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The Handbook of Conflict Resolution (3rd ed)

Page 170

by Peter T Coleman

  Civil disobedience. See also Nonviolent struggles

  Civil Disobedience (Thoreau)

  Classrooms. See Schools

  Coaches: as catalysts for learning through reflection; receiving conflict coaching by

  Coaching: conflict; “Emotion-Coaching” (Gottman lab); learning through reflection; organizational mediation with leadership


  Cognition biases: anchoring; decision fatigue; fixed-pie perception; framing

  Cognitive orientation

  Cognitive reasoning

  Cohesiveness: groupthink driven by; as source of intergroup conflict

  Coleman Raider “Bare-Bones” Model of Stages of Negotiation

  Coleman Raider Filter Check Model

  Coleman Raider Mediation Model

  Coleman Raider Negotiation Planning Form: A Community Dialogue

  Coleman Raider Reframing Formula

  Coleman Raider Resolution Continuum

  Collaboration: comparing individual creative solutions with; egg drop exercise on creative; large group intervention methods for embedding new patterns of; negotiation culture for

  Collaborative inquiry project

  Collective memories

  Columbia: FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Columbia) violence in; guerrilla war (1960s to 2007) in; human rights and negotiations agendas in; peace-building efforts in

  Columbine High School massacre

  Commemorations for healing

  Commission of the African Union (AU)

  Commitment: ability to forgive dependent on relationship; change process and gaining; fostering change agent’s

  Communication: AEIOU communication behavior; of conflict resolution research findings; constructive communication (CC) approach to; cooperation-competition theory on; cosmopolitan communicative virtuosity of; creating new social worlds made from dialogic; dialogic paradigm of; elements of the process of; encoding-decoding paradigm of; establishing supportive conditions for; form versus substance of; interntionalist paradigm of; peace linguistics; perspective-taking paradigm of; “silent seething”; universal acknowledgement on importance of; war model of. See also Dialogue; Messages

  Communication problems: during conflict; medium as remedy for bias; preventing and overcoming; unwanted repetitive patterns (URPs)

  Communication process elements: context; culture; meaning making through relationship; other; self

  Communicaty Leadership Center (CLC)

  “Community game”

  Comparative case analysis: framework for; of interactive conflict resolution

  Compensation (nonspecific) solution

  Competition: Chinese cultural studies on avoidance of conflict and; constructive and destructive; cooperation-competition theory on effects of; democratic governance and fair; initiating; situational model of power and conflict and role of

  Competitive orientation: comparing cooperative and; as source of integrative negotiation impasse

  Complementary movement

  Comprehensive Peer Mediation Evaluation Project (CPMEP)

  CompStat’s New York City Police Department project

  Concurrence seeking: constructive controversy theory on process of; description of; structuring; theoretical assumptions for creating outcomes through

  Con-div group dynamic: conflict management process and role of; description of the; during Iraq War

  Conference Model

  Confidence: confidence/warmth-conflict interactions; social learning theory on

  Conflict: Anxiety and intrapsychic; biased punctuation of; change process relationship to; communication problems during; within the conflict resolution field; constructive controversy type of; couples’; creativity coming out of; development function of; escalation of; exaggeration of; “false”; implications of cooperation-competition theory for understanding; injustice as the source and during course of; interaction between emotions and; intergroup; internal; interpersonal; interrelatedness between culture and; intractable; language used to describe; linguistics of; mapping dynamic ecology of peace and; multiculturalism context of; oppression and; origins and nature of; over defining what is just; positive consequences of; principles of power-conflict dynamics; PSDM model phase of diagnosing the type of; relationship issues included in; role of personality in; self-fulfilling prophecies of; situated model of power and conflict; social network; strategic choice theory on; stress response to; theorizing about the positive aspects of; “waging good conflict”

  Conflict across Cultures (LeBaron and Pillay)

  Conflict coaching

  Conflict Intelligence: Harnessing the Power of Conflict and Influence (Coleman and Ferguson)

  Conflict management: using fair rules for; measures of conflict style used for; of trust and distrust. See also Conflict resolution

  Conflict mapping: Mozambique conflict and peace process; useful for identifying aspects of social systems

  Conflict resolution: as collaborative effort; conflict within the field of; cooperation-competition theory implications for; direct social psychological approaches to; encouraging innovation in; examining interconnectedness of peace, language, and; gender differences and; global cooperative interdependence challenge for; implications of applied peace linguistics to; importance of point of view in; indigenous knowledge and practice for; indirect social psychological approaches to; intergroup conflict intractability and resistance to; intractability as powerful psychological barrier to; learning to learn about; multiple motives for; neuroscience as a resource for; overcoming judgmental biases in; persuasion during; PSDM model of; readiness for; situation versus personality influence on; task-oriented learning-mastery orientation toward; training for inventing solutions for. See also Conflict management

  Conflict resolution education: about conflict and conflict resolution; ICCCR’s role and commitment to; implications of peaceful language for; language in peace-building teacher education

  Conflict resolution initiatives (CRIs): action research on; basic research questions on; consumer research on; developmental research on; evaluation of; examining; field research on

  Conflict resolution initiatives (CRIs) research: audiences for; different types of; for evaluating CRIs; strategies used for

  Conflict resolution motives: accuracy motivation; defense motivation; impression motivation; social motivation

  Conflict Resolution Network (CRN)

  Conflict resolution practitioners: change process implications for; cooperation-competition theory implications for; CRIs research implications for; cultural fluency implications for; developing change agent skills; implications of multiple motives of conflict resolution for; knowledge of systematic forms of injustice in society; situated model of power and conflict implications for; workshop for teaching conflict resolution skills to

  Conflict resolution programs: diagnosis of the problem; ethical difficulties; evaluation; intervention. See also specific program

  Conflict resolution research: applying findings of; audiences for; case studies: emic, qualitative; case studies: etic, quantitative; communicating findings of; on conflict resolution initiatives (CRIs); Gottman lab on marriage and divorce; growing interest and trends in; learning gains from; recent findings on negotiation

  Conflict resolution research audiences: executives and administrators; funding agencies; practitioners; researchers

  Conflict resolution research strategies: Appreciative inquiry (AI); causal modeling; experience surveys; experimental and quasi-experimental; learning by analogy; survey research; time series analysis

  Conflict resolution research types: action research; basic research; consumer research; developmental research; field research

  Conflict resolution skills: adolescence development of; adulthood; childhood development of; childhood peer relationships that teach; developing change agent; development function of conflict for teaching; ECSEL Program curriculum to teach; middle childhood development of; self-control; workshop for learning
br />   Conflict resolution strategies: for addressing aggression and violence; arts-based approaches and; attack; avoidance; contending; naive; neuroscience to understand process of conflict; personality influence on; self-affirmation; situation versus personality influence on; social network role in. See also Negotiation strategies

  Conflict Resolution: Strategies for Collaborative Problem Solving workshop: AEIOU communication behavior; AEIOU communication behavior taught during; attitude objectives of the; case study examples on the effectiveness of the; Coleman Raider “Bare-Bones” Model of Stages of Negotiation; Coleman Raider Filter Check Model; Coleman Raider Mediation Model; Coleman Raider Negotiation Planning Form: A Community Dialogue; Coleman Raider Reframing Formula; Coleman Raider Resolution Continuum; knowledge objectives of the; overview of the; seven workshop modules of the; skills objectives of the

  Conflict resolution training: for addressing aggression and violence; change process implications for; cooperation-competition theory implications for; cultural fluency implications for; Dynamical Systems Theory (DST) implications for; enlarging the scope of one’s moral community; on forgiveness and reconciliation; implications of multiple motives for; to increase empathy; intergroup conflict; on inventing solutions; justice and conflict interactions and implications for; knowledge of systematic forms of injustice in society; mediation implications for; PSDM model of conflict resolution implications for; research on Chinese cooperative conflict team; situated model of power and conflict implications for; substantive content of; workshop for teaching conflict resolution skills. See also Mediators

  Conflict resolution workshop: the Coleman Raider design for; insights from practice for teaching a

  Conflict situations: conflict resolution influenced by personality vs.; constructive controversy; managing trust and distrust in; PSDM model process applied to. See also Social situations

  Conflict Style Inventory

  Conflict symbolism

  Conquest of Violence (Bondurant)

  Conscientiousness personality dimension


  Constructive communication (CC): how to writing constructively; for interacting positively; research on

  Constructive competition

  Constructive conflict resolution: reframing; values underlying

  Constructive controversy: benefits of; concurrence seeking, debate, and individualist learning during; conditions determining the constructiveness of; deliberate discourse for; democracy and role of; description of; gender preference when choosing a strategy for; processes of interaction during; structuring

  Constructive controversy benefits: attitude change about the issue; changed attitudes toward controversy and decision making; cognitive reasoning; creativity; enhancing self-esteem; improved decision making, problem solving, and learning; interpersonal attraction and support among participants; motivation to improve understanding; perspective taking

  Constructive controversy processes: concurrence seeking; theoretical assumptions of

  Constructive controversy requirements: cooperative goal structure; rational argument; skilled disagreement

  Constructive controversy theory: on controversy and concurrence seeking processes; on structuring the situation

  Contact hypothesis

  Contending conflict resolution strategy

  Context: consideration of dialogue; cooperative; dialogue thought of as; as element of communication

  Contextual mediator interventions

  Contingent mediation

  Contract negotiation: examining gender differences in; self-construals during; social role expectations during; social roles and context during

  Control and defense mechanisms

  Controversy: constructive; theory of

  Cooperation: adolescence development of; cooperation-competition theory on effects of; cooperation-competition theory on norms of; four Fs (firm, fair, flexible, and friendly) approach to; global cooperative interdependence; gradual development of mutual trust and; initiating; middle childhood development of; pathologies of; principles for establishing reconciliation; situational model of power and conflict and role of; social perspective; two main reasons for refusing; what to do when other side rejects

  Cooperation strategies: moral values appeal; self-actualization appeal; self-interest appeal

  Cooperation-competition theory: applied to China; on effects of cooperation-competition; implications for managing conflict; implications for understanding conflict; on positive or negative goal interdependence; on social psychological processes

  Cooperation-competition theory implications: importance of cooperative orientation; for managing conflict; on norms of cooperation; reframing constructive conflict resolution; on social context of application; on social context of learning; for training; on values underlying constructive conflict resolution

  Cooperative conflict teams: Chinese cultural studies on; for cross-cultural teamwork; research on training for

  Cooperative context: description of; structuring concurrence seeking by establishing

  Cooperative Home Care Association (CHCA)

  Cooperative orientation: comparing competitive and; cooperation-competition theory on importance of

  Cosmopolitan communicative virtuosity

  Cost cutting solution

  Council on Foreign Relations

  Counterphobic defenses

  Couples’ conflict intervention: challenges involved in; stage 1: discovery of reliable patterns of interaction; stage 2: prediction and the replication of the predication; stage 3: theory building, understanding, and prevention and intervention; study of gay and lesbian couples; summary of effectiveness evidence for prevention and

  Couples’ interactions scoring system (CISS)

  Couples Together Against Violence (CTAV)

  Creative Response to Conflict (CRC)

  Creative solutions: ability to see other’s point of view; developing novel point of view; egg drop exercise; encouraging conflict resolution innovation and; general guidelines for developing; individual compared to collaborative; playfulness as part of the process; techniques for stimulating novel ideas for; time required to develop

  Creative solutions guidelines: adequately define the problem; challenge the myths about creativity; develop a serious but playful atmosphere; foster confidence to take risks; foster optimal tension; have appropriately phased divergent and convergent thinking; use time and space arrangements to prepare creative oasis

  Creativity: conflict resolution through efforts of; constructive controversy facilitation of; encouraging conflict resolution innovation and; evolving systems approach to conflict resolution; play ethic and; resulting from conflict; shadow box experiments; techniques for stimulating; time and irreality of

  Creativity in conflict perspectives: creative products from creative persons in a creative process; creative products of integrative agreements; integrative agreement as creativity; overview of the person, process, and product

  Criminal terrorist groups

  Critical reflection

  Crude Law of Social Relations

  Cuban missile crisis

  Cultural differences: aggression and violence responses to; Chinese vs. Western; Coleman Raider Filter Check Model on; negotiation bias related to; perception of fairness and; readiness for conflict resolution and issues of

  Cultural fluency: building; capacities enhanced by; conflict and conflict resolution context of; description of; elements of cultural intelligence (CQ) related to; implications for conflict resolution pedagogy; implications for theory and practice; meaning-making processes and; neuroscience to better understand

  Cultural framing of dialogue

  Cultural imperialism: cultural reconstruction of “differences” under; definition of; double identity of culturally dominated groups under

  Cultural intelligence (CQ): definition of; four elements related to cultural fluency

  Cultural theories of aggression and violence

; Culture: collaborative negotiation; comparing multiculturalism and; cooperation-competitive studies of Chinese; defining; as element of the communication process; human security by increasing cultural diversity; interrelatedness between conflict and; justice sustained by peaceful; power distance dimension of; of terrorist groups


  Cycles of humiliation


  Dayton Accords (1995)

  The Decent Society (Margalit)

  Decision fatigue

  Decision makers: groups as; individual as

  Decision making: constructive controversy and improved attitudes toward; constructive controversy and improved quality; PSDM model integrating problem solving and; destabilizing through dynamic adaptivity of; risk of; structuring constructive controversy for. See also Group decision making

  Deep structure of power relations

  Deescalation strategies

  Defense and control mechanisms

  Defense motivation of conflict resolution

  Defense processing motivation

  Delay of gratification

  Deliberate discourse

  Democracy/democracies: civil disobedience role in; conflict resolution techniques rooted in goals of; constructive controversy role in; historic evidence on willingness to negotiate with terrorism; power of constructive conflict as driving; reconciliation role played by fair institutions of; respect and recognition concepts of


  Destructive competition

  Deutsch’s Crude Law of Social Relations

  Development: adolescence; adulthood; ECSEL Program curriculum on childhood; function of conflict in early childhood; middle childhood; reinvent understanding on the continuing state of; self-control and discipline during childhood; social-emotional learning as part of; stages of development theory on

  Dewey’s learning from experience

  Dialogic communication: stage 1: preparation; stage 2: in the moment; stage 3: reflection


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