Darkroom Saga Omnibus 2

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Darkroom Saga Omnibus 2 Page 20

by Poppet

  Picking up our cloaks, carrying her in my arms, I blitz out the door, down the stairs, to the car, taking her home so I can rub lotion where I hurt her, caress and massage her, make her a hot toddy with potent alcoholic spiciness, and put her in her favorite gown and fluffy socks, watching a movie and nibbling on leftovers.

  And maybe we can explore further how spanking turned you on. Logically I know how, the simulation in that region floods blood to respond to the smack, which also pumps blood to the genitals, fooling the body into becoming turned on, but this is the first time you've reacted in a good way to it. I'd like us to explore this fully, at leisure, with you wearing that black lace corset and the short leather skirt we got this week. Oh yes!

  Perhaps it's true what they say about women, we have to connect to them cerebrally before the body follows. Now I know she's mine, they know she's mine, and we've got the proof on camera. Matthew's shindigs hold no allure for me now, I'd rather be alone at home, with you.

  ~ Chapter 15 ~

  Fools despise skillful and godly wisdom,

  instruction, and discipline.

  ~Proverbs 1:7


  Sunday rolls around faster than karma and I'm not keen to sit in the front row this time. Mya's choice now makes complete sense to me. If he sees you he's likely to call you up on stage for a public spanking and a spot of fondling. Making my way to the middle, I take a seat with Kenan on the end of row thirty-two. The quartet are playing and the words show up on the big screen while Matthew plays the rock star, waiting for us to all be seated and ready to praise god. Reading the words that the horned vicar sings I'm still gobsmacked that any of this is in the bible.

  Your lips cover me with kisses;

  your love is better than wine

  There is a fragrance about you;

  the sound of your name recalls it.

  No woman could help but love you.

  Take me away with you, and we'll run away;

  be my king and take me to your room.

  We will be happy together, drink deep,

  and lose ourselves in love.

  No wonder all women love you! Song of Songs 2:1 …

  His left hand is under my head

  and his right hand caresses me Song of Songs 2:6 …

  Come then, my love, my darling,

  come with me Song of Songs 2:10

  Eat lover, and drink,

  until you are drunk with love! Song of Songs 5:6

  Holding the note while the music fades, Matthew pumps his fist into the air and shouts at us, “How many of you are drunk on love? What does it mean to be drunk on love?”

  Someone shouts, “Orgasm!”

  Matthew smiles, looking as wicked as ever, “Yes! Only orgasm makes us dizzy and weak, our legs tremble and we can't stand because we are drunk from the high of love! Why are these words in the bible? Because it is not a sin to be drunk on love! Ladies, he must be your king and he must take you away! With his left hand under your head and his right caressing you! He must take you away! Far away from the people who wish to judge you for doing as the bible instructs! Every day you must be drunk, so drunk on love that your heart is bursting with joy!”

  “Hallelujah!” chorusses to clapping.

  Laughing at the applause, he holds his hands up to hush the congregation, “Ladies, why does she say to her lover, no wonder all women love you? What does he do to her that she knows all women love about him?”

  “Cherish! – Respect! – ” battle for his attention when he shakes his head at them, tssk tssking their poor suggestions.

  “No! He says to her Come then, my love, my darling, come with me. He makes you cum! You orgasm together! You cum with him. You come for him when his hand caresses you! And it's enough to make every woman love him! Because ladies, it's a cold hard truth that the sinners beyond out gates don't know how! And I remind you of the Lord's words to those sinners, he said, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways Isaiah 55:8. That is why the men out there are ignorant, why their women are dissatisfied! Because they ignore biblical instruction, they do not go to the right church, some of them don't go to church at all! Proverbs reinforces this with; fools despise skillful and godly wisdom, instruction, and discipline. Proverbs 1:7. That's right! It is in church that you are to learn god's ways, to not follow the ways of mankind but to follow biblical decree! And as His representative it is my duty to instruct you!”

  The crescendo of whistling and clapping is uproarious, more deafening than a teen concert.

  “And I remind you that the kingdom of god is within you! Luke 18:21, And yet god promised us, he said he will give us the keys to the kingdom! Matthew 16:19. Where is it if it's within you? Inside you!The key is his hand, and for him when he's in you! It's that easy! And if the kingdom of god is within you, then gentlemen and ladies that means that today you must reach inside your partner and unlock that key! With skillful and godly wisdom, and with godly instruction! Today we access the kingdom of heaven within you so that you can be drunk on love!”

  The idiot drummer does a quick drum roll and smash.

  “Would I deceive you?!” Matthew shouts at us, arms held wide and his usual muscles out on display. At least he's not naked, strutting around like a cock crowing. “No, because as it says in Kings, You Lord have placed the sun in the sky, yet you have chosen to live in clouds and darkness. 1Kings 8:12 . The lord dwells in darkness, his keys are in darkness, hidden inside your body! To find god inside you you must look in the places of darkness!”

  Cat calls skate over the smiling crowd, everyone now looking bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for the next phase of the sermon.

  “What are you waiting for?” yells Matthew. “Remove your garments, grab your partner and partner up if you're single, and Miss Spencer if you'd be so kind as to be my partner again today, let us make haste! Let us find the key, let us be drunk on love, let our voices shout out in rapture and praise!”

  Slipping down my debaucherous underwear, Kenan smiles when he switches the vibration off, his hand in his pocket where the remote hides. He's like a kid with a new toy.

  Sliding his jeans down, he kicks his shoes off while Matthew speaks into his microphone, “Gentlemen, there is a gift waiting under every seat for you. Please look for it and have it ready.”

  Kenan looks under his seat, withdrawing a silicone version of a baby spoon. It's bright blue, and while Kenan examines it I note it's not a spoon but a small oval with a handle attached. The handle rounds to a flat button. Hmmm, interesting.

  Looking back at the stage, I see the willing Miss Spencer drop her skirt and step out of her underwear, sitting down on the waiting chair and spreading her legs.

  You have to give the guy his due credit, he has everyone so well trained. I'm grateful this time no one is looking down on my genitals with curious eyes.

  Laughing at us, Matthew turns to face us while unzipping his signature jeans, “What did you find? It looks obscure and I bet you have no clue what it's used for. Gentlemen if you thought today was only about locating the O spot in the vagina, you'd be mistaken. The O spot in her vagina and your prostate gland are equals. Your prostate is a cluster of delicious nerves waiting for stimulation, it makes you hard, it facilitates penile secretion, and your penis runs all the way from the slit, down the shaft, under your balls and into your body, right to it. If you think you're only six inches long, think again. Every one of you add an extra two inches for the length of your penis, for the part hidden inside you; the key to the kingdom hides in darkness!”

  I watch Kenan's smile vanish, a frown worrying his handsome features. Ha! Looks like the tables have turned on your sexual addiction.

  He swallows so hard that his Adam's apple looks engorged.

  Matthew steps out of his jeans, commando, naked as the day he was born on that stage, and I'm beyond astonished. I will never get used to this church.

  Holding his device up, he walks to Miss Spencer, talking to the a
udience, “What I have in my hand is commonly called a butt plug. This one is made specifically for men, to stimulate the prostate gland without feeling invasive, without making you feel like a horny priest is about to bugger you and take your anal virginity. It is not a tool of discomfort but a tool of welcome pleasure, it's snug and just big enough to do the job it was created to do. There is no shame in knowing your body, in accessing the keys to the kingdom, no gentlemen, this is a key that unlocks the euphoria of being drunk on love. You can do this yourselves, or you can get your partner to assist, please push the bud into your rectum, all the way until the flat head stops further penetration. It's only just under two inches long, and it doesn't hurt.”

  And there he goes, bending for Miss Spencer to push the bud into his bottom for him. Standing back up he struts to the front of the stage, saying, “Now reach under your partner's seat and find the remote. Switch it on, close you eyes, and just feel that joyous buzz against your prostate.”

  And like a magician he holds up his remote and presses it on. I look at Kenan, who's managed to do it all himself without my help, loafing back in the deep seat and switching it on. He gasps appreciation, giving me a naughty smile, “Holy fuck.”

  “Not half as bad as you thought, is it?” Matthew croons from the stage, his erection now embarrassingly ready for action.

  Kenan nods, along with every other man in the audience.

  “Alright then!” shouts Matthew, smiling glee. “Now it's time for you to do as the bible instructs, to caress your lady, to caress her to the point that you will be the envy of all other men, so that all unsatisfied women envy her and can't help but love you should you ever be fortunate enough to give her a hand job. You are the Sons of Cain, it is right that all women love you!”

  This declaration is met with laughter, smug laughter at that.

  “Ladies, please slide down in your seats and open your legs as wide as you can, bend your knees up, that's it.”

  Kenan takes the position on the soft floor, between my legs, facing my hot, wet, and ready slut sack. I still feel like a whore doing this in public, but I dare say I want to know what I'll learn next.

  “…and his right hand caresses me. Boys, it's time to do the biblical caressing.” Matthew is back in front of Miss Spencer, strapping his camera to his forehead like a hippy with a headband, talking to his rapt audience, “Gentlemen please watch the screen. Take your middle finger, palm up, and slide it into her. Now look how deep I slide my finger, only an inch and a half in. Now feel the top wall of her vagina, feel how smooth it is? The O spot is an inch and a half to two inches deep, up on this wall, and you will feel a change in texture. Everywhere else she is so smooth and sexy, but this spot feels a little rough under your fingertip. Please test your partners, finger around until you locate this spot on the upper wall of her vagina.”

  Kenan does as told, and I'm on my back, staring at the luxurious paintings on the ceiling, all very Cistine chapel-ish, while my man rummages about with his finger deep inside me.

  Matthew speaks to us through the surrounding speakers, “Keep your finger on it and apply a smidgen of pressure. Now ladies you will know he's found the right spot because pressure on this point gives you the false sensation of needing to urinate. Nod if you're feeling it so your partner knows he's found your O Spot.”

  I nod vigorously, definitely feeling like I need to pee.

  Kenan bends over me, his hand still in place, whispering in my ear, “You are so fucking sexy.”

  Matthew interrupts, saying, “Gentlemen, to unlock this key inside her you must knead it with your knuckle or fingertip, as if you're smearing a mark on a table. Just back and forth with firm pressure, over and over that spot, and as you do you will feel it become rougher with this motion. Smear the way you'd smear paint, just press and smear, back and forth. Ladies stay with us, you do not need to take a leak, that sensation will go away. Gentlemen ignore her if she wants you to stop, just rub that sweet spot, unlock the kingdom within her.”

  I can't listen any longer, it feels so weird. The need to pee is making me clench around his finger, which only increases the pressure he's exerting in me.

  “Now speed up ever so slightly gents, she's rough and ready, literally, now take her to the next level.”

  Kenan speeds up, and my veins explode without warning, there's no slow build up like I get from my clitoris, it's sudden and immediate, spasming my breath and ratcheting my temperature into meltdown. Some woman is howling like a bitch in heat, but mostly everyone is in my position, hands clamped for dear life on chair arms, riding the high.

  Custard and rhubarb that was insane!

  Kenan looks to the screen, seeing how much of Matthew's hand is outside of Miss Spencer, slowly rubbing with the patience of a saint, the arc of his finger now plain to see. He's pushing up into her vagina, his finger at a thirty degree angle. Then he increases pace to a rub, back and forth a second, increasing the angle slightly, and she has a great gushing orgasm all over his finger, the camera on his forehead showing her sex juice glistening into the gaps of his closed fingers.

  Sitting back on his haunches, he looks at us, gloating, “Sons of Cain, are all women in love with you?”

  “Fuck yeah!” shouts from the back.

  “Sons of Cain, do you have a boner that's making you light headed?”

  “Amen!” shouts someone else.

  Matthew stands, facing us with his erection drooling onto the stage, “So how do you boys reach that spot during copulation? You know where it is now, and your ladies know where it is now too. It's sensitive and swollen inside her right now, ready for your penis. You have the key to unlock her, it's hanging between your legs, or praising god with an impressive salute, but it's a key you were born with. Would you like the release? Are you ready for her wet and submissive body? Is your prostate stimulater forcing precum in vast quantity out of your manhood?”

  Whistles abound and Matthew holds up his hands to shush the noise, “Then follow my lead. Pull her to the edge of the seat and put her ankles on your shoulders. Ladies make sure your seat is in the upright position so your nipples are facing him straight on. Your pelvis is now at a sharp angle to your body, like doing it up against a wall. Gentlemen stay on the floor, keep your knees on the ground, and push into her at that gorgeous angle. That it. Like I'm doing to Miss Spencer.”

  He laughs, adding, “You can put your hands around my neck, hold on tight darlin', I'm about to make you drunk on love.”

  Then he looks at us, and I can hardly see him past Ken's shoulders and my legs, “You boys ready? Your position the same as mine? Good. Now fuck her the way you usually do, and every time you push in you'll be sliding your sergeant over that O spot. You don't reach it if she's flat on her back, and this is why so many ladies like backward's cowgirl. They need you at a sharp rigid angle to reach this key to heaven. On your marks, get set, fuck!”

  And like a man possessed Kenan's banging into me, and almost immediately I'm cumming again, clinging to his neck for dear life, absolutely drunk on love.

  Oh my god! I love this church!

  “What's that I hear? Is that you having the experience in the bible? Where you cum together? Come then, my love, my darling, come with me. Sing hallelujah!”

  A chorus of grunting hallelujah's fill the auditorium.

  Matthew pulls out of Miss Spencer just as Kenan pulls out of me, Ken's hands shaking and sweat gilding his face.

  Matthew stands, with effort I'm pleased to note, looking back with his poised camera to the bodily fluids oozing out of Miss Spencer for us all to see, leaning back down and plugging it with her egg, saying to us, “Next week we'll give the prostate our full attention. And we'll have Candace Caine come up on stage to show you all how to perform the perfect blow job. That's all for today folks, go forth and multiply, and may you forever be drunk on love. Sons of Cain, women will always love you, that was never in doubt. I'll be holding the gathering at my lodge this evening, I look forward to seeing y
ou all there. Catechism class, please see me in my chambers with your partners.”

  And with that he picks up his leather jeans, slings them over his shoulder, and goes strutting off to his cave, killing the feed on his camera. Miss Spencer doesn't move, she just sits there with her legs splayed, her thighs twitching uncontrollably, her cheeks flushed and her eyes glazed. And god saw that it was good.

  Kenan grins at me, handing my egg and undies to me, “Looks like we'll be the opening act next week.”

  Opening act indeed. I'd better start deep throating my fake phallus or I'll be spanked again.


  ~ Chapter 16 ~

  If a man sells his daughter as a slave,

  she is not to be set free, as male slaves are

  ~ Exodus 21:7


  It blows my mind that I've been here for eleven days already. Eleven days without a text, without Facebook, without email. I'm having withdrawals.

  Putting the last batch of laundry into the washing machine I go to the laptop he left for me to use. I can shop on it, look up recipes and house-wifey stuff, so decide to take the risk and sign into my Gmail account. Maybe, just maybe, I have news from Jan. Maybe she has a plan, maybe she has a way to get me out of the drama she's singlehandedly rained down in my life.

  Going to the url for Gmail, an error notice is in the middle of the white background: The content you require is unavailable at present. Well that blows. I'll just go to Facebook, there must be a post by one of her parents on her wall by now. Redirecting the browser the same error burns the screen.

  Fine, screw you. Maybe the line is down or something?

  As I've nothing better to do I Google 'bible online'. Matthew and Kenan are forever quoting the thing so it's time I made myself familiar with it. Oddly I haven't found a bible anywhere in this house. Clicking on the first Google link, I get the same problem. And again and again no matter how many of the links I click.


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