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Spy Games Page 66

by Cassandra Dee

  But I wasn’t here for that tonight. I was here to drink, dance, get out, and let loose a little after years with my nose to the grindstone, home alone with my cat most nights. So I glanced around, waiting for Ang, hoping I didn’t look too desperate.

  And whaddya know, but another senior citizen came up to me. Why was I attracting these ancient guys? This one looked like a fat cat, an investment banker with French cuffs and striped suspenders, his face red and glistening.

  “Hey,” Mr. Cat growled. “What’s up?”

  Was that all? Was that how he courted women, hoping to get laid? But maybe he was relying on his fancy Ferragamo loafers, the Hermes belt, the gold ring on a chubby pinky.

  “Hi,” I said politely. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Yeah, I’m Patrick,” he said peremptorily. “Architect over at Hudson Bay. You heard of it? We did the World Trade Center, built that up after the planes took it down.”

  I nodded, trying to look impressed. The city had been shaken after the attack, and the new Freedom Tower was a source of pride for us all, a hallmark of how far we’d come since the attacks. But the new WTC took ten years to build and had involved thousands, if not tens of thousands of people across two administrations. There was no way this guy had done it alone. But Patrick wasn’t waiting for an answer, nor was he exactly humble.

  “Yeah,” he boasted. “Bloomberg was shit and Di Blasio wasn’t much better, without me there would be nothing,” he said. “Without me spearheading the effort, we’d still have a construction pit in the ground.”

  That made me pause. In fact, I’d heard nothing but positive things about our two mayors with respect to the rebuilding effort, why was this guy denigrating them? It was hardly the way to introduce yourself to a new lady, putting others down as much as possible. So I tried to excuse myself, mumbling something about my friend waiting, how I needed to get back to her. But the portly man was insistent and slapped a hand on my waist.

  “You look curvy, just my type,” he sneered. “I can make it good for you chica.”

  What the hell? I looked at his meaty fist on the curve of my hip, sitting their possessively like it belonged there. Ugh, there was a sweaty handprint forming on the fabric of my dress, I wanted nothing but to get away. So I made my excuses, more forcefully this time.

  “Um, I’m sorry,” I said frigidly. “But I’m not looking for whatever you’re offering.”

  And Fat Cat goggled his eyes at me again, pulling me closer, that meaty hand still clawing at fabric of my dress, making my skin crawl with disgust.

  “Come on little lady,” he leaned close, the alcohol stench from his breath blowing in my face. “Come on, let ole Pat put his dick in you, it’ll feel good in that tight cunt.”

  And I gasped, about to grind my high heel onto his foot, make him squeal like a pig on a roast when suddenly I was pulled away and into safety, into the arms of an alpha male.

  “Sorry buddy,” came a low, growling voice, “but she’s with me.”

  I looked up to see the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. Tall, with dark hair and deep blue eyes, his chest was broad and wide, arms toned, long legs encased in black slacks. And a white smile flashed although it was anything but friendly. Instead, the man looked about to growl, to jump the fat architect and beat him to a pulp upon the slightest provocation, he just needed a good excuse.

  But the fat man caved like a candle melting in flame.

  “She didn’t say she was with anyone!” he whined. “She was just standing there, hanging onto my every word, she liked me!”

  And I grew stiff, outraged and protesting.

  “No,” I started, “I never said anything, I was …”

  But it didn’t matter because the architect was already gone, his shiny head disappearing in the crowd, his blonde fluff waving comically like duck feathers.

  “Thanks,” I murmured shyly, turning to the man before me. And getting a good look, I gasped because my savior was even better looking than I initially thought. Dimples dotted his cheeks as he smiled, and he shot me another appraising look, letting that blue gaze trail over my breasts, my waist, my big, swinging hips. My body burst into flames, a tingle in my cunt, nips growing hard despite myself. Oh god, oh god, this was so embarrassing, the thin fabric of this dress was no match for my huge Double Ds and I only prayed that my nips weren’t sticking out like bullets, hard and pointy for the man to see.

  But he could read my arousal, smiling sensuously at me as his gaze lingered on my breasts, the way they trailed over my cleavage, up my neck and then resting on my peachy mouth.

  “No worries,” he said casually, like he hadn’t just made my body catch fire, pussy moisten deliciously. “You’re a beautiful woman, figures it happens to you all the time. I’m Trent, by the way,” he said sticking out his hand.

  And I took it shyly, that huge grasp swallowing up my small one, the touch electric, making me gasp. But I had to act normal, I had to act like I had a brain and wasn’t dissolving into a puddle right here in the middle of the bar.

  “Hi,” I blushed, trying not to show that I was breathing hard. “I’m Marie.”

  He grinned at me.

  “So what are you doing here, Marie?” he asked, eyebrow quirked. “This isn’t the place a pretty lady like you usually hangs out, is it?”

  And I flushed.

  “Um no, my friend Angela brought me here,” I said quickly, scanning the crowd for Ang’s head. Where was she anyways? But then I saw her over to the side, laughing and chatting amiably with three men. Oh yeah, my friend was such a flirt she was entertaining three guys on her own, all of them laughing uproariously as she tossed her hair back, made faces, even did a little dance as part of her antics. “I’m usually at home on a Friday night,” I murmured. “This is new for me.”

  “New huh?” he asked. “Yeah, I wouldn’t have guessed the Boom Room was the place for beautiful women, I thought it was more dudes looking to hook up with whatever tramps were in sight.”

  And I gasped, shocked. Really? This was that type of place? There was nothing to indicate that it was, there was a soft thrum of music in the background, everyone dressed to the nines.

  But the man leaned close, his breath warm in my ear.

  “See that female over there?” he said in a low voice, indicating a woman at the edge of the bar.

  And I looked. There was a middle-aged chick sitting at the bar, brown hair in an elegant chignon with a deep red dress on, nothing crazy about her, she looked normal, just another lady stirring a drink, looking around like she was waiting for a date.

  “She’s a high-priced working girl, just wait for it,” he murmured again.

  And I gasped, both from his proximity and the fact that I couldn’t believe it. In fact, this woman could have been me, looking a little unsure of herself. But as I watched, a man slid onto the seat beside her and she smiled at him, her eyes lighting up, friendly yet sensuous.

  “No, she’s just single,” I whispered back to the alpha male, light going off in my body because of his proximity. “That guy’s picking her up, see?”

  But then things took a turn. Because with a flirtatious smile, the woman trailed a finger up her companion’s sleeve, murmuring something, and the look in the man’s eyes changed. Instead of enjoying sexy banter with a pretty lady, his eyes grew hard, contemplative, sliding over her body like she was a piece of artwork meat be purchased. In fact, he went even further. The man lifted one of her hands from her side, as if to get a better look at his body before nodding curtly, the excitement gone from his eyes.

  “See?” came the low rumble in my ear. “See, she just named her price, and he’s agreed.”

  I spun around, brown eyes wide, looking into his.

  “So it’s really happening?’ I breathed, catching his blue gaze with mine. “They’re really going to …?” I stuttered, still disbelieving, unable to finish my sentence.

  And the alpha male nodded again, amused, chucking my chin gently.

“You really are innocent aren’t you?” he chuckled deeply. “But yes, pretty baby, that woman just got bought by the man she was talking to. See? They’re heading up to a room even now.”

  And I watched, mesmerized, as the man paid the bill and left, leaving the woman sitting at the bar. But instead of sipping her drink, instead, she slowly slung her purse over her shoulder and got up, looking like nothing was wrong. And with a secret smile, she waltzed over to the elevators, watching as the light up above hit a certain floor. And when it did, she nodded to herself with satisfaction.

  “That’s right,” murmured Trent in my ear again. “The man’s at his room now, and the woman’s going to join him.”

  And as we watched, another elevator came, the doors sliding open. The brunette stepped the empty chamber and we watched as the doors closed on her neutral face, pretty, pleasant, nice-looking. But sure enough, the elevator began moving and what do you know, it stopped on the same floor as the man.

  “The transaction’s begun,” murmured Trent into my ear. “Our working girl hooked herself a client and they’re up there now, playing with each other.”

  I turned to him, heart beating a million miles a second.

  “It’s incredible,” I whispered, cheeks aflame although I’d done nothing wrong, it wasn’t me scouting for a john. “She looked so normal, you know? There was nothing about her that gave it away. She could have been a PTA mom, a neighbor who bakes cookies, a really nice woman.

  The alpha male smiled at me once more, his eyes knowing.

  “That’s the thing baby girl,” he said, voice low. “The best hookers aren’t usually porn stars or obvious street walkers. The highest paid ones are the ones who are normal women, who give a good girlfriend experience. Do you know that term?”

  And I shook my head. This was all new to me, I never would have picked that woman out as a hooker, not in a million years.

  “No, what’s that?” I breathed.

  The big man smiled at me knowingly.

  “The best hookers offer something called ‘the girlfriend experience’ for lonely guys. It goes way beyond sex, it’s all about making the guy comfortable, making him feel like he’s on top of the world, like he’s got an adoring girlfriend.”

  My cheeks flamed.

  “Oh my god, I never would have guessed,” I murmured. “Girlfriend experience,” I said, rolling the words over my tongue. “Oh my god.”

  The big man took my small hand in his then, his fingers swallowing my palm, so safe, so warm, encasing me fully.

  “You’ve never heard of any of this?” he questioned gently, giving me a squeeze, blue eyes intense. “None of it?”

  And I colored a little, praying that the darkness hid my embarrassment.

  “No never,” I murmured, looking down a little shy. “I’ve been divorced for a while, and I guess the world’s kind of left me behind, rolled away when I wasn’t looking. I’m been a little out of it.”

  “Well, if you like, I’m more than happy to show you,” he rumbled, eyebrows raised, blue eyes inviting.

  I looked up sharply then, breath coming quick. Was he …? Was the big man really propositioning me, right here, in the middle of a crowded bar? I’d only met him ten minutes ago, it was so wild, so crazy and yet so tempting. Because god, Trent was sexy, commanding, confident, his big frame looming over mine, a knowing smile on his lips.

  So I stuttered a bit, unsure what to say. “Um,” I murmured, stalling for time. Suddenly, however, Ang’s words rang out in my head.

  “Let yourself go,” her voice chimed, “Sheesh Marie, you’ve been so down and depressed for five years, let yourself have some fun, it’ll be good for you,” came the words of my friend, clear as a bell.

  And just like that, I tossed caution to the winds. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my shoulders and looked Trent in the eye, chin up, brown meeting blue.

  “Yes, I’d like that,” I said quietly, sure of myself, nervous yet excited, heart beating wildly in my chest. “Yes, I’d like it.”

  And the big man rumbled in his chest, hand still warm over mine.

  “Then let’s get out of here, yeah?” he asked. “Let’s get out of here and somewhere nice.”

  And as heat surged through my curvy form, I followed him out of the bar, the alpha with my hand in his, leading the way, so sure, so confident. Was this really happening? Was I going to have a one-night stand with a stranger, one so devastatingly sexy, so handsome that my legs felt weak even thinking about it, body warm? And as we stepped into the elevator, my heart beat even faster because I looked into those blue eyes again and knew it was right. This was exactly what I needed to let the new Marie out, and I couldn’t wait for the alpha to take me. I was his … for tonight, at least.



  The brunette was gorgeous, standing in the bar alone, nervously biting her lip as she looked around for her friend. I’d watched, amused, as one guy after another approached her, trying to strike up a conversation, get her interested. But she was curiously aloof, smiling politely but not really responding, making her excuses.

  And I was intrigued for sure. Most women that beautiful are practiced when it comes to guys, experience has taught them how to handle men, and they’re able to keep three guys eating out of each palm, juggling the males like masters. But this woman was different. Despite having the looks of a Venus de Milo, curvy, sexy, with a generous rack and even more generous ass, she looked uncomfortable, like the parade of eager suitors made her uncomfortable, she wasn’t sure what to do with them. And I watched, amused, as she talked a little to each one before sending them on their way, craning her head to look for her friend all the while.

  And the brunette was doing okay until that one guy came along. Santa Claus was so overweight that his gut leaked over his belt, protruding like a huge beach ball. But the red-faced man didn’t care, he was stuck on himself for reasons unknown, flashing a gold pinky ring as he chatted her up. And I saw the brunette shake her head, desperately looking around for her friend now, trying to make her excuses, but the fat man just wouldn’t let up. But it all went to shit when he touched her. A big meaty paw landed on the brunette’s ass and she jumped, eyes wide and shocked, trying to create some space between them. But the bar was packed and there was simply no place to go.

  So I dove in for the rescue.

  “Hey,” I ground out, “Found you. Let’s get a drink,” I said, my tone brooking no question as to whom this woman belonged to.

  And sure enough, the lesser man backed off, making his excuses, waddling off as fast as he could, making waves in the crowd as he bumped and pushed. But the woman shot me a glance gratefully.

  “Thanks,” she murmured, “I really appreciate it, I’m not used to crowds like this.”

  My eyebrow quirked. It was more than the crowds, this female was gorgeous and had no idea, flustered by the way men kept approaching her over and over again. And I could see why. Close up, she was even more beautiful than I’d previously thought. Big brown eyes looked up at me, so warm they could melt chocolate, set with a pert, dainty nose and full, plush lips. Oh god, those lips, what they could do to a man, how they’d feel all over my body.

  But I shook myself, forcing the dirty train of thought to stop. Fuck, I’d come to rescue the woman and instead I was acting like a grunting caveman, ready to claim her for myself. Down boy, down. So I took a deep breath and laughed nonchalantly, instead making casual conversation with her, easy banter. And she was so responsive, her eyes melting into mine, her breathy laughs coming easy even as I shocked and titillated her.

  “That there’s a working girl,” I nodded to the woman who’d staked out a corner of the bar.

  Marie’s innocence was incredibly charming, those cheeks flushing as she looked.

  “No really?” she gasped. But I nodded authoritatively. I knew for sure because the woman had propositioned me already tonight, she was making her rounds of the Boom Room, and as one of the few attractive
guys here, she’d come to me first in the hopes of making her night a little easier.

  “Yeah,” I rumbled, leaning in close to her. “For sure.”

  And it was fun, watching with the little lady as we observed the scenario unfold. Because sure enough, our working girl found herself a john, joining him upstairs, and Marie turned to me again, eyes wide, still disbelieving.

  “It’s true, isn’t it?” she murmured quietly. “I never would have guessed, she looked so normal.”

  And I laughed because the best working girls aren’t those that look like models or actresses, they tend to look like the girl next door, attractive but not movie-star beautiful, more Good Housekeeping than Vogue. But they’re experts at reading men, at intuiting what a man wants, what a man needs, that’s what nets them the big bucks.

  But right now, this woman was what I needed. There was something about Marie, her indecision, a little lost, new to it all, and I wanted to show her the world. I wanted to see where we could go, how that curvy body would feel against mine, wrapped around me, her warmth soft and oh so sweet. So I kissed her gently, right there in the bar, our breath mingling, and sure enough, the woman gave it up, pressing her body into mine.

  “Yes,” she murmured. “Yes.”

  And that was enough. I took her hand and led her to my room for a night of loving … determined to ravage that female form and best the best she’d ever had.



  Oh god, I was here in a plush suite of the Four Seasons, I was with a strange man in his hotel room and instead of feeling threatened or scared, I merely felt excited, delirious almost in anticipation of what was going to happen. Because I wanted it. I wanted Trent to reawaken my body, to make me into a woman once more, desirable, harboring a man within myself, making me feel good, whole and sensual once more.


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