Haydn grinned. Her mocha skin glowed, her eyes sparkling with joy. If it were mine to give, you would. He called the magic, eager to shift so that he could hold her in his arms.

  * * *

  Cassie watched the magic swirl around the hulking figure of the dragon. The ride had been wonderful, opening her eyes to the myriad of differences bet
ween the dragon who’d bound her and the mouthwatering male who’d whisked her to this mountain retreat. She could feel the heat rush to her cheeks as she imagined what she wanted him to do to her. No, not to her. With her. She sensed that he’d truly meant what he said. He’d let her take the lead, wouldn’t push her to do anything unless she were a willing participant.

  Would she be brave enough to give him the chance? She lifted her chin, watching Haydn emerge from the sparkling cloud. A thin sheen of sweat covered his naked body, and her attention wandered to the hard shaft angling upward from his groin.

  Not giving her a chance to think, he tossed his clothing aside and strode toward her. Curling his finger around her wrist, he drew her toward him.

  Cassie watched his sinfully sexy lips descend, mesmerized. She shouldn’t want him so badly. He was a dragon. She should run while she had the chance. But she didn’t. She let her eyelids flutter down, closing at the first touch of his warm lips. She melted against him, there was no other way to describe it. She fit herself against him, craving the feel of his hard body burning through the thin protection of her clothing.

  It might be madness, but she no longer cared. She’d never felt so needy, lust wiping out every self-protective instinct she had. His body crowded her, his cock hard against the soft flesh of her belly.

  He nibbled on her lower lip, his teeth tracing a scorching path across it before he plunged his tongue deep to take complete control. Cassie whimpered at the merciless invasion, lust sweeping through her at his every touch. She ran her tongue alongside his, challenging him to make her his.

  His arms came around her like bands of steel, holding her steady when her knees threatened to buckle. “You’re overdressed for what I have in mind.” He murmured the words against her lips while he swept her up in his arms and strode across the clearing.

  “Are you always this forceful?” She let him lay her down in a patch of soft clover, the smell of crushed greenery rising to tease her senses.

  “No. You are special. My fire companion. My souler.” He unbuttoned the front of her shirt and spread the material to expose her breasts, barely restrained by the lacy bra she’d donned for her shift that evening. His eyes darkened as he gazed down at her. “You are exquisite.”

  Cassie snorted. “I’m plump, to put it mildly.” But secretly she was pleased when he shook his head, his hot gaze devouring the exposed skin.

  “You are perfect, a fitting fire companion for one such as me.” He reached down to release her breasts from their prison of lace. His nostrils flared, and she had the crazy impression that he was inhaling her scent. He tugged impatiently at the sleeves of her shirt, and Cassie raised herself up on one elbow to pull it off. “This too.” He tugged at the waistband of her skirt. “If I have to wait much longer I’ll be tearing it off you, and then you’ll have nothing to wear on the flight back.”

  Cassie giggled, picturing herself perched naked on the back of the dragon as it flew through the morning sky. Lust still clawed at her center, and she didn’t feel any of the fear she associated with the proximity of dragons. She got to her feet and hooked her thumbs in the waist of the denim skirt. Capturing his gaze, she gave a slow sensuous wriggle of her ample hips as she worked the material down over them, every move a teasing invitation.

  Haydn drew in a ragged breath, his attention fixed on the flesh revealed as she let the skirt drop to the ground and stepped out of it. The tiny lace thong quickly followed. “I have no idea what I did to deserve you, but I’m not going to let you go. You’re so beautiful.”

  He held out his hand, and Cassie hesitated for a second before slipping her fingers into his. “You promised not to bind me.”

  He nodded. “And I will keep that promise. I would never hold you against your will. I intend to make you so happy you’ll never want to leave me.”

  Cassie relaxed, dropping to her knees. “Ah well, that’s different. Give it your best shot.”

  With a sexy grin on his lips, he grasped her hips and drew her down on top of him. She could feel the hard length of his shaft against her thigh, and she wriggled her hips, loving the way his cock jerked in response.

  “Two can play at that game.” Haydn shifted, positioning his leg between her thighs. His grin widened at the little gasp that escaped her lips, and he slid his leg from side to side.

  Heat flared through her, dark and edgy. She’d never felt like this before -- this burning lust, this aching desire. His thigh brushed against the hard nub of her clit, and she arched her back, grinding her sex against him. “I need…”

  “You need what? Tell me.” The urgency in his voice sent her lust spiraling higher.

  “I need you. I want your cock buried deep inside me.” She reached down between them to circle his shaft with her fingers. “I can’t believe I’m saying this to a dragon shifter but I want you to fuck me until I scream for mercy.”

  “Make love to you.” He cupped the back of her head and pulled her down to sear a kiss across her lips. “You are my soul mate. When our bodies come together, it will be to make beautiful, passionate love.”

  “Fine. I want you to make love to me. Now!” Cassie was in no mood to debate the wording. She’d never been this horny, and if he didn’t do something soon she wasn’t sure she’d survive.

  “As you wish.” Grasping her by the hips, Haydn lifted her up over himself as if she weighed no more than a feather. He lowered her until the tip of his cock brushed against the slick entrance to her pussy.

  Cassie whimpered as heat raced through her. “Please.” It came out a breathy whisper.

  He let her down slowly, impaling her on his thick cock. Fingers of erotic heat darted through her every nerve as the invading shaft stretched the walls of her sex, pressing ever deeper into her center until she could feel his balls bouncing against her ass.

  “Ye gods, you’re tight!” He held her steady, circling his hips.

  “You’re just so damn big,” she gasped. “I don’t think I can handle all of you.”

  “Of course you can.” He arched upward. “You’re in control. Just take your time. It’s all up to you.”

  “Really?” She looked down at him and saw the honesty shining in his eyes. Lifting herself up on her forearms, she pushed into a sitting position, her legs straddling his thighs. With an impish grin, she rocked her hips, sliding her wet pussy along Haydn’s cock. “Can I do this?”

  “Oh yeah.” He sucked in a mouthful of air. “You can do that.”

  “How about this?” Leaning forward, she grasped his nipples and plucked gently.

  “You can, but then I might do this.” Placing his palms under her buttocks, he lifted her up and then let her drop back down.

  “Mmm.” Cassie repeated the move, feeling his shaft sliding along her sensitive inner walls. “This reminds me of riding ponies when I was a kid.” She gave him a lazy smile. “Except I don’t remember it feeling quite this good.” Hooking her feet behind his knees, she moved her hips back and forth, sliding her pussy up and down his cock.

  “Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘ride the dragon’.” Hayden rocked his hips, matching her rhythm.

  “It does indeed.” Liquid heat danced along her spine, and Cassie closed her eyes, bouncing up and down on his thick cock. Haydn’s rough hands caressed her buttocks, and she marveled at how wonderful it felt to be the one in control, the one who decided when to speed things up and when to take it easy. When she’d been bound, even the simplest of decisions had been out of her control.

  Lust flared along every nerve, and she rocked her hips back and forth, building up speed as erotic heat gathered deep within her, urging her to move ever faster. Haydn matched her thrust for thrust, his cock stretching her inner walls as she rode him hard. She could feel her orgasm gathering, sweeping her along in a tidal wave of feelings that she hadn’t experienced since before her capture.

  She opened her eyes and stared down at the dragon, at Hayden, as she came, screaming incoherently while wave aft
er wave of heat rolled through her. She collapsed on top of him, too tired to hold herself up.

  Haydn wrapped his warm arms around her, holding her close. She could hear him murmuring softly, but she couldn’t make out the words. It didn’t matter. She felt safe and warm and… satisfied.

  It had been a long time since she’d been satisfied.

  Chapter Three

  Haydn could feel Cassie’s heart racing against his chest. She’d ridden him hard, and when she came, he’d been unable to hold back, even if he’d wanted to. He’d bedded many females in his time, dragons, humans and others, but he’d never felt such an amazing connection.

  He rested his chin on top of her head and inhaled her unique scent. As soon as his breathing returned to normal, he intended to make love to her again. By the time he took her home to make love to her in the comfort of his lair, he intended there to be no doubt about the difference between him and her ex-master.

  “That was… I feel…Well…” Cassie sighed, her breath feathering across his chest. “You must think I’m an idiot. I can’t even begin to describe it, but I’ve never felt this way before.” She tilted her neck to look into his eyes, and he marveled at the way his heart melted at just that look.

  “I should hope not. You are my fire companion, the other half of my soul. I felt it too, the connection. In all my years, no female has ever made me feel that way.” He stroked one finger down the side of her face, feeling the softness of her skin. “We were born for each other.”

  Cassie looked up at him, her beautiful eyes clouded with doubt. “You’re a dragon, and I’m fully human. How can you think that we’re any more than two beings who happened to both need the release?”

  Hayden shook his head, feeling a gentle smile play across his lips. She was so determined not to believe in their destiny, not to acknowledge the explosive need that ripped through him at just the thought of her. Even now, mere minutes after they’d made love so thoroughly, his cock was stirring to life. “No. I’ve been doing that my whole life. Seeking out willing females to slake my sexual appetites. This is different. This is special.”


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