Heart & Seoul

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Heart & Seoul Page 6

by Victoria Smith

  He got the attention of a girl at a table near us. “I do.”

  He motioned her over and explained the situation. The girl turned to the panicking woman and communicated with her.

  “What is she trying to say to us?” Drake asked.

  The woman finally took a breath, but she was still speaking very quickly. The girl listened, nodding. “She wants to know your name.”

  His name? Why would she want to know that? Drake told the girl without hesitation, and she spoke it to the woman. This didn’t seem to appease her. She only looked confused.

  “Why does she want to know my name?” Drake asked.

  The girl inquired. “She says you look like someone she knows.”

  My heart stopped, and Drake’s lips parted. “Who?” he asked.

  After the woman spoke to her, the girl faced us. “Her nephew.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Drake and I sat in his social worker’s office, anxiously waiting for her to come in. We both wanted answers after yesterday’s trip to Lotte World. Drake deserved answers.

  Hana came in, and we both lifted our heads. The already tight hold of our hands went even tighter. I was unsure of who held on harder. Perhaps it was the both of us.

  Drake spoke first. “Did you speak to Su-Min?”

  We quickly found out that was the woman’s name at Lotte World due to our helpful friend who acted as translator. Other than that, we didn’t get any more information. Su-Min was at work and the young girl was on vacation, so we were limited for information because of that. Not to mention Drake was essentially ambushed, and I felt a more formal environment was needed for discussing Su-Min’s claims. If only for the sake of Drake’s heart. It had already been broken once since we came to Korea. I didn’t want it happening again if I could prevent it.

  In the end, he agreed with a more formal way of communication, and we exchanged contact information with Su-Min. The first thing we did was give the information to Hana, and she did the rest.

  Hana took a seat at her desk, nodding with a wide smile on her face. “We actually met with her this morning, and I think I have the answers to all your questions.”

  “Do you mind if I record?” I asked, holding up my camera.

  She said she didn’t, and I got it set up to get both her and us in on the shot.

  Drake got right down to business. “So what did she say?”

  I squeezed his leg for support, and he put his hand on mine.

  “Well, she claims you hold a strong resemblance to her nephew. The boy is sixteen and lives in Busan with his mother and father.” She opened a folder on her desk and handed Drake a picture from inside. “I think with this you may see why.”

  Drake and I could only stare at it, silence ringing in the air. The resemblance between Drake and this kid in the photo was uncanny. He even had his choppy haircut and that heartbreaker smile. The sixteen-year-old was a smidgen darker than Drake and clearly looked a few years younger, but really, those were the only differences that were keeping this kid from being my fiancé’s twin.

  Drake looked up. “So there’s a teenager out there who looks a lot like me? What does that mean?”

  Hana retrieved the photo and placed it on her desk. “We asked Sun-Min if she knew if her sister had ever given a child up for adoption. We felt it best to get right to the point.”

  I held in my breath.

  “She said she had, and from what she could remember, the adoption took place around twenty years ago.”

  “Oh my God.” I put my hand to my mouth.

  “We then asked her if the name ‘Kang Seung-Tae’ meant anything to her.”

  That was Drake’s birth name. That made sense that she’d ask that.

  “She said not only did it mean something to her, but that was her maiden name. Along with her sister’s. That first name was indeed the name that her sister had been calling the baby prior to his adoption.”

  I grabbed Drake’s shoulder, rubbing. He put his hands together, awaiting Hana continue.

  “Finally, we asked Su-Min what her sister’s name is. She said Mi Hi. We have a very strong case that not only is this teenager your brother Drake,” she pointed at the photo on her desk, “but that his mother is also yours.”

  “Oh, Drake.” I looped my arm around his, holding him close.

  The shock on Drake’s face was evident. His mouth hung open like he didn’t know what part of the information to address first. He had a brother. A mother. He had a biological family.

  “We also acquired a little more information about Mi Hi’s reason for adoption. I know you were very concerned about that last time you were here. Would you like to hear what we discovered?”

  Drawing in a breath, he nodded.

  “Mi Hi was actually urged to abort the pregnancy by Mi Hi and Su-Min’s father following the circumstances of the conception. We were told he felt the family was shamed by it. Mi Hi was also unwed and aborting seemed the suitable option to him. The agency inquired about their father. It seems his adamancy about aborting the pregnancy drove a wedge between the family years ago. The women are no longer in contact with him. Su-Min told us Mi Hi actually wanted to keep the baby but couldn’t because of their father.

  Together, the two women decided to hide the pregnancy from him, claiming Mi Hi had it aborted. When the baby came close to full term, Su-Min suggested adoption. She knew of a few unwed mothers who sought that option.”

  I leaned my chin on his shoulder, drawing in even closer after the words. How close he’d been to not being here. God bless his aunt. She aided his mother in keeping him safe. I couldn’t be more grateful. His mother did such a brave thing. She went against everything to make sure he was not only protected, but had a good home. She gave him the ultimate gift. Did something completely selfless.

  Drake let out a breath, his face wiped free of any remnants of worry. Relief flooded me by his side. The days here had been so stressful, but now a strong hope arrived in bounds.

  Drake closed his eyes just briefly, and when he opened them he was smiling.

  “So what’s next?” he asked Hana.

  “Now, we do a paternity test. Mi Hi was out of town for the last few days. Visiting a sick relative. Su-Min informed us she’d be back this evening. We will present the test to her. If all is a go, and both parties are willing, we will set up a meeting.”

  A meeting. Wow. This was really happening.

  Hana folded her fingers on her desk. “Are you willing to continue the process, Drake?”

  He said only two words: “I am.”

  Chapter Twelve

  It was very much a waiting game after that. Waiting for the results of the paternity test to come through, then waiting for the confirmation of the meeting. We only had a few more days before we were scheduled to come home, but after hearing the situation, Drake’s mom said she could get the dates on our tickets changed. Hopefully it wouldn’t have to come to that, but if it did, we had a back up plan.

  Drake was going through his adoption records once again on the couch while I read a book in his lap when the number of the agency appeared on his phone. A pin drop could be heard in the room as we stared at the lit screen. We unwrapped from around each other, and Drake placed the phone face up on coffee table. I once again got the camera ready.

  “Hello, Drake,” came Hana’s voice through the phone.

  I couldn’t tell if her voice was happy or not. Her voice was only calm, content.

  After Drake and I greeted her, she spoke again.

  “We successfully completely the paternity test, and I wanted to let you know right away what the results were...”

  Our hands in each other’s tightened. This time, I knew it was because of him.

  “You are the biological son of Kang Mi Hi with a ninety-nine point three percent accuracy.”

  He closed his eyes, and I rubbed his back, whispering in her ear. “You found her, Drake. You found her.”

  He turned to me. “In a way, I guess sh
e found me.”

  “Unfortunately, Drake, I have some not so pleasant news.”

  He faced the screen.

  “It seems that Mi Hi has declined a meeting at this time. I’m very sorry.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Drake was so restless that night, tossing and turning during his sleep. Even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep myself. Instead of resting, I decided to use my night to soothe him. I stroked his hair, kissing him occasionally. Doing so allowed him longer periods of sleep. He wasn’t as restless and would sleep in increments of at least an hour instead of a few minutes.

  I couldn’t be more confused by what happened today. When I learned that Drake’s mother wanted to keep him, fought so hard to make sure he lived and got a better life because she knew she couldn’t, I assumed she’d want to meet him. That she’d want to see how he was. Discover the man he turned out to be. But for some reason she didn’t want to see him. Why bother going through the paternity test at all? Why make sure she was his only to deny him? I could only gather the situation wasn’t as simple as it seemed. There had to be something more.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Drake was at the gym, once again working off restless energy, when I called Han the next day. I needed his services one more time before we left and wouldn’t have much time. Drake decided today would be our last full day in Seoul.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  It wasn’t hard to get a few hours away from Drake. I just told him I wanted to use the hotel’s spa once before we left. He didn’t offer to come like I knew he wouldn’t. He told me he’d pack us both up and be up in the room when I returned.

  My few hours of escape allowed me to go back to Lotte World. I was taking a chance by assuming Su-Min would be there working, but I took it. I had to. Han came with me inside the park. I would need him to translate for me once I found her.

  We paid our admission and ventured to the food court. Relief flooded me when I saw Su-Min sweeping. She was working today.

  She gazed up and didn’t look put off by my presence. She actually smiled, gazing around me like she was seeking someone out. In fact, I think she was, but he just wasn’t here with me today.

  She bowed, greeting me in Korean.

  “Hi, Su-Min. This is Han.” I gestured to him. “He’ll be translating for me.”

  Han repeated what I said to her, and she nodded in understanding.

  Now that I was here, I didn’t know what to say. I just knew I wanted his mother to know she had a son that wanted her to be a part of his life. Even after what happened yesterday, I knew he did. Though Mi Hi wasn’t here, I felt I had the next best thing. Her sister had been there for her that long time ago. Perhaps she’d help again today.

  Her eyes followed my hands when I reached into my satchel. I pulled out the stock card with the art deco elements and elegant calligraphy. Drake and my wedding invitation.

  I presented it to her. “Drake and I are getting married soon. Can you please make sure Mi Hi receives this? I think he’d want his mother there. He would want all of his family to be there.”

  My words were translated by Han. As she understood his words, her face flashed in awareness. Her eyes flickered my way, a small smile on her face. She rubbed off her hands on her uniform apron. Reaching out, she accepted the invitation like it was the most special treasure.

  “Gamsahabnida,” she said, bowing. “Gamsahabnida. Thank you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Early the next morning, I was awoken with a light kiss on my shoulder and short whisper in my ear.

  “Shower with me,” Drake said.

  I was surprised by the request, but very much delighted. Drake had spent the last couple of mornings working out, and I missed him. I missed his voice in the morning and even more so his touch.

  He guided me into the bathroom by the small of my back, making up for that lost time already. He helped me undress, lingering his hands over my body as he did. I would have undressed him as well, but he was bare from sleeping the night before. Despite that, I still found reasons to touch him. I moved my fingers over his toned abs while he got the shower water running with one hand. His body was so perfect, and I couldn’t stop touching him.

  His lips lifted into a small smile, and he moved his hand onto mine. Lacing our fingers together, he guided me into the shower.

  I didn’t think this shower held the same purpose as our bath. It wasn’t about being clean. It was about being near each other, enjoying each other completely.

  The warm water pulled through Drake’s hair, flatling the style onto his brow. He pushed it back, exposing the subtle lines of his eyes and putting the focus on his broad cheek boards and full lips. The water cascaded down his tight body, moving over his wonderfully smooth honey-glowed skin in a never-ending current, and I couldn’t keep away from him for long.

  Neither could he. His hands went to my cheeks, and he kissed me under the flowing water. I got lost in the environment. His smell, his taste, and his hard body against mine.

  The first time he made love to me it was slow, calculated. He moved himself in and out of me with purpose, passion. I didn’t have long to recover until we did it again. He had me against the wall, wrapped around his waist. He kissed me everywhere. My neck, my lips, my breasts.

  The final time he took me he was between my legs. I grabbed his hair, coming harder than I had the other times previous. His tongue laved my folds as I shuddered, my legs shaking. He held me up, my thigh over his shoulder, until I rode out the entire wave.

  When I was done, he wiped his glistening lips with the back of his hand. I went to wrap my hand around him, to make him come, but he wouldn’t let me. He simply brought me into his arms, holding me close.

  “Thank you for being here for me,” he spoke into my hair, kissing my temple.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  I was checking the sitting area of the suite one last time for anything we might have forgotten to pack when the hotel phone rang. I figured it was Han, verifying our departure time from the hotel to the airport, but it wasn’t. It was Hana.

  “Hi, Lacey. How are you?”

  I smiled. She always sounded so nice. “I’m fine. I’m actually just getting everything packed up. Drake and I have an evening flight home.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that. I thought you still had a couple more days here.”

  The change was so late minute we hadn’t mentioned it. I wondered why she was calling. I didn’t think we had any more appointments at the agency.

  “Do you think I can speak to Drake? Is he busy?” she asked.

  I called him to the phone. He looked just as confused as I was that she was calling. I didn’t want to impose, so I left him to his call. I decided to make the bed. I knew that housekeeping changed the sheets, but cleanliness was simply habit for me.


  I jumped, putting a hand on my chest. He scared me. I laughed. “God, Drake, you scared the—”

  He came into the room. Moving to the bed, he sat down on the edge like he was on autopilot. He worked his hands, staring at the floor.

  I went over to him, my heart now racing for a different reason. I placed my hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  He blinked like he was coming out of daze. “Hana…” He shook his head. “She just said the last thing I ever thought I’d hear.”


  “My birth mom.” He looked up. “She wants to see me.”

  I sat beside him, watching as he restlessly played with his hands. She wanted to see him? Now? I placed my hand on his thigh. “What do you think about that?”

  He shrugged. “I was finally getting over the fact that she didn’t. Finally settling on it.” He faced me. “Why do you think she changed her mind?”

  This time yesterday, I might have told him I didn’t know, but this time yesterday I hadn’t approached his aunt. I hadn’t given her an invitation to our wedding. I hadn’t told her that Drake would want his family in
Korea to be a part of his life.

  I placed my hand in his. “Maybe she realized that if you’re not too scared to allow her to be a part of your life she shouldn’t be either.”

  He looked away, thinking about that.

  “You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.” I kissed his cheek and left him to his thoughts. I’d be on standby for when he made his decision.

  For when he was ready.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Drake opened up our hotel suite to have the meeting. He moved around the coffee table, adjusting chairs and fluffing pillows for a long time. Hana offered to have this intimate reunion at the agency, but Drake felt it was cold. Lifeless. He wanted a warm environment, so he suggested back at our hotel. I couldn’t have been more proud of him.

  We sat together on the couch, holding hands. It was just us for now, waiting with the camera placed in my lap. Hana was bringing his mother and would act as translator today. In my heart of hearts, I hoped she wouldn’t be needed for every word that was exchanged today. It would be so nice for Drake and his birth mom to understand each other. If only one word. If only one line.

  Three knocks hit the door, and a breath escaped us both.

  I turned to Drake. Wrapping my arms around him, I said three words: “I love you.”

  He managed to whisper the same. I placed a kiss on his lips, and together, we stood.

  Hand and hand, we made it to the door. I squeezed his hand before I let go and moved on to capturing the moment of this meeting with the video camera. This meeting would change the life of the man I loved forever. Because of that, my life would be changed as well.

  He unbolted the door that seemed so much easier to unlock before. He took his time with it and slowly opened it.

  In came Hana. She bowed, which Drake did in return, and behind her was Su-Min. She was already crying. She greeted him, bringing around a woman from behind her that was so tiny I felt I could crush her with a single hug. She was middle aged like her sister, her hair up loosely in a pretty bun. She had his eyes. Drake’s eyes.


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