Reckless Love

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Reckless Love Page 13

by Kelly Elliott

  He leaned forward and pressed his hand on my chest. “What do you feel in here when you think about Scarlett?”

  Closing my eyes, I pictured Scarlett. I opened my eyes and looked directly at my father.

  “A fire. A blazing fire.”

  He nodded. “Yes. Don’t be afraid of it. Step off into the deep end, I promise, the water won’t put it out.”

  The slight knock at the door caused my father to pull his hand back. With a wink, he said, “Come on in.”

  “Boys, it’s getting late, I’m going to bed.”

  I stood along with my father and shook his hand.

  “I’m leaving, Mom. Thanks for letting me borrow him.”

  My mother wrapped her arm around my father.

  “Always happy to share him.”

  I watched my father gaze down at my mother with so much love on his face. For a moment, I think they forgot I was even there.

  Finally clearing my throat, I said, “’Night y’all.”

  “’Night, sweetheart.”

  “Trevor, are we on for south pasture this week?”

  Laughing, I nodded. “Yeah, Dad. I’ve got it all under control.”

  He gave me a thumbs up. “That’s my boy.”

  Walking out of my parents’ house I knew exactly what I had to do to prove to Scarlett I was in this come hell or high water.

  She was the love of my life, and I was never letting her go.

  “Ms. Littlefield?”

  Trevor nearly jumped out of his seat when the nurse called my name. I stood and walked toward her, smiling. She looked past me to Trevor. I expected her to smile at him, like most women, but her gaze fell back to me and she smiled. She mouthed, wow, and we both let out a small chuckle.

  “How have you been feeling?” the nurse asked while motioning us into a room.

  “Pretty good. Morning sickness is pretty intense, but other than that I feel good.”

  She motioned for me to sit down. After taking my blood pressure, she made a few notes in my chart.

  “Are you the father?”

  “Yes, Trevor Parker.”

  She wrote Trevor’s name in the chart then asked for the best phone number to contact him.

  Standing, she turned back to us. “Looks like you’ll be getting a sonogram today. Go ahead and take your pants and panties off and cover up with this blanket. Dr. Buten will be doing a sonogram today as well as a nuchal translucency test if you want one.”

  “What’s that test for?” Trevor asked. When I looked at him I could see both excitement and a bit of fear.

  “It tests for Down syndrome, certain heart defects, as well as other chromosomal abnormalities. It’s a two-part test that consists of a blood test and the sonogram.”

  “Okay,” I said softly.

  “Dr. Buten will be right in.”

  “Thank you so much,” Trevor and I said at once.

  The second the door shut, Trevor started pacing while I got situated.

  “Why are you pacing?”

  “I’m not pacing.”

  I followed him with my eyes. “Trevor, you are pacing. Are you nervous?”

  “Yes. What if something is wrong with the baby?”

  Reaching out, I took hold of his arm and pulled him to a stop. “Why would you think something would be wrong?”

  My breath stalled in my chest when I saw tears in his eyes.

  “I was such a prick. I don’t want karma to come back on me.”

  Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath. I could hear the fear in his voice. Grabbing Trevor’s hands, I held onto them.

  “God doesn’t work that way, Trevor. You’re making me nervous, so for me, will you please sit down?”

  His eyes widened. “Shit, I didn’t mean to make you worry. I’m sorry, baby.”

  Kissing my forehead, he sat in the chair while I leaned back on the table.

  His endearment went straight to my chest, and then down to my belly where it flipped a few times. I knew I wasn’t far enough along to feel the baby. I was simply feeling butterflies from this man.

  “Scarlett, do you remember when we were about eight and you fell and scraped your knee at my house?”

  Frowning, I shook my head. “No. Why?”

  “Mom told me a story, and I hadn’t remembered it until she brought it up.”

  “What was the story?”

  Trevor grinned while looking down at the floor. “Mom said you had fallen and she was coming out to check on you. She said she saw me holding your hand and then I kissed you on the forehead and told you I’d love you forever.”

  The blood rushed through my veins until I felt dizzy. Trevor was always kissing me on the forehead. The very first time I remembered him doing it was at the benefit dinner when he excused himself to get us drinks, like it was second nature for him.

  Warmth settled in my chest, and before I could say anything, a knock on the door had us both sitting up.

  Dr. Buten walked in and smiled. I could feel Trevor tense up.

  “You’re the doctor?” he asked, looking at me and then back to the young doctor.

  “I am.” He leaned his hand out and introduced himself. “Dr. John Buten.”

  Trevor stood. “Trevor Parker.”

  The doctor’s grin grew into a full-on smile. “Parker, you say? Related to Cord, Tripp, Mitchell, and Steed. Correct?”

  “Yes, sir. All older brothers.”

  He nodded. “Well, this should be interesting. You Parker men know how to keep me on my toes.”

  I tried not to chuckle as Trevor looked at me with a confused expression.

  “I think Maebh nearly kicked Cord out at her yearly appointment,” I said.

  Dr. Buten laughed, then sat down and started going through my chart.

  “Okay, so, we need to complete another sonogram. Let’s see, the last time you were here we came up with the due date of May 25. That would put conception end of August beginning of September. Are we sure on that time frame?”

  “Yes. I can pretty much give you the exact date,” I said. To the doctor’s credit, he didn’t let my statement faze him.

  Pulling a machine closer to the table, he said, “Well, I’ll take some measurements today. We took a few on your last sonogram, but let’s see how baby is growing so that we can confirm that due date one more time.”

  Glancing up at Trevor, he said, “You’re more than welcome to film this with your phone if you want. I’ll give y’all a few pictures, but you might want the heartbeat recorded.”

  “Heartbeat?” I said at the same time as Trevor.

  Dr. Buten grinned. “We will be able to hear the heartbeat. We can sometimes hear it earlier but since you only had a vaginal ultrasound on your first appointment, this time the heartbeat is much clearer.”

  I breathed in deeply and tried to relax. Dr. Buten turned the monitor so that both Trevor and I could see it. I peeked at Trevor. He had his phone out and ready to go.

  “The black area is your uterus and the amniotic fluid. You look right about where you said, eleven or twelve weeks.”

  I blinked rapidly, trying to keep the tears at bay as I looked at the baby pop up on the monitor. She was so much bigger than the last time.

  “That is your baby. There is the head, the body and right here and here…those are the arms, and down here, looks like we have two little leg buds. Looks like we have an active little one. The baby is moving all over the place.”

  I laughed and so did Trevor.

  “And see that right there, that is your baby’s heart beating.”

  “Holy. Shit.”

  Dr. Buten chuckled and looked at Trevor. “Yeah, it’s something else, isn’t it? Let me take a few measurements.”

  I stared at the screen while he clicked around. The baby kept moving and making Dr. Buten start over again.

  “Yep, Scarlett, you’re right. You’re eleven weeks, five days. Now let’s take a look around. Oh! Look at this baby moving! Y’all are getting a treat. Okay, let’
s listen to the heartbeat if we can get him or her to slow down a bit. Did you see that? Your baby just waved to you.”

  “I can’t even believe this. I never dreamed we’d see her so clearly, or that she’d be moving like this,” Trevor said in amazement.

  I fought to keep my tears back.

  “So precious,” I whispered.

  Dr. Buten clicked on the little beating heart. “Finally, let’s see if we can get it.”

  The beat that filled the room was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard.

  “Let me measure the heart rate.”

  More clicks and Dr. Buten said, “A hundred-and-seventy-six beats per minute. That’s perfect.”

  He looked up at Trevor. “Did you get that recorded? Some dads get stunned by the sound and they forget to hit record.”

  Trevor nodded. “I wouldn’t mind hearing it again, though.”

  Dr. Buten grinned. The sound filled the air again, and I watched as tears built in Trevor’s eyes. He closed them and seemed to get lost in our child’s beating heart. When Dr. Buten stopped it, I pulled in a shaking breath as I looked back to Trevor. He was staring at me, smiling. He surprised me by leaning down and kissing me gently on the lips.

  More tears slipped from my eyes as I quickly wiped them away.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. This is a happy time and that sound should bring tears to your eyes. That’s your baby.” Dr. Buten said.

  Trevor sat down next to me, grabbed my hand and laughed. “She looks like a gummy bear.”

  Dr. Buten chuckled. “Yep, sure does. The baby isn’t much bigger than a gummy bear either!”

  “Oh my goodness,” I whispered, squeezing Trevor’s hand.

  Dr. Buten finished the exam and I sat up. We went over what I could be expecting in the way of weight gain, and the nausea hopefully easing up, as well as what would be happening with the baby over the next month and when I should be back.

  “I think we’re for sure safe to keep May 25 as your due date. I’ll see you back in four weeks. In the meantime, any questions from either of you?”

  The door opened and the nurse walked back in. She reached down and tore off the pictures of our baby and handed them to Trevor.

  I gave a polite smile. “No questions from me. Trevor?”

  Trevor stared at the photos, a new smile on his face that made me fall in love with him even more. To see him already so in love with our child did something to me. Broke down another layer of that wall I had erected.

  “Trevor? Any questions?” Dr. Buten asked.

  He looked up. “When will we be able to find out the sex of the baby?”

  “Between sixteen and twenty weeks.”

  Trevor looked at me. When he winked, I felt that familiar pull in my lower stomach. It was happening more and more. When I saw Trevor, when I thought about Trevor, when I closed my eyes and dreamt about Trevor…

  “I’m not sure I want to find out the sex.”

  Trevor looked at me, his mouth open. “What?”

  I grinned. “I wanted to be surprised.”

  When he gave me that sexy as hell grin, I nearly melted. Then he spoke the words I wanted to hear, and I was a puddle on the floor. “If you want to be surprised, then we’ll be surprised.”

  Dr. Buten also seemed pleased with Trevor’s response. “Any other questions?” Dr. Buten asked.

  I shook my head and Trevor did as well.

  “Okay, then, I’ll let you get dressed and we’ll see you in four weeks.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Buten.”

  Trevor reached his hand out and also thanked him.

  “That’s what I’m here for you. The nurse will take some bloodwork from you and let you know when the test results come back.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Buten.”

  Once the door shut, and we were alone, Trevor cleared his throat and wiped at a few tears.

  “You ready to head home?” Trevor asked.

  “Would you mind if we stopped at Joe’s Bar-B-Que? I’m dying for a brisket sandwich.”

  Trevor flashed a brilliant smile. “Of course, that sounds good. Gotta keep this baby growing and the momma happy, after all.”

  We made our way to the front desk where I made another appointment. Trevor and I put it in our phones and headed to his truck.

  After stopping at the food truck in the parking lot of Hank’s Hardware, Trevor and I headed back to my house.

  “You mind if I eat mine at your place before I head on back to the ranch?”

  My heartbeat picked up and my hands started to sweat. Never mind the fact that my head was slightly spinning at the idea of Trevor coming inside and eating with me.

  “I don’t mind at all.”

  The last week and a half had been busy for both of us, and this was the first real time alone we’d spent together. Trevor called me at least once a day, and offered to stop by, but I knew things were busy on the ranch and I had been working overtime at the courthouse, not getting home until almost nine at night.

  “How’s the baby’s room plan coming along?” Trevor asked while he took the food out of the bags and spread it out on the kitchen island.

  “Good. I was wanting to change out the light, but I think I’ll wait a bit.”

  “Let me know when you want it changed, and I’ll do it. I don’t want you on a ladder doing that kind of stuff.”

  I laughed. “Trevor, I wouldn’t have the faintest idea how to change a light fixture, so that job is one-hundred-percent all yours.”

  He winked. “Well, I didn’t want to make the assumption like I didn’t think you could. Just let me know, okay?”

  “I’ll let you know. Hey, can you forward that video you took today of the baby?”

  He grinned. “The Gummy Bear?”

  I groaned. “Oh no, you’re going to call her that from now on, aren’t you?”

  “Hell yes. That’s what she looked like,” he said with a chuckle while pulling up the video on his phone.

  “Want to watch it again?” he asked, setting it down so we could both keep eating and see it. When we got to the heartbeat, Trevor turned the sound up and I started crying again. This time, though, Trevor pulled me into his arms. I had a sneaky feeling it was because he was crying as well and didn’t want me to see.

  Being in his arms, with my emotions all over the place, I did something stupid. I grabbed onto his shirt and held him tighter. The feel of his body against mine was driving me insane. I wanted him, but my stupid head was telling me I couldn’t have him. Not yet.

  “Tell me what you want from me, Scarlett. I’ll do anything.”

  I pulled in a deep breath. How could I keep denying what I wanted?

  “Just hold me for a bit, will you?”

  “There’s nothing more I’d rather be doing, darlin’.”

  Trevor gave me exactly what I wanted. He held onto me like he was afraid to let me go—and a very large part of me never wanted him to let go.

  “Uncle Trevor!”

  Glancing up from my desk, I smiled as Chloe burst through my office door.

  “Chloe Parker, how many times have I told you not to just run into Trevor’s office?”

  With a quick glance at her mother, Chloe yelled out, “Sorry!”

  “Hey, Pumpkin!” I said right as she launched into my arms. It was a damn good thing I pushed away from my desk in time, otherwise she would’ve landed right on top of my desk.

  “Are you ready for our tea party? Mommy said it’s such a beautiful November day and we should have it out by the pool.”

  I looked at Paxton who wore a smile that said she was up to something.

  “I think outside sounds wonderful. Let’s go!”

  Chloe grabbed onto my hand and dragged me out of the office and through the entire house. Paxton was next to me, clearly with something on her mind.

  “So, want to tell me what your brain is thinking so loudly, Paxton?”

  “What? I have no idea what you’re talk
ing about.”

  I flashed her a look that said I didn’t believe a damn word she was saying.

  When Chloe finally got us out by the pool, I looked at the table all set up.

  “Okay, we just need to wait for our other guest,” Chloe said, sitting down and neatly setting her napkin on her lap.

  I groaned and faced Paxton. “Please tell me Patches isn’t coming. You know what happened the last time he came to a tea party. Do I have to remind you about mom’s broken crystal vase?”

  Covering her mouth, Paxton attempted to hide her laugh.

  “It’s not Patches, Uncle Trevor!”

  “Then who is it, princess?” I asked, ruffling Chloe’s hair, only to have her push my hand away.

  “Am I late?”

  I smiled when I saw her. “Scarlett?”

  She made her way toward us, dressed in a beautiful, long, pink skirt with a white flowing top.

  “Scarlett, you look beautiful!” Paxton said, giving her a quick hug.

  “Hey,” I said, kissing her on the forehead. “What in the world are you doing here?”

  Scarlett smiled at Chloe. “Well, I got a call today at work asking if I was able to join a certain young lady for a tea party and there was no way I could turn that esteemed invitation down.”

  Chloe smiled. “I called her, Uncle Trevor. I heard you telling granddaddy how much you missed her and that you hadn’t been able to leave the ranch to see her. So I asked Mommy if we could invite her today. I didn’t think you would mind since you love her and all.”

  Scarlett’s face turned red.

  “Chloe, honey,” Paxton started to say something, but Chloe wasn’t having it. She had already ratted me out about missing Scarlett…my niece was on a roll. I swear to God, it has to be something in the blood with these Parker women.

  “It’s okay, Mommy! Uncle Trevor told Granddaddy he loved Scarlett more than the air he breathes, which is funny cause he needs air to breathe. You know that…right, Aunt Scarlett? Do you love Uncle Trevor that much, too?”


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