Tainted Desire: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Rough Jesters MC Book 6)

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Tainted Desire: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Rough Jesters MC Book 6) Page 9

by Brook Wilder

  “I’m not scared,” he said after a moment, his eyes on our joined hands. “I’ve dug this grave, Eileen, and I don’t want to drag you down with me.”

  “You’re not,” I found myself saying. “This is where I want to be.” I was telling the truth. I had wrestled with the truth long enough. Daniel was where I wanted to be, not with the club, not with anyone else.

  But we couldn’t escape the inevitable. “Machine Gun has likely already contacted Chains,” I said quickly, glancing at the door in case he decided to show up. “They will be coming for you.”

  Daniel chuckled. “Well, they will have to kill me in this bed or carry me out into the yard. I don’t think I could stand if I tried.”

  I kicked off my boots then and slid into the bed beside him, sighing as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I didn’t want to think about him dying. I didn’t want to picture what the club might do to this man who had made me start to fall in love with him.

  “It’s gonna be okay,” Daniel was saying as he dropped a kiss on the top of my head. “I promise you. I won’t let them hurt you and you won’t be taking any of the blame.”

  I looked up at him, seeing the softness in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before. My heart clenched as I saw hope on his face, hope that he knew we didn’t have. “Hey, look at it this way,” he continued, giving me a wry smile. “I got you into bed.”

  I laughed, wondering how in the world he could find time to joke at a time like this. “You are too much.”

  “So, I have been told.”

  I slid out from his touch and crossed the room, shutting the door firmly.

  “What are you doing, Eileen?” Daniel asked as I stripped off my vest, throwing it on the floor.

  “You need your rest,” I answered, climbing back into the bed with my bloody clothes still on. As much as I wanted to strip them off as well, I knew it would lead to other things that he couldn’t do right now. “And I need a nap.”

  He pulled me close. “Sleep, then, and I will do the same.”

  I closed my eyes, willing my body to relax so Daniel would do the same. I didn’t know what was going to happen when I opened them again, but all I could do was hope it would work out in our favor.

  Chapter 15


  I didn’t want to move.

  Eileen was pressed against my side, her hand resting on my lower abdomen. A few more inches south and she would be cupping the raging hard-on I had developed over the last hour.

  Sighing inwardly, I stroked the soft skin on the back of her arm, willing my body to relax. I ached all over, even in places that I didn’t know could hurt. The stitching on my leg pulled the skin when I tried to move it just a little bit; the painkillers were starting to wear off.

  But these stolen moments with Eileen curled at my side were worth every shudder of pain. What this woman had done for me, her sworn enemy, was a debt I could never settle.

  That, and I owed Elisa my life. It seemed that I was more of an enemy than a friend to anyone around here, and to be honest, they should have shot me on sight. That would have been what the clubs would have wanted.

  Hell, I was sure that was what Machine Gun had wanted.

  But they hadn’t and instead had saved my worthless life so I could lie here and hold Eileen in my arms like this.

  A little slice of heaven in my dark world.

  Eventually, though, this heaven was going to turn into hell. We couldn’t stay in this bed all day, nor could we stay in this house much longer. We needed to move, especially knowing that the Jesters would be coming soon.

  Too bad I couldn’t fucking move.

  I wasn’t going to be worth shit once I got out of this bed. I couldn’t ride—not without splitting open this wound—and I wasn’t going to hobble anywhere fast.

  I was deadweight and I should wake Eileen so that she could get a head start. They were going to hold her accountable for one, not killing me, and two, for bringing me here.

  I should wake her, but sue me for wanting to keep this warm feeling going inside.

  Eileen stirred and I held my breath, hoping that this wasn’t the moment she was going to open her eyes and see that she had slept in the same bed as her enemy. I didn’t want to see the confusion in her eyes, or the loathing that most looked at me with.

  For the first time in my life, I wanted to see something else.

  But her eyes did open, and the confusion was there as she blinked a few times at first, followed by her disentangling herself from me. “How do you feel?” she asked, sitting up beside me, her eyes on my bum leg.

  “I’m good,” I lied, lying on my back before pulling my arms behind my head. My muscles stretched and popped with the movement, but it felt good.

  Eileen reached over and grabbed her cell by the bed. “It’s four in the morning.”

  “We need to move,” I said, my voice low in case someone was listening. “Quickly.”

  Eileen let out a startled laugh. “Move? I’m sorry, Daniel, but you can’t.”

  I turned to look at her, arching a brow. “Why the hell not? They will be coming for us. Even you know that.”

  “But you haven’t even had a chance to heal,” she protested. “You can’t ride.”

  “I damn well know that,” I shot back, angry at myself that I couldn’t protect her.

  Her eyes glittered. “There’s no need to snap at me.”

  Releasing a breath, I reached up and cupped her cheek. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  She quirked a brow this time. “Are you really apologizing to me?”

  I grinned. “Maybe.”

  “It sure sounded like it to me.”

  “Maybe you should reward me for such a large feat,” I replied softly.

  “How?” Eileen asked. “What do you want, Daniel?”

  There was no mistaking the hitch of her voice. She already knew what I wanted, but she was going to force me to say it regardless. “I want you,” I said roughly. “If I’m going to my death, I want you to be my last memory.”

  Her expression softened and she leaned down, brushing my lips with hers. The veil of her hair obscured our kiss and I growled, reaching up to cup the back of her neck with my hand and deepening the kiss.

  Eileen’s hand flattened against my chest as I devoured her lips, my body rock-hard from the connection. She was the only thing good in my life right now and I didn’t want to take a chance of missing out on enjoying that one good thing.

  She pulled away, her breaths coming in short gasps. “We can’t do this.”

  Well, hell. “Why not?”

  “Because,” Eileen sputtered, attempting to remove her hand from my chest. I held it fast, forcing her to keep eye contact with me and tamping down my simmering rage.

  No, not rage; disappointment. “Why?”

  “You’re hurt,” she blurted out. “You can’t do this right now.”

  I squeezed her wrist lightly. “Is that the only reason?”

  “Of course,” she whispered.

  Relief flowed through me as I realized she was telling the truth. I pulled her down again until I could nip at her chin. “Sweetheart, I can handle this. I promise.” I could be minus a limb and still want her.

  She released a breath, resting her forehead on mine. “Then I get to be on top.”

  I chuckled. “Music to my ears. Do your worst.”

  Eileen pulled back and before I knew it, she was pulling her shirt over her head, throwing it on the floor. Next went her bra and my mouth went dry as I took in her bare breasts, the lily-white skin glowing in the darkness. “Fucking gorgeous.”

  She smirked and removed the rest of her clothes before straddling me, careful not to bump my leg. My cock pressed against her entrance through the thin boxers I wore, but I wanted to touch first.

  I wanted her to whimper my name.

  My hand rose and I cupped her breast, rubbing my thumb across the peaked nipple. Eileen arched against my touch, her hands roaming up a
nd down my chest. “You know I’ve been wanting to do this since the first day I saw you following me,” I said, my hand sliding down the cleft of her breasts to her stomach.

  “You didn’t see me,” she gasped as I swirled my finger around the outside of her belly button.

  I chuckled. “You might be good, but you aren’t that good, sweetheart. Besides, I would have to be a blind man not to notice you.”

  When my finger brushed her mound, she shivered. “Daniel.”

  I could feel her wetness seeping through my boxers, the primal urge to have her nearly overpowering my rational thoughts. I couldn’t have her; not like this, not now, but if we got out of this shit alive, I would have Eileen.

  Repeatedly, until we couldn’t breathe.

  For now, I dipped my finger into her wet slit, locating her hard clit. Her hands stilled on my chest as I stroked her lightly, my other hand coming up to cup her other breast. “You are so fucking wet.”

  “You do that to me,” she whispered. “Ah, that feels good.”

  “What about this?” I asked lightly, increasing the pressure. Eileen let out a groan, pushing herself into my touch and urging me on.

  Hell yeah, that was the kind of reaction I wanted. I picked up the pace, knowing that I wasn’t going to last much longer with her wiggling around like that.

  I wanted to be buried inside her.


  Eileen let out a cry and I felt her break loose, her body vibrating with the pulse of her orgasm. With her head thrown back like that, she was the very picture of any man’s wet dream.

  And it was going to be imprinted in my brain, no matter what happened once we left this bedroom.

  It wasn’t long before she was reaching for my cock, pulling it out and stroking it with her nimble hands. I groaned as she cupped me, her thumb running over the bulging head and smearing the bead that had formed there. “Are you ready?”

  “More than ready,” I growled, grasping at her hips. I didn’t give a damn about my leg or the fact that I was likely gonna die in a matter of hours.

  What I did give a damn about was showing Eileen what she meant to me.

  Eileen adjusted her body and slid over me, encasing my cock in her tight, wet sheath.

  Shit. I was gonna lose it before we ever got started. My hands flexed at her hips, holding her in place as we both got used to the new feeling, Eileen’s hand touching my chest. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  I laughed, unable to hold back. “I’m more than okay.” If she pulled away from me now, I would likely die of want.

  “Just checking,” she answered. “Let me take care of you, Daniel.”

  I really didn’t have another choice. Forcing my fingers to release her hips, I gave her full rein on what she wanted to do to me.

  And Eileen did exactly that. She started to move in a rhythm of her own, her body sliding up and down on my cock and forcing me to clench the covers to keep my shit in check.

  I didn’t want to go too soon but damn; she was making it difficult not to.

  My leg kept me from participating in her thrusts, but Eileen didn’t seem to notice, her head thrown back as she rode me, crying out softly when another orgasm took over her body.

  I felt my own orgasm start to build and clenched my jaw tightly, wanting to make this last for as long as I could. Neither of us could dictate what would happen with the Jesters or the CIA.

  But in this moment, it was just me and Eileen, not Voodoo and Siren.

  And when I did let go, the dull roar in my ears told me all I needed to know. This was what I needed in my life now; a connection with a woman who was just as tough as me.

  Probably even tougher.

  Eileen collapsed against my chest and I gathered her close, our hearts beating rapidly in tandem with each other. I inhaled her scent, the dirt and grime of the road still imprinted in her hair.

  This woman unmanned me. My hand went into her hair, stroking her scalp lightly.

  “What are we going to do, Daniel?”

  I knew what she was talking about and hell, I didn’t have an answer. I wished I did; something to calm her so that she wouldn’t worry about whatever punishment the club decided to hand down to her. There was no doubt that Chains or Widow Maker would know what happened between us. All they would have to do would be to look at my face and they’d know that I cared about her.

  That and Eileen had been the one to bring me here, under her own power and not because of a threat from me.

  She had aided the two clubs’ number-one enemy, the enemy she was responsible for killing. They wouldn’t be rolling out the red carpet for her, that was for sure.

  And I couldn’t protect her. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t protect myself, much less this woman who had stolen my damn heart.

  Well, what was left of it. “I honestly don’t know, but we can’t stay here.” Maybe I could call in a few favors with the CIA to get us the hell out of here and under their protection. Sure, she wouldn’t like the plan, but it was all I could offer given my situation.

  Eileen sighed. “I know. Maybe I can hotwire one of their vehicles. There’s no way I could support you on a bike.”

  My hand drifted down her back, stroking the delicate bumps of her spine. I didn’t want to put her in any more hot water with those that were considered her family, but this was a dire situation. We were both dead if we didn’t get away soon.

  But I had to tell her something first. Pushing on her shoulder, I forced her to sit up and look me in the eye. “If they give you an out, a reprieve, you damn well better take it, Eileen.”

  Her eyes flashed. “Absolutely not. I’m not turning my back on you.”

  I grasped her chin lightly, stroking it with my thumb. “Yeah, you will, and keep your mouth shut. I can’t, but there’s no reason for them to kill both of us.”

  Her chin trembled in my grasp. “They aren’t going to kill you. Widow Maker will listen to what you have to say. She’s fair.”

  I gave her a short laugh. “No, sweetheart, I don’t think so.” I had done some shitty things to both clubs and those were unforgiveable.

  The funny thing was, I was ready for the punishment. Sure, I didn’t want to leave Eileen, but I was damn tired of running and if she wasn’t here at this moment, I would give myself up to whatever they had planned.

  But I needed to get her out of here and she wouldn’t leave without me. “Go get whatever vehicle you can so we can get out of here,” I urged, leaving out the part of how I would come back once I could ensure her safety.

  It was for the best.

  Eileen nodded and I let her go, swallowing the lump in my throat. That little slice of heaven was getting smaller by the minute.

  “I’ll be right back,” she stated after she had donned her clothes, still stiff with my blood.

  I gave her a half-hearted smile. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She opened her mouth as if she wanted to respond, but instead ended up turning toward the door and opening it.

  “We were wondering how long that was going to take you.”


  Chapter 16


  I halted in my tracks as I eyed the group of Jesters standing before me, led by the biker that I had ‘borrowed’ the bike and vest from. Every bit of warmth fled my body and I tried not to show the fear in my expression, crossing my arms over my chest instead. “What the hell are you talking about, Two Tone?”

  He chuckled, mimicking my stance with one of his own. “You know what I am talking about, Siren. Fucking the enemy? That’s low, even for you.”

  My insides quivered as I looked at his hard expression, my concern immediately going back to Daniel. I couldn’t let them have him. He was in no shape to be taken right now and I wasn’t so sure I wanted him taken, period. There had to be another way. “Why don’t we pretend those words didn’t come out of your mouth and everyone goes back home?”

  Two Tone chuckled, the sound reverberating throu
gh my mind. “You know, Siren, I’ve always liked you. I really did. I thought you had a good head on your shoulders and that you were loyal to the club.” He then nodded toward the open doorway. “However, your fucking a CIA agent has changed my perception of you. Now you must pay for this mark against your club.”

  I arched a brow, attempting to keep my cool. “My club? All I see are Jesters. That’s not my club.”

  Two Tone’s easy grin slipped. “You know what I mean. Now, move, or I will move you.”


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