Hidden Worlds

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Hidden Worlds Page 314

by Kristie Cook

  “All right. Let us began. Torin, I trust you to keep an eye on her. Not a hand.”

  “Of course, my lady.” He gave her a slight bow. Hearing his voice in person and feeling the heat from his body clinging to my robe made my head spin. How was he the same guy who had said he’d keep me safe no matter what—this man who was now holding me prisoner? At the same time I still felt oddly comforted by him—that he would protect me.

  The Queen turned away and headed to the edge of the cliff. Seattle loomed in the distance. She nodded to the soldier who was closest to me. He came over and, with the same kind of gloves Torin had worn, unlocked my iron cuffs. My energy flowed back into me. It felt like stepping into a warm bath after a long day out in the snow. It was heaven.

  Mark was barely conscious on the ground. Two of the Queen’s guards pulled him up into a sitting position. He groaned as they sat him against a tree. Trails of dried blood streaked down his nose to the top of his lip. One of his bruised eyes was swollen shut.

  In the distance, a rumble erupted from the sky, followed by a strike of lightning.

  The Queen smiled, clasping her hands together. “Perfect.”

  Bile tore at my insides as it gushed up my esophagus. I understood now. I knew exactly how she was going to use me as a weapon.

  The Queen had picked this night on purpose. I couldn’t start fires without a combustible agent, but I could affect them, down to the basic charge of electricity. I couldn’t really control my abilities yet. She understood this. With Asim’s help my powers could devastate a city.

  The Queen nodded to Lorcan. With a self-satisfied smile, Lorcan walked up to me and cracked me hard across the face. I crumpled to the ground, my face burning with pain. Behind me, Torin said something nasty to Lorcan, but I couldn’t understand a thing. My ears and head rang as they absorbed the blow.

  Rage quickly boiled to the surface, my dark power eager to come out and play. I stood up, wiping the blood from my lip with a snort. “You sure you’re not Fay? You hit like a little fairy.”

  Lorcan promptly came for me again, his leg snapped forward and his foot dug into my stomach, shoving me backwards onto the ground. My chest throbbed. It hurt to breathe, but I forced myself to stand.

  I knew this was the plan—to get me riled up, to conjure my capabilities to the surface, but I couldn’t stop them now. They wanted out.

  “Come on, Tinkerbelle, is that all you got?” Personally, I was done with the whole ass beating. When he swung this time, I was ready. He was still too fast. He hit my temple as I tried to duck. Fury hissed through me. Lorcan was prepping for another slap when he stopped. His eyes widened as he looked at me. My eyes shifted, focusing in on its target.

  “Her eyes are turning black. Do it now,” the Queen shouted.

  Asim’s hand clamped down on my bare arm. It felt like a bomb was exploding inside me. All my senses were gone. I could no longer feel a separation between the rest of the world and my body. I was so full of energy I couldn’t contain it.

  The ground quaked beneath me. I felt another burst of energy in me, and a renewed surge of energy ignited within my body. My abilities, which had been dormant, burst to the surface with exultance. They were awake.

  Untamed power. Strength. Exhilaration. I craved more. I wanted more.

  When Asim’s hands pulled away, it felt like something was being ripped from me, making me feel empty and alone.

  “No!” I cried out. Don’t leave me. My lids blinked open. I was on all fours on the ground. My ribs still ached from being kicked, and dried blood crusted my nose and the side of my mouth.


  “Thank you, Asim. We will start again in a moment. I am sure Ember would love to see the brilliant work she’s done so far.”

  My head snapped up. Everyone was staring at me. Their awe and fear couldn’t be hidden. My breath tightened in my chest.

  “Come here, Ember.” The Queen motioned for me to join her on the cliff’s edge. Excess energy sizzled in me, and electricity crackled from my skin as I moved toward the rim.

  The world stopped.

  Seattle and the surrounding area were in ruins, engulfed in fire. Houses burned and hissed as flames consumed the city. One side of me felt exhilarated at the sheer, raw power; the other part of me was burning. The part connected to the earth could feel each tree and each organism dying in a tortured, fiery death, as if I was being charred from the inside out.

  “Oh, God, no.” My eyes fastened on the devastation. This was my fault. I did this.

  The Queen looked over her shoulder at Asim. “Not as much this time, Asim. I have no doubt my message has been received, but I’ve always had a flare for the dramatic. We might as well have a finale. One finger should do it.”

  Everyone moved out of his way when he got close. I guess a touch from him was never simply a touch. Even though he was facilitating this annihilation, I felt sad for him. What a lonely life—never being able to feel or hug anyone.

  He slipped up next to me without a thread of his clothes touching mine. As another bolt of lightning shot across the sky, he lightly placed a finger to my arm. My senses didn’t leave me this time, but it felt like I had taken about twelve shots of espresso and leaned against an electrical fence.

  The moment he touched me the lightning split across the sky, hitting the Space Needle. Electricity encompassed the building and, with a loud crack, the jagged bolt sliced through the steel structure. The sound of groaning metal pierced the evening sky. A scream ripped from my lungs as I watched as the city’s most famous monument separated from its base and crashed to the ground. A tidal wave of debris rolled into the surrounding buildings, causing them to fold like a house of cards, devastating the area within a several mile radius of the icon.

  My mouth dropped open with a silent scream.

  “Now, that is a finale,” Lorcan mumbled next to me.

  What have I done? Thousands of lives … gone.

  I knew the Queen would keep using me to destroy and kill, and there was nothing I could do. If I let her take me, I would belong to her forever or until she had done enough damage. Then, she would have me killed. This couldn’t happen. I had to get away. I glanced over my shoulder at Mark. He was still unconscious. There was no way to get him out of here. But leaving him was not an option.

  I felt irritated when Torin stepped into my line of sight. I was about to twist away, when his voice broke into my head.

  “Ember, I have an idea. Pay attention. We don’t have much time.”

  Images poured into my brain, playing out like a movie. I immediately understood what he was trying to show me. He wanted to cause a distraction to help me escape. It was a flimsy plan and had a slim chance of working, but it was the only one I had. My bigger problem lay unconscious. I slid my eyes over to Mark then back to Torin. Torin tilted his head and shook it slightly. If he was thinking I would leave Mark behind, he was sorely mistaken.

  “Guard, put her back in the cuffs.” The Queen turned her back on Seattle and addressed the same guard who had removed the cuffs from me earlier. I knew this was my last chance. If she got those restraints on me, I was done. I wouldn’t be able to fight or get away. She would own my ass.

  Panic soared through my veins. My powers were still skimming the surface, and it didn’t take much effort to get them to answer my call, but I needed to be precise for this to work. I reached out and lightly touched Asim. My focus sharpened, and I sent all of my force to the electrostatic charge. Brilliant, white light sliced across the sky, hitting the tree near us. Intense heat and a loud snap fell upon the surrounding space, knocking everyone off their feet.

  Fire isn’t quiet. It has a frighteningly deep, steady humming sound as it devours everything in its sight. The noise, along with the commotion of everyone making sure the Queen was all right, was the perfect opportunity for me to escape. I pushed myself up and scrambled over to Mark, ignoring the jabbing pain in my ribs.

  “Go, Ember.” Torin yelled into my head as
he gestured frantically toward the forest.

  “No, I’m not leaving him,” I hissed back.

  “You cannot help him now. You’re only condemning yourself. You will be of no use to him or yourself. Please, I’m trying to save you. Now, go!”

  Mark’s sweet, familiar face was turned my way, and his swollen eyes opened enough I could see his blue irises. I knew Mark well enough to know what they were telling me. Go. Save yourself.

  Torin moved in behind me. “I will protect him, Ember, but you have to go. She will not hurt him. She knows he is too valuable to you. But you know if she gets those cuffs on you, you have no hope. You will be hers.” Torin’s words hit their target. He was right.

  Everyone was regrouping, getting ready to act. This was my last chance. It was the only way I could keep Mark alive. If she had me, she would kill him. Without me, she would keep him alive as bait. I nodded at Torin, and then took my last opportunity to look back at Mark. I love you, I mouthed to him.

  Torin grabbed me, pulling me into him. “Find Lars. He will help you.” He gently kissed my head before pushing me away. I didn’t hesitate. I hurried away, leaping over the bushes, and disappeared into the thick, dark forest.


  My bare feet barely struck the cold, wet ground as I tore through the forest. I stumbled among the maze of trees and the foliage, gripping my side. It took everything I had to stay upright. I ached everywhere, but I couldn’t stop. I didn’t know how long or how far I ran. My mind had turned off, and the woods became a blurred picture in my peripheral vision.

  I sprinted until exhaustion made me clumsy. My foot hooked on a rock. I fell to the ground, sliding over the dead leaves and foliage to the edge of a cliff.

  I bit my lip to keep from shouting as my ribcage screamed in agony. Sweat and tears mixed together as I inched backwards, away from the ledge. I lay down, my cheek pressing against the damp earth. It took a moment for my eyes to register what I saw. A pitiful whimper left my lips.

  Seattle was a charred ruin. It was unrecognizable—leveled.

  Smoldering billows of smoke rolled and twisted into the sky. Ash fell from above like black snowflakes. The smell of gas, burning plastic, and smoldering wood assaulted my nose. I could hear the fire engines echo off the mountain. But what was worse was the sound of people screaming. The terrified, aching cries of people searching for their loved ones and watching their homes burn resounded in my ears. Thousands of innocent lives had been consumed by the destruction I had created.

  I threw up in the bush as another anguished cry tugged at my soul. This was what I was capable of? Seattle was no small town, and now it was destroyed.

  The pain was too much to bear.

  Torin had helped me escape because he knew the Queen was planning to start a war with the Unseelie King, to take Earth from him. Seattle was only the beginning. It was a declaration of war. She planned to use Earth as her battlefield and me as her weapon.

  I gazed across the watery sound at Seattle’s scorched remains. The Queen wouldn’t rest until she found me. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t, let that happen. I would not be a pawn in her game.

  Torin’s words repeated in my head: Find Lars. He will help you.

  I had no idea who or what Lars was, but I trusted Torin. If he wanted me to find this Lars person, I knew it was for a good reason. He wanted me to fight the Queen, and I would. That bitch had my father, the only family I had left. I would battle whatever she threw at me to get him back.

  I stood up, watching the last bit of sun reflect off the city. Everything had changed, but instead of being scared, I was ready. I had never fit in before, but now I found my place.

  I was Fay and Demon. I was earth and fire. I was darkness and light. I was not a victim. I would become what I was meant to be.

  A Dae.

  And I would fight.

  Find Stacey at …




  Alyssa Rose Ivy

  Chapter One

  “Looks like tonight’s activity just arrived.” Jared’s comment made me snap my head up from the bar. The only activities my friend cared about involved girls—he had my attention.

  It didn’t take long to see what caught his eye. She was gorgeous—especially those long tan legs that were shown off nicely in the short yellow dress she wore. Slim but clearly athletic, I could only imagine how much fun she’d be.

  I finished off my Jack and Coke, slamming the empty glass down on the mahogany bar. The new guy who’d bought the place had gone to town on the hunk of wood. I doubted he had any idea that the hotel he’d purchased housed a hell of a lot more than rooms, food, and booze.

  The girl walked around the lobby like she owned the place, her eyes taking in every detail. Finally they found me, and I got a look at her bright green eyes. I gave her my trademark smile. It worked every time. She smiled back, and I nodded, telling her to come over. I thought she was going to, until she shook her head and kept on walking. She didn’t even give me a second glance. What the hell?

  So focused on her retreating figure, I was barely aware of Jared talking. “I call dibs on the blonde.”

  “Blonde? She was a brunette.” He must have been losing it.

  My other friend, Owen, laughed. “There were two girls, Levi.”

  “Oh, I only noticed the one.” Had there really been someone else with her?

  Jared smirked. “You seriously didn’t notice that blonde? That top didn’t leave much to the imagination.”

  “Did you see where they went?” I really didn’t care about the blonde, but I had to find Miss Legs. I couldn’t believe she’d blown me off like that. Maybe I was right—she was going to be a lot of fun.

  “They’re probably in the courtyard.” Owen yawned. He seriously worried me sometimes. A girl dumped him, and he’d practically been a monk since. The guy needed to get laid. Jared and I were going to have to try harder to get him out there.

  “I could really use a night with that one.” I turned to Owen. Our taste in women had always been more similar. Jared only went for busty blondes, where as I wanted the brunettes with the long legs. A nice chest didn’t hurt—not at all, but a short skirt on the right girl could drive me crazy.

  “I noticed her.” Owen’s small smile would have been enough for me to let him have her usually, but this one was for me.

  “I’ve got to find her. She might even be worth a second night.” Or a third.

  Owen snorted. “Real nice.”

  I shrugged. “Just saying.”

  Jared finished his drink. “We’ll find them, but we need to get moving. Your dad’s going to get pissed if we’re late.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I left a twenty on the bar and took one last glance around to make sure she hadn’t changed her mind and come back, before I walked over to the elevator. I smirked at the weird bellboy that was always staring at us. He took a step back and lowered his eyes.

  Once the doors shut, I inserted the key card and pushed the button for the basement. The central offices and chambers of the Society were housed on a level of the hotel that wasn’t supposed to exist. It was better for everyone if humans didn’t go looking for us. When you’re a prince of a supernatural society, you understand the importance of keeping some things secret.

  “What do you think he wants us for this time?” Jared asked, leaning back against the wall.

  “Like I’d know, but he didn’t sound happy.” I listened to one message, but it was only the latest of many. My dad’s calls were always the same. Either I’d done something wrong, or I was about to do something wrong.

  Jared stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “I guess we’ll find out.”

  The elevator doors opened, depositing us into a room that would be dark for the average person, but we had no problem seeing. One of the benefits of being a Pteron was perfect night vision. I pushed open the doors, and we headed toward my dad’s office, which was located just off the main chamber.<
br />
  I knocked on the door loudly. “Who is it?” Dad called.

  I knocked one last time just to be a pain. “Who do you think?”

  “Come in, Levi.” His low, gravelly voice always sounded pissed when he talked to me.

  I walked in, Owen and Jared followed behind.

  Dad didn’t glance up from the paperwork on his desk. “Close the door.”

  Jared slammed the door harder than he needed to. The action wasn’t lost on my dad. He finally dropped the paperwork, and his glare had Jared standing up straighter.

  Dad didn’t miss a beat. His steely gaze moved to me. “You missed last night’s council meeting.”

  “What are you talking about? We just met last week.”

  “I called an emergency meeting last night.” He ran a hand through his gray hair. At one time, it had been the same shade of brown as mine, but time, or too many years as the King of The Society had aged him.

  Shit. I should have listened to the other messages. “Yeah, well, I didn’t know.”

  “Is that all you have to say for yourself? Twenty-two years old, and you behave like a child.”

  My dad never minced words, but he usually kept his cool. Things had to be serious for him to be flipping out on me in front of my friends.

  “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “It better not.” His icy stare left little doubt he was serious.

  “What did you discuss?” I shifted uneasily from foot to foot. Only my father had the ability to make me nervous. Most people were afraid of me or kissed up to me to get what they wanted. There were only four exceptions. Owen, Jared, and my parents.

  “The Blackwells. There’s talk of a takeover attempt.”

  “Like those Yankees could do anything,” Jared spat. He never kept his mouth shut, not even in front of my father.

  “Has your father taught you nothing, Jared? The second you start underestimating your opponent, you’ve lost your advantage.”

  “Yes, sir.” Mentioning Jared’s father usually had that effect. His dad was essentially the head of security for my family. We’d spent many nights getting wasted and talking about how much we hated our fathers. Neither of us would ever live up to their expectations.


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