Five Moons Rising

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Five Moons Rising Page 2

by Lise MacTague

  Malice pulled off the side street and onto the Tri-State. Prudently, she kept her speed down. Traffic blew by her on the left as she made sure not to be the fastest one out there. If she was pulled over for speeding, she would have a hard time explaining the contents of her toolbox.

  The wind whistled through her window, stripping the last bits of acridness from the inside of her nose. She breathed deeply, tucking a stray lock of hair behind one ear. Regs demanded that an operative with long hair club it back into a tight bun, but she preferred the ponytail. At just above her shoulders, her hair didn’t always cooperate with a bun and the pony was easier. It wasn’t like she had some sergeant waiting at home to get on her back about it, only her handler, and he certainly didn’t go out on missions.

  Slowly, the Chicago skyline passed by on her left, lights twinkling merrily at her through the stillness of the evening. It was a gorgeous autumn night, but late enough that traffic on the Tri-State was almost nonexistent and she made it home five minutes earlier than she’d anticipated.

  Her neighborhood wasn’t that different from the one she’d just left. It was mostly warehouses and as quiet at night. She pulled up in front of one of the older buildings, three stories of weathered brick and frosted glass windows. It took up half the city block. Bending over, she felt around for the small button hidden under her dash. It was little more than a depression in the molded plastic, but it clicked loudly when she pressed it down.

  The large metal door a few yards away raised, metal creaking slightly in protest. As soon as the door was barely high enough to drive under, she roared in, pressing the button again. The tortured squeal of the door reversing in its track echoed throughout the cavernous first floor. It reminded her uncomfortably of the demon whose existence she’d terminated scarcely an hour before.

  The entire area was open and mostly empty. Large pillars marched along the interior and did much to break up the emptiness. Malice could have parked anywhere, but she pulled up next to a small area enclosed with chain-link fence. She opened the door and vaulted from the truck’s running board onto the edge of the bed. Bending her knees, she picked up the toolbox in both hands. It was heavy, but nothing she couldn’t handle. Since no one was around, she made no effort to hide her strength. The weight would have been too much for most men, never mind most women, but she handled it with little more than a grunt.

  She knew she was on the short side. Oh sure, statistics might say the average height of a woman in the US was 5’3”, but she always felt short when around other humans, though by the numbers she was exactly average. Even her baby sister was taller at 5’6”, and that rankled. The day Cassidy had discovered Mary Alice was no longer the taller one still burned in her memory. As a moody teenager, that had done nothing to improve her attitude. That had been the day before she’d joined the US Army.

  At least her strength was a hell of an equalizer. Some people thought they could mess with her, normal humans who didn’t know any better. Little did they know that even the fastest and most ripped man had little chance against her, all thanks to Uncle Sam.

  With another grunt, she stepped up on the side of the bed and dropped to the ground, bending her knees again to absorb the extra weight. Malice gasped aloud at the pain in her ribs. She’d forgotten about her injury. Adrenaline and a boosted metabolism had driven it from her mind. She set the box on the ground and took a deep breath. It didn’t feel like she’d damaged herself any further, but she needed to be more cautious.

  Against the chain fence was another toolbox, identical in appearance to the one she’d just removed. This one actually carried tools, and not ones meant for dispatching supranormals. Carefully, she lugged it to the end of the truck and balanced it against the bumper as she pulled down the tailgate. Placing the box on the bed, she gave it a good shove. It slid the length of the bed before coming to a rest against the cab with a muffled thump.

  Satisfied, Malice headed over to the freight elevator on the other side of the enclosure. Wooden gates stood open, and the elevator car waited for her. Weariness dragged at her. It was all physical, the adrenaline finally waning. She knew from experience that her mind would continue to churn for hours yet. It was good to be home where she didn’t have to worry about anything else.

  Inside the elevator, she pulled the wooden gates closed before pressing the button for the top floor. A reluctant rumble accompanied the car as it moved between the floors before coming to a stop on the third floor. She opened the doors and stepped into the echoing loft. Almost home, she thought. Her quarters were all the way across the large empty space. If anyone ever tracked her to her home, she wanted as much warning as possible. Her distance from the elevator gave her some peace of mind, but she really wanted to unwind. A hot bath sounded divine, and it was still too far away.

  Privacy screens created the illusion of walls, turning the cavernous space into something cozy and comfortable. Malice dropped her trench coat on the floor by the door. It wasn’t really a door, more like a gap between the screens, but she couldn’t help but think of it as such.

  I should really pick that up. She hesitated for a moment. Nah. There was no one to nag her. That was a good thing. Why does that always sound like I’m trying to convince myself?

  A blinking light in the kitchen caught her eye. Her personal cell phone lay on the island, flashing mindlessly, the light gleaming off the stainless steel countertop. She had a message. Malice fished out her other phone, tossing the burner down onto the counter without much thought. Unlike her own phone, this one was built like a brick and could take a beating after being submerged in water for three days. Operational security dictated she leave her own phone at home on a run, but the burner was indispensable if she needed backup. She rarely did, but the few times she’d gotten in over her head, she’d been glad for it.

  She had seven messages, as it turned out. Malice eyed the screen before sighing. That didn’t bode well. Only a handful of people had the number and a reason to leave her a voice mail. Even if they all called at once, there wouldn’t be seven messages. Malice left a very light impression on the human world. Tapping in her password, she brought up her voice mail and set it to speaker.

  “Hi, Mary Alice.” Her sister’s voice filtered tinnily through the speaker. Malice smiled and pulled her shirt over her head, ignoring the twinge that went through her ribs. “Don’t forget, we’re on for lunch with Mom next Wednesday before she heads home. You can’t get out of seeing her for much longer. I can’t wait to introduce you guys to the new place I went with my classmates.”

  Cassidy’s voice did more to relax her than even veterinary-grade sedatives could. These days her metabolism was too high for most drugs to have more than a fleeting effect upon her anyway. She smiled as her sister prattled on for another minute or so while she prodded her side with cautious fingertips. Satisfied that the worst she had to deal with were a few bruises and shallow cuts, Malice advanced to the next message.

  “Mary Alice, it’s Uncle Ralph. I miss you, kiddo. Call me.” Despite the words, the voice was curt, almost impersonal, and Malice rolled her eyes. Her handler wanted to know how the night’s activities had gone. He was always impatient. After five years of working together, he still thought he could rush her into debriefing. She needed to come down before she’d talk about it. He knew that, but it didn’t stop him from trying to prod her into talking it out sooner than later. He would simply have to wait. Daylight would be more than soon enough to touch base.

  “Hi, Mary.” Her head snapped up at the voice that filtered through the phone’s speaker. Her voice light and slightly breathless, the woman sounded nervous. “I had a great time the other night, and you said you’d call, but you haven’t. I hope you don’t mind me calling, but I got your number from your gallery.”

  Oh no, she didn’t! Disbelieving, Malice slumped into one of the high chairs at the island. She stared at the phone. It had been a mistake to go on that second date with Ann; she’d known it when she agreed to it. T
he girl was nice and they’d had a lot of fun at her apartment. So much fun, in fact, that Ann’s downstairs neighbor had pounded on the floor to get them to tone it down. But all it had been for her was an opportunity for some fabulous sex and to blow off some much-needed steam. Apparently, Ann hadn’t taken the hint.

  She picked up the phone and scanned through the other messages. They were all from that Ann chick. With a groan, Malice deleted them without bothering to listen further. She was going to need to change her phone number. That was no big thing—she did it periodically as a security precaution. But Ann had said she’d gotten her number from the gallery. Her hand tightened around the phone and it flexed slightly. She quickly relaxed her grip; it wouldn’t do to crack another screen.

  The morning was the earliest she’d be able to track down the gallery owner and find out what the hell had happened. If the answer wasn’t satisfactory, she would have to take her sculptures elsewhere, somewhere that understood the value of discretion.

  She glanced around the darkened kitchen, and then heaved a sigh of irritation. There was no point trying to unwind for bed. Her heart rate was back up and thudding in her chest. She was keyed up for more action, almost tingling with the need to hit something. If she wasn’t going to be able to sleep tonight, then she might as well do something useful. It was time for a little workout. Maybe if she worked her body past the point of exhaustion, she’d be able to grab a couple hours of sleep before the sun came up.

  Chapter Two

  “Ruri. Ruri…” The voice cooing in her ear sent shivers down her spine, and she grinned, face turned against the pillow. “Come on, baby. Wake up.”

  Determined to keep up the charade that she was still sleeping, Ruri kept her body limp. A tongue’s warm tip brushed delicately against her earlobe, chasing shivers with delicious goose bumps. Ruri bit her lower lip to keep from gasping. A low chuckle told her she’d failed to sell the illusion of sleep. The tongue was replaced by teeth that grasped hold of her ear and tugged gently.

  Unable to contain herself, Ruri let out a low groan and was rewarded by a warm hand sliding over her rump, cupping and kneading it. Agile fingers slipped between her legs and dipped between lips already soaked by arousal. She couldn’t help but raise her ass to allow better access to her aching pussy.

  “I know you’re awake.” A warm body draped itself across her back. Ruri cried out when fingers penetrated deep inside her in a single thrust. Teeth closed over the back of her neck. Pain and pleasure intermingled, and she couldn’t stop the growl that rose in her chest. She pushed herself up on her elbows and rocked back to meet each thrust, intensity increasing until they strained at each other, battling for orgasm.

  She wasn’t going to come this way. Ruri knew it. The pressure to orgasm built until she couldn’t take it anymore. Sweat covered her body in a thin sheen and her gums ached from holding herself back, keeping herself together.

  “Stop,” she grunted. Immediately, the fingers stroking her pussy were removed. Ruri looked over her shoulder in time to catch her lover licking the juices from her fingertips. She caught Ruri looking and winked, before exaggerating the motion of her tongue.

  “Britt…” Ruri whirled around on her knees and tackled her lover to the bed. Brittney’s long, white-blond hair splayed out on the rumpled navy blue sheets. She stared at Ruri with mischief in her pale blue eyes. Normally, Ruri would have paused to admire the beautiful color of her eyes, but she had other things on her mind.

  She straddled Britt’s hips, grinding their mounds together, and the mischief was chased off her lover’s face by raw desire. Her eyes practically smoked from the passion of her arousal, and she undulated her hips against Ruri.

  “That’s it, Britt.” Ruri leaned forward and took Brittney’s breasts in each hand, plucking at the nipples and smiling as they pebbled even harder in response. She looked down into Britt’s face and noticed with satisfaction that her eyes had shifted. They were electric blue, a color never seen in humans. Britt was getting close.

  Ruri’s whole body jerked when her lover closed both hands over her hips and dug in. Nails, hard and pointed from their transformation, dug into her skin, sending prickles of pleasure-pain rushing up her spine and pooling in her groin. The ache in her gums gave over to a sweet pain and teeth, pointed and sharp, burst free.

  She leaned forward and placed her hands on either side of Brittney’s shoulders and thrust her pelvis against the soaked mound of her lover. Brittney growled at the increased friction, and Ruri dug her own hardened nails into the comforter beneath them in response.

  Below her, Brittney’s teeth erupted and her head thrashed from side to side. Her breathing picked up pace until she was almost panting. Abruptly, Brittney stiffened and arched her back, howling as her release tore through her. Twin pops and the tear of fabric accompanied Ruri’s orgasm as she absorbed the energy Britt released when she came. Her back arched and she stiffened too, throwing her head back and howling in triumph at the ceiling. A thousand points sparked to life along her skin, then twinkled out slowly. She sagged forward, cradling Britt to her chest.

  Entwined, they lay on the bed, breathing slowly, returning to something that resembled normal.

  “Not again,” Brittney said. “That’s the third comforter this month.” She lifted a hand and waved it indolently through the air. Feathers floated down upon them.

  “You have that effect on me,” Ruri said. She blew out a puff of air and laughed as downy white feathers swirled about.

  “Don’t I know it.” Brittney pulled slowly out of Ruri’s arms and sat up. She stretched, running long fingers no longer tipped with claws through her thick mane of hair before letting her arms drop.

  “So was that all you needed?” One nipple seemed particularly fetching, and Ruri reached out her hand, running her hand over the perfect globe of Brittney’s breast before giving her intended target a slow squeeze.

  Brittney bit her lip and inhaled, closing her eyes. When she reopened them, the orbs that had only just reverted to their usual ice-blue already held a rim of brilliance around the center. She gently removed Ruri’s fingers and slid out of her reach. “Actually, it’s not why I came to wake you up at all.” She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. “Dean’s looking for you.”

  Alarmed, Ruri sat straight up, whipping the still-drifting feathers into a small blizzard around her. “The Alpha wants to see me and you thought we should go at it for a while before you told me that?” She regretted her sharp tone as soon as Brittney turned her back.

  “He said it wasn’t a big hurry, only that he wants to talk to you before the meeting.”

  Ruri repressed a groan. Britt was pouting and she was right to be annoyed. She should have known Britt wouldn’t jerk her around if it was important. They’d been sleeping together exclusively for almost six months and Brittney had never given her any reason to doubt her. She wasn’t prepared to initiate matebonding with the other woman, not yet, but she harbored hopes they would soon get there. They had fun together and their chemistry was explosive, if destructive—as the eviscerated duvet showed.

  “I’m sorry, Britt.” Ruri softened her voice. “I shouldn’t have snapped. You did the right thing.”

  “You’re damn right I did.” Brittney unbent enough to turn around and regard Ruri through a curtain of hair. Satisfied that Ruri was sufficiently remorseful, she smiled. “I guess you do deserve the cup of coffee I made for you.”

  “You made coffee?” Greedily, Ruri sniffed the air. Now that she wasn’t distracted by thoughts of sex, she could smell the delicious aroma of freshly brewed espresso. They didn’t drink regular coffee. It wasn’t strong enough for the caffeine to have much effect, so most wolven couldn’t be bothered. A quadruple-shot of espresso would perk her up, however. “You’re a lifesaver.”

  “I know.” Brittney walked across the room, with a roll to her hips that made Ruri’s mouth go dry just watching it. She picked up the cup and handed it to Ruri who slurped dow
n an ecstatic mouthful.

  “Mmm.” She closed her eyes as the caffeine hit her system. “It tastes different than usual. Did you add one of your flavors to it?”

  “Yep,” Brittney said brightly. “Caramel macchiato. What do you think?”

  “It’s great.” Determined not to piss off her lover for the second time that morning, Ruri forced herself to take another gulp. The flavor was too sweet for her taste, heavy and cloying, but she wasn’t going to screw up again by seeming ungrateful.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Brittney reached down and collected her clothes from their neat heap beside the bed. “I’ll leave you to it. I promised Raquel I’d look in on her this morning.”

  “Have fun.” Brittney pulled on her clothes as she walked out the door, and Ruri craned her neck to catch one last glance of exposed flesh before it was gone. She needed to get ready herself. Dean might have indicated that their meeting wasn’t particularly urgent, but it never paid to keep the Alpha waiting.

  She cast another glance at the open door. Knowing that people passing by could see her lounging naked on the bed didn’t bother her. Her people were comfortable with nudity, and many of them spent their days half to fully naked.

  This was not going to be one of those days for her. With a shudder, she put down the overly sweet cup of espresso. From the dresser, she pulled a pair of cargo pants and a tank top. Underwear was a strange conceit of humans, one she never bothered with. Ruri pulled back her chin-length hair into a short ponytail and slipped on a pair of sandals.

  The Alpha’s quarters were on the first floor near the front of the building. The pack had been living in the old hotel for a few years now. It was perfect for their purposes; everyone was close to each other, but there were opportunities for privacy. Ruri smiled as she walked through the hallway toward the stairwell. When they’d first moved in, the place had been a pit, everything stained and dirty. And the smell! Even for a human, the smell would have been overpowering. For them, the stench had been almost unbearable.


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