Reckless Love

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Reckless Love Page 8

by Kelly Elliott

  “No. And here.”

  “Okay, well, don’t you think I should have a nursery at my house too?”

  She chewed on her lip.

  “You are going to let me see my own child, right?”

  Her mouth fell open, and she stared at me in shock. “Of course I am!”

  “Okay, because I’m pretty sure the first thing my folks are going to ask is when we’re getting married. We need to have something else to tell them. A plan of how we intend to share custody of the baby.”

  She instantly began chewing on her thumbnail. “Right. They’ll ask questions.”

  “I think we should be honest with them.”

  Laughing, she faced me. “What? Tell them you’re a dick and wouldn’t commit to a relationship with me before I got knocked up? And what else should we tell them? We had unprotected sex and when you realized it, you ran out? Without so much as a ‘thanks for the fuck’?”

  I flinched. “Don’t do that. Don’t make that night seem like it didn’t mean something.”

  “Did it? Because all I do is give and all you do is take. I gave myself to you that night and you took me. Then you left.”

  “I…I got scared because of the intense feelings I was having for you, Scarlett. I know I shouldn’t have left like that, but I didn’t know what else to do. That night was the best night of my life, and we made a child that night. Please don’t let my stupid mistake take away from that.”

  She stood there, something I didn’t understand etched on her face. A part of me thought she might kiss me, the other part was ready for her to slap me.

  Glancing down, she placed her hands on her stomach.

  “I’m so angry at you, Trevor.” When she looked again, her eyes were filled with tears. “And I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive you for hurting me like you did.”

  My very soul was stunned by the reality of her words. I took a step closer, framed her face in my hands, and leaned down. Kissing her gently on the lips, I whispered, “I’ll wait forever if I have to, Scarlett.”

  We drove in silence. Trevor navigated his truck through the streets of Oak Springs out to the country roads. I loved being farther out of town. Not that being in town was bad; it wasn’t. But something about the silence of the country soothed my soul.

  Clearing my throat, I said, “I talked to Corina about working for her.”

  I could feel Trevor’s gaze. “Did you lose your job?”

  “No, but I got to thinking about when the baby is born. I don’t want to put him or her into daycare. If I helped at the bed and breakfast, I could use the nursery that Mitchell had put in for Merit. Plus, her mother works there full time, so she could help me with the baby.”

  When I looked at him, he was staring straight ahead.

  “Trevor? You know you’re stopped at a stop sign, right?”

  This time, he cleared his throat. “Yeah, sorry. I got to thinking. How would this work? Will we just share her?”

  My stomach flipped when he said her. Did Trevor hope for a girl? Did he even realize he had said that?

  “Yes, of course. I mean, if you feel like you want to do something legally, we can have Tripp write up a custody agreement.”

  His face went white as a ghost. “What? No, I don’t think that’s necessary, do you?”

  I smiled. “I don’t think so.”

  “Is your insurance good at work? What about after the baby is born?” He rubbed his neck, his habit for when he was thinking about something important or really stressed out.

  “It’s okay. It won’t cover everything, but most of everything. Corina said she has a small insurance plan that her mother is on that I can be added to. It will be more expensive, but I think I can make it work by not having to pay daycare.”

  “Whatever it doesn’t cover for the birth, let me know, and I’ll take care of the rest. We can always add the baby onto my insurance.”

  My chest squeezed. “Are you sure?”

  Trevor reached for my hand, but when I pulled it away, he stopped.

  “Of course, I’m sure.” The hurt in his voice wasn’t hard to hear. I felt guilty, but Trevor had a way of sweeping me off of my feet. As much as I wanted him to hold my hand, we needed to go slow.

  Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh before glancing out the window. I wasn’t sure if I felt relieved at his calmness or scared at his one-eighty about this situation.

  “Has it sunk in that you’re going to be a father?” I blurted out, a little on the bitchy side.

  Trevor chuckled. “Yes.”

  “You seem calm. Accepting this way better than I thought you would.”

  He full-on laughed this time. “Did you not see me run like a bat out of hell at Lilly’s yesterday? Wade is still texting me about the blisters he got from running after me in his boots.”

  I tried not to smile, but I did.

  “Of course, if you need confirmation of my freak out, just ask Steed and Aunt Vi. I’m pretty sure they took turns watching me last night by the pool.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Might have been me sitting in the lounge chair rocking back and forth chanting something about a baby.”

  This time I did laugh. “You were not.”

  “I was. Tell me you didn’t sit in a corner and rock a few times when you found out.”

  Our eyes met, both of us smiling. “I might have for about ten minutes…or an hour, possibly longer.”

  Trevor’s laughter filled the truck and it made my entire body warm up. Especially deep down in my belly. Stupid betraying body.

  “Are you scared?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


  He nodded. “Me too. I don’t want to suck as a father.”

  This time, I reached for his hand and squeezed it. “You won’t. You had an amazing example growing up.”

  His jaw twitched and this time, he withdrew his hand. But it was only to hit the button on the gate that led to the Parker family ranch. My heart was thumping.

  “I hope the prayer chain hasn’t gotten to them.”

  “Well, Aunt Vi said no one had sent out a request for lightning to strike me down, so that’s a good sign that the prayer chain hadn’t been activated yet.”

  I covered my mouth as I attempted not to laugh.

  We both remained silent while Trevor drove down the long driveway and finally pulled up in front of the house.

  “Is anyone else here?” I asked, my hands wringing in my lap.

  “No, their cars would be parked out front. Only Dad and Mom pull around to the back.”

  I nodded.

  Trevor got out of the truck and made his way to my side. He opened the door, and I reached out for his hand but froze.

  “I can’t do this. Your parents are going to hate me. Think I trapped you or want money or think I’m a whore or…”

  Trevor lifted me out of his truck and gently put me on the ground, leaning as close to me as he could without pressing his body onto mine.

  “Stop it. My mother adores you and wouldn’t think any of those things and neither would my father. Scarlett, it takes two to make a baby, remember?”

  “I know, it’s just—”

  His mouth covered mine, and he kissed me. Damn it. I wanted to push him away, but Trevor Parker was my weakness. One little kiss wouldn’t hurt anything, as long as he didn’t deepen it.

  When he pulled away, not taking it further, I felt a sting of disappointment.

  What in the heck is wrong with me?

  You don’t want him. You do want him. Hell, I’m probably more confused than Trevor.

  “Ready?” he asked, his sweet southern voice pulling me from my thoughts. My hands ached to touch his strong, broad chest. To feel his muscles under my fingers.

  Ugh. Scarlett, get it together.

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  John and Melanie Parker were sitting in the family room and I came to an abrupt halt when I saw my parents sitting across from them.<
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  “Oh, shit. Joyce and Dalton are here. It’s a two-for-one kind of day,” Trevor whispered from behind me.

  My parents stood and faced us. As I scanned their expressions, I knew they already knew. Where in the heck was their car when we pulled up?

  “So this is how we find out you’re having a baby? Through Oak Springs gossip?” my father stated, anger etched in each word.

  “We were planning on telling you all today, that’s why we’re here.” My voice sounded shaky, but when Trevor placed his hand on my lower back, I gained new strength.

  John stood slowly, holding onto his side.

  “So, it’s true? You got Scarlett pregnant?” he asked, his eyes piercing Trevor’s.

  Trevor went to speak, but I responded first. “Excuse me, but with all due respect, Mr. Parker. It does take two to tango.”

  My father shook his head and turned from me. Tears pricked at the back of my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

  “The due date?” my mother asked in a harsh tone that made me flinch. Even Melanie looked surprised. She should know the type of woman my mother was. After all, she had been her best friend for years. Joyce Littlefield was all about impressions and what people thought of her and her family.

  Trevor reached for my hand, and I let him take it this time. My entire body was shaking, even my voice, and I needed something to calm me. His touch worked.

  “May 25,” I managed to get out with a steady voice.

  Melanie smiled sweetly at me.

  With a sigh, my mother replied, “Well, looks like we’re going to have to make plans here pretty quick.”

  “Plans for what, Mrs. Littlefield?” Trevor asked.

  “The wedding, of course!” my mother scoffed.


  That synchronized response came from me, Trevor, and Melanie. John stood silent, shooting a glare at Trevor that made my knees shake. My father stood next to John, giving Trevor the same look, just not nearly as bad as his own father’s.

  Melanie cleared her throat, moving to stand closer to my mother. “Joyce, I think we’re jumping to conclusions here. Let’s all sit down. Scarlett and Trevor can help me get some tea and scones I picked up earlier from the bakery.”

  Trevor squeezed my hand as Melanie headed our way.

  “Kids, will you please help me?”

  Trevor nearly pulled my arm out of its socket as we followed his mother through the house and into the kitchen.

  Melanie spun and faced us the moment she stepped into the kitchen. “Trevor Parker, I’d like to put you over my knee and spank you!”

  My mouth twitched with a smile, even though I knew it wasn’t funny.

  “Me? Why me?”

  Jabbing her finger into his chest, she shot him a dirty look. “Wrap the stick! Didn’t we always tell you to use protection?!”

  Then she turned to me.

  “Scarlett Littlefield, I’m so confused with how I should be feeling because I’m over-the-moon happy, but also sad. I feel like I pushed you two together, and I’ve heard rumors and…well…”

  She turned before we could see the tears fall.

  “Wh-what are your plans, so I can help diffuse this situation?” she whispered.

  Trevor and I exchanged a look before I drew in a breath.

  “We’re not getting married. I think we both need time to let this all soak in, but for right now we plan on sharing custody. I’ll have a nursery at my house, Trevor will have one at his house.”

  Melanie stared at us, her mouth open in shock. “You mean, you’re not even moving in together? Are you at least still dating?”

  I swallowed hard and looked away. The heaviness of Trevor’s eyes left a feeling of emptiness in my chest. I couldn’t even find the words to tell her the truth.

  “Not right now we’re not, Mom.”

  “Oh, Lord. Trevor get the tea out of the refrigerator. Scarlett, come help me put these on a plate.”

  The three of us worked in silence as Trevor got a tray and put the cups on it. Once Melanie had taken a few deep breaths, I figured we were heading back into the family room, but she walked to the window that looked out over their pool.

  “Your fathers are going to both be disappointed. Scarlett, I’m not sure what your mother is going to say.”

  “Mom, we can’t be forced into a marriage,” Trevor said. “That wouldn’t be right.”

  Melanie faced Trevor, her eyes narrowing. “Is this because you won’t give up your style of living? Is that why Maebh was so angry at you that night? What have you done, Trevor?”

  Trevor jerked back like his mother had slapped him.

  “No, Melanie, this is about me. Trevor and I have been off and on and we were really never committed to each other. It’s complicated right now. Trevor wants more. I’m the one who needs time.”

  Trevor stepped in front of me, his blue eyes looking down into me. The sadness on his face nearly made my knees buckle.

  “My mom is right. I’ve hurt you in more ways than I could ever make up to you. And I’ll tell my mother like I told you, Scarlett.” He turned and faced his mother. “I’m not giving up on us.”

  “You only feel this way because of the baby, Trevor,” I said, unable to stop myself.

  His eyes closed, and he shook his head. “I told you I came looking for you the other night to tell you I wanted to be with you before I even knew about the baby. Why can’t you believe that?”

  Memories of looking out the window at Trevor standing there, staring at me like I had just ripped his heart out hit me. It was true, he had been begging me that day to talk to him. He said he needed to tell me something and I was positive he was going to tell me he loved me. Why was I so afraid to take the leap?

  Pulling from him, I stared at his chest. “I need a little time.”

  “Then I’ll give you time. I’ll give you the rest of my life if I have to.”

  Melanie walked up to us and placed her hands on both of our arms.

  “I think you need to word your plans differently when we walk back out there.”

  Looking at her, I asked, “What do you mean?”

  “Your parents and John are going to expect Trevor to do the right thing and marry you. Now I think that’s a bit old fashioned, but if you tell them you’re not even dating, heads will spin. This is what you’re going to do. Tell them that y’all are taking things one day at a time. You’ll make all the major decisions when both of your heads are clear, and you’re not making emotional, knee-jerk reactions.”

  Her brow lifted as she said that last part and I couldn’t help but wonder if that was directed at me.

  “Now, let’s get back in there before they come searching for us.”

  Melanie took the tray of perfectly placed scones, directed me to get the pitcher of tea and Trevor to get the tray of glasses and plates.

  I started to move toward the tea when Trevor stopped me. Lifting his hand, he brushed a piece of loose hair away from my cheek.

  “I’m not going to say I’m sorry for this. When it hit me the other night that you were the woman I wanted to be with, this wasn’t the way I wanted things to happen.”

  My heart dropped.

  “But this is the plan that was made for us, and I’m not lying to you when I say I’m both scared shitless and excited as hell.”

  A small smile tugged at my mouth.

  “You don’t want me to say I love you because you don’t think I mean it, but I love you, Scarlett. I have since the moment I first kissed you at eighteen. I just want to make sure you know that before we walk out there.”

  No words would form on my lips, so I gave him a soft smile. Trevor grabbed the tray and headed out of the kitchen, pausing to wait for me.

  Closing my eyes, I focused on keeping the pitcher in my hands still, while I said a silent prayer that things wouldn’t go the way I feared they were fixin’ to.

  Melanie poured a glass of sweet tea for everyone as I brought the tray of scones around. Thi
s felt so gosh darn formal, and I hated it. Not what I pictured when I dreamed of telling my parents about a baby.

  I sat down next to Trevor, all eyes on both of us. It was Trevor who spoke up first.

  “Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Littlefield, I know you all think the right thing to do would be to get married right away. Scarlett and I need to take some time to let this process. I’m sure you know this wasn’t a planned pregnancy. Nonetheless, this child is wanted by both of us, and he or she will be loved unconditionally regardless of what Scarlett and I decide to do. I hope that our excitement is something we share with y’all.”

  I instantly saw bodies relax.

  “Of course, it is!” my mother exclaimed. “It was a shock, that’s all.”

  “As it was to both of us,” I added. “We understand the reckless way we behaved, and we take full responsibility. Trevor and I have decided that we’re going to take this one day at a time. That goes with our relationship, as well. We’re not rushing into something. We also are not moving in together as of right now. Trevor’s going to help me with the baby’s room at my house, and we’ll also have one at his house.”

  My mother moved uneasily in her seat as she took a sip of tea.

  John cleared his throat and looked at me and then Trevor. “My gut reaction is to tell you that you have a responsibility to marry Scarlett, but I agree with you both, and I’m glad to see that you’re thinking with open minds and that you appear to be in this together.”

  Trevor took my hand. “We are. Very much so.”

  “I expect you’re going to stop working at your brother’s bar then?” my father asked. I could hear the dislike for Trevor in his voice.

  “Yes, I actually made that decision before I found out about the baby.”

  Everyone nodded, clearly glad.

  “The expense of the birth?” John asked.

  “My insurance will cover a good portion of it and Trevor’s already said he’ll pay for what isn’t covered.”

  John smiled for the first time. It hit me that since they had found out about the baby, not one of them had congratulated us. Feeling sick to my stomach, I pressed my lips together and quickly stood.


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